(Arthur POV)
In the studio meeting room, I could see the worry etched on my employees' faces. Moving kingdoms wasn't sitting well with them.
Klein, one of my key crew members, spoke up first. "Boss, do we really need to move? Aren't we doing fine here?"
Others chimed in, their concerns tumbling out:
"We're thriving here, aren't we?"
"What about the VFX Studio? We just leaving it behind?"
"I've got family here, boss."
I let them air it all out before sighing. "Look, moving out's the best play for our company long-term. Our future films won't get gouged by local taxes."
Then I dropped the magic words: "It means better pay for all of you."
Their eyes lit up like Christmas trees.
"Without that hefty local tax, I can pad your paychecks," I said, smiling.
Suddenly, the move didn't seem so bad to them.
"As for the VFX studio, we're selling it to Lava Brothers for four million," I added.
That got them going again. "Sell it? Why?"
"Can't we still use it for filming?"
I held up a hand. "Sure, we could use it. But if we film here, we're back to 'local production' and 'local taxation'. Kind of defeats the purpose of moving, doesn't it?"
Explaining all this was draining, especially after wading through the move-out paperwork.
The move to Horn Kingdom was set for my employees and actors. Fortunately, Horn seemed eager to welcome us with open arms.
At Hellfire Agency, my actors peppered me with questions about the relocation:
"Are we leaving the kingdom too?"
"What's our future in Horn Kingdom?"
Even Imkrag chimed in, "Boss, can I bring my family to Horn Kingdom?"
I addressed their concerns, assuring them they could stay if they preferred. They'd just be working from the Hellfire "branch" here.
But that didn't sit well with them. They wanted to be at headquarters, not some branch office. In the end, they chose to follow me to Horn Kingdom, ready to risk it all.
Later, Vivienne cornered me in my office, her interest piqued. "I'm coming with you to Horn Kingdom. I'm dying to see your next move."
"Curious about my plans, are you?" I couldn't help but smile.
"Of course. This move isn't just for show," Vivienne said. "You've made history with two successful films. I'm not about to let you out of my sight. Plus, I want in on your next project."
I just smiled at her determination. Then Firfel dropped by, concern etched on her face. "Is relocating your entire company really wise?"
I nodded, conviction in my voice. "Yeah, it is."
I gazed out the window of my office, my fingers tracing the expensive desk I'd bought just months ago. "As much as I want to stay in this familiar place, I know that for my company to grow, to dominate the entertainment industry, we need to move away from this kingdom. Away from my family."
Firfel looked at me, her expression a mix of surprise and amusement. "Dominate the entertainment industry? You've got quite the ambition."
I smiled, "Yeah."
The {Entertainment System} wasn't named that for nothing, and films were just the beginning.
"But is Horn Kingdom really the best choice?" Firfel pressed. "It's still technically part of Morningstar, even if it's under Wales' control. Are you really getting away from your family's influence?"
My smile widened. "That's exactly the point. My family can't touch Horn because it's under Wales. And if Horn ever returns to my family's control, I'll be ready to relocate again."
"You're thinking ahead," Firfel said, impressed.
"Of course," I nodded. "I've also chosen Horn because its entertainment industry, especially films, is more advanced than Morningstar's. It's the perfect launchpad for Hellfire Studio."
My mind was racing, thinking about distributing "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" in Horn Kingdom. Sure, the film was made here in Morningstar and would still face local taxes, but that wasn't a big concern. I never received any incentives anyway, so there were no incentive clawbacks or compliance issues to worry about.
Moving to Horn Kingdom was definitely the right call. At least there, I wouldn't have to watch my dear sister Lucy siphon off my hard-earned cash.
(3rd Person POV)
Two weeks flew by in the blink of an eye. News spread like wildfire about Arthur Morningstar selling his VFX Studio to the Lava Brothers, and word got out that he'd secured help from the Horn government to start building a new VFX Studio in Horn City.
Arthur and his team moved at breakneck speed. With the Horn Kingdom government's backing and Richard Yu's team smoothing the way, transferring assets from Morningstar to Horn went off without a hitch.
Thanks to the short distance between Morningstar and Horn Kingdom, moving assets and relocating staff was a breeze.
The day after their arrival at Horn Airport, Arthur and his team were greeted by a swarm of local demon reporters. The Righteous Film Studio executives, there to welcome them to Horn City, the capital, found themselves pushed aside by the eager press.
"Mr. Morningstar! Is it true you relocated due to unfair taxation on your films?"
"Mr. Morningstar, sources say you're releasing your third film here in Horn Kingdom. Can you confirm?"
"Arthur, why Horn Kingdom? Why not Thorn? Is it because your family would've stopped you if you chose that demon kingdom?"
