(3rd Person POV)
As Joshua and his companions prepared to leave the Hollow Tavern, the owner stepped in their path. "There are police officers waiting to arrest you outside. Best you stay here for now."
The cultists exchanged uncertain glances, surprised by this continued protection. "You've already done too much, stopping them from arresting us here," Joshua said softly. "We couldn't impose further."
"I'm no religious man," the owner shook his head, "and you've done nothing to deserve arrest. No thanks needed."
Seeing their lingering hesitation, the owner offered a friendly introduction. "Name's Huck Marshtown, by the way."
Joshua nodded, and his companions followed suit. The average-looking man spoke first, "I'm Miles," followed by the half-demon with his distinctive features, "And I'm Hill."
"Joshua, Miles, and Hill," Huck gestured to some chairs. "Please, have a seat."
"We really should leave..." Miles started.
Huck's chuckle cut him off. "Are you turning away a potential follower now?"
Their eyes widened. "You... you want to join our faith?" Hill stammered in disbelief.
"Did you forget what I said?" Huck raised an eyebrow. "I promised to follow if you turned water to wine."
"That was clearly mockery," Hill pointed out.
"You're right," Huck admitted, then paused thoughtfully. "But after witnessing Joshua's miracle... maybe there is a god who actually cares about us mortals after all..."
"You don't suspect any trickery?" Miles pressed.
Huck shook his head firmly. "I know wines - been serving them thirty years. Never tasted anything with such richness, such perfect balance. No wine like that exists, not even among the finest vintages."
He smiled wearily, gesturing to his trembling hands and sallow complexion. "But more than that - after drinking it, I felt something change. The constant pain in my joints, the fever that's plagued me for months... it's fading. Like a fog lifting. If that's not a miracle, what is?"
Joshua smiled warmly, placing a reassuring hand on Huck's shoulder. "We welcome all genuine followers of Lord Dionysus."
Miles and Hill exchanged glances before taking their seats, joining Joshua in explaining their faith to the tavern owner.
The story of Hollow Tavern's miracle spread through Halo District like wildfire. Within half an hour, every street corner near the tavern buzzed with talk of water transformed into exquisite wine.
Reactions split sharply among the populace.
"Water into wine? I'll believe a chicken can lay golden eggs first," scoffed some.
"Other cults always claim miracles - remember that story about healing the incurable plague? All nonsense."
Yet others showed cautious interest. "If it's true, I'd love to taste that wine myself!"
"All this talk is making me thirsty. Think there's any left at the tavern?"
The witnesses of the miracle couldn't contain their excitement, sharing their collected wine with friends. These lucky recipients found themselves instantly addicted to its divine flavor.
Heated arguments erupted across the district. "Tell me where you got this wine, Cory! Stop lying to me!"
Yet among the witnesses, most remained casual admirers rather than converts, especially those who missed tasting the miraculous wine. However, the few who experienced its power firsthand seriously considered joining the Cult of Dionysus.
One such person was Levi Strauss, sitting in his luxurious study, still haunted by the memory of that wine. He'd witnessed the transformation up close, tasted divinity itself, and experienced a moment of pure euphoria.
The aftertaste lingered persistently on his tongue, an exquisite torment. His empty bottle mocked him, driving his craving deeper.
Unlike normal wine, it hadn't made him drunk. Instead, it had improved his chronic eye condition - his perpetually blurry vision, which had plagued him since childhood, suddenly gained crystal clarity.
He would have joined the cult immediately if not for the crowd at the tavern. Despite being the Strauss family's black sheep, openly joining a cult would create too much scandal.
In his notebook, he carefully recorded potential clues about the cult's location. Before leaving the tavern, he'd managed a brief exchange with Joshua, who'd left him with cryptic words: "Where angels cast their shadows at noon, seek the vine's embrace beneath the broken crown."
The riddle consumed his thoughts as he plotted his path to joining the cult secretly.
The next day found Levi wandering the district's ancient cathedral square, notebook in hand. He kept rereading Joshua's cryptic words: "Where angels cast their shadows at noon, seek the vine's embrace beneath the broken crown."
