100% Lucky Hope of Fairy Tail.(Makoto Naegi x Fairy Tail) / Chapter 18: Chapter 18: Welcome to Galuna Island!

บท 18: Chapter 18: Welcome to Galuna Island!

Chapter 18: Welcome to Galuna Island!

The commotion started in Fairy Tail guild as everyone were trying to find the culprit behind the lost S-class quest.

Seems that yesterday night someone stole the S-class mission from the second floor where only S-class mages were allowed. Obviously non of the S-class mages registered taking the quest which led to conclusion that it was stolen by someone.

"Find the culprits immediately!" Makarov yelled with a concerned face. "S-class mission isn't something that can be stolen so lightly…"

While the guild was in ablaze Mira noticed that somehow Makoto who usually came by this time was missing she had a hunch but she prayed that she was wrong.

"I think I know who stole the quest."

Laxus said while still on second floor drinking the chug of beer on his hands.

"Who was that, Laxus?" The elder Dreyar said with a worried expression.

His grandson, Laxus Dreyar, was known for his unpleasant behavior so he just smirked towards his grandpa.

"I saw a flying cat yesterday. It snitched the Quest and fled somewhere."

Upon hearing that line Makarov and probably everyone else by now figured the identity of the mysterious quest thief.

"Master, Makoto and others are nowhere to be found as well!"

That just narrowed the speculations both Master of Fairy Tail and Bartender Mirajane had.

"So it seems it was stolen by that 5, Laxus immediately head towards them and rescue them!"

Laxus scoffed at request of his own grandfather.

"Who do you take me for, geezer? I am busy and beside that Ahoge boy is there he is, as to what I heard, as strong as me." Snickers seemingly coming from his mouth Laxus was actually not busy as he had said earlier. He wanted to see whether that Ahoge boy was worthy of his recognition. His hands still shivering from feeling so much mana in one person. 'Let's see whether you are another trash or trash worthy of attention, Makoto Naegi.'

Makarov was at loss he knew that it was a serious matter and not something to be taken lightly. S-class quests were difficult because of there factor where people often die on quests like these so Makarov not wanting to lose someone like either Makoto nor Natsu was concerned for his 'children'

"But who might be strong enough to bring them back…?"

As if god given gift somebody actually held his hand up.

"Gramps, allow me to bring those idiots back." Gray Fullbuster said standing up and seemingly shirtless as jaybird...again.




The Hargeon port town was in it's greatest joy seeing its lovely hero, Makoto.

Passing through the streets Makoto was gifted by god knows how many flowers and gifts, something that made his pure soul to tremble in fear of refusing these gifts to him.

"Damn, Makoto became even more popular than before!" Natsu screamed seeing the mountain of gifts Luckster was carrying but thankfully Lucy had a portable pocket vouch with her. It specialty is the ability to keep huge amounts of things in it, surely a rare and expensive item but useful at that.

"I just hope we will find the boat to Galuna fast enough as one more gift and I will die!" Makoto screamed in most pitiful tone possible.

Lucy and Natsu looked at him confused.

"Isn't it good to be popular?" Happy asked the million dollar question.

Luckster would like to say yes but it certainly wasn't for him. The attention he got was a bit too much and considering the fact that people misunderstood his deeds due to his damned luck made it even worse.

"But still…I wonder what will Master do to us upon return…" Blonde girl said with a shiver.

This made Natsu stop on his track as give both Makoto and Lucy bitter smile.

"Probably recognition…" His tone was too nervous for both his fellow mages to believe him. Makoto just sighed trying to understand why he agreed.

Yesterday night Lucy actually refused to participate in this crazy idea but upon seeing that Celestial Key is part of the rewards she humming accepted this right away. And as to reason why Makoto agreed…He wanted to see his own capabilities, he wanted to see whether is he be able to keep up with others and besides, looking at Natsu he needed to keep an eye on his easy-to-anger friend.

'I just hope everything will be fine and not as usual…'




Reaching the shore where all the ships were currently parking Makoto could not help but get amazed by the sight of the vast blue colored sea and huge amounts of ships nearby.

People in Hargeon lived off the fish fishermen often caught in the sea which was more than enough to feed the whole town's population.

Looking around our group was set on finding the boat and person who will sail them towards the Galuna island.