Arthur chuckled wryly, "One at a time, gentlemen." He kept walking as his employees formed a protective barrier against the eager reporters. "I'll answer your questions, but let's keep it orderly."
The reporters reined in their enthusiasm, and one asked if unfair taxation drove him out.
"Yes, indeed," Arthur nodded, not bothering to deny it. His tone was light, almost joking. "I might as well have been the tax department's favorite punching bag. They never missed a chance to take a bigger slice of my films' earnings."
His playful delivery left the reporters unsure if he was serious or not.
One reporter pressed, "But isn't it logical for higher-earning films to be taxed more?"
Arthur breezed past him. "Next question."
More questions poured out, and Arthur fielded them deftly. He expressed his optimism for his future in Horn Kingdom and answered a few more before airport security finally separated him from the press.
Jerry Yan approached, looking apologetic. "I'm sorry about that, Mr. Morningstar."
"No worries, Mr. Yan," Arthur smiled, straightening his suit. "I was expecting something like this."
Jerry nodded and led Arthur and his team into the city.
Later, Arthur met with Horn Kingdom officials who couldn't stop praising "The Demonfather" and "Lord of the Rings." He noticed how these politicians seemed more laid-back than those in Morningstar, eager to rub elbows with someone of his accomplishments.
Later that day, Arthur inspected his new Hellfire Studio - a decent, if modest, building in Horn City.
Richard Yu had snagged the building from the bankrupt "Legendary Dragon" studio, its sign still hanging as a ghostly reminder of past glory. Arthur recalled Legendary Dragon's heyday as the premier martial arts filmmaker. But times changed, the genre grew crowded, and foreign films of all stripes gained traction. Legendary Dragon couldn't keep up.
As Arthur and his crew stepped into their new Hellfire Studio, the contrast with their former headquarters in Ferland City's cheap district was stark. This place was a definite upgrade.
The building gleamed with newness, all sleek lines and polished surfaces. It practically screamed 'high-end studio.' Some crew members, still wide-eyed, wandered off to explore.
"Hey, check out the restrooms!" someone called out. "They're actually clean!"
In another section, they discovered hot tubs, separate ones for men and women. This unexpected amenity seemed to lift the mood considerably.
"Maybe this Horn Kingdom isn't so bad after all," muttered a demon, eyeing the hot tub appreciatively.
The initial unease about relocating to this unfamiliar place, ruled by a foreign kingdom no less, began to dissipate. Grins replaced frowns, and excited chatter filled the air.
(Arthur POV)
It looks like my crew is adapting to our new headquarters in Horn City. They're already making themselves comfortable, relaxing in the studio's hot tub as if they've been here for years.
I didn't stop at just acquiring the studio. I also purchased a three-story dorm building nearby for my crew to live in. It's more than spacious enough for everyone. For the actors who came along, I bought the top few floors of an apartment complex. I'll be living in the penthouse at the very top.
I considered buying a house here, but the prices are quite steep. A standard house costs around 60,000 dollars, while luxury homes range from 100,000 to 300,000 dollars. Looking at these prices, I decided to be more economical.
Yes, I have millions in my bank account, but it's wiser to be cautious with spending, at least until my third film, "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly," is released in cinemas and starts generating profits.
This is especially important since I'm still in the process of transferring my money to the local banks in Horn Kingdom. Luckily, there's a branch of a Morningstar banks here in Horn City, which helps, but I'd prefer to have all my funds transferred to a local Horn City bank eventually.
On the bright side, construction of the new VFX Studio is already underway. Horn City's construction equipment seems more efficient than what I'm used to. The old arena is gradually being transformed into my new VFX Studio.
While the new VFX Studio won't have the ghosts that my former VFX Studio in Morningstar had, it's not a problem. Why? Because I actually brought the ghosts with me. They're incredibly useful and can assist with production in numerous ways. I wasn't about to let them go so easily.
(3rd Person POV)
The following day, Arthur set out to explore Horn City's notable spots with Firfel, Vivienne, Shafel, Imkrag, and his other actors. His crew ventured off on their own, their excited expressions betraying their eagerness to discover this part of Morningstar Kingdom that felt so foreign to them.
Jerry Yan, an executive from Righteous Film Studio, offered to guide Arthur and his group around the city.
Their first stop was the bustling market. Arthur and his companions noticed how it outshone the one in Morningstar's Ferland City. Jerry introduced them to Horn street foods, some exotic enough to turn Firfel and the others' stomachs. Arthur and Jerry shared a laugh at their reactions.
As they continued exploring, the group found themselves genuinely enjoying the experience. They visited Victory Harbour, alive with ferries and cargo ships. The famous "Twinkle Ferry" caught their eye, shuttling passengers between the Dragon peninsula and Horn.
Dragon was part of the Horn Special Administrative Region, situated on Morningstar's southern coast.
