12.94% Lord of Entertainment / Chapter 31: Pure Flame Award goes to...

บท 31: Pure Flame Award goes to...

(Arthur's POV)

A few days after "The Demonfather" premiered, I've started narrowing down the distribution offers. Today, I'm scheduled to meet with Ray Lava of the Lava Brothers. Their offer has caught my eye, and I'm curious to hear more.

Ten minutes after our appointed time, Ray arrives at my studio. He's an imposing figure - tail aflame, red hair, red eyes - but he's dressed in a sharp suit that screams professionalism.

As he looks around, he says, "Your Highness, this place looks comfy. You have a great setup here."

I have to stifle a laugh. Ray's clearly trying to be polite, but this place is far from luxurious. It's a workspace, office, and until recently, my bedroom all rolled into one. But hey, at least the bed in the corner is gone now that I can afford a nearby apartment.

"Have a seat, Mr. Lava," I say, gesturing to a chair. "And please, drop the 'Your Highness'. I'm not exactly on the royal family's card list anymore."

Ray nods, seeming relieved at the informality. "Understood, Mr. Morningstar."

I lean forward, getting down to business. "Now, I can see the Lava Brothers are quite eager to acquire the rights for 'The Demonfather'. Your offer of 72% box office share and 330,000 dollars upfront is... well, it's raised a few eyebrows. I'm wondering if you're even looking to make a profit here."

Ray shifts in his seat, and I press on. "Let me ask you straight out - why are the Lava Brothers willing to risk so much on my film?"

Ray takes a deep breath before answering. "If I'm being honest with you, Mr. Morningstar, it's because my brothers and I believe your film is the key to breaking the curse of mediocrity that's plagued demon cinema for far too long. We see 'The Demonfather' as a turning point, a chance to prove that demons can create art that rivals - or even surpasses - what humans and other races are producing."

I can't help but smile at his words. Sure, I'm not naive enough to think profit isn't a factor - this is still a business, after all. But their vision, their belief in the potential of demon cinema... it's refreshing. It's rare to find that kind of passion in this industry.

"That's quite a vision, Mr. Lava," I say, leaning back in my chair. "And I have to say, it's an appealing one. But let's talk specifics. How do you plan to market and distribute 'The Demonfather' to achieve this lofty goal?"


(Rupert Darkflame's POV)

Two weeks have passed since the Ferland Demon Film Festival kicked off, and today's the moment of truth. The air in the Crimson Theatre is thick with anticipation as we await the announcement of the "Pure Flame Award" winner.

The place is crawling with industry bigwigs - writers, actors, producers, filmmakers - all here to see which film takes home the top prize. But my eyes are fixed on one person: Arthur Morningstar, the exiled prince, sitting in the middle rows.

It's like looking at a different demon. Gone is the hesitant, oft-mocked prince. In his place sits a man radiating confidence. I've been itching to approach him, but he's constantly surrounded by others, no doubt discussing his groundbreaking colored camera tech and "The Demonfather".

"Which film do you think will win the 'Pure Flame Award'?" The whispered question from the demon next to me pulls me from my thoughts.

His companion scoffs. "Is that even a question? It's got to be 'The Demonfather'. Nothing else comes close."

I nod in silent agreement. It's not just the best film in the competition - it might be the best film I've ever seen, period. Human and elven "masterpieces" included.

The festival director, a diminutive imp demon, takes the stage. We sit through the announcements for short films and other minor categories. "Pure Succubus" snags the Audience Choice Award, which isn't surprising given its popularity.

Finally, it's time for the main event. The imp clears his throat, his voice echoing through the suddenly silent theater. "And the Pure Flame Award goes to..."

He opens the envelope, and I swear I see his face fall for a split second. His voice loses its bombastic tone, becoming almost meek. "Rising Demon: Bobby."

The theater erupts in chaos. Shouts of disbelief and anger fill the air.

"What?" I hear myself say, my voice lost in the cacophony of outrage.

The confusion in the theater is palpable. Voices rise in a cacophony of disbelief and anger.

"Rising Demon: Bobby? Are they serious?" someone near me sputters.

Another voice chimes in, incredulous, "I don't remember anyone even watching that film! Did it even screen?"

I'm still trying to process what's happening when the director of the winning film steps onto the stage. As he accepts the award, the audience falls into a stunned silence.

It's Bobby Morningstar. Arthur's brother.

"Thank you for this prestigious award," Bobby says, his voice dripping with smug satisfaction. He launches into a speech, acting as if the award was destined for him all along.