"I am truly sorry, but I can't take you there, Ahoge Hero-San!" One of the fisherman said lowering his head. It was already 6th time people refused to take them inside the boat to Galuna island which was strange considering the fact that Makoto, the supposedly well known figure, was asking for help. It was strange to see how adamant people were on refusing to take them to the cursed island.

"That place is a bad luck."

"Better go somewhere else, nobody is willing to go there it is suicide!"

"Galuna is cursed so it is a bad manner to mention it around here."

After about 10th refusal they decided to take a short nap from asking everyone around.

"GAH!!!! Why nobody is accepting to take us on!?" The pink-haired mage yelled trying his best not to shoot fire from his mouth. Natsu is known for being short tempered and the wait was killing him by now. Dragon slayer wanted to finally see his capabilities at mission of the highest difficulty.

"Calm down, it's not like we are short in time, no?"

As much as Makoto would have like to agree to Lucy's words it was highly unlikely that the disappearance of S-class quest will go unnoticed.

"Master Makarov probably going to send someone after us soon, perhaps Erza…"

Natsu's body shivered as he along with his blue furred companion hugged Makoto's legs.

"Aye, why did you needed to mention her!?"

"Yes! There is a saying that says; Don't mention devil upon your head y'know!"

Makoto could just chuckle at their behavior, he knew that enraged Erza was the worst outcome out there.

Regardless he wanted to participate on the S-class mission anyway! He better than anyone knows about his own amateurishness, yet he wants experience…experience in fights to be able to catch up with his friends and… To reach Laxus's level. As much as he denied it Makoto knew how strong the lightning mage was after their yesterday's argument.

"Well, they might send someone else beside Erza, no?"

A sudden familiar voice came from Makoto's back as everyone alert saw the familiar figure of Gray.

"Can't believe that you guys became so gutsy that you fled with S-class mission…" The ice-make mage said sighing under his breath. It was too much of a hassle but he needed to get them back as was ordered by Master.

"Gray! You bastard!" Natsu jumped up grabbing Gray by collar.

"Don't look at me like that. Master said that upon your return Master will probably either punish you all for breaking rules or make you leave the guild."

By this point Makoto had a sour feeling, he didn't wanted to leave Fairy Tail but he had made his mind.

"I am sorry, Gray." Luckster bowed his head down. "But we are going there anyway."

Gray was taken aback. He did not expected Makoto out of all people to bow his head to him. Seeing someone as close as Makoto bow his head made a crappy feeling pile up in Gray's stomach.

"Tch! Fine by me!" He said looking sideways which kinda surprised them all.

"H-Huh? Are you serious??" Lucy asked as much confused as everyone else.

"Yes I am, but with one little 'but'." Gray rose his finger upward before pointing it to himself. "I am coming along."

"Wait but what about the punishment? Won't you get in trouble for that?"

"Well, if we successfully finish the job, master would have nothing to say but acknowledge our capabilities, right?"

The logic was iron in this case so eventually the group had a new member in it.

"But still we didn't found a ship to Galuna...I wonder maybe we should find the boat ourselves?"

As if a miracle from god the moment Makoto said that, someone approached the group of Fairy Tail mages.

"Hey there! I heard you all wanted to go to Galuna Island, right?"

As sudden as their arrival at Hargeon the man with mustaches seemingly with a good physique at first glance appeared before the newly formed group of mages illegally going to the S-class mission.

"Huh? You are willing to take us in!?" Of courses mages wanted to go arrive at Island but wariness was a must in jobs as this so it felt strange for a person to agree to get them to the Island despite that his peers refused so many times.

"I am doing it because you are mages and even great Ahoge Hero is among you so maybe you all will be the one to lift the curse from this cursed island." His tone one of a sad ones the man showed them the boat.

Something in Makoto's heart just urged and ached meaning that something was going to happen for sure, call it gut feeling of sorts but luckster did actually developed a sense of danger after so much adventures he passed on his road and he knew better than anyone that his hunch wouldn't betray him even now. With a vary expression he set himself near to the Bobo, the man who agreed to take them to the Island. So that was how the journey to the Galuna will begin with nausea Natsu(as usual) his blue furred cat Happy, Celestial Spirit Mage Lucy and Ice-Make magic user Gray Fullbuster. The party which was in fact to his likeness. Somehow these guys made him feel safe and same could be said about Makoto himself as his friends felt safe near him as well it was unknown bond between them something like 'I knew this person for a minute but he is already somebody close to me' feeling.

