The video game venture was progressing nicely. H.E.S. sales had reached 348 thousand units, generating 15 million dollars in revenue with 4 million in profit. Game sales added another 3 million in revenue, bringing in 1.8 million profit.
Total profits since introducing video games to this world: 6.8 million dollars. Not impressive compared to my film earnings, perhaps, but this was just the beginning. Give it months, maybe a year, and we'd be looking at billions in annual revenue.
I had the media to thank for this success, though they didn't realize it. Their relentless criticism of the H.E.S. spread awareness better than my own TV network could, despite our dominance in the Anatolia region.
Pure advertising couldn't achieve what opposition did. People unconsciously resist obvious marketing, but when media outlets attack a product? That sparks curiosity. The critics thought they were warning people away, not realizing they were making the H.E.S. impossible to ignore. Human nature - or demon nature - always wants to see what others condemn.
Of course, we still needed extensive promotion throughout the kingdom. Now that we'd laid the foundation for video games, it was time to hook people properly.
The media kept hammering away at the H.E.S., completely unaware of our actual sales figures. I toyed with the idea of releasing those numbers. Would seeing the real data silence their criticism?
A smile tugged at my lips. Maybe not yet. Their skepticism was still too valuable.
Video games would certainly gain more fans after the game team completed "Football 1273" - a game featuring all the teams under the Anatolia Football Association.
Though football hadn't yet become a global sensation, my promotion efforts had made it quite popular across specific regions. Starting from Horn Kingdom, the sport had spread through Morningstar, Thorne, Japon, and Choson, even reaching parts of Evros. The dedicated fanbase we'd built would easily support video game sales.
I pushed thoughts of video games aside, focusing instead on my DP earnings display - 4,789 divine points. The tasks I'd assigned followers were proving effective, but we remained far short of the 8,000 divine points needed for the Sanctuary Sphere.
"If things come to worse, I might have to intervene personally," I thought, weighing my options. Without the Sphere's protection when the "champion" and "sacred knights" arrived, I'd need to reveal powers I'd gained from Dragon Ball and Naruto.
At least my clones would prove useful in such a situation.
A soft chime from my office computer interrupted my planning. The message notification showed Demon Dynamics - another multi-billion dollar company requesting negotiations for computer and barcode rights.
"Hmph. They're quite persistent," I muttered, leaning back in my chair. Especially after seeing other corporate giants like Dark Electronics, specialists in train, car, and airship components, making similar attempts.
These companies never learned. Each rejection only seemed to fuel more offers. Yet their persistence made sense - computers threatened their carefully built monopolies.
Once computer technology reached critical mass, their control over various industries would crumble. Their desperate attempts to buy the rights revealed their fear of this inevitable future.
(3rd Person POV)
With "Music Legends Quest" capitalizing on James and Frederick's fame, the music stars threw their full support behind the game's promotion. Their involvement opened new marketing possibilities that Arthur quickly seized upon.
He launched the "Hellfire Games Tournament" event, broadcasting the announcement across Hellfire Network. The commercial's dramatic voice filled taverns and homes across the kingdom:
"Think you have what it takes to be a gaming legend? Prove your skills in Music Legends Quest and win big! Six thousand dollars for the top score, four thousand for second place, and one thousand for third! But that's not all - winners get an exclusive meeting with James and Frederick themselves! Your chance at fortune and fame begins now at any Hellscape location!"
At the Crimson Horn Tavern, a demon nearly choked on his beer. "Six thousand dollars for getting the highest score on... a video game?" The unfamiliar term rolled awkwardly off his tongue.
"And meeting James and Frederick!" his companion's eyes lit up. "Been following them since their first album hit the streets!"
"What even is this Music Legends Quest?" a nearby demon called out, scratching his horns in confusion.
"Never heard of it myself," another chimed in from his corner table.
A demon wearing a Hellfire uniform turned toward them. "It's that new game for the H.E.S. - you know, that entertainment system Hellfire released last week."
Blank stares met his explanation. "The what system?"
The tavern erupted into explanations, with those who'd seen or tried the H.E.S. enlightening the uninitiated. Similar scenes played out across Horn City as Hellfire Network announced high score competitions for their other games - Tetris, Space Invader, and Ping Pong. The prize money drew attention, slowly driving up H.E.S. sales.
While video games carved their niche in Horn Kingdom, Arthur made a calculated move with "One Flew Over a Cuckoo's Nest." Rather than premiering the trailer locally, he released it in Kanata Kingdom.
The timing wasn't random - the prestigious Autumn Film Festival approached, drawing traditionally-crafted, non-VFX films from across the realms.
