He was utterly regretful now and really wished that he could rewind time. Given another chance, he would never have revealed that Qiao Nian was adopted!
So what if they needed to feed one more person at home? It wasn't as if they could not afford it. But now, their livelihood was at stake!
Having ranted her fill, Shen Qiongzhi asked him to think of a way again. Qiao Weimin was incredibly annoyed and could not think of any solution.
Thankfully, He Yujuan was around. She had a tight grip on her walking stick while her expression had been awful since she returned from Waterside Loft. The atmosphere at home was horrible as she turned to her friend and asked, "Do you think you have a way to deal with Chen Chen's matter?"
Tang Wei sat in the head seat the moment she entered the Qiao household. She pulled a long face as her fingers went through the beads on her bracelet.