(3rd Person POV)
Following Queen Lily's suggestion, King Luke ordered Perah to summon the kingdom's most talented young demons before his throne.
The throne room's atmosphere crackled with tension as the recent graduates from Morningstar's most prestigious universities knelt before their ruler, Luke Morningstar. Each of them could feel the weight of his gaze.
Perah stepped forward to introduce them. "Your Majesty, these young demons before you are the finest talents I could find in our kingdom. Each has achieved notable accomplishments in mechanics and technology. Their academic records show exceptional grades from their respective universities."
King Luke fixed them with a penetrating stare, gesturing toward the computer stationed nearby. "If these youngsters are truly as talented as claimed, I want them to create a device that equals this computer - no, one that completely surpasses what it has to offer!"
The young demons exchanged nervous glances. Perah turned to them sharply. "You heard His Majesty! The king challenges your abilities to develop our own device to rival the computer!"
Several demons swallowed hard, their eyes drawn to the computer. They'd been researching this device for days, marveling at its capabilities. Now their king demanded they create something superior? Many wanted to declare it impossible, but fear of royal displeasure kept them silent.
"What is the matter? Why are these youngsters so silent?" Luke's voice carried an edge of impatience.
Perah's face darkened. "Why do you remain silent? Do you dare refuse His Majesty's challenge?"
"We..." one of them stuttered, before they all answered in trembling unison, "We accept..."
Luke's frown deepened. "I sense these youngsters lack confidence in their abilities..."
As Perah moved to scold them, Luke raised his hand for silence. "I'll give you two days to study the computer. After that, tell me honestly - can you create something superior or not?"
One graduate finally mustered his courage. "Your Majesty, I actually own a computer myself. My friends and I at university have been researching it extensively, and... we've discovered it's far more complex than it appears. The technology is so advanced we've barely begun to comprehend it..."
Luke's frown deepened at this admission.
Another stepped forward. "I too own one, Your Majesty. I thought I could understand its workings within days, but now I realize... even months or years, perhaps decades, wouldn't be enough to fully grasp it."
"Even just copying its components seems nearly impossible..." a third added, voice trembling.
Perah's expression grew serious as one by one, the graduates confessed their struggles, not even waiting for the promised two days. Each admission tumbled out like a guilty confession.
"So you've all been studying these computers independently and concluded it's impossible to replicate, let alone improve upon?" Luke's frown intensified.
The young demons nodded in unison. Perah quickly interjected, "I could search for more talented graduates, Your Majesty—"
"No need," Luke cut him off with a sigh. "I trust you wouldn't bring incompetent graduates before me." He turned to the kneeling demons. "If what these youngsters say is true, then this computer is far more sophisticated than we imagined."
With a wave of his hand, he dismissed the graduates from the throne room.
Perah approached the throne once more. "What shall we do now, Your Majesty? I've heard the computer is appearing in Thorne, Choson, and Japon. Given its capabilities, it's likely to become commonplace worldwide. It's revolutionizing both government operations and business efficiency."
"And computers will revolutionize warfare," Perah pressed urgently. "If neighboring kingdoms master and implement these devices, it poses a severe threat to our empire's security!"
Luke gritted his teeth, knowing the truth in Perah's words. "You're right..." His fist clenched. "Damn it."
Perah remained bowed, clearly hoping his king would swallow his pride and request Arthur's aid. But Luke merely straightened in his throne. "I'll decide our course later. For now, we must prepare for the crown prince's return."
Perah nodded, recognizing the dismissal.
The Glacia Expanse stretched endlessly, a frozen wasteland where even the hardiest creatures feared to tread.
Behind its towering wall of ice loomed the Hades Gate - an ancient structure of black stone that seemed to drink in what little light reached this desolate place.
Carved with eldritch runes that pulsed with sickly light, the gate radiated an aura of otherworldly dread.
As it opened slightly, tendrils of supernatural cold slipped through the crack, bringing with them whispers of nameless horrors from the Nether Realm.
Yet even this narrow opening was sufficient for the returning parties to emerge.
Groups of elves, humans, dwarves, and demons filed through, each accompanied by mages whose staffs glowed with warming magic to ward off the killing cold.
Their national flags snapped in the bitter wind - the eagles of the United States of Empirica, the sun sigil of Apollo Kingdom, the crescent of the Lunar Kingdom, the blooming standard of Roses Kingdom, and the dragon banner of Wales Kingdom among many others.
Among them waved the flag of the Morningstar Kingdom, carried by a behemoth demon.
Behind him came the royal escort - eight warriors in matching blood-red plate armor bearing enchanted weapons, flanked by three sorceresses whose crystal-tipped staves maintained a sphere of warmth around their charges.
Within this protective formation walked five young demons of obvious noble bearing, despite their current state.
Their once-fine clothes hung in tatters, their armor showed deep gouges and scorch marks, and even their proud faces bore new scars.
At the gathering's fore, elders from each race prepared to activate the rare World Spire Portal - a gateway that could only be opened during specific celestial alignments.
