(3rd Person POV)
Apollonia inserted the small rectangle into the device beneath the screen. The television came alive with color, an haunting orchestral theme filling the room with its rich, melancholic notes.
Azazel leaned forward, fascinated by the screen. "Six years ago, moving pictures were still black-and-white. Now we have television and colored images... the world has advanced quickly."
Apollonia smiled knowingly but kept silent. If brother knew Arthur was behind these technological leaps, he'd be stunned.
As the film progressed, Azazel peppered them with questions, his siblings taking turns explaining the changes he'd missed.
When Arthur appeared as Michael Corleone, Azazel straightened. "That's Arthur? He's transformed completely. The quiet, meek boy who barely spoke to me..."
His attention remained fixed on the screen. He growled when Carlo beat Connie, then laughed in satisfaction at Sonny's revenge.
At Sonny's death scene, Azazel's power leaked out unconsciously, his aura suffocating the room. Lucy, Bobby, and Arnold stiffened, suddenly very aware of their elder brother's strength.
"My apologies," Azazel said, quickly reining in his power.
His siblings exhaled in relief.
Watching Arthur's transformation into the cold Michael Corleone, Azazel nodded approvingly. "He carries himself well here. Impressive."
During the revenge sequence at the Solarus Church, intercut with the family heads' executions, Azazel's eyes widened. "This... this is giving me chills."
The film's tension built as Michael orchestrated not only the deaths of the four family heads but Carlo's confession.
Azazel leaned forward in his seat as Michael delivered his cutting line: "Don't tell me you're innocent, because it insults my intelligence and makes me very angry."
"He's right," Azazel murmured, watching intently as Carlo met his fate in the car. "Eliminating such a snake was Arthur's smartest move yet."
As the final scene played out - Michael accepting congratulations while Kay watched the door close before her - Azazel sat transfixed, thoroughly impressed by the film's masterful ending. It.
The credits began rolling before he'd even noticed the time passing. "That's it?" He rose from his seat, still caught in the story's grip.
"Almost three hours have passed, brother," Apollonia said, smiling at his absorption.
"Three hours?" Azazel's eyes widened as he checked the clock. "The film was... incredible. Maybe the Nether Realm dulled my standards, but I'm genuinely impressed. Arthur really created this?"
Apollonia nodded, pleased by her brother's reaction.
"Never thought he had such talent in him." Azazel shook his head, his feelings toward his exiled brother growing more complicated by the minute.
"If you enjoyed that," Bobby cut in, eager to shift attention from Arthur's success, "you should see my film, brother."
"Your film?" Azazel considered it, stroking his chin. "Why not? Show me what you've made."
Bobby's face brightened as he inserted his film. But barely thirty minutes in, Azazel couldn't suppress his yawns.
"It's getting late," Azazel offered diplomatically. "Perhaps we should rest."
"We're only half an hour in," Bobby protested. "Wouldn't you like to see how it ends?"
"We're tired, Bobby. Feel free to finish it yourself - we won't disturb you." Azazel stood, the others gratefully following his lead.
Left alone in the darkened room, Bobby stared at the screen, crushing the remote in his grip until it cracked. "Damn it," he muttered, his frustration at living in Arthur's shadow evident in every syllable.
Azazel grew increasingly fascinated as Apollonia detailed Arthur's accomplishments. Lucy watched with concern as the future king's interest in their exiled brother deepened.
With each revelation - computers, anime, colored cameras and television technology - Azazel's eyes widened further. Arthur had revolutionized not just entertainment, but technology itself.
Later, alone in his chamber, doubt crept in. Could this be the work of a Dream Weaver? The notorious C-Level Nether Beast was known for trapping victims in elaborate illusions, feeding on their spiritual energy while they remained lost in false realities.
Frowning, Azazel traced ancient runes in the air. "Mirror of Truth," he whispered, channeling both spiritual and magical energy into the ritual. The power spread through his room, examining every object, every shadow for signs of dreamscape distortion.
Nothing. Everything was real.
"Praise the Nine Hells," he breathed in relief. Then a thought struck him - If this were truly a Dream Weaver's illusion, wouldn't I be the center of it? Instead, Arthur's the one achieving the impossible...
News of Crown Prince Azazel's return from "studying broad" dominated headlines across demon realm media.
His fearsome reputation preceded him - they called him the "Demon Reaper" for his cold efficiency in battle, leaving no survivors in his wake.
But Azazel wasn't alone. Across the world, powerful heirs began emerging from their mysterious absences.
Crown Prince Drakon Wales of the Wales Kingdom made his first public appearance in years. The crown princes of the Aztec Empire, Kanata Kingdom, Choson Kingdom, Japon Empire, and Arabia Kingdom all suddenly "returned from their studies" within days of each other.
