63.52% Lord of Entertainment / Chapter 160: Oddball

บท 160: Oddball

(Arthur POV)

I made sure the Hayes family would keep quiet about me healing Landon - they agreed pretty easily, which wasn't surprising.

Now that we had our Harry Potter, the team and I focused on finding the rest of the cast. The Hermione role attracted quite a crowd - mostly unknown kids and some young actresses trying their luck.

I hadn't been in Wales long before the media caught on. Once they reported about Hellfire Studio holding auditions, even more people started showing up. That's what happens when you get a bit of fame, I suppose.

Even though people here in Wales aren't too friendly toward demons, they couldn't really ignore Hellfire Studio. The success of "Demonfather" and "Lord of the Rings" made sure of that.

We found someone good for Dumbledore pretty quickly. I'd wanted the actor who played Gandalf in Lord of the Rings, but he was tied up with other projects.

The cast list kept growing day by day. We even found a promising girl for Hermione - pretty enough for the role and didn't mind working with demons, which was a nice bonus.

It's been about a week in Wales now. Funny thing is, I actually miss that Cursed Chicken back home - it made a better alarm clock than the local clock tower with its morning bells.

Between auditions, we've been checking out different spots around the city for filming. Need to find the right places for those early Harry Potter scenes.


(3rd Person POV)

Arthur's return to filmmaking sparked immediate media attention when he was spotted in Wales' capital. The news spread like wildfire across television networks, drawing both excitement and skepticism from different quarters.

Headlines blazed across newspapers and television broadcasts, each vying to capture the significance of his return:

"Arthur Pendragon Returns to Film - Will the Industry Crown Him King Once Again?"

"Demon Director's Comeback: Can Arthur Navigate Today's Competitive Film Landscape?"

Industry veterans had assumed Arthur would remain focused on television, where he'd built an undisputed empire. His dominance of TV programming was complete - from gripping telenovelas to cutting-edge news coverage to the phenomenon of Hellfire Got Talent. Other networks found themselves constantly playing catch-up to his innovations.

He could have easily rested on his television success. The industry consensus was that Arthur had found his true calling in TV media, where his creative control was absolute and profits steady.

Yet Arthur hadn't forgotten his roots in film. His planned return commanded attention, especially given how the industry had evolved in his absence.

The Lava Brothers had risen to prominence in Morningstar, while Mouse Entertainment and the Bryan Brothers dominated the United States of Empirica. Enchanted Pictures and Landscape Studio controlled the Ethiopia Nation market, and several major studios in the dwarven kingdoms had established themselves as consistent hit-makers.

These studios had fully embraced VFX technology, producing blockbusters that regularly pulled in tens of millions at the box office. A select few had even broken the two-hundred-million barrier, a feat that would have seemed impossible just a few years earlier.

Arthur's consistent success in the film industry had set a high bar for his return. The anticipation of his next project divided audiences – some eagerly awaiting another masterpiece from Hellfire Studio, while others silently hoped for his downfall.


King's Cross station stretched before Arthur, its Victorian architecture perfect for Harry Potter's early scenes. He planned to capture the outdoor sequences here before moving to Hellfire's VFX Studio in Horn Kingdom for the rest of production.

Despite Arthur's tensions with the Solarus faith, city authorities had granted filming permits readily enough. The decision made sense – Arthur's films had a proven track record of boosting tourism wherever they filmed, and the city stood to benefit if their locations made the final cut.

Curious onlookers gathered around the Hellfire production crew, their whispered conversations carrying across the platform.

"That's him – the one who made Lord of the Rings?" A woman whispered to her companion. "He's actually quite handsome in person."

Her friend nodded, unconsciously biting her lower lip. "More than handsome – he's gorgeous!"

"I heard he's single," another woman chimed in. "Perhaps you should try your luck?"

The first woman snorted derisively. "Are you mad? Handsome or not, I wouldn't mate with a demon." She lowered her voice. "Besides, everyone knows he's so weak he can't even manage a simple fireball!"

"Such a waste," her friend shook her head pityingly. "As a mage, I couldn't risk having children with such a magically stunted demon, prince or not..."

The crowd's chatter continued, their attention split between the filming process and Arthur himself. While they claimed interest in the production, their true fascination clearly centered on the demon director who'd captured the industry's imagination.

Arthur spotted them in the growing crowd – the masked operatives trying to blend in among the onlookers. Their presence wasn't surprising; they'd been shadowing him since Wales, either hunting for Sylwen or coveting his ring.

He felt no fear at their presence, just mild irritation. In such a public space, they wouldn't risk making a move. Still, he'd prefer to avoid drawing their organization's attention if possible.

"Arthur Morningstar! At last we meet face-to-face!"

The booming voice cut through the station's ambient noise, drawing every eye. Arthur turned to find a young man in an impeccably tailored suit, his smile carrying the easy confidence of nobility.