'Angels must mean statues,' he thought, checking each building's decorative figures. 'But there are hundreds of angel statues in this district. And what vine? What broken crown?'
His first day, he traced the old temple route, thinking the broken crown might reference the abandoned royal chapel. The second day, he explored the merchant district, wondering if the vine referred to the famous winery street. By the third day, he'd investigated every vineyard and wine merchant in the area, growing increasingly frustrated.
Hope faded as he watched people and vehicles pass by. "Does this place even exist?" he muttered.
Then he noticed a child's shadow stretching across cobblestones, pointing toward the old cathedral's spire. His gaze followed it upward to where stone angels perched along the roof edge. One was missing its crown, broken in the civil war.
His eyes widened. "The shadow path..." he whispered. "At noon, those angels' shadows would point to the old ivy wall - not a grape vine at all, but the climbing ivy that's overtaken the abandoned bell tower beneath the broken angel!"
Finally, the riddle made sense. He needed to wait for noon, follow the angels' shadows to the ivy-covered tower, and look beneath the broken-crowned angel's statue for the cult's entrance.
At precisely noon, Levi positioned himself in the cathedral square, his eyes on the angel statues lining the roof. The riddle had haunted him for days, but now, as the sun reached its zenith, their shadows began to stretch across the courtyard.
He focused on the broken-crowned angel, its jagged silhouette leading up the side of the cathedral wall. The shadow ended high on a section of ivy-covered stone. Squinting, Levi noticed something odd—an iron rung protruding faintly from the overgrowth.
Climbing wasn't easy. The rungs were rusted and uneven, and the ivy tangled around his hands. But at the top, Levi found a narrow ledge behind the angel statue. Hidden beneath its broken crown, a weathered inscription etched into the stone read: "Descend where the vine touches earth."
His gaze snapped back to the courtyard below. Following the ivy downward, he spotted where it thickened at the cathedral's base, cascading into a concealed alcove. Levi carefully climbed back down, his heart racing.
Behind the dense curtain of ivy, he pushed aside the vines, his hands trembling. There, weathered and age-darkened, sat an old, arched door that would have been impossible to spot without the precise alignment of sun, shadow, and broken crown above.
Heart racing at finally solving the complex riddle, he raised his hand and knocked.
The door creaked open, revealing a woman in the unmistakable attire of a Solarus sister. Levi's blood ran cold. No... have the Solarus already discovered and raided the cult's hideout?
"You are?" she asked, eyeing him carefully.
Levi stepped backward, fighting to keep his voice steady. "Just a curious passerby. Don't mind me, I was leaving anyway."
He turned to flee, but her voice rang out. "Wait!"
"I'm just an ordinary civilian!" he called back, quickening his pace.
Suddenly, her hand caught his wrist. "Wait!"
Levi froze, eyes squeezed shut, cursing his foolishness.
"Are you here to join the Cult of Dionysus?" Her question was soft, unexpected.
His eyes snapped open as he shook his head frantically. "No, no! Diony- what? I've never heard of such a cult!"
She smiled knowingly. "You're clearly lying. You solved the riddle to find us, didn't you?"
Levi's mouth opened but no words came. He stared into her eyes, awaiting arrest or worse.
"I'm Elena," she said instead, her voice warm. "You needn't fear - I'm part of the cult too."
"You're..." Levi stared at her Solarus robes in confusion. "But how..."
Elena's smile carried a hint of mischief. "My attire? Yes, I'm a Solarus sister - or was. Now I serve Dionysus, though I maintain my position in the church to monitor their movements."
"Why tell me all this?" Levi asked, still wary.
"Because," she studied his face, "I can sense you're not here to hunt us down, but to join us. Aren't you?"
Levi's shoulders relaxed as he nodded. "You're right..."
"Then what are you waiting for?" Elena gestured toward the door. "Welcome to the Cult of Dionysus headquarters!"
As they entered, Levi shook his head. "Three days to solve that riddle. The location is brilliant."