The public remained unaware of the truth - that these heirs had spent years surviving the horrors of the Nether Realm.
In Horn Kingdom, Arthur read reports of his elder brother's return with detached interest. While he'd severed family ties long ago, the synchronized reappearance of every major heir across the world caught his attention.
"All studying at the same school?" He chuckled, shaking his head at the suspicious timing.
Arthur wasn't alone in his skepticism. Journalists and common citizens worldwide questioned these simultaneous returns.
Two days later, television networks spread a wild theory - that these princes had been attending a real-life Hogwarts. The speculation caught fire, spreading rapidly across every kingdom.
Across taverns, bars, and cafés, conversations buzzed about the princes' sudden reappearance. In one dimly lit establishment, patrons huddled over their drinks, debating theories.
"Must be a hidden school, like Hogwarts," one patron declared. "Where else would all these heirs disappear to?"
"Can't be coincidence," another agreed, nursing his ale. "All vanishing then returning together?"
A scaled demon spread his newspaper across the table. "Look here - they all disappeared exactly six years ago. Now they're all back at once?"
"Has to be some secret academy," his companion nodded. "Teaching powerful magic, best professors money can buy. They keep it hidden so commoners can't attend, even the wealthy ones."
An imp slammed his beer glass down. "Damn royals, hoarding power for themselves! Why not open it to anyone with talent?"
"Dream on," snorted a demon reading Superman comics. "Those families only care about their own."
"Enough negativity," another patron cut in. "Here's some good news - electricity bills are dropping."
"First reduction in four years," someone added. "At least the government throws us common folk a bone sometimes."
In his Hellfire HQ office, Arthur reviewed the impact of reduced electricity costs with satisfaction. Lower operating expenses meant better bonuses for employees and cheaper production costs for his growing manga and comic empire.
His comic franchises - Batman, Superman, Spiderman, X-Men, and Wonder Woman - had captured public imagination across kingdoms. Combined with his manga, anime, movies, and telenovelas, they'd pushed his Entertainment Points to new heights.
302 million EP, Arthur mused, studying the numbers. Finally breaking 300 million, despite spending points on music libraries, film archives, comic collections, and upgrading the Ancient Tree to Level 4.
The Level 4 Tree had already improved signal quality and expanded coverage to South East Anatolia. Now, with sufficient points accumulated, Arthur could finally attempt the Level 5 upgrade.
He initiated the upgrade, watching 250 million EP drain from his total. The investment paid off immediately - the Ancient Tree's coverage exploded outward, reaching the Middle East Ottoman Empire and its surrounding territories. The signal now stretched into eastern Evros and even reached the distant shores of The Great Southern Land.
50 million EP remaining, Arthur noted. But the expansion's worth every point.
For advance chapters, go check my p@treon.com/NewComer714.
(Cici Hyena POV)
I sit before this colored screen, my fingers dancing between the "keyboard" and "mouse" as I wade through an endless stream of messages directed at my new employer, the famous Arthur Pendragon.
Two weeks into my role as Arthur's secretary, and reality has thoroughly shattered my initial expectations.
I'd imagined myself wielding enchanted typewriters, organizing schedules with traditional magic, perhaps even catching the eye of the famous demon himself - after all, I'd beaten thousands of other applicants for this position. Instead, I find myself tethered to this increasingly popular device called a "computer."
Those first days were a struggle with the unfamiliar technology, but I've grown oddly comfortable with it. The computer simplifies document management, file organization, and scheduling to an impressive degree. Everything flows seamlessly through this single device.
Yet with that efficiency comes an unexpected burden. Beyond managing Arthur's affairs, I must now field an ever-growing flood of messages directed to him.
What started as a trickle - just a few messages daily - has swollen into hundreds.
Most come from business owners and media journalists who've managed to obtain boss Arthur's "Hellfire Messenger" contact information. Now they're abusing the privilege, with some resorting to constant spamming.
I notice yet another string of repeated messages from a user named "Jacob Star" - his profile prominently displaying the title 'business-owner' beneath his name.
With practiced restraint, I type: "Dear Mr. Star, Please be advised that message spamming violates our communication protocols. As Mr. Arthur Pendragon's executive secretary managing his correspondence, I must inform you that continued spamming will result in account termination. Thank you for your cooperation."
Sending the warning, I return to the endless stream of messages awaiting my attention.
Staring at the screen all day was taking its toll on my eyes. The computer fascinated me, but sitting here for hours left me exhausted. I sipped my coffee, trying to stay alert as I sorted through more messages.
Then something caught my attention - a message from "Morningstar Empire's Economic Minister." Not a personal name like the others, but an official title from one of the most powerful positions in the massive Morningstar Kingdom.
My eyes widened as I read the contents. I immediately jumped from my chair and rushed out of my office. A message this important needed to reach boss Arthur directly.