The heirs watched as their mounts arrived - magnificent griffins for the U.S.E elites, elegant pegasi for the elves, sturdy wyverns for the demons, and a majestic hippogriff for the Wales Kingdom heir.
The Morningstar heirs mounted their wyverns, preparing to enter the portal. The air crackled with energy as the elders began their incantation.
Golden light spiraled upward, forming a towering vortex that rippled with prismatic energy. Excited chatter filled the air as groups began their entrance.
Agustin Asmodeus guided his wyvern beside Azazel's. "Six years... feels like an eternity since we left home."
"The Nether Realm showed no mercy," Azazel nodded. "My siblings will want to hear every story."
"Even dealing with the Bloodseekers was hell," young Morpheus Belphegor added, referring to the massive insectoids that plagued their nights. "Those swarms would overrun entire camps."
"The nightly waves were relentless," another heir shuddered. "Unbelievable we survived that..."
Each heir received their destination crystal - enchanted cards that would guide them through the portal's pathways. Azazel tucked his safely away before they took flight.
They soared into the vortex, entering a network of shimmering channels that pulsed with ethereal light. These mystical pathways twisted through reality itself, carrying them across vast distances in moments.
They emerged into Morningstar Kingdom's bright blue skies, the fresh air a welcome change from the Nether Realm's oppressive atmosphere.
"Home at last!" Agustin breathed deeply. "I'll take my leave here, Your Highness. Until we meet again!"
Azazel watched his companions depart with their escorts, leaving him with just one sorceress and two guards for the flight to the castle.
As they soared, he pulled a mechanical puzzle box from his pocket - an intricate device of gears and sliding panels from the Nether Realm. "Arthur might appreciate this," he smiled, thinking of the gifts he'd gathered for each sibling. The puzzle box seemed perfect for his nerd brother.
Although he never displayed any affection for his nerdy brother, it became undeniable that his time in the Nether Realm had taught him to value life and family more deeply.
For advanced chapters, go check my p@treon.com/NewComer714.
AN: Apologies for the delayed update—things have been hectic recently. The house still isn't finished, though construction has begun. Progress is slow, but I'm grateful that my family and I are safe. Your continued support means so much to me, and it's one of the things I'm most thankful for. It may take time to recover everything I've lost, but I truly appreciate just being alive. I could have been trapped in that house with no way out.
My message to all of you is this: no matter how tough life gets, always find something to be grateful for and appreciate the goodness in your life. These hard times have taught me something invaluable: To Be Alive Is To Live A Life.
Do something you love—just, you know, nothing illegal (haha). Follow your passions and chase your dreams, because only in those moments do we truly feel "alive."
(Azazel Morningstar POV)
The moment our massive castle appeared on the horizon, I yanked the wyvern's reins, urging it faster toward the training grounds. My heart leaped at the sight of my family waiting below - father, mother, and my siblings all gathered to welcome me home.
The wyvern's wings created a thunderous whoosh as we landed. Using a burst of power, I leaped down gracefully, unable to suppress my smile as I faced my parents.
"Azazel! I've missed you!" Mother's warm smile lit up her face as she rushed forward to embrace me.
"Six years..." I murmured into her shoulder. "The Nether Realm was every bit as harsh as you warned, mother."
She pulled back, joy and relief mingling in her expression. "I'm just grateful you've returned safely!"
I sighed. "We only explored the shallower regions. All I managed to retrieve were some mystery-grade artifacts and a few dozen C-Level Nether Cores..."
"That doesn't matter," Mother assured me. "Your safe return is what's important."
Father stepped forward, his deep voice cutting through the moment. "What of B-Level Nether Cores? Did you secure any?"
Meeting his gaze, I replied, "Actually... our party was fortunate enough to obtain two."
Father's eyes lit up. "Excellent. Two B-Level cores could power Ferland for nearly half a century. The capital's energy needs will be secured."
I reached for my magic bag still strapped to the wyvern, withdrawing a small pouch. Inside nestled two cores no larger than an infant's palm - darker than the others but radiating pure power.
"This one I discovered in a cave system," I explained, holding up the cores. "The other... we had to fight off a pack of Blood Hunters to claim it." The memory of those crimson-eyed Nether Wolves still sent chills down my spine.
"So these are the Nether Cores I've read about in ancient texts!" A familiar voice rang out. I turned to see Arnold, his neatly combed hair and wire-rimmed glasses giving him a scholarly appearance.
"Glasses, Arnold?" I chuckled.
He adjusted them with a slight frown. "A side effect of overusing my rare ability."
My smile faded. Arnold's gift was precious - the ability to awaken the Primal Morningstar bloodline, turning his eyes an otherworldly green that could perceive the very essence of magic.
"I warned you about overusing it." I reached into my bag and pulled out a shimmering hide, its dark scales reflecting an ethereal green glow. "Here - the skin of a Nether Tiger. I thought you'd appreciate it."
Arnold's eyes lit up as he examined it. "Incredible. Thank you."
"What about me, elder brother?" A young voice called. I turned to see Apollonia, no longer the child I'd left behind but a growing young woman.