"This place has quite a history," Elena explained. "It was a hidden bunker during the Empirica civil war. I discovered it as a child - found old letters and tattered uniforms from soldiers who'd sheltered here. Time had forgotten it completely."
Levi's amazement grew as they descended. What started as a cave-like entrance opened into a vast underground chamber. His eyes widened at the scene before him - dozens of people filled the space, gathered around a makeshift stage where actors performed. Audience members sat comfortably, sharing wine and laughter.
(Levi Strauss POV)
Unbelievable. The sight before me shattered every expectation I had of a cult's hidden sanctuary.
Festivity and joy filled the underground chamber. Animated conversations mixed with theatrical performances, creating an atmosphere more akin to a celebration than a secret gathering.
"This..." The word escaped me involuntarily.
"What do you think?" Elena asked beside me.
I glanced between her and the lively scene. "This is nothing like what I imagined a cult hideout would be!"
Elena's knowing smile suggested she'd heard this before. "Everyone has that same look their first time here. Come on, there's an empty table over there."
As we walked, I took in the diverse crowd. Dwarves, demons, and elves mingled freely with humans - no trace of the usual racial tensions. Instead, they shared wine and laughter like old friends.
"Another recruit, Sister Elena?" A dwarf called out as we passed.
Elena's simple nod triggered a flood of suspicious comments.
"Make sure he's not a spy!"
"Did anyone follow him?"
"If he's a spy, we'll have to silence him!"
My throat went dry. The burly dwarves, fierce-eyed demons, and stern elves suddenly seemed less festive and more threatening. Even the quiet humans watched me with calculated gazes, wine cups in hand but ready for action.
"He's 99% safe, everyone. Don't worry," Elena joked, though her words carried weight.
"That means there's 1% chance he's a spy!" a demon spat.
A human's cold voice cut through the tension. "As long as he doesn't bring the law down on us or empty our wine stores, I don't care."
These people would absolutely kill me if they suspected anything, I realized as we took our seats, a chill running down my spine.
Elena noticed my obvious fear. "Don't mind them. They're just protective," she assured me. "Once they know you, they'll treat you like their closest friend."
I nodded uncertainly, taking in the chaotic celebration around me. The theater performance commanded one corner, while dancers spun nearby, collecting tossed coins from appreciative watchers.
"Why is there a theater here? And those dancers, and-" I pointed to a woman strumming a guitar in the distance, her voice carrying over the crowd. "She's singing. It all seems so... random. What's really going on?"
Elena's patient smile suggested she'd heard this question before. "You can't truly understand until you're a follower of Dionysus. Only then will you see why we have theater, dance, song, and even that bard telling stories in the corner."
Her cryptic answer only confused me more. "What's that supposed to mean?"
Instead of explaining, Elena reached into her robe and pulled out a folded paper. "Rather than questions, you should read this prayer to Dionysus. Become a follower - then everything will make sense."
I took the paper skeptically, unfolding it to find an actual prayer.
"Go on," Elena encouraged. "Recite it with true faith in your heart, and He will answer. Then you'll be an official follower of Dionysus."
I recited the prayer, trying to fill each word with faith and meaning. Nothing happened.
"You're not truly opening your heart," Elena observed. "He won't take halfhearted devotion seriously."
"But I am serious," I protested.
"Then prove it." Her voice carried gentle challenge.
Taking a deep breath, I tried again, focusing on each word. Still nothing.
Elena's gaze felt heavy with judgment.
"I'm doing my best," I defended myself, glancing around the bustling chamber. "Maybe there's just too much distraction here."
"Then let's find somewhere quieter." Elena rose. "This place has thirty-seven rooms. Most people don't realize how vast it truly is."
Following her through winding passages, I began to grasp the hideout's true scale. This wasn't just a hidden room - it was an underground complex that could house a small village.
We stopped before an old wooden door. "After you," Elena gestured.
Inside, a statue commanded the room - a young man carved with extraordinary skill. His face held otherworldly beauty, yet something about his slight smile suggested hidden knowledge, secret truths. Despite the room's weathered walls, the statue looked pristine.
"Is this..."
"Yes," Elena interjected. "Our talented dwarf sculptors created this. The statue of Dionysus himself."