Swaying those thoughts aside the rest Makoto could do was just relax and enjoy the boat trip, after all it isn't everyday for a person who was raised in city to travel with something like boats in magic world what's over.




After about 30 to 40 minutes the Island finally showed itself in full glory to the Fairy Tail mages.

"So, this is Galuna Island…" Makoto said under his breath.

The big Island which was surrounded by the unknown devilish aura was simply floating on sea water awaiting the new arrivals. The Island which seemed so distant yet so close to them.

"This cursed Island is Galuna, not so many people get back alive from their in fact so I would say we are quite lucky that we got here without causalities." Bobo said with a stern look with his gaze pointed towards the Galuna.

"But still, why did you took us in, Bobo-san?" Lucy asked curiously and in fact her question was bothering others as well since the beginning of the sail, well aside from Natsu who was more focused on his transport illness as of now.

The man stood silently adamant for but a brief moment before getting off his long robe.


The thing they saw under the robe of Bobo quite surprised them. His hand completely black wasn't that of a human but rather resembling hand of a monster, hand of a beast if one allow to say it.

"I am one of the past inhabitants of the Island, I beg of you all to save it, to save the Galuna from this curse!" With that said a huge gust of wind blinding the people in boat made them lose sight of Bobo who disappeared completely from the sight.

"Huh? Where did he gone to!?" Gray exclaimed standing up, shirtless again.

If disappearance of Bobo had surprised them, Makoto was sure that something even more surprising will occur and he was right. The clouds got darker as the sea started to rage on the small boat sending tsunamis towards the mages.

"Dammit a Tsunami!"

"Aye, we are doomed!!!"

Their eyes wide everyone lost control of situation.

"Stay calm, guys!"

Makoto's Sudden scream made everyone to shut.

"Everyone here can swim so we better jump out from the boat." His voice surprisingly calm Luckster wanted to freak out as well but the situation was a dire one so he had decided to not.

With Makoto's command everyone jumped out from the boat as Tsunami washed over them as they were swimming towards the Galuna.




Somehow they managed to reach the Island just in time. Gasping for air everyone were glad that they were at least alive. And the most lively one of the group was Natsu who finally set his foot off the boat.

"I am all fired up! Let's go and kick some asses or whatever is needed in the mission!!!" With fire shooting out his mouth Natsu was motivated enough to do the S-class mission even alone if it was needed.

"I am glad that everyone are alright…" Makoto said relived, something that brought smiles towards his friends' faces.

"You were kinda cool when calmly commanded us to jump out, Makoto." Gray gave him a thumb up.

"Yeh Makoto is super cool! But anyway let's go already!" The Dragon Slayer placed his hand over Makoto's shoulder as started to drag him towards the forest.

"H-Hey wait for me!" Lucy screamed running after her friends.




After not such a long search by the night Makoto's team actually managed to find the village as knocked into the door.

"Who is that?" One of the guards yelled.

"U-Umm, we are Fairy Tail mages, we came to accomplish the mission set by the villagers in here." Makoto yelled back.

The guards looked at them from above before nodding their heads.

"You may come in."

With that said the group entered the Galuna village.

As whole the village didn't seemed like something supernatural as it was pretty decent village with hardworking villagers everywhere. It was probably inhabited by over 100 or maybe even 200 villagers.

"You have finally answered our calls of help, mages." An old man holding a staff said with mix of strict and happy tone. "I, the head of this village, Moka, welcome you to Galuna dear Fairy Tail mages."

Upon saying those words the place was now filled with people who were interested to see outsiders.

"P-Pleasure is all ours Moka-san." Makoto bowed down. Somehow everyone agreed on making him the leader and interrogator of the group at situations like this. It was agreed even by Erza back in Eisenwald raid. Makoto was quite good when it came for talking with others as he had a certain charisma or charm that made people open up to him, perhaps it was a perk of being Ultimate Hope.

"I am sorry that as of now we can't give you a proper welcome but please to not get things delayed I will jump straight to the point."

Upon saying this Natsu was the most happiest one as now he will finally understand whose ass he should kick to be acknowledged by Makarov and everyone else as someone capable of handling S-class missions.

"We are cursed...this whole island is cursed by the unknown decease which slowly kills our minds."

Moka and other villagers around started to show their limbs which were hidden by thick clothes they wore.

Demonic and Beastly hands, legs and even horns were attached into the villagers.

