"Is Nindy ashamed, huh? Have an older partner! Anyone can not predict how old he is. He is very handsome, handsome, and charismatic. Many women from all walks of life try to be close to him, hoping to become his woman, one of his wives or mistresses or just to be a man. her lover.
Hmm... maybe, Nindy is ashamed to have a relationship with someone's husband! Afraid of being accused of destroying people's households!" Ratna's mind went naughty. She thought of being their matchmaker.
"Hehehe... if Nindy marries Mr. Yudisthira Salman, it must be exciting! Mother-in-law and ex-husband met... hehehe!"_ Ratna smiled evilly.
"What is wrong with you?" Nindy is confused since Ratna has been silent and smiles to herself.
"Surely she has an evil plan?" _ Nindy did not want to ask, Ratna would also tell her if she was stuck confiding in her voice.
Ratna did not answer, she was still busy with her thoughts and plans.
"Ratna!" Nindy patted Ratna's shoulder.