(Arthur POV)
The next day, I decide to pour my energy into the computer development and "Dragon Ball" manga. With two weeks before the Moonlight Kingdom film festival, it's the perfect time to make some headway on these projects.
In the lab, I find Drake and Josh hunched over a mess of circuits and code. Their dwarven craftsmanship is evident in the meticulous way they've arranged each component.
"How's it going, guys?" I ask, peering at their work.
Drake looks up, his eyes bright with excitement. "We're making real progress, boss. We've developed unique machine code for each hardware component."
Josh nods, adding, "And we're designing the assembly language around it. It's like creating a new dialect for each part of the computer to communicate."
I lean in, examining their work. "By tailoring the code to each component, we can optimize performance."
"Yes," Drake grins. "It's more work up front, but it'll make the final product much more efficient."
"How long until we see a working prototype?" I ask.
Josh scratches his beard thoughtfully. "At this rate, maybe two months? It's hard to say for sure. We're in uncharted territory here."
I nod, understanding the complexity of what we're attempting. "Two months sounds ambitious, but achievable. Keep up the good work."
As I'm about to leave, Drake calls out, "Boss, wait a second."
I turn back, raising an eyebrow. "What's up?"
Drake and Josh exchange a glance before Drake continues, "We just wanted to say thanks. All this knowledge, these ideas... they're from you. We're just following your instructions."
Josh nods in agreement. "We wouldn't even know where to start without your guidance."
Their words catch me off guard. For a moment, I'm not sure how to respond. It's true that my knowledge from another life is driving this project, but their skill and dedication are what's making it a reality.
"I appreciate that," I say with a genuine smile. "But don't sell yourselves short. Your expertise is what's turning these ideas into reality."
Drake and Josh exchange a look, their faces beaming with pride. Josh speaks up, "We still want to thank you. Without you, we'd never have known such advanced engine knowledge was even possible."
Drake nods enthusiastically. "Yeah, we're not just grateful for the job, but for the knowledge we're gaining from you."
Their sincerity reminds me of George - that same kind-hearted dedication. I can't help but feel a surge of fondness for these two.
I reach out, patting them both on the shoulder. "Just do your best, guys. Prove to the world that this engine is invaluable. Show everyone what you're capable of."
Their eyes light up at the challenge. Drake and Josh nod in unison, a new determination visible in their stance.
As I turn to leave, I can already hear them diving back into their work, discussing new ideas with renewed vigor. I can't help but smile to myself. It's moments like these that make all the challenges worth it.
Two weeks vanished in a flurry of activity, and suddenly it's time for the "Lord of the Rings" premiere at the Moonlight Film Festival. I've invited the key cast members - Firfel, Imkrag, and Kurt - to join me for this momentous occasion.
I arrive at Ferland Airport well ahead of schedule, buzzing with excitement. It's not just about the film's release; I'm also eager to experience my first airship journey.
Unlike the airplanes of my previous life, these airships are powered entirely by magic. They're piloted by high-ranking mages, graduates from the most prestigious magical institutions. It's a far cry from the jet engines and cockpit controls I'm used to.
As I wait, I can't help but wonder about the differences between airships and airplanes. Will these magically powered vessels outperform the purely mechanical, electronically controlled airplanes of my old world? The engineer in me is itching to compare their efficiency, speed, and safety records.
It's a strange feeling, having knowledge of two entirely different technological paradigms. In some ways, this world's magic-based tech seems more advanced. But in others, I can see potential improvements based on my previous life's understanding of aerodynamics and propulsion.
I make a mental note to discuss this with George, Drake and Josh when I return. Maybe there's a way to combine magical propulsion with more streamlined designs...
As I'm lost in thought, I spot Firfel, Imkrag, and Kurt approaching. My face breaks into a smile, particularly at the sight of Firfel. I stand, arms outstretched. "It's been so long," I say, leaning in for a hug.
Firfel stops me with a hand, her expression amused. "We only haven't seen each other for a few weeks."
"A few weeks is very long," I protest, attempting another hug.
Firfel steps back, a thoughtful expression on her face. "Well, for us elves with a lifespan of three hundred years, a few weeks is about 0.1% of our lives. A few weeks is like a couple of days to us." She pauses, then adds, "Even for you demons or humans with your two hundred year lifespans, a few weeks isn't that significant in the grand scheme of things, is it?"
I can't help but pout playfully. "You're no fun, elf."
Firfel's smile widens as she changes the subject. "I heard our film is premiering at the Moonlight Film Festival?"
