The three women ate quietly.
Unlike the family of Mrs. Esther Melody, they do not have an appetite.
Mr. Yudisthira Salman didn't care about them, he was busy feeding the spoiled little girl by his side.
Davita and Raditya are more important than Mrs. Esther Melody.
"This is not much! He will get more painful things after this!"_ Mr. Yudisthira Salman smiled faintly. Today he was quite content to give Esther Melody a small slap.
Ratna White was not happy to see Mr. Yudisthira Salman serving the spoiled Davita. This little girl is acting up.
Ratna approached the table of Mr. Yudisthira Salman,
"Master Yud...sorry to bother you.
Excuse me... just let me serve Davita, please have lunch first!" said Ratna standing by Yudisthira Salman's side.
From afar, people saw, Mr. Yudisthira Salman was talking intimately with Ratna White.
"Davita, come here with Mommy!"
"No... I just want my dad!"