I look around, trying to make sense of what just happened. Most of the audience is on their feet, gesticulating wildly. Some are heading for the exits, disgust clear on their faces.

I can't help but turn my attention to Arthur, and I'm not alone. Half the theater seems to be watching for his reaction.

Looking at Arthur, he's the spitting image of Michael Corleone from "The Demonfather" - calm, yet cold. Of course, Arthur played Michael, but this... this isn't acting. This is Arthur channeling that same terrifying composure that made Michael such a chilling character.

The resemblance is uncanny, and it sends a shiver down my spine.


(Arthur's POV)

As the announcement sinks in, I'm fighting the urge to punch someone. The anger bubbles up inside me, but I force it down. It's not worth it.

It's just a damn award from a demon film festival. It doesn't prove anything.

So I sit there, calm as a frozen lake, watching Bobby's smug speech. The bastard even has the audacity to look at me challengingly as he wraps up.

Fucking bastard, I curse inwardly. But outwardly? I'm the picture of composure.

Let him have his fake award. He can clutch his little trophy all he wants, but the real prize - the attention, the buzz, the future of demon cinema - that's all mine. And it's real.

I clap politely as he steps off the stage, my face a mask of indifference.

As I stand to leave, something odd happens. The demons in the seats part like the Red Sea, fear evident in their eyes as I pass.

I'm momentarily confused. Did they misunderstand something?

But then I shrug it off. Who cares? It makes it easier for me to get the hell out of this farce of an awards ceremony.

As I stride towards the exit, my mind is already racing ahead. This setback? It's nothing. Just a bump in the road. The real game is just beginning.

Bobby can have his little moment of glory. But I've got a revolution to lead, and I'm just getting started.

The award may not have gone my way, but I've got something far better: my reward from the Entertainment System - computer technologies.

A grin spreads across my face as I consider the possibilities. I'm going to create my own electronics company, develop computers, maybe even launch a video game console and start selling games.

After all, my system isn't called the "Entertainment System" for nothing.

I've recently unlocked something called Entertainment Points. The concept is simple but powerful: I gain points based on how much I entertain people. The more impressed they are, the more points I rack up.

It's like a game, really. A game I intend to win.

As I step out into the cool night air, I can almost see the future unfolding before me. Movies were just the beginning. With computers and video games, I can revolutionize entertainment in this world. I can bring joy, excitement, and wonder to people on a scale never before seen.

And the best part? The more I entertain, the more I impress, the more points I'll gain. It's a beautiful, self-perpetuating cycle of creativity and reward.

I chuckle to myself, earning a few strange looks from passing demons.

next chapter

บท 32: Distribution deals

(Arthur's POV)

I might not have won the "Pure Flame Award," but I've won something far more valuable - attention. And boy, am I capitalizing on it.

Right now, I'm in the midst of striking a deal with "Bryan Brothers," a major human film studio. They initially lowballed me with 3 million and a 10% box office cut. But I've been playing this game long enough now. After some back-and-forth, we've settled on 1.5 million upfront and a 32% box office share. Not too shabby for screening "The Demonfather" across Empirica.

But that's just the beginning. Over in the Evros region, "Rebecca Films" is offering 500 thousand dollars and a 35% box office share to distribute in the Sumeria Kingdom. Done deal.

Then there's "Icy Pictures" from the Winter Kingdom - 300 thousand and a 25% share. It's the best offer from that neck of the woods, so I'm taking it.

The list goes on - "Moonshine Entertainment Pictures" from the Elven Kingdom, "Stonecraft Pictures" from the Dwarven Kingdom... I've spent weeks negotiating, but it's paying off big time.

All told, I'm looking at about 7.5 million dollars in upfront payments for the film.

And that's not even counting the camera technology deals George and I struck. We've pocketed about 80 thousand from minimum guarantees and milestone payments. It might seem like chump change compared to the film profits, but it's just the beginning.

Once those colored cameras hit the market? The royalties will start rolling in. George and I might never have to work another day in our lives.

But I'm not stopping here. This is just the foundation. With the Entertainment System at my disposal and these resources at my fingertips, I'm poised to revolutionize not just demon cinema, but the entire entertainment industry across all races.

Movies, cameras, computers, video games - it's all coming together.

Riding high on my recent successes, I head back to the studio, eager to surprise my loyal crew with news of a well-deserved raise. But as I approach, I'm met with an unexpected scene: my team facing off against a group of intimidating, yet professionally dressed demons.

Klein spots me first, relief washing over his face. "Boss, we have visitors from Ferland Bank. They're here about the loan."

One of the suit-clad demons turns to me, his expression stern. "Mr. Morningstar, we're here on behalf of Ferland Bank. We're requesting immediate and full repayment of your outstanding loan."

