23.92% Lord of Entertainment / Chapter 59: Orcs acquired

บท 59: Orcs acquired

(Ogu POV)

I eye the demon in his fancy armor, then turn to my son instead of addressing him directly.

"Oguga, what's the meaning of this?" I demand in a low voice.

Oguga leans in close, whispering urgently, "Father, this demon is from the Morningstar family!"

My eyes widen. "What's royalty doing here?" I hiss back.

Oguga quickly explains about some "film project" and how this Arthur wants to hire our tribesmen. It's a lot to take in, but I've learned to listen before judging.

Turning back to the royal demon, I ask cautiously, "What kind of film do you need us for?"

I've seen a film once - stole it, actually. So I'm curious about what this demon has in mind.


(Arthur POV)

Seeing the chief's expression soften, I realize Oguga must have smoothed things over. Good man... er, orc.

"The details can wait," I say, trying to sound confident. "What you need to know is that you won't regret this proposal."

The chief eyes me skeptically. "What will we get from working for you?"

"You know dollars?" I ask.

He nods. "Yeah, of course. It's the global currency. You're offering that?"

I nod back. "If your tribesmen do well, I'll pay you ten thousand dollars. If not, you'll still get a thousand. What do you think?"

The reaction is immediate. The chief and orcs' eyes widen in shock. Even Marjorie, Gordon, and Charles look stunned by my offer.

I hold my breath, waiting for the chief's response. This is it - the moment of truth. Will he take the bait?

The silence stretches on, and I resist the urge to fidget. Come on, chief. Ten thousand dollars for a bit of acting. It's the deal of a lifetime!

"I'm Ogu," the chief finally says, breaking the tense silence. "Let's discuss your offer further in my hut."

I can't help but grin. This is progress. "Alright," I nod, following him inside.

As we enter, my eyes are drawn once again to the chained elephants. A plan starts forming in my mind. "Ogu, are your elephants for sale?"

Ogu eyes me suspiciously. "Why?"

"I want to buy them. Name your price," I say, trying to sound casual.

My plan is to free them, or maybe even take them with me. Elephants are incredibly intelligent creatures, and seeing them in chains doesn't sit right with me.

"They're priceless to us," Ogu explains. "They help with many things, like scaring rival tribes."

I press on, trying to reason with him. "Come on. Besides that, what can those elephants do? They must consume a lot of your tribe's resources, right?"

Ogu considers this, nodding slowly. "True, they do eat a lot of our fruit. But besides that, they're okay..." He pauses, then seems to come to a decision. "I'll sell you my elephant for ten dollars. Or if you want all of my elephants, it'll be 100."

"Deal," I say instantly, barely able to contain my excitement.

I quickly pull out my wallet, paying Ogu on the spot. His surprised expression is priceless as he scrutinizes the money, checking if it's real. An orc chief playing amateur bank teller - now there's something you don't see every day.

After carefully counting the cash, Ogu nods. "Alright. Those elephants are yours now." He pockets the money, all business now. "Let's get right to it."


(Ogu POV)

What a fool. This demon actually bought my elephants for such a pittance.

Truthfully, losing those beasts means little. I can always order the tribe to capture more from the vast forest. But business is business, so I turn my attention to the matter at hand.

"Your roles in my film are simple," Arthur explains. "You'll be an army of orcs working for the villain."

"So... we're the bad guys?" I clarify.

Arthur nods. "Yes. But being bad in the film doesn't matter. What matters is that it proves orcs can cooperate to make a film." He leans in, his eyes intense. "Think about it. When people see that orcs can act, maybe other studios will start casting you. Maybe orcs won't be looked down on by other races anymore."

His words strike a chord. This demon isn't just offering us a job - he's offering a chance to change how the world sees us.

"Alright. I agree to your proposal," I say, newfound respect in my voice. "When do we begin?"

"Now," Arthur says without hesitation. "Ready your orcs. We'll head to the filming location."

A flicker of doubt crosses my mind. "You're not trapping us, are you?"

Arthur snorts. "As an orc chief, you must've felt my power, right?"

A shiver runs down my spine as I sense the aura emanating from him. There's no doubt - he's a Morningstar, through and through.


(Arthur POV)

Mission accomplished. I've secured the orcs for my film, and as a bonus, I've got myself some elephants.

The moment the chains come off, the elephants trumpet joyously. I can't help but chuckle as I approach the largest one, giving it a pat. To my surprise, it gently caresses me with its trunk. Looks like I've made some new friends.

I'd planned to set them free, but these gentle giants seem to have other ideas. They follow me like oversized, gray puppies. Guess I'm a elephant owner now. Add that to the list of things I never thought I'd say.

Two days later, I return to the shallow parts of Gloomstone Forest. The looks on my team's faces when they see me roll up with a herd of orcs and elephants? Priceless.

