(3rd Person POV)
In a twist that left everyone astounded, Arthur didn't just punish the ghosts - he hired them. The specters, desperate to avoid another spanking, reluctantly agreed to help with production.
To everyone's surprise, these ethereal beings proved invaluable. They handled seemingly impossible tasks with ease, perfecting lighting and achieving camera angles that would've been unthinkable without their spectral assistance.
The quality of filming improved dramatically, though not solely due to the ghostly help. Arthur's {Cinematic Vision} skill played a crucial role in elevating the overall direction. He found himself grateful for the {Phantom Touch} skill, realizing it allowed him to fully harness {Cinematic Vision}'s potential with the ghosts' aid.
Despite their usefulness, the ghosts' presence still unnerved some actors, especially when the spirits were invisible during filming. But as days passed, the cast gradually grew accustomed to their supernatural co-workers.
While "The Good, The Bad and the Ugly" production flourished, Arthur was putting the finishing touches on Chapter 10 of "Dragon Ball".
For months, he'd been sketching during his downtime, his artistic skills improving with each stroke. Though filming now limited his drawing time, his increased proficiency meant he'd likely complete "Dragon Ball" Volume 1 within a few weeks.
Meanwhile, as Arthur immersed himself in his projects, his book "Harry Potter" caught the eye of Mark Stark, a businessman who owned a publishing company in the Leaf Kingdom.
Mark, impressed by the plot after reading it, planned to contact the writer and publisher about distributing the book in the Leaf Kingdom, situated in the Evros Continent.
However, when he saw the publisher's name - "Hellfire Stories" - it struck a chord.
The "Hellfire" part reminded him of "Hellfire Studio," creators of "The Demonfather," a film that had left quite an impression on him. They'd even released another blockbuster recently, "Lord of the Rings," which was all anyone seemed to talk about these days.
"Could this Hellfire Stories be connected to that studio?" Mark mused, his curiosity piqued.
He doubted it initially. Surely that ex-prince who owned Hellfire Studio would be too busy with filmmaking to run a book publishing company on the side. And "Harry Potter"? It seemed unlikely.
But when Mark visited Hellfire Stories' headquarters to discuss licensing rights with the CEO, he was in for a surprise.
"Sorry, but I don't have much say regarding the selling of licensing rights," the CEO told him apologetically.
Mark frowned, confused. "Aren't you the CEO?"
The demon before him shook his head. "Um... actually, no. The true boss is Arthur Morningstar."
Mark's jaw nearly hit the floor. It seemed the ex-prince's reach extended further than anyone had imagined.
(Arthur POV)
Two weeks into filming, and things are running like clockwork. Lei's nailing it as Angel Eyes, really selling that cruel outlaw vibe. Sure, I've had to nudge him along with {Heartstrings} here and there, but he's coming into his own. Benny the dwarf, though? He's been getting a lot more help from my little emotional manipulation trick.
But Clint? He's a natural as Blondie. Kid's so good, I haven't had to waste a single {Heartstrings} on him. It's like he was born for this role.
That's not to say Lei and Benny aren't improving. Benny, especially, is really sinking his teeth into the part. Maybe it's my {Heartstrings} working its magic, or maybe his time in Aztec is paying off, but damn if he isn't bringing his A-game.
Take that scene in the firearm store. Benny, as Tuco, handled that prop gun like a genuine Wild West outlaw. When he pointed it at the old man owner and asked, "How much?", I swear I saw real fear in the old timer's eyes.
And when Tuco robbed the place? Benny slapped that "closed" sign on the old man's mouth, and I could practically feel the poor guy's shock. It was perfect.
Benny's really coming into his own. I barely need {Heartstrings} for him anymore. He even nailed that scene where Blondie shoots the invader. Benny, leaning out the window as Tuco, delivered that line pitch-perfect: "There are two kinds of spurs, my friend. Those that come in by the door," - he did the sign of the circle - "those that come in by the window."
Gotta hand it to him, Benny's got Tuco down pat, right down to that Solarus faith circle thing. Maybe there's more to this old dwarf than I first thought.
And of course, Lei wasn't about to be left behind. He's really leaning into Angel Eyes' ruthlessness. It's fascinating, really. While all three main characters are morally ambiguous, Blondie's the least of three evils, and Angel Eyes? He's cold as ice, no mercy for anyone.
Watching these three grow into their roles as we shoot... it's something else.
Clint and Benny, though? They're hitting it off, on and off camera. That scene with Blondie weak in bed and Tuco by his side? Pure gold.
Benny, faking a cry, nailed it: "You're all alone, huh? Like me, Blondie. We're all alone in the world. I have you, you have me."
Sure, their characters are at each other's throats half the time - hell, Blondie even splashed a drink in Tuco's face - but there's this undeniable chemistry between them. It's like watching a dysfunctional friendship unfold.