I blink, caught off guard. "Excuse me? I was under the impression that I had a six-month grace period before repayment was due. It's only been about two months."

The demon clears his throat, looking slightly uncomfortable. "Yes, well, there's been a change in policy due to... recent events. The bank has decided to call in all high-risk loans effective immediately."

My mind races. This is a problem. Sure, I've negotiated deals worth millions, but it's all still on paper. The money's coming, but it's going to different banks, and what I have received isn't in my Ferland Bank account yet.

I take a deep breath, maintaining my composure. "I see. I'll need a day or two to arrange the transfer of funds, but you can assure Ferland Bank that they'll receive full repayment, including all accrued interest."

The bank representatives exchange glances, clearly not expecting such a calm and assured response.

"Very well, Mr. Morningstar," the lead demon says, his tone a mix of surprise and respect. "We'll inform the bank of your commitment. They'll expect the full amount within 48 hours."

As they turn to leave, I can't help but wonder about the timing of this. Is it just a coincidence, or is someone trying to put pressure on me?

Once they're gone, I turn to my bewildered crew. "Well, looks like we've got some financial juggling to do. But don't worry - we've faced bigger challenges than this."

Klein steps forward, concern etched on his face. "Boss, are we... are we in trouble?"

I smile, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Not at all, Klein. In fact, we're doing better than ever. This is just a small hiccup. And speaking of our success, how about we discuss those raises I promised?"

As my team's worried expressions turn to smiles, I can't help but feel a surge of determination. Someone might be trying to throw a wrench in my plans, but they've underestimated me.

I've come too far to let a little thing like a suddenly-due bank loan slow me down. If anything, this is just another challenge to overcome on my way to revolutionizing the entertainment industry.


(Bobby Morningstar's POV)

Two weeks have passed since I clinched the "Pure Flame Award" for my second masterpiece, "Rising Demon: Bobby". It's an action-packed tour de force, if I do say so myself. All about yours truly - showcasing my coolness, my intimidating demeanor, my noble spirit. In short, it's irrefutable proof that I'm worthy of the Morningstar name.

After my well-deserved win, I was ready for the praise to start rolling in. I could almost hear it: "Bobby Morningstar's film is simply remarkable. He's as cool and powerful on screen as he is in real life. Truly a credit to demonkind!"

But no. That's not what happened at all.

Instead, these ungrateful wretches have the audacity to question my victory. Can you believe it?

One demon rag had the gall to print: "The Demonfather loses to Rising Demon: Bobby. Experts say it was rigged."

Rigged? Please. It's called recognizing true talent.

Another one chirped: "The rivalry between brothers resulted in cheating."

As if I'd need to cheat to beat Arthur's little home movie.

But the one that really gets my goat? Some no-name critic actually wrote: "Bobby Morningstar - his first film was full of propaganda about how cool he is. I ignored it last year. But this year, his second film is even more full of it. He centered the film all about himself. Everyone is dumb but him. It's so one-dimensional that I want to puke. Yet it won the 'Pure Flame Award'. It was nothing short of a robbery from the true winner 'The Demonfather'."

I crumple the newspaper in my fist, fighting the urge to incinerate it with hellfire. How dare they? I'm Bobby Morningstar, for evil lord's sake! I'm the cool one, the talented one, the one who was supposed to bring glory to the family name.

And what do I get instead? Accusations of cheating, claims of propaganda, comparisons to my exile failure of a brother.

I storm over to the window, glaring out at the city below. This isn't how it was supposed to go. I was meant to be celebrated, admired, feared.

Instead, I'm a laughingstock. All because of Arthur and his stupid colored film.

I didn't even bother wasting my time watching that so-called "masterpiece" The Demonfather. I don't need to see it to know it's trash. It's obviously just the novelty of color that has everyone raving.

Gritting my teeth, I storm off to the training grounds to vent my anger. "Infernus Globus!" I roar, summoning a massive fireball that hovers above my palm. I direct it towards the metallic dummy, watching with grim satisfaction as it melts under the intense heat.

Fucking Arthur.

I summon another fireball, larger this time, and unleash it with a primal scream.

As the smoke clears, a plan begins to form in my mind. I need to get my hands on that colored camera technology. And fast.

Several electronics companies have already assured me they can provide one - for a price. I don't care how much it costs. Once I have it, I'll make a colored film that will truly be worthy of admiration.

I smirk to myself. Arthur may have won this round, but he won't win the war.

After all, what good is a fancy camera to someone who can't even summon a simple fireball?

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