I nod, studying her face. "That's right. Are you excited? It's your homeland, after all."
Her eyebrows rise in surprise. "Homeland? Actually, no. I don't live in the Moonlight Kingdom. I'm from..." She hesitates before finishing, "the Roses Kingdom."
"The Roses Kingdom? On the Eden Continent?" I can't hide my surprise. "That's unexpected."
Firfel's eyes narrow slightly. "What's unexpected about it?"
"Nothing," I backpedal quickly, realizing I've stumbled into sensitive territory.
As an awkward silence threatens to descend, I scramble for a way to recover. "I just... I guess I assumed all elves were from the Moonlight Kingdom. Shows what I know, huh?" I offer a self-deprecating smile. "Maybe you can teach me more about the Roses Kingdom on the flight?"
Firfel's expression softens slightly. "Perhaps," she says, a hint of mystery in her voice.
I'm saved from further fumbling by the arrival of Fart and Ray.
Fart and Ray started greeting me and the cast. After a two-hour wait, our airship finally docks. We board along with the other passengers, and I can't help but marvel at the vessel. It's like a seagoing ship, but with the ability to fly.
As we settle into our seats, I notice the complex array of magical runes and crystals that seem to control the airship's direction and altitude. It's fascinating, but also looks incredibly complicated.
Firfel leans over, a teasing glint in her eye. "First time on an airship, Arthur?"
I nod, trying to maintain my composure. "Yeah. What about it?"
She grins mischievously. "Oh, nothing. Just hope you're not afraid of heights. Or sudden drops. Or unexpected magical turbulence."
I roll my eyes, turning back to the window. As we take off, I can't help but compare this airship to the airplanes from my previous life. The differences become apparent quickly.
The takeoff is jerky, lacking the smooth acceleration of a jet engine. Our ascent is uneven, the magical propulsion seemingly struggling against gravity. The cabin noise is actually louder than I expected, filled with the hum of active spells and creaking wood.
As we level off, I notice our speed seems significantly slower than a commercial airliner. The ride is bumpier too, each gust of wind causing noticeable shifts.
It dawns on me that while this airship is impressive for this world, it's vastly inferior to the airplanes I once knew. The magic-based technology, while versatile, lacks the refined engineering and consistent power of jet engines and aerodynamic designs.
The journey to the Moonlight Kingdom is long but not uneventful. We pass the time with conversations, shared meals at various stops, and catching up on sleep when we can. After two days of travel, we finally arrive at our destination.
(Arthur POV)
As we exit the airport, I'm struck by the Moonlight Kingdom's architecture. It's a seamless blend of aesthetic beauty and historical significance, typical of the Evros Continent's commitment to preserving its cultural heritage.
"I've finally set foot in the sole elven kingdom on this human-dominated continent," I muse aloud as we walk.
Kyle smiles at my observation. "The Moonlight Kingdom is the most prosperous realm in Evros. Even other human kingdoms envy it. Evros would be nothing without the Moonlight Kingdom."
Firfel nods in agreement. "That's true. The first king of the Moonlight Kingdom brought significant changes to the continent. He revolutionized trade, agriculture, and urban planning."
I can't help but play devil's advocate. "But wasn't the expansion of trade networks also blamed for the plagues in the past? That's the argument humans use to downplay the Moonlight Kingdom's achievements."
Kyle snorts dismissively. "Plagues are a normal part of history, not solely due to trade. There were other factors, like poor sanitation in human cities. If not for our first king's laws on public hygiene and waste management, which human kings later copied, Evros would have suffered far worse."
"Indeed," Firfel adds. "The Moonlight Kingdom's advancements in medicine and magical healing also played a crucial role in containing those plagues."
As we continue our walk, I'm struck by how intertwined the histories of elves and humans are in this continent. It's a stark reminder of the complex relationships between races in this world.
"Well," I say, looking at the bustling streets around us, "I'm looking forward to experiencing some of this prosperity and culture firsthand. Shall we explore a bit before the festival preparations begin?"
Kyle grins, a hint of pride in his voice. "Of course. Let me show you why the Moonlight Kingdom is the jewel of Evros."
Kyle takes us on a whirlwind tour of Moon City's highlights. We weave through the bustling City Market, where elven craftsmen sell intricate jewelry and magical trinkets. The Red Tower looms over the city, its pearlescent walls shimmering in the sunlight.
"The Red Tower's been standing for over a thousand years," Kyle explains proudly. "It's said the first elven king built it in a single night using forgotten magic."
Our stomachs growling, Kyle leads us to the Crescent Bistro, famous for its fusion of elven and human cuisines.