Benny's facial expressions, I gotta say, are top-notch. Eli Wallach would be tipping his hat if he could see this.
(3rd Person POV)
While Arthur managed to capture most of the crucial scenes within the VFX Studio, some exterior shots and long-distance travel scenes still required on-location filming.
As time progressed, the production neared completion without facing the hurdles that had plagued "Lord of the Rings". They filmed the tense standoff between Blondie, Tuco, and the troops with exceptional detail.
Arthur's direction brought out the nuances - the troop leader casually dusting off his uniform, Benny and Clint's loaded silence as they faced the soldiers. The subsequent capture scene felt raw and authentic.
Arthur's directorial prowess shone in the scene where Tuco endured a beating. He masterfully captured the anguish, even using his {Heartstrings} skill to coax a tear-jerking performance from the violin player in the background.
Over time, Clint and Benny's relationship began to mirror their characters' complex dynamic. This chemistry came through brilliantly in the final standoff, where Tuco and Blondie's takedown of Angel Eyes felt organic and unrehearsed.
The production was nearing the end of filming, capturing Tuco's struggle as he hung from the tree. This scene resonated deeply with Arthur and the crew, evoking strong emotions.
Even as the director, Arthur had to hand it to Benny for his portrayal of Tuco. That final scene - Tuco's tear-filled eyes as he desperately reached for the money, his short stature and the hanging rope adding to his struggle - Benny had truly outdone himself.
The film concluded with Blondie's pinpoint shot, severing the rope and sending Tuco face-first into the dirt. As Arthur called the final "Cut!", a wave of emotion washed over him.
After an intense four weeks of filming, they'd finally wrapped their Wild West epic.
The experience had been a masterclass in directing for Arthur. By stepping back from acting and focusing solely on his role behind the camera, he'd gained invaluable insights into managing actors and honing their performances. He'd watched Benny and Lei grow into their roles, revealing depths of talent he hadn't initially anticipated. Their potential was undeniable, and Arthur knew they'd be valuable additions to his agency.
Looking around, Arthur couldn't help but notice how Benny and Clint had bonded over the course of filming, their friendship mirroring their characters' complex relationship.
Riding the high of their success, Arthur extended an offer to both Lei and Benny to join Hellfire Agency. It was an easy decision for them both - they accepted without hesitation.
As the dust settled on the project, Arthur found himself thrust into a new opportunity. Word came in about an international book publisher interested in distributing "Harry Potter".
(3rd Person POV)
At Hellfire Stories headquarters, Mark Stark waited patiently in the office, the demon CEO beside him.
"Boss Arthur will be here any minute now," the CEO assured.
Mark nodded. "Yeah, I heard he just wrapped up a film?"
"That's right. It's why I contacted you immediately. The boss finally has time to meet."
As they chatted, the office door swung open, revealing the man himself: Arthur Morningstar.
"Boss, you're here," the demon CEO said, relief evident in his voice.
Arthur nodded, patting his employee's shoulder. "I'll take it from here."
Once alone, Mark extended his hand. "Pleasure to finally meet you, Mr. Morningstar. I'm Mark Stark. I've seen 'The Demonfather' - learned a lot from it, actually."
Arthur chuckled, shaking Mark's hand. "Learned a lot? How so?"
"It inspired me to lead my family and company like Don Corleone," Mark admitted with a grin. "Though I'll skip the, uh, crueler aspects."
"Yeah, because if you didn't, we'd be trading blows in a cell, not shaking hands in an office," Arthur quipped.
Mark laughed. "Too right."
Arthur smoothly changed gears. "So, I hear you're interested in acquiring the licensing rights to my book?"
"Your book?" Mark echoed, catching the emphasis.
Arthur gestured to himself. "Isn't it obvious? I wrote it."
Mark's eyebrows shot up. "For real? You wrote 'Harry Potter'?"
"You doubting me?" Arthur asked, a hint of amusement in his voice.
"No- no, of course not," Mark backpedaled. "Just... surprised, is all."
Mark couldn't hide his surprise. The book he'd grown to love was written by the demon standing before him.
Unable to contain himself, he blurted out, "I'm thrilled to meet the author of Harry Potter. I've been dying to ask - when's the next book coming? I've been imagining plots since I finished the first one."
Arthur chuckled, gently steering the conversation back on track. "Maybe we should tackle those licensing rights first?"
"Ah, right, of course," Mark said, a bit flustered. "I'd love to acquire distribution rights for the Leaf Kingdom, Wales, and Empirica."
Arthur's eyebrows rose, impressed. "That's quite a reach. What's your company called?"
"Stark Quill Publishing," Mark replied with a hint of pride. "Based in my hometown in the Leaf Kingdom."