But there's no time to bask in their shock. We've got work to do. I've had my team prepare several large buses to transport the orcs to the Green Forest for their scenes with Saruman. The elephants, sadly, will have to stay behind with my Gloomstone team. They seem genuinely sad to see me go. Who knew elephants could do puppy dog eyes?

As we board the buses for the 18-mile journey to Green Forest (which should take us about a few hours, traffic permitting), I can't help but feel a sense of accomplishment.

Looking out the window as we pull away, I see the elephants waving their trunks in farewell. I make a mental note to visit them once filming wraps up. After all, what kind of demon would I be if I neglected my new pachyderm pals?

As the buses rumble down the road, I settle in for the ride. Next stop: Green Forest. Time to turn these orcs into stars.

When we pull up to the Shire set in Green Forest, my team's jaws practically hit the ground. I step out of the bus, a horde of orcs trailing behind me like some bizarre parade.

George's eyes are as wide as saucers. "You've actually managed to get orcs!" he sputters, disbelief etched on his face.

Mara, one of our crew members, eyes the orcs warily. "Are they dangerous, boss?"

I can't help but chuckle. "Don't worry. They won't bite." I pause for effect, then add, "In fact, they can speak common tongue."

Despite my reassurances, it's clear the team is on edge. Can't blame them, really. It's not every day you see a bunch of orcs milling about a hobbit village.

As we start filming, though, something interesting happens. The orcs, under my direction, prove to be surprisingly cooperative. They take direction well, hit their marks, and even ad-lib a few lines that aren't half bad.

Gradually, I notice the tension in my crew's shoulders start to ease. By lunchtime, I even spot Mara sharing her sandwich with one of the younger orcs.

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บท 60: Hellfire VFX Studio

(Arthur POV)

It's been a few days since I brought the orcs on board, and I've got to say, they're exceeding expectations. Even the team and cast seem impressed by their acting chops.

Ugo, Oguga, and the others have really thrown themselves into their roles. Right now, I can hear them chatting with some of the cast about the script.

Oguga's booming voice carries across the set. "Sauron is a very powerful lord, yet he was defeated in one slash?"

Gerald Matthew, our Gandalf, patiently explains, "Because he was exhausted when he fought with Elendil and Gil-galad."

Oguga nods, then asks, "Who played Sauron? Is it the boss Arthur?"

Hearing my name, I wander over to join the conversation. "No, no one's played Sauron yet. We haven't filmed the flashback fight scenes because we were short on orc actors." I look at Oguga and the others, grinning. "But now that you guys are here, we're about to change that."

Oguga's eyes light up. "Oh! Can I play Sauron?" he asks eagerly.

I chuckle at his enthusiasm, but before I can reply, Ugo cuts in. "No, Oguga. I'll play Sauron. I match his height and appearance better."

Oguga's face falls, and we all share a laugh. "Well, looks like you're out of luck, Oguga," I say, patting him on the shoulder. "You should just be satisfied with your role."

Oguga sighs dramatically. "But father already took the role of playing Lurtz, Saruman's chief Uruk-hai."

I burst out laughing. "Well, your father really matches the looks of the characters I had in mind." Oguga just sighs again, the picture of dejection.

After spending some more time with the cast, we dive back into filming. A few more days fly by in a blur of takes and retakes.

Then, out of the blue, George pulls me aside with news that sends a jolt of energy through my tired bones. The arena we've been converting into a full-on studio is finally complete.

Suddenly, I'm wide awake, despite the exhaustion of daily filming. I clap my hands, calling for everyone's attention. "Guys, listen up! We're going to continue filming the overall scenes at the studio that's just been completed. We're heading back to the capital today."

The cast looks confused - this is the first they're hearing of it. But my crew? They erupt into cheers. No more roughing it in the wild. No more battling the elements. We're going back to civilization, baby!

"Pack it up, people!" I shout, unable to keep the grin off my face. "We're taking this show on the road!"

As everyone scrambles to gather their things, I can't help but feel a surge of excitement. A real studio, with all the bells and whistles. This is it. This is where "The Lord of the Rings" is really going to come to life.


After a day's journey, we're back in the heart of civilization. The city sprawls before us, a stark contrast to the wild forests we've called home for weeks.

"I missed the air here in the city," one of the crew members says, his voice thick with emotion. You'd think he'd been exiled for years instead of a few weeks of filming.

Oguga, ever the contrarian, wrinkles his nose. "The air is not fresh at all," he grumbles, not bothering to hide his disdain.

The other orcs, though, are wide-eyed with wonder. "So this is the city," they murmur, taking in the sights, sounds, and smells of urban demon life. Some even look a bit misty-eyed. It's probably their first time seeing anything like this.

As we make our way down the street, the locals can't help but stare. Whispers follow in our wake:

"What are orcs doing here?"

"Are they attacking? Should we run?"

"Maybe it's some kind of parade?"

"Look at their weird clothes! Is this some new fashion trend?"