Boarding the Twinkle Ferry, they crossed to Dragon and explored its Walled City. Arthur observed Firfel and the others having a great time, snapping pictures with their Impact portable cameras.
They even caught Arthur in an embarrassing moment, scratching his butt. The girls couldn't stop giggling at the photo.
"You're all having way too much fun with this," Arthur said, his tone a mix of amusement and mock exasperation.
Later, the group visited Sandy District in Dragon. The bustling area featured a lively shopping district where Firfel, Vivienne, and Shafel eagerly browsed the stalls.
"Look at that, Mr. Morningstar," Jerry said, pointing to a nearby stall.
Arthur glanced over, seeing oval or pear-shaped pouches. "What are those?"
Jerry nudged Arthur, gesturing towards Firfel and the others shopping in the distance. "Come on, don't play innocent. Surely you know what they're for. Very useful for your love life."
"What are you talking about?" Arthur asked, genuinely puzzled.
Jerry whispered, "Those are sheep bladders."
"Sheep bladders?" Arthur repeated, still confused.
Jerry sighed, realizing Arthur truly didn't know. "It's what a man needs in bed! They're... protection!"
Arthur's eyes widened as understanding dawned. "What? Why are you recommending that to me?"
"Isn't it obvious?" Jerry pointed at Firfel. "The news says that elf Firfel is your lover, right?"
Arthur was speechless.
"Aren't you using protection?" Jerry's eyes lit up. "Or maybe you don't need it-"
Arthur cut him off, covering Jerry's mouth. "Shut up," he whispered, ensuring Firfel couldn't hear. "We're not in a relationship!"
Jerry nodded, though his eyes showed he didn't quite believe it.
"Anyway," Arthur said, expression perplexed, "Sheep bladders for protection? Really?"
Jerry chuckled. "Why not? They're better than modern rubber ones. More natural and thin."
"Who'd use that? Who even thought of it?" Arthur asked incredulously.
Jerry was surprised by Arthur's ignorance. "You don't know? Sheep bladders are an ancient form of protection, invented by the Romans themselves."
Arthur shook his head, marveling at this unexpected history lesson in the middle of their city tour.
Arthur and his companions spent the entire day familiarizing themselves with Horn Kingdom, visiting various locations before finally returning to Horn City. The day had been tiring, but Firfel and the others were clearly satisfied with their excursion.
Vivienne turned to Arthur, her eyes bright with excitement. "We should do this again sometime. It was so enjoyable!"
Arthur smiled warmly. "I'm glad you liked it."
Firfel chimed in, "This kingdom may be small, but it's more vibrant than Morningstar."
Shafel nodded in agreement.
After chatting with them for a while, Arthur saw them off to their new homes in the apartment complex.
Left alone with Arthur, Jerry broached a new topic. "Mr. Morningstar, about your third film... Is the editing complete? The other executives are eager to see it."
Arthur nodded. "It's nearly finished. Should be done in a few days. The move delayed things a bit."
"I understand," Jerry said, unable to hide his anticipation. "I hope to see it soon."
Arthur could see Jerry's eagerness, and he understood why. After all, his first two films had each grossed hundreds of millions of dollars at the box office.
They continued their conversation in the studio lobby for a few more minutes before Jerry took his leave.
At 5 pm, Arthur headed to a warehouse under his control. This secretive location housed his computer research team, who had arrived in Horn City a few days ahead of the main group.
Upon entering, Arthur was greeted by his tired but dedicated team, their eye bags testament to their hard work.
"How are you guys holding up?" Arthur asked.
Drake responded, "Everything's on track, boss."
Josh added, "We're still adjusting, but it's not a major issue."
Arthur nodded, "The Electronics Expo is approaching fast. How's the basic operating system coming along?"
"Nearly complete, boss," Drake reported.
After a few more questions and words of encouragement, Arthur left for his penthouse via taxi.
Returning to his apartment, Arthur felt satisfied with how smoothly everything was settling. His thoughts turned to Horn's entertainment industry, which he'd observed was more advanced than Morningstar's in many aspects.
He saw numerous opportunities to establish himself in this new market. The key difference, he realized, was the foreign influence prevalent in Horn.
Major studios from Empirica and Evros held considerable sway here. Horn's demon citizens had developed a taste for foreign content, though their preference for martial arts films remained strong.
Foreign investors, noticing this trend, poured money into martial arts productions. However, the genre's once-unshakeable dominance was gradually eroding.
These investors had attempted to diversify, introducing western films and other genres. While these efforts gained some traction in Horn, they hadn't quite reached the tipping point.
Only a select few foreign or domestic films truly captured widespread attention. But Arthur's own productions, "The Demonfather" and "Lord of the Rings," had shaken things up. They'd brought significant change to the industry as a whole and altered foreign investors' perceptions.
Top 5: Two Chapters Per Day.
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