The sight reminded them of Bobo which was indeed the previous inhabitant of the Galuna Island.

"Part of our bodies are fully transformed while the rest…" Moka pointed his finger upwards as the purple moon was revealed to the mages.

"The moon is…"

"Purple, aye?"

Significant confusion on their face Fairy Tail mages got quite shocked after the rays of the moon hit the villagers.

All of them bending into their knees started to roar in pain as their bodies started to transform.

"As the night falls we all…" The head of the village himself bowed down as the transformation didn't avoided him either. "...Become demonic monster!"

Makoto quite surprised regardless helped the chief to stand up.

"Sometimes we lose control over our minds and go rampage which makes us kill each other, so to prevent that, we all beg you...Please destroy the moon!!!"

Makoto could sternly look towards the faces of the villagers who were writhing in pain and sadness and...Despair.




The villagers were kind enough to give the exhausted Fairy Tail mages, guest house to stay overnight.

But their minds weren't thinking about sleep as one might think but about absurdness of the mission.

"So, umm, how do we destroy the moon?" Lucy asked as confused as everyone in the room.

Natsu with a grin jumped onto the ground with fire in his eyes.

"Makato, let's go and kick moon's ass!"

"Uh, it is not how it works…" Luckster responded with a sweat. Was Dragon Slayer serious when he said that? Makoto could only guess and hug his shoulders at this.

Gray sighed.

"Well, like it or not it is the mission to destroy the moon so…"

"I can fly up with my fire magic and destroy it to bits!" Still enthusiastic Natsu yelled gaining a huff from everyone in the room.

"Even if you would be able to reach the moon it is not set in stone that you would be able to destroy it whole and besides without moon our planet will be in great danger." Luckster said thinking that those physics lessons really did helped him a bit.

"Uhh...I don't understand how destroying moon will put the planet to danger."

Makoto shook his head.

"It is just bad, believe me…"

The conversation was surely going nowhere but with the destroying of moon plan aside, Luckster was quite conflicted on the real cause of the problem.

The moon is usually white and in some rare occasions it shines red, but purple…he never heard of it and guessing from his friends' reactions he speculated that it was not something that occurred in this world either.

'I think I will need more details…' Makoto thought as a sudden yawn escaped his mouth, it seems he really was tired from such a long day.

The same happened with his fellow guild-mates as yawn were heard from their places.

"Hey, wait!" Suddenly Lucy screamed.

"What is that, Luce?" Natsu half yawned looking at her.

"How do you expect me to sleep here with you guys!?"

Natsu shrugged going back to sleep and so did Gray, they were totally unbothered by that.

Lucy pouted as Makoto chuckled at this.

"You can sleep in my place, Lucy." Luckster said with a smile.

The blonde haired girl blushed as nodded.

"Thanks." She said laying on Makoto's bed while Luckster himself head out to observe the Island's night view. Even so purple moon caused so much pain to the people of Galuna he still admired it for it's beauty.

"Can't sleep, Makoto?" Happy asked near the Luckster.

Makoto nodded with smile.

"Not that I can't sleep just the moon seems to be beautiful." Luckster chuckled.

Come to think of it he had never talked with Happy alone.

"You know I am quite thankful to you Makoto, aye."

Makoto raised an eyebrow.

"Thankful to me?"

Happy joyfully nodded with his lovely 'aye' word.

"Natsu despite his character doesn't have many friends, even within the guild, so with you around he became more lively, aye! And Natsu's friend is my friend as well right?"

Makoto let a small chuckle escape his lips as he patted blue cat before him.

"You are right, Happy, I am your friend."

Soon enough both of them fall asleep near the door.




Bright Morning with its bright sun hit earlier than usual as even at time like that Fairy Tail mages were up due to Lucy's demand of finishing this Job quickly.

Makoto along with others in bright morning head out to explore the nearby area aka the forest.

It wasn't something strange for Makoto who by the time being got quite accustomed by things like exploring. Seems being in guild makes one experienced in survival.

Looking around Makoto didn't noticed anything strange about the village nor the forest. Normal village and even more normal forest were surrounding the island. Makoto's hunch however told him otherwise. His gut feeling and experience in finding out the truth behind cases made him quite a detective, he bet that Kyoka seeing him would be proud.

Despair school gave Makoto intuition and deductive skills, the only good things to gain from Junko's crazy plan to be fair.