As I spoke with them, I noticed Bobby hanging back. "Bobby."
He nodded stiffly. "Welcome back." Though he and Arnold were both born to concubines, only Arnold had grown comfortable in my presence.
Then I saw Lucy, her graceful smile a stark contrast to the bookish, introverted girl I remembered. Her glasses were gone, replaced by an air of refined professionalism.
"I've been looking forward to your return, elder brother," she said warmly.
I smiled, then scanned the gathering for one missing face. "Where's Arthur?"
The atmosphere suddenly grew tense. Father's voice cut through the silence: "Don't concern yourself with him. Let's focus on celebrating your return, son."
I followed my family to the grand ballroom where crystal chandeliers cast a warm glow over elegant tables laden with delicacies. A royal orchestra played softly as we shared stories and laughter, yet I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong.
Hours passed, the celebration waned, and still no sign of Arthur. More troubling was how everyone skillfully dodged any mention of his name.
After father and mother retired, I walked the palace gardens with my siblings. Apollonia peppered me with questions about the Nether Realm's twisted landscapes and fearsome creatures.
Apollonia's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. "I want to learn everything about the Nether Realm! The creatures, the landscapes - it would make perfect inspiration!"
I studied her curiously. "Is this for your royal academy studies?"
She shook her head, grinning. "No, I want to create manga! The Nether Realm would make an amazing setting!"
"Manga?" I stopped walking, puzzled.
"Books with drawings and dialogue that tell stories," she explained excitedly. "Elder brother Arthur introduced them!"
"Not exactly," Bobby cut in. "Manga existed in Japon first. Arthur just made them popular here."
My frown deepened. "Arthur... Where is he? Everyone's been avoiding any mention of him since I returned."
My siblings exchanged uncomfortable glances before Apollonia spoke softly. "While you were gone... father exiled him."
"What?!" I couldn't hide my shock.
Lucy sighed and explained how Arthur had borrowed 200,000 dollars from the bank, enraging father.
"Just 200,000?" I shook my head. "That's hardly worth exile." I thought of my bookish, magic-weak younger brother trying to survive outside the palace. "He must be struggling..."
To my surprise, Apollonia started giggling.
"What's so funny?" I asked.
"Brother Arthur isn't struggling at all!" she beamed. "He's actually quite wealthy now. He founded his own studio and made Demonfather - it earned hundreds of millions!"
My eyes widened. "You're joking!"
"It's true," Lucy confirmed. "That loan he took? It was to start his entertainment company. His films have been incredibly successful."
"Brother Arthur's done even more," Apollonia continued excitedly. "His manga is getting popular everywhere, his films are always successful, and he even has his own TV network!"
"TV network?" I furrowed my brow.
Lucy explained the concept, and I felt my head spin. Six years in the Nether Realm, and the world had changed so drastically.
"Now brother Arthur's more successful in entertainment than Bobby," Apollonia added with a giggle.
"Watch your mouth, girl," Bobby hissed, his face darkening.
I studied their reactions - Apollonia's joy, Bobby's anger, Lucy's complicated expression, and Arnold's calculated indifference. What had happened to cause such division?
"Arthur seems to have changed considerably," I mused. "Where is he living now? I should pay him a visit."
"Ah..." Arnold broke his silence. "You won't find him in this kingdom, brother. He's moved to Horn Kingdom with his company."
"Why would he leave?" I frowned. "Is it bitterness over his exile?"
Arnold's eyes flickered to Lucy, who spoke carefully. "Perhaps the brat's just angry at the family..."
Bobby let out a harsh laugh. "Right. Nothing to do with your brilliant law taxing successful films."
"Arthur left without explanation," Lucy countered. "Don't make assumptions."
"I'm thinking of leaving too, thanks to your taxes," Bobby shot back.
Lucy's lips curved into a cold smile. "Don't worry about the tax. Your films won't be successful enough to qualify."
"What did you say?!" Bobby's face flushed with rage.
I sighed, watching Bobby and Lucy bicker. Some things hadn't changed in my absence - their old academic rivalry had simply shifted to new battlegrounds. Bobby's switch from failing at studies to making unsuccessful films hadn't helped matters.
"Enough," I cut in. "I'd like to see these films Arthur's made."
"I have Demonfather!" Apollonia brightened. "We can watch it together in the living room!"
I nodded, recalling Lucy's explanation about television. "Let's go."
"I have matters to attend—" Bobby started backing away.
"Father's orders," Arnold interrupted coolly. "We're to update our brother on recent changes. No excuses."
Bobby gritted his teeth but relented with a sigh.
The royal living room had changed during my absence. While the marble columns and silk-draped walls remained familiar, new enchanted crystals now cast light from ornate sconces. Most noticeably, a strange black box hung mounted on one wall - something I'd never seen before my time in the Nether Realm.
Apollonia held a small device, pressed something, and suddenly the box blazed to life with moving images. She inserted a small rectangular object into another box beneath it.
So this is the 'television' Lucy mentioned...
For advanced chapters, go check my p@treon.com/NewComer714.
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