"I've been quite eager to test my skills against yours!" the man announced.

The crowd's reaction was immediate. "Genesis Whitlock – the Whitlock family's prodigy!" The whispers spread like wildfire.

"The same Genesis who's been challenging every genius at Royal Academy?"

"What could he want with a mere film director?"

"But Arthur has no combat skills or magic!" a dwarf in the crowd protested.

Someone spotted the camera crew trailing Genesis. "Look – Whitlock Network! This must be for his show!"

Understanding dawned among the onlookers. Genesis had recently launched "Duel with a Prodigy" on his family's fledgling network.

The program featured him challenging prominent figures to impromptu battles, from renowned directors to fellow noble heirs. His victories and occasional hard-fought draws had quickly built the show's reputation.

Now he stood before Arthur, clearly hoping to add another notable name to his list of conquests.

Arthur's smile held no warmth. "Test your skills? Are we comparing directing abilities here?"

"Tsk, tsk." Genesis waggled his finger with theatrical flair. "We both know I couldn't match your directorial talent." He shifted into a fighting stance, cameras tracking his every movement. "No, I want to test my martial arts against you."

Arthur stared at him, bemused. Wales seemed to breed its own special brand of eccentric.

"Don't worry," Genesis's tone dripped condescension. "I know you're not particularly strong. I'll make sure to hold back."

"You want to fight right here?" Arthur pointed to the station floor, voice flat. "Right now?"

"Exactly!" Genesis's giggle echoed through the station. "Show me what you're capable of!"

Arthur crossed his arms, casting a subtle glance toward the masked figures in the crowd. "Sorry. I'm busy."

Genesis's expression darkened. "You don't have a choice in this matter." His voice turned sharp. "Remember where you are – this isn't your demon realm!"

Before Arthur could respond, Genesis lunged forward, fist aimed at his face. 'Foolish kid,' Arthur thought.

A year ago, such an attack might have posed a threat. But now? Arthur sidestepped the punch with casual ease, pivoted behind Genesis, and delivered a precise chop to the side of his neck.

Genesis crumpled to the ground like a puppet with cut strings.

The silence that followed was absolute. You could have heard a pin drop in the station.

The Whitlock Network camera crew stood frozen, jaws hanging open, their expensive equipment temporarily forgotten.

Reality snapped back into focus seconds later. The camera crew scrambled to Genesis's side, abandoning their equipment. "Young lord! Young lord!"

They shook him frantically, relief washing over their faces when they realized he was merely unconscious.

"Go on now. Shoo." Arthur dismissed them with a casual wave. They didn't need to be told twice, scooping up Genesis and fleeing the scene.

The crowd erupted in excited whispers, especially among the women who had dismissed him earlier. "Did that really just happen? He took down Genesis like it was nothing!" one woman gasped.

"He made it look effortless!" her friend gushed.

"I might have been too hasty judging him," another woman murmured, eyeing Arthur with newfound interest. "Perhaps I should reconsider that whole mating possibility..."

Several women stepped forward, clearly hoping to catch Arthur's attention, but he remained focused on the film crew as they prepared for the next shot. Their attempts at flirtation fell flat against his professional demeanor.

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บท 161: Waste potential

(Daniel Hayes POV)

I'm not gonna lie, at first, before Arthur healed my father, I was terrified of him - after all, he is a demon. Even after seeing him heal my father, which I'm so grateful for, I still felt scared around him. Everything he did just made me more curious and nervous about what else he could do.

To me, Arthur was this mysterious demon who completely went against his reputation. Everyone said he was incompetent, but that couldn't be further from the truth.

Not only could he heal someone as sick as my dad, but he's an amazing director too. He's been helping me improve my acting, showing me all these little tricks I never would have figured out on my own.

Turns out Arthur's got all these hidden talents - like how he just took down that famous Genesis Whitlock with a single hit. Everyone's still talking about that.

As I've gotten to spend more time around Director Arthur, I've also gotten close to my co-actors, especially Abigail. She's playing Hermione - who became my favorite character after reading the book.

Right now, she's sitting off to the side, watching the crew film another scene.

We usually hang out during lunch breaks. It's nice having someone my own age to talk to on set.

"I can't wait to start filming my scenes," Abigail says, watching the crew work. "I've got every line memorized already."

"No surprise you got the role - you're just as smart as Hermione," I tell her. "I'm still struggling with my lines. Would be hopeless if Mr. Arthur wasn't helping me."

Abigail gives me a teasing smile. "Well, you're perfect for Harry then. Not the brightest, but still the hero!"

I can't help but laugh - she means it in a nice way.

"I'm such a huge fan of the Harry Potter book, I can barely sleep I'm so excited!" She practically bounces as she speaks.

"Can't wait to act with you too," I say.

"Hey, want to play marbles while we wait?" Abigail pulls out a small bag of colored glass spheres from her pocket.

