John took another step forward them gazing at them both threatening as he frowned his eyebrows and groaned.
"I don't like an unfair beating. The battle is tomorrow, we will fight then." Ethan said as he gazed at John.
"Unfair? Because you stand no choice against me?" John replied to him glowering at both of them and walking forward. He was seeing red of anger and he could feel his stomach knotting.
"We will fight tomorrow. In a fair battle." Ethan stretched his arm over Sharon and pushed her behind.
"You talk about fair things. How funny. It's like the devil talking about forgiveness." John was too furious to consider Ethan's statement.
"Save the anger for tomorrow," Ethan murmured slightly knitting his eyebrows.
Sharon scoffed as if she was looking forward to killing John and was annoyed by Ethan wanting to let him go.
"I can't wait," John said lastly as he glowered at them both then he turned around and disappeared.
Next chapter will be the battle! To get the second chapter right away and a bonus chapter let’s reach 20 golden tickets <3