"So we will just go around the island like that?" Natsu whined bored.

Makoto nodded.

"I know it is not what we all expected but it is certainly better than figuring out how to break the moon which is not the brightest of ideas."

Natsu rolled his eyes displeased by that but regardless Makoto had a point.

They would have wandered aimlessly like that if not one small thing happening…

They felt the ground shake as the tall trees started to move sideways under the pressure of something giant approaching.

"Wh-What is that?" Lucy widened her eyes looking forward towards the figure which was approaching them.

Everyone looked at the same direction as blonde-haired girl.

Their eyes widened at sudden appearance of something inhumane.

A giant rat in maid uniform was slowly getting near towards them.

Makoto gulped at the sight of this being while Natsu and Gray had a huge grin on their faces.

"Finally a fight!" Natsu exclaimed cracking his knuckles

Gray did the same except this time he took a stance to cast his magic.

"Just don't get in the way, Natsu."

With that said a blue light erupted from Gray's hands while the rat was slowly approaching the group by each second.

"Ice-make: Floor!!!" channeling his magic through the ground, ice started to spread towards the rat's direction.

Seemingly confused the monster just waited for the magic to come to it's way.

As ice was under it's feet it made the rat to trip and fall.

'So ice magic can be used even like that? Amazing…' Makoto noted in awe.

While the rat was on ground Natsu delivered a finisher making it to pass out.

The monster was dealt with in less than 5 minutes which was pretty amazing.




While going forward towards the place where the giant rat came from our group discovered seemingly old temple.

"Damn, it is huge!" Gray commented looking towards the amazingly build building.

It was by all means a temple and ancient one at that.

"We should enter in." Makoto suggested gaining a questioned look from Lucy.

"Isn't it dangerous? I mean we are not sure whether there might be some traps or not."

Makoto fully understood it but his point was solid as well.

"It is the only clue we have as of now, better something than nothing I guess."

Lucy gave up as they really did entered in.

Huge temple with many pillars holding it consisted of many floors going both down and up.

"Hahaha! See, there is nothing to be scared about, Lucy!" Natsu carefree stated tapping his legs onto the ground which...made the old floor to crush beneath them.


"You morooooooon!"

Lucy along with Gray screamed as the party started to fall down.

Thankfull enough it wasn't that deep as it seemed.

Looking around him Makoto was amazed at how good looking the place was. It was something similar to cavemright now with a huge ice pillar on the middle.

Everyone got confused upon seeing something like that while Gray's eyes widened upon him closer looking towards the ice.

"Uwaaah! I-I-Is it a demon!?" Lucy screamed holding onto Happy.

The thing or better said creature inside the ice seemed like an ancient devil.

"What is this thing?" Makoto raised an eyebrow touching the ice, it was firm and seemed more like a diamond rather than ice.

"Deliora…" Gray calmly said.

The attention averted towards him everyone had the same question to ask.

"This monster is one of Zeref's devils, Deliora!" Gray exclaimed trying to hide the bitter feeling in his heart. "Several years ago my master, Ur, sealed this abomination! Why is it here it is impossible!"

Gray's tone turning dark Makoto was surprised to see usually chill person like Gray panic so much.

With them discovering Deliora they heard several footsteps approaching.

The decision to hide was made quite quickly.

Looking towards the group making the sounds they saw three people in general. One of them was the man with thick eyebrows while left to him was a dog man and last one was girl with pink hair.

"Seems someone beat my precious Angelica…" The pink haired girl said in rage.

"Serves your stupid mouse right! I hate rats!" The dog man exclaimed.

"But Angelica is but an Angel and maiden of unknown love!"

The thick eyebrow man sweat dropped hearing her and sighed at the argument between two of his comrades.

"Jokes aside, we must find the intruders or Else Sub-zero emperor will be displeased."

"You are right! Woof!"

The group proceeded forward while everyone including Makoto understood one thing, these people had something to do with the ice pillar where Deliora was sealed.

Gray on other hand clenched his fists as hit the wall.

"I don't know who those bastards are but...I am gonna beat some senses into their heads for this."

A rage in his tone Gray surprised even usually not carrying Natsu.


And Sub-zero emperor Lyon Arc. Is officially started, seriously kinda surprised that I am updating at constant speed which is actually good!

Well, as usual please like, vote , comment and follow! See ya tomorrow or the day after tomorrow depends on how long the next chapter might get. :)

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