67.45% Lord of Entertainment / Chapter 170: Shocking the world once again

บท 170: Shocking the world once again

(3rd Person POV)

The release of the first "Harry Potter" trailer sent shockwaves around the world.

Until now, the film industry had relied solely on billboards and posters to market their movies. Once again, Hellfire Studio transformed industry standards. The preview reel generated such intense anticipation that audiences wanted to see the film immediately, even without a release date announced.

Traditional promotional methods suddenly seemed antiquated to those who'd witnessed the trailer. While Hellfire had previously used television for film promotion, those had been simple actor appearances or still images. Most studios still preferred billboards, posters, and newspaper ads for their lower costs compared to television spots.

But Harry Potter's preview reel, with its mysterious narrator and captivating scenes, had changed film marketing forever.

Throughout the day, Hellfire aired the trailer repeatedly. Each showing drew viewers back to their screens, unable to look away.

The next day brought a second trailer, showcasing a lighter tone with Harry selecting his wand. This preview particularly resonated with children, intensifying their eagerness to see the film.

"Why won't they tell us when it's coming out?" viewers demanded, frustrated by the trailers' lack of release dates.

"It's torture not knowing when we can watch this!" a father exclaimed at home, his wife sharing his mix of excitement and impatience.

The third day brought another Harry Potter trailer, this one focusing on Draco Malfoy's sinister presence. It ended with the long-awaited announcement: "June 18, 1273."

After the trailer, Arthur appeared on screen alongside Daniel and Abigail. "What you've just witnessed is what I call a 'movie trailer,'" he explained, introducing the new term to a world unfamiliar with preview reels.

"With me are the young stars of Harry Potter," Arthur continued, gesturing to Daniel and Abigail, who delivered their promotional lines from the teleprompter with natural enthusiasm.

"See you at the cinema!" the young actors waved goodbye.

The presentation accomplished two goals - establishing the term "movie trailer" in public consciousness and heightening anticipation for Daniel and Abigail's performances.

At King's Cross station in Wales, employees gathered to discuss the previews during their break.

"How many times have you watched the Harry Potter trailer?" one asked.

"Lost count," his coworker grinned. "Can't get enough of seeing our station on screen!"

"That train was definitely one of ours," another added proudly.

Their conversation drifted to memories of the filming. "To think Arthur shot right here," one sighed. "I should've taken that chance to be an extra."

"Same here," his friend agreed. "Hellfire was recruiting extras, but I passed. Who knew the film would look this impressive? What a missed opportunity."

They weren't alone in their regret - across Wales, others who'd declined roles as extras found themselves wishing they'd taken part in what was clearly becoming a landmark production.

Harry Potter trailers reached even the Eden and Middle East regions.

The dwarven kingdoms, particularly the Craft Kingdom, had developed fledgling TV markets with nascent networks.

Since Hellfire Network hadn't yet established direct coverage in these areas, Arthur arranged to broadcast the trailers through local networks - and watched as excitement spread across these new territories.

While Harry Potter captivated audiences with its groundbreaking trailers, the entertainment industry that had dismissed Arthur experienced an unsettling sense of déjà vu.

News outlets across all media covered Arthur's latest innovation. TV anchors delivered nearly identical reports: "Hellfire Studio, or more specifically, Arthur Mornin- excuse me, Pendragon, has once again stunned the world with his 'Harry Potter' movie trailers!" One anchor added, "Are we witnessing the inevitable return of filmmaking's king?"

Newspapers ran bold headlines: "Major Studios' Dismissal of Arthur Pendragon Backfires as Movie Trailers Transform Film Promotion!"

"Arthur Pendragon Revolutionizes Film Marketing with 'Movie Trailer' Innovation, Industry Stunned"

These headlines forced major studios, who had been ignoring Arthur and Hellfire Studio, to acknowledge an uncomfortable truth - they could no longer afford to dismiss him.