Recognition flashed across Arthur's face. "Stark Quill? You own that? Well, no wonder."
Mark nodded, eager to move forward. "Shall we discuss the licensing rights?"
"By all means," Arthur agreed.
Mark couldn't help but gush a bit more. "I read the book a few weeks back, and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. The secret magic school, privileged kids from magical families slipping through walls to catch a train - it's just... fascinating. I'm not even sure I have the words to describe how it made me feel."
Arthur smiled, clearly pleased by Mark's enthusiasm. "I can see the book really resonated with you."
(Arthur POV)
I never expected "Harry Potter" to catch the eye of someone owning a major publishing house with reach across both Evros and Empirican Continents. Talk about a pleasant surprise.
As Mark laid out his initial offer, I couldn't help but chuckle. "I thought you liked the book? This offer seems... average at best."
Mark's smile didn't waver. "It's business, Mr. Morningstar. I do like the book, but liking something and betting money on its success are two different things. Everyone's taste differs, after all."
"Fair point," I conceded. "But if it impressed you, a man I assume has read hundreds of books, you must know it's something special. Doesn't it deserve a better offer?"
Mark proved a tough nut to crack. I even tried using {Heartstrings} to sway him, but the man's will was stronger than I anticipated. He kept pushing that average offer.
But two can play at that game. I dug in my heels, ready to negotiate for days or weeks if necessary. I wasn't about to let "Harry Potter" go for anything less than it deserved.
Two days of back-and-forth later, Mark finally caved. His new offer was music to my ears.
He proposed a 15% royalty on all book sales, along with a hefty upfront advance of 80,000 dollars. The deal included exclusive distribution rights for Leaf Kingdom, Wales, and Empirica for 5 years, with a commitment to publish at least 100,000 copies in the first print run. As a cherry on top, he threw in an option for first refusal on future books in the series.
Now that's more like it. Seeing Mark's resigned but respectful nod as he laid out these terms, I knew I'd won this round.
Thinking about it, I can see why Mark was willing to put that kind of offer on the table. After all, "Harry Potter" had already raked in tens of thousands of dollars in the Morningstar Kingdom alone, and that's just in a few months.
Truth is, there's no official sales data out there. I've been so caught up in filming that I never got around to announcing exact figures. I'm the only one who really knows how well the book's doing. Because of that, "Harry Potter" hasn't made it into those magazines or newspapers that list bestsellers.
But word's getting around. Some magazines have started making estimates based on the book's growing popularity. It's all word-of-mouth at this point, but that kind of buzz? It's priceless.
I've got a feeling Mark's done his homework. He must have sniffed out the potential, which explains why he's willing to put up that kind of money. He's not just buying a book; he's investing in a phenomenon.
It's funny, really. Here I am, sitting on what could be the next big thing in publishing, and most people don't even know it yet. But Mark? He sees it. And that's why he's ready to bet big.
(3rd Person POV)
A few days after Arthur wrapped up his film project, word of its completion spread like wildfire through the restless media outlets.
Headlines began popping up everywhere, not just about Arthur's film, but also about major studios trying to compete:
"Arthur Morningstar Completes His Film—Titan Pictures Announces Simultaneous Completion of Their Ambitious Project"
"Titan Pictures' Ambitious Movie, Filmed at Their Dwarven-Built VFX Studio—A Copy of Ex-Prince Arthur's Hellfire Studio Using Advanced Mechanics and Technologies—Officially Completed"
"Titan Pictures Asserts Their Upcoming Film Will Surpass The Lord of the Rings, With Rumors Suggesting Executives Are Planning to Set the Release Date to Coincide with Ex-Prince Arthur's Third Film."
Arthur's eyes caught these headlines. Reading further, he learned that Titan Pictures' movie was supposedly an epic tale, also revolving around ancient artifacts and drawing inspiration from elven history.
"Don't tell me they're following in 'Lord of the Rings' footsteps," Arthur muttered to himself, skimming the premise. But even if that was the case, it didn't faze him.
Klein approached, curiosity evident in his voice. "Boss, have you heard about Titan Pictures?"
Arthur shrugged dismissively. "Don't care about them."
"Word is, they're aiming to compete directly with our film."
Arthur sighed, "Guess they're still sore that their smear campaign against 'Lord of the Rings' backfired." Changing the subject, he added, "By the way, did you finish signing those actors I mentioned?"
"Yeah," Klein nodded, "Raymond Crow - who played the hated Carlo, Kyle Brook who was Luca Brasi, Charles Flirt who acted as Sonny, and several others from Demonfather are all signed with our agency without any issues."
"Good work," Arthur nodded, his mind already moving on to the next challenge.
Top 5: Two Chapters Per Day.
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