I hurried to his office, but my knocks went unanswered. "Boss Arthur left for the Hellfire Electronics building," a nearby employee informed me.
I sighed in relief - at least the electronics building was close to Hellfire Studio HQ.
(3rd Person POV)
Arthur stood in the game department with Drake and Josh, examining their progress. The team had reached the halfway point on their 8-bit project "Music Legends Quest" - a game Arthur had proposed months ago.
The story followed two protagonists, James and Frederick, who wielded musical powers to defeat enemies across various levels. Their main antagonist, Caleb D., awaited at the journey's end.
The computer monitor displayed a simple menu with just "New Game" as its sole option - save game technology hadn't been developed in this world yet.
Drake pressed the keyboard controls, and two pixelated figures materialized on screen: James and Frederick in their 8-bit glory. Selecting James, the level began with the character wielding a guitar. Each strum sent visible sound waves rippling across the screen, striking enemies in their path.
Arthur nodded, studying the gameplay. "The chiptune cover of Nirvana's Lithium fits perfectly, though we could polish it further."
He couldn't help but be impressed. Drake and Josh had only started leading the game team months ago, learning programming and game development from scratch. Yet the dwarf duo had successfully guided their inexperienced team to create something remarkable.
The team members watched proudly as their creation came to life on screen. Then suddenly, James clipped through a wall during a jump sequence, getting stuck in the level geometry.
"Sorry about that, boss," Drake's face reddened. "We're still working out collision detection bugs."
"Don't worry," Arthur waved it off. "For our first 8-bit game, this is exceptional work. You've mastered the fundamentals - using limited pixels effectively, creating distinctive sprites, and maximizing the graphical potential within 8-bit constraints. The game already has personality."
The team beamed at his praise, their pride in their creation evident despite its unfinished state.
Arthur watched the game team's progress with mixed feelings. While proud of their work, he couldn't help but think how much faster development would be with his clones - if only they weren't so problematic.
The replacement of "chakra" with "magic" had created unexpected complications. Though his clones inherited his appearance, basic skills, and limited memories - even recognizing themselves as "Arthur" - they lacked his complete knowledge. Most critically, they couldn't access his understanding of computers and programming.
This partial inheritance left each clone with their own distinct personality, making them unreliable for complex tasks. His attempts at using them for game development had proved disastrous - their coding was chaotic, and they couldn't maintain consistent project planning.
Instead, he'd restricted their use to simpler creative tasks: manga production, comic illustration, animation work, or serving in the Hellsing Organization. Even these limited roles caused problems.
Every time a clone vanished, their accumulated knowledge and memories forcibly transferred back to him. When dozens or even hundreds of clones disappeared simultaneously, the mental backlash was overwhelming.
These harsh side effects had forced Arthur to scale back his clone usage. He now focused on quality over quantity, developing clones with larger magical reserves that could last longer if they conserved their power. It wasn't ideal, but it was better than the constant headaches from mass clone dispersal.
A knock interrupted the game team's discussion. Faer, a trainee programmer, opened the door to reveal Cici - her feline features perfectly groomed, wearing a tailored black suit that marked her as one of Hellfire's executive staff.
"I'm Cici, Mr. Pendragon's secretary. Is he here?"
Faer's wide mouth closed as he nodded. Cici strode in, immediately spotting Arthur among the developers. She approached and whispered urgently in his ear.
Arthur's expression turned serious. "Apologies, boys. Important matter requires my attention."
Drake, Josh, and the team nodded their understanding as Arthur followed Cici back to Hellfire Studio HQ.
In her office, Arthur settled before her office computer to read the message from Morningstar Kingdom.
"Your Highness, I don't know if you remember me, but we often passed each other in the palace corridors during your time here. I am Perah Gray, Economic Minister of Morningstar Kingdom. I write to inform you that His Majesty, your father, has expressed great pride in your achievements in both film and technologies.
The king, in his mercy, extends his forgiveness and wishes to restore your position as prince upon your return. This represents a unique opportunity - one the benevolent demon king graciously offers.
Minister Perah Gray"
Arthur chuckled darkly at the message. Make me a prince again? For what? He could see through their motives clearly. They think reinstating me means claiming everything I've built. Not happening.
"Boss, isn't this wonderful news? They're restoring your title!" Cici couldn't contain her excitement.
Arthur rose from his chair, expression cold. "I thought this was something important - perhaps Morningstar officials offering support for computer expansion. Instead, it's just nonsense."
"Nonsense?" Cici's ears twitched in surprise.
"Exactly. If you see messages like this again, delete them."
"You... don't want to be prince again?" She stared at him, bewildered.
Arthur let out a derisive snort. "Prince? That title means nothing." He turned to leave, his parting words hanging in the air. "In this world, money reigns supreme."
For advanced chapters, go check my p@treon.com/NewComer714.
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