At Titan Pictures Headquarters, Alexander stared at the reports on his desk, unsettled by Arthur's unexpected comeback. "How's the promotional campaign for 'Great Knight Conqueror' going?" he asked Ed Louis, his chief marketing executive.

Ed hesitated before responding. "We've gained solid traction across Anatolia, Empirica, and even the Eden regions, but..."

"But Arthur's Harry Potter trailers have stolen our thunder?" Alexander finished, his jaw tightening.

Ed's grim nod confirmed his fears.

Alexander massaged his temples, frustrated by Arthur's unpredictability. "We have to acknowledge it - he caught us completely off guard."

"What's our next move, boss?" Ed asked.

"What else can we do?" Alexander's lips curved into a bitter smile. "Traditional marketing won't cut it anymore. We need to create our own movie trailers."

Ed nodded, seeing the logic.

"We won't be alone in this," Alexander added. "Every major studio with a June release will be scrambling to match Arthur's innovation. We need to move quickly - can't let Harry Potter monopolize public attention."

"Understood," Ed replied, already mentally listing the resources they'd need.

But as Titan Pictures and other major studios attempted to create their own trailers, they discovered an uncomfortable truth: crafting compelling preview reels proved far more challenging than anticipated. Even their best efforts fell short of Harry Potter's polished presentation.

While they struggled to understand how Hellfire Studio achieved such seamless editing, the answer lay in something they hadn't considered - Arthur's computer editing programs, a technology that remained his closely guarded secret.

Days after Harry Potter's trailers debuted, prominent film critics began publishing unprecedented reviews based solely on the previews.

Dudu, a respected critic known for her discerning taste and open admiration of Arthur's work, wrote boldly: "The king of entertainment strikes again! Arthur Pendragon has outdone himself with this upcoming film. Based on these groundbreaking 'movie trailers,' I'm staking my professional reputation on this prediction: Harry Potter deserves 5/5 stars!"

She elaborated further in her magazine column: "My rating isn't just about the exceptional trailers. The Harry Potter novel has completely captivated me with its storytelling. Knowing Arthur's directorial prowess, I have complete confidence he'll translate this magic to the screen. This will be a five-star masterpiece!"

Her enthusiastic pre-release review sparked a trend among Hellfire-friendly critics, who began publishing their own anticipatory ratings.

This departure from traditional review practices drew sharp criticism from other film critics, creating an unusual spectacle - critics publicly challenging their peers' professional judgment. Readers found themselves witnessing an unprecedented divide in the typically unified critical community.

At Lava Brothers headquarters in Ferland City, Morningstar Kingdom, chairman Fart Lava called his brother Ray into his office.

"I assume you know why I've summoned you," Fart said, studying his brother's expression.

Ray settled into his chair. "The Hellfire Studio movie trailers?"

Fart nodded gravely. "Our arrogance led us astray. We dismissed Arthur's influence in the film industry and focused solely on our own productions, distancing ourselves from the exiled prince. That decision may prove costly."

"I disagree, elder brother," Ray countered. "We made the rational choice. Arthur's return to filmmaking success wasn't guaranteed. Prioritizing our own studio was the right move."

Fart rose from his chair. "We need to visit Horn Kingdom and meet with Arthur personally."

"What's the point?" Ray challenged. "I hear Hellfire Studio plans to handle distribution in our kingdom themselves. They don't need us."

"But we could negotiate!" Fart insisted. "If this film matches Lord of the Rings in quality, we can't afford to be left out!"

Ray fell silent, and only after further discussion did the brothers agree to seek an audience with Arthur in Horn Kingdom.

Days later, Fart and Ray Lava found themselves among Arthur's former distribution partners in Hellfire's lobby, all seeking to rebuild bridges. Instead of Arthur, they were greeted by an employee named Klein.

The message was clear in Arthur's absence - their presence meant little to him now.