An elderly demon clutches her purse tighter as we pass. "In my day, orcs knew their place - far away from decent folk!"

A group of young demons, on the other hand, seem thrilled. "Whoa, cool! Real orcs! Can we get a picture?"

I can't help but chuckle. If not for the orcs' civilian clothes and the hefty bribe I paid the city guards, bringing a horde of orcs into the city would've landed me in some serious hot water.

As we chat, we finally reach our destination - the former arena turned studio.

"Whoa. This building is massive," the orcs gasp in unison, craning their necks to take in the structure.

"Let's go in," I say, unable to contain my excitement.

As we step inside, I'm struck dumb. The place has been completely transformed. The spacious arena with its rows of seating is gone, replaced by a marvel of magical engineering.

Illusion artifacts line the walls, their soft glow hinting at the power contained within. Intricate runes cover the floor and walls, pulsing with energy. These aren't just for show - they're designed to physically move and reshape the environment to match the projected illusions.

It's like a real-life CGI setup. The illusions serve as our "green screen," while the magically manipulated walls and ground provide the tangible elements to sell the effect. It's Hollywood magic meets actual magic.

As we enter further, the demon operators greet us. "Boss, this is the studio built to your specifications," one says proudly.

Another chimes in, a hint of awe in his voice, "This studio alone cost us millions of dollars!"

I nod, taking it all in. "You demons did great," I say, my mind already racing with the possibilities this place offers.

Turning to the orcs and the rest of the crew, I can't help but grin. "Welcome to the future of filmmaking."

Turning to the orcs and the rest of the crew, I can't help but grin. "Welcome to the future of filmmaking."

Their eyes widen in wonder, and Ugo's voice trembles as he speaks, "Did- did I hear that right? This place cost millions of dollars?!"

I chuckle, gesturing around. "What do you think?"

Oguga's jaw drops. "Royal family must be so rich!"

I'm about to respond when Mochi, one of my crew members, jumps in. "No! Boss Arthur's money isn't from the royal family! He earned it all himself!"

"Easy there, Mochi," I say, patting him on the shoulder. "They're new to civilization, let alone 'The Demonfather' box office numbers."

Mochi's face flushes with embarrassment. "Oh, right..."

I turn back to the orcs, who look thoroughly confused. "Let's just say I made a little film that did pretty well. This studio? It's just the beginning."

Ugo scratches his head. "A film that makes millions? Now that I'd like to see."

"Stick around," I say with a wink. "You might just end up in the sequel."

I turn to Gerald and the others, suddenly realizing that Firfel and some of the cast and crew are still probably back in Green Forest.

As if on cue, George enters the studio with Firfel, Imkrag, Kurt, and the rest trailing behind him. Their jaws drop as they take in the place.

Firfel's eyes sparkle with wonder. "I feel like I've traveled back to the ancient times."

"Oh?" I raise an eyebrow. "You've been living since ancient times?"

She laughs, a musical sound that echoes through the studio. "You think I'm some ancient elf that lives for thousands of years?"

"Oh," I mumble, feeling a bit foolish.

Firfel's still chuckling as she explains, "It's just that this place, filled with runes and magical artifacts, reminds me of pictures and paintings I've seen of the ancient world."

"Like the ancient dungeons?" I offer, trying to save face.

"Yes, exactly," she nods, her smile warm.

I can't help but grin back. "Well, if we're going for ancient dungeon chic, I'd say we nailed it. Though hopefully with fewer traps and more craft services."

Firfel laughs again, and I feel a flutter in my chest that has nothing to do with the magical energy surrounding us. I quickly turn to address the rest of the group, hoping no one noticed my momentary distraction.

"Alright, we'll film the rest of the scenes in this studio," I announce, and predictably, the orcs have questions.

Gugu, one of the elder orcs, frowns. "We'll be filming in this place? It doesn't match the backdrop for the scenes at all."

I can't help but chuckle. "Well, you're in for a surprise."

I gesture to the demon operators, who approach eagerly. I hand them the architectural drawings of Mount Doom, carefully sketched from various important angles. With a nod, they set to work.

The operators begin their spell, directing it towards the drawings. The papers dissolve into glowing ash, absorbed by the illusion artifacts lining the walls.

Suddenly, the world around us shifts. The orcs' jaws drop in unison. Even my team and Firfel, who knew about the illusion effects, gasp in astonishment.

The bare studio transforms into the hellish landscape of Mount Doom. The ground beneath our feet trembles and shifts, causing everyone to stumble as if caught in an earthquake. When the rumbling subsides, we're standing at the base of a towering volcano, complete with rivers of molten lava.

"Anu ul!?" Oguga breathes, his eyes wide as saucers.

Firfel reaches out tentatively, her fingers brushing against a nearby rock formation. "It feels... real," she marvels.

I can't keep the grin off my face. "Welcome to Mount Doom. Pretty impressive for a dungeon, eh?"

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