The longer I stared at the statue, the more I felt drawn into its mysterious aura, as if those stone eyes held answers to questions I hadn't yet thought to ask.
"Look at the inscription," Elena directed my attention to pristine text carved in stone beside the statue. "Read about the god you wish to serve. It may help open your heart." She paused meaningfully. "You're neither an innocent child nor truly suffering - that makes faith harder to find."
I nodded, understanding the subtle rebuke. As part of the wealthy Strauss family, I'd never known real hardship. Even as the family's black sheep, my life remained cushioned by privilege and wealth.
"I'll leave you to reflect," Elena said, closing the door behind her.
Alone in the vast chamber, I approached the inscription and began to read:
'Born of no mortal father, but willed into existence by the heavens, Dionysus arrived—a child of prophecy, veiled in divine mystery. From his virgin mother chosen by the gods, he inherited a destiny to heal the grieving, unite the broken, and banish suffering with his boundless grace.
Where his name is spoken, vines flourish, sorrows fade, and love finds the lost. Dionysus, the harbinger of paradise, promises revelry and renewal, breaking the chains of sorrow and leading all to a life where joy reigns eternal. His touch transforms, his words inspire, and his light offers not mere salvation, but a taste of divine abundance and unity.
To follow him is to step into a world where the fragmented are made whole and the weary find rest—a life of endless wonder, liberation, and grace.'
The words resonated deeper than I expected. For the first time, I let go of my doubts and skepticism. Closing my eyes, I recited the prayer again - not to get a response, but because I truly wanted to believe.
Warmth bloomed in my chest, and golden light pierced my closed eyelids. I opened them to see shimmering particles dancing in the air, so bright I had to look away.
When the radiance faded, a golden scroll hung suspended before me.
"What is this?" I whispered, reaching toward it with trembling fingers.
My eyes widened as golden letters materialized on the floating scroll:
{Divine Follower Status
Name: Levi Strauss
Level: 1
Current Faith Points: 1
Strength: 8
Intelligence: 15
Charisma: 12
Willpower: 10
Available Career Paths:
- Stage Actor
- Musician/Bard
- Dancer
- Storyteller
- Filmmaker
- Festival Organizer
Select your path to begin earning Faith Points}
"What... What is this..." I whispered, drinking in every detail as more text shimmered into existence, explaining the system's intricacies.
The scroll revealed everything about me - not just basic attributes, but potential paths I could follow. Each career offered different ways to earn Faith Points, which could be exchanged for divine favors.
As a filmmaker, for instance, I could accumulate points through creating works that moved people's hearts. Those points could then be used in the Followers Shop for various blessings.
Looking at my current balance - 1 FP - I noticed I could exchange it for a cup of Dionysus's sacred wine.
"This is incredible!" I exclaimed, marveling at the divine system's elegance.
(3rd Person POV)
At Hellfire Studio, preparations for "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" were underway. John approached his protagonist role with newfound confidence, knowing his abilities had been divinely enhanced.
The sacred scroll Arthur had gifted him proved invaluable. Not only could John track his talents precisely, but the Followers Shop allowed him to pray for items or attribute improvements - provided he had sufficient Faith Points.
Converting Faith Points into real talent required significant dedication - 1,000 FP for a single Talent Point in the Followers Shop. John had spent 2,000 FP to increase his acting talent by two points, but the results were remarkable. Even this modest improvement had transformed his performance abilities dramatically.
John had also been getting along well with his co-stars. He was particularly excited about working with Vivienne, a famous actress he had admired for a long time.
At the same time, he was immersing himself deeply in becoming Randle, exploring potential approaches to perfect the character.
Meanwhile, Arthur observed a steady growth in his Divine Points since implementing the "Divine Revelry System." Nearly 70% of his followers were pursuing entertainment-related careers to earn Faith Points.
However, Arthur couldn't help but wonder if the advanced levels of the "Divine Revelry System" might eventually include careers related to electronics, such as programming, game development, or other computer science fields.
For advanced chapters, go check my p@treon.com/NewComer714.
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