From his office, Arthur deliberately ignored their visit. He'd already secured new distribution networks in key regions and established fresh partnerships where needed. His former allies' sudden interest held no value - let them learn the cost of their doubt.

Arthur turned his attention to more pressing matters, reviewing reports from his team. The Evros Football Association acquisition had been finalized, and more significantly, he'd secured the Anatolia Football Association - Morningstar Kingdom's primary organizer of football leagues and events.

This latest acquisition meant Arthur now controlled football's future in Morningstar, expanding his influence over the sport's development.

next chapter

บท 171: Finally

(3rd Person POV)

Harry Potter sales were climbing as people rushed to read it after seeing the trailers. Many soon regretted this - not because the book was bad, but because it was so good they wished they'd waited for the film.

This led others to hold off on reading, preferring to see the story fresh in theaters.

Meanwhile, other studios tried releasing their own movie trailers, but none could match what Harry Potter had shown.

The anticipation surrounding Harry Potter prompted most studios to adjust their release schedules, avoiding direct competition. All except Titan Pictures, who scheduled "Great Knight Conqueror" for June 22, 1273 - mere days after Harry Potter's June 18 release.

Titan Pictures seemed blind to the situation, with their director openly declaring in newspapers that their film would surpass the "hyped" Harry Potter.

Many industry watchers saw history repeating itself - Titan Pictures once again refusing to back down from a clash with Hellfire Studio.

The rivalry sparked widespread speculation about which studio would prevail. At Wall Street in Apple City, USE, investment brokers even set up informal betting pools.

"Which one's getting your money?" asked James Wheeler, a veteran broker managing the bets.

"Harry Potter," replied a trader, straightening his collar.

"Not backing Titan's new film?" Wheeler's eyes crinkled with amusement.

The trader shook his head. "Look at the facts - Harry Potter's popularity is through the roof. Besides, remember how Titan's 'Desired Crown' fell flat against Hellfire's western movie? Even with that massive budget, they couldn't compete."

"Fair point," Wheeler chuckled, noting down the bet.

Not everyone was convinced Harry Potter would dominate. Some backed "Great Knight Conqueror", partly because betting against Harry Potter offered better odds, though a few genuinely believed the hype was overblown.

Arguments erupted across Wall Street trading floors.

"This Harry Potter thing's just a kids' movie," one trader scoffed. "People are only excited because Arthur Morningstar made it."

"Arthur Pendragon," his colleague corrected. "He changed his name. And don't write it off as just a kids' film because the cast is young. Mark my words - it'll be something special."

"I'm not buying it," the first trader shook his head, but couldn't deny the world's growing anticipation for Harry Potter's release.


(Mark Stark POV)

The Harry Potter trailers have been great for business - my publishing company Stark Quill is seeing book sales shoot up like never before.

I couldn't be happier about this. Having read the book several times myself, I can honestly say it's one of my favorites. It stands right up there with works by some of the best authors I know.

My whole family's caught the Harry Potter fever. My kids and wife have read it too, and we're all dying to see the film. Sometimes I wish I hadn't read it - might be more fun to watch without knowing what's coming - but I'm still excited to see how they bring it to life.

As Stark Quill's owner, I got an early look at Arthur's second book, "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets." I'm halfway through and completely hooked. Makes me wonder where Arthur gets these amazing stories from - The Demonfather, Lord of the Rings, The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, and now Harry Potter. The man's got an endless supply of great tales.

Arthur's endless creativity amazes me, but right now I'm focused on something else - getting my family to Horn Kingdom for the premiere.

We've booked our flights already.

The premiere in Horn Kingdom's capital would only be an hour ahead of Morningstar and other Anatolia kingdoms, but that hour meant everything to us. If Arthur hadn't mentioned this detail, we'd have settled for the Morningstar screening.

Sometimes, it's hard to believe I'm business partners with such an influential demon. His reputation grows by the day, yet he still takes the time to share these small but crucial details.