I quickly finish my sandwich and join her. Even with all the pressure of being in a big film, sometimes it's nice to just be a kid.


(Arthur POV)

Filming around Cardiff City has been an interesting experience. I've met plenty of locals - most carrying their share of prejudice against demons, but nothing I haven't dealt with before.

While working on "Harry Potter," I've discovered fascinating aspects of local culture. Many older residents still speak Welsh, their ancestral language. Even Christopher, our Dumbledore actor, knows enough to carry a conversation.

The language has been passed down through generations, though it's slowly fading. Still, it's impressive considering how both demon and elven realms have almost completely abandoned their original tongues in favor of the World's Language.

It makes sense, of course. Having a single shared language makes communication easier across realms. That's why watching these people fight to preserve their mother tongue is oddly inspiring.

The old-timers have shared other interesting stories too. Decades ago, Wales apparently tried expanding into the Oceania continent. That adventure ended quickly thanks to the local wildlife - massive spiders, pythons that could swallow a horse whole, and crocodiles the size of houses. The coastal waters proved just as deadly, teeming with venomous jellyfish, lethal octopi, and other poisonous creatures that made settlement impossible.

The locals told me about other dangers too - aggressive sharks in deeper waters and territorial birds that could tear a person apart if provoked.

Between the resource drain and the hostile wildlife, Wales eventually abandoned their attempts to colonize what they called "The Great Southern Land." Now it's mainly inhabited by tribal peoples who've adapted to its harsh conditions. Occasionally, students looking to test their magic, martial arts, or knight training venture there for the challenge.

I'll admit, I'm intrigued. Anyone who can survive in a land that defeated an entire army must be remarkably strong.

Speaking of strength, these past few days of filming have got me thinking about the perfect arena setup for the Quidditch scenes.

I've been scouting for a suitable arena, but most are booked solid for the "Magic Swords Fight" tournaments.

I caught one of these matches yesterday - teams of five battling it out with enchanted blades, winning points through precise strikes and coordinated tactics. The crowd's energy was infectious, their chants echoing off the arena walls as fighters clashed below. I can see why it's so popular.

Funny enough, I'd expected to find more football here. But like many places in this world, the sport's declining. The only arena I could actually rent for filming was an old football stadium, practically falling apart. A few teams still play there, but the stands are nearly empty save for some loyal supporters who seem to watch more out of habit than enthusiasm.

The decline of football seems like such a waste. While I wasn't a hardcore fan in my previous life - just knew the big names like Pelé and Maradona - seeing it reduced to near irrelevance bothers me. Surely it deserves better than being overshadowed by glorified sword dancing.

I didn't hesitate to invest in comprehensive football knowledge from the system shop. The differences between this world's version and the one I remember became immediately apparent.

This world's football is painfully basic - fewer players, simplified rules, no real strategy.

The football I remember had yellow and red cards for fouls, offside rules, penalty kicks, and strategic formations that made every match a chess game played at full sprint. Teams used tactics like the 4-4-2 formation, employed different styles of play from tiki-taka to counter-attacking, and matches could swing on a single brilliant free kick or well-timed substitution.

While Kingston Construction works on transforming the dilapidated stadium into something suitable for our Quidditch scenes, my mind is already racing ahead.

Beyond just renting the space, I'm considering purchasing an entire football team - maybe even acquiring the struggling Evros Football Association (EFA) itself.

Imagine controlling football associations across Evros, Anatolia, and even Empirica. I could revitalize the sport by introducing proper incentives - substantial prize money for tournaments, prestigious trophies that mean something, standardized player salaries, and professional coaching programs to develop talent.

Television coverage would be key - broadcast the matches on Hellfire Channel, build storylines around teams and players, create real drama that draws viewers in.

With the right promotion and financial backing, football could become this world's premier sport.

While I'm at it, I might as well consider bringing other sports from my previous life here - basketball, baseball, games this world barely acknowledges. Makes sense though, after seeing how simplified their football is. These other sports probably exist here in equally basic forms.

Basketball and baseball could be revolutionized too. But there's a delicate balance to strike with magic in sports. I'd need to strict limitations - no combat spells or dangerous magic, just subtle enhancements to support player strategy and skill. Keep the focus on athletic ability rather than magical power.

"Football's the perfect starting point," I murmur to myself.

Pushing these plans aside for now, I focus on the Quidditch scenes. Kingston Construction has done impressive work transforming the old arena, though much of it is clever illusion - we don't have time to build a full Quidditch stadium from scratch.

The set looks convincing enough for filming. Our wizard team controls the magic threads supporting the actors on their brooms, while invisible ghosts hover nearby as safety measures. They're handling the cameras too, capturing aerial shots that would be impossible otherwise.

Daddy seems to be having the time of his afterlife, zooming around with the Quaffle, though I sometimes have to remind him to keep the movements looking natural. His enthusiasm for flying makes him a bit too energetic with the ball sometimes.

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