"You've got to try the Japon beef," Kyle insists, ordering for the table. "It's imported from the East Watch. Melts in your mouth like butter."
He's not wrong. The pasta is divine, but the beef... it's a revelation. Tender, flavorful, with a richness I've never experienced before.
"This might be worth the trip alone," I mumble through a mouthful.
As the sun sets, the city transforms. Magical lights flicker to life, bathing the streets in a soft, ethereal glow.
"It's beautiful," Firfel murmurs, her eyes reflecting the twinkling lights.
We spend the next two days exploring hidden nooks and crannies of the city. Kyle's an inexhaustible source of historical tidbits and local legends.
Finally, we settle into our hotel, the Silver Leaf Inn. It's quaint but comfortable, with a view of the festival grounds.
As I lay in bed the night before the festival's opening, my mind races with anticipation. Tomorrow, we'll be introducing "Lord of the Rings" to the elven world. I just hope they're ready for it.
The next day, we arrive at the Moonlight Film Festival, and I'm immediately struck by how much more bustling it is compared to the Ferland Film Festival.
Me, Firfel, Fart, and the visibly nervous Imkrag and Kurt step onto the red carpet. The crowds lining the sides - a mix of demons, humans, elves, and dwarves - seem surprised to see me.
"That's Michael Corleone!" someone shouts.
Another voice corrects them, "No, that's the infamous prince Arthur Morningstar, before he became known as Michael."
"Really? I thought he was just an actor."
"What's he doing at the Moonlight Film Festival? Was he even invited?"
I can't help but chuckle at their confusion. A group of photographers rushes over, cameras flashing as they capture images of me and the cast.
An elven reporter approaches, microphone in hand. "Welcome to the Moonlight Kingdom, prince Arthur... or should I say ex-prince?" She doesn't wait for a response before continuing, "Your film was announced at the last minute to be appearing at this festival. Many film experts and critics think it's presumptuous to accept your film so late, even if you are the director and producer of 'The Demonfather'. There are doubts about whether your new film is truly worthy of the Moonlight Film Festival. What do you say to that?"
I take a moment to compose myself before responding. "What can I say?" I smile, trying to strike a balance between confidence and humility. "Honestly, if I said anything positive about my new film, it would sound like boasting and wouldn't be convincing at all. So I'll only say this: my film will speak for itself."
The reporter looks visibly surprised by my response before regaining her composure. "Well, it seems you're very confident about your film," she says. "Let's just hope it'll be as good as 'The Demonfather'."
I nod with a chuckle, "I hope so too."
The reporter nods, then drops a bombshell that catches me off guard. "It better be, because a famous and respected film critic, known not only in elven entertainment but worldwide, has announced he'll be viewing the film himself."
My eyes widen slightly at this news. "Caedan Aegis will actually view my film?"
The elf reporter nods, a hint of excitement in her voice. "Yes. He rarely attends the Moonlight Film Festival, but it seems your second film has caught his attention." She adds, "Well, it's not surprising, considering he just rated 'The Demonfather' a stunning 8 out of 10 stars. Perhaps he's interested in seeing what you've brought to the table this time."
After dropping this bombshell, the reporter moves on to interview other attendees, leaving me slightly stunned.
I quickly approach Fart, nudging him. "Why didn't you tell me that Caedan, that famous elf film critic, will be viewing my film?"
Fart's eyes widen in surprise. "He will view our film?" he asks, seemingly as caught off guard as I am.
I ignore his use of 'our film', acknowledging that in a way, as my partner, he can claim some ownership of "Lord of the Rings".
Fart scratches his head, looking a bit sheepish. "Well, I didn't know he'd view our film. It's a pleasant surprise."
I nod, my mind wandering back to what I know about Caedan Aegis. He's been a legend in the entertainment industry since I was a kid. But he's not just any critic - he's known for giving directors suggestions to improve their filmmaking. Many of those directors went on to become household names. That's why Caedan's opinion and advice are so valuable to filmmakers.
He's not just a critic who tears things apart - he's a mentor, a guide. Makes sense, given that Caedan was a director himself in his youth.
Fart's voice breaks through my thoughts. "Well, it will be better if Caedan sees your film!" He grins, confidence radiating from him. "I'm sure your film will definitely satisfy him."
I appreciate Fart's enthusiasm, but honestly, I don't mind either way if Caedan sees my film or not. I'm just a bit surprised by the news. Sure, it would be a nice bonus if Caedan gives "Lord of the Rings" a good review, but it's not something I'm hanging my hopes on.
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