"We're going to another kingdom? Yes!" Erica bounced around our sofa, her excitement contagious.

Jeffrey couldn't contain his grin either. Their enthusiasm was understandable - this would be their first trip outside Leaf Kingdom. Usually, my business travels kept me away from family, but Harry Potter's soaring sales had finally given me breathing room to plan a proper family vacation.


The Horn Kingdom's capital welcomed us with unexpected sights. While waiting for Harry Potter's release, I took the kids exploring.

We discovered the city had fallen in love with a new sport called "football." Children filled the streets wearing team jerseys, kicking balls with friends. My kids were instantly fascinated.

Following their interest, I bought tickets to a match. The spectacle amazed us - floating cameras captured every moment, and a dance troupe performed before the players took the field.

I found myself unexpectedly drawn into the football match. It's strange - back home in Leaf Kingdom, and across most of Evros, nobody pays attention to the sport. It barely exists in people's minds.

Yet here in Horn Kingdom, the atmosphere was electric. During my last visit, football hadn't even registered as entertainment. Now I sat in a packed stadium, caught up in the excitement.

Only afterward did I learn that Arthur's Hellfire Network broadcasts these matches live. I had to laugh at myself - I'd been so buried in running Stark Quill and other businesses that I'd missed Arthur's moves into football, including his acquisition of major associations. The demon never stops innovating.

From what I can see, he's transformed football's popularity in Horn Kingdom. Other kingdoms might not have embraced it yet, but this feels like just the beginning.


June 18th arrived before we knew it. Standing outside Pendragon Theatre with my wife and bouncing children, I felt the crowd's anticipation. We found our seats among the buzzing audience, my own excitement building.

Whispered conversations filled the theatre until the lights dimmed. As darkness fell, the murmurs faded to silence. The moment we'd traveled so far to experience was finally here.

The film opened simply with "Hellfire Studio" - quite different from the usual parade of studio logos.

Must be because of Arthur's split with his distribution partners, I thought, recalling the recent industry gossip about his falling out with previous collaborators.

The story followed the novel closely, though I noticed subtle differences.

Harry's character felt different - less mischievous than in the novel, more innocent as he endured Dudley's constant bullying. The audience around me grew increasingly frustrated watching these scenes.

"If that fat kid was my son, I'd teach him some proper manners," someone muttered behind me.

I had to smile at their protective reactions. The whole theater seemed to share a moment of satisfaction when Dudley found himself trapped behind the snake's glass enclosure.

"Ha! That's what you get!" a man in the front row called out, drawing scattered laughs of agreement.

The mood lifted considerably when Harry's Hogwarts letter arrived by owl. My kids practically bounced in their seats at this first real sign of magic in Harry's life.

When Hagrid finally arrived to take Harry away, a demon in the audience couldn't contain himself. "Thank demon lord. Those Dursleys were driving me crazy."

"About time someone stood up to them," his neighbor agreed.

Their reactions were understandable. After watching Harry's aunt, uncle, and cousin mistreat him for so long, there was something deeply satisfying about seeing the massive Hagrid terrify the Dursleys into giving Harry his first-ever birthday cake.

As Harry left Privet Drive, the audience leaned forward in anticipation - the trailers had shown us his destination would be King's Cross station, where everything would change.

When Harry reached King's Cross, he was surrounded by ordinary humans until he passed through that mysterious wall to find the Hogwarts Express.

"I had no idea King's Cross had a magical barrier," whispered the man next to me.

I turned with a smile. "You're from Wales?"

He nodded proudly. "Born and raised."

I held back a chuckle, not wanting to spoil his imagination of secret passages in his local station. As a fan of the novel, I shared his wish that Platform 9¾ really existed.

The scene shifted to Harry aboard the Hogwarts Express, surrounded by young elves and demons his age. The setting radiated magic - Arthur had captured the wonder perfectly.

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