The Autumn Film Festival had built its reputation on celebrating psychological dramas and character studies - films that explored the depths of mortal consciousness without relying on magical effects or VFX spectacle. For Arthur's latest work, crafted without his usual visual effects arsenal, the festival offered perfect alignment.
Though Arthur hardly needed the exposure - his influence already spanned multiple kingdoms - the festival served another purpose. It could launch John's acting career into prestigious territory. The northern Empirica region's largest celebration of dramatic arts had launched countless careers, particularly in its psychological drama category.
The festival's dedication to low-budget, performance-driven films made it the perfect stage for John's breakthrough.
The trailer's release across Kanata Kingdom sparked immediate interest. In a realm saturated with magical spectacles, the raw, grounded portrayal of mental illness and institutional power struck a chord. The modern setting, deliberately stripped of magical elements, offered something different - a mirror held up to society's darker corners.
By July 29, 1274, as the Autumn Film Festival began, Quebec City's streets teemed with activity. Montreal welcomed fifty thousand visitors - critics, filmmakers, and enthusiasts drawn to celebrate cinema in its purest form.
Arthur, John, Vivienne, and the cast arrived in a city that pulsed with sophistication. Art deco buildings stretched toward the sky, their elegant lines softened by flourishing gardens.
Horse-drawn carriages shared cobblestone streets with sleek automobiles, while airships drifted lazily overhead.
Jazz music spilled from several clubs, mixing with the chatter of crowds dressed in the latest fashions.
This marked Arthur's first visit to Kanata, and the kingdom's prosperity impressed him. Its cities rivaled the wealthy metropolises of U.S.E., suggesting a different balance of power than he remembered from his previous life.
The U.S.E. hadn't yet achieved its destiny as a global superpower. Without World War II reshaping the global order, other nations maintained their influence.
The dwarven realms, particularly the Craft Kingdom, dominated technological advancement. Their underground cities and mountain strongholds housed marvels of engineering and artistry that human kingdoms could only dream of matching.
Looking at the city's grand architecture and bustling commerce, Arthur couldn't help but wonder how this world's future would differ from the one he remembered.
(3rd Person POV)
The Autumn Film Festival had always showcased low-budget but emotionally resonant films. This year, however, one particular entry commanded unprecedented attention - Arthur's latest work which diverged significantly from his usual style.
Unlike previous years where major media outlets from Kanata Kingdom barely paid attention to the festival, attending merely out of obligation to the indie film scene, now they swarmed the venue with genuine interest. The atmosphere crackled with anticipation.
Reporters clustered around Arthur and his team, shoving microphones forward eagerly. "You're known for big-budget productions - what made you create a film without fancy VFX this time?" one called out.
"Our sources say this film only cost 105 thousand dollars to make - even less than Demonfather part 1," another reporter pressed. "Can such a low-budget project really match your previous masterpiece?"
Arthur met their skepticism with a calm smile, having expected exactly these questions. "This film represents pure artistic vision," he explained. "I wanted to prove that you don't need expensive VFX studio to create something meaningful. With the right story and proper filming technique, a low-budget film can absolutely stand alongside bigger productions."
He paused briefly before adding, "Like Demonfather, 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest' has its own unique charm. But instead of violence and mob drama, this story explores freedom and mental health. It's different, but no less impactful."
Nearby, Vivienne handled her own press crowd with practiced ease. Her status as a major star drew excited shouts from fans gathered at the barriers, their enthusiasm providing a constant backdrop to the media circus.
John lingered at the edge of the commotion, clearly uncomfortable as reporters approached him with visible reluctance. Their questions felt halfhearted, barely masking their lack of interest in the unknown actor. Yet something in his demeanor - a quiet certainty perhaps - suggested their dismissive attitude would soon change.
When a sudden gust of wind momentarily scattered the crowd, Arthur caught John's eye and gave a subtle nod. They both knew that after tonight's screening, these same indifferent reporters would be scrambling to interview the actor who had brought Randle McMurphy to unforgettable life on screen.
(Duncan Everleigh POV)
In my years directing the Autumn Film Festival, we've rarely attracted high-profile filmmakers like Arthur Pendragon. Most established directors tend to dismiss indie festivals, preferring the glamour of major events. Yet here was the demon prince himself, participating as a competing filmmaker.
Standing near the entrance, I couldn't help but smile watching Arthur handle the reporters with practiced ease. His presence had transformed our usually modest festival into a media spectacle - though I had to admit, his film earned its place here on merit alone. No matter his reputation, I wouldn't have approved any submission that didn't meet our artistic standards.
As the opening ceremony approached, I made my way to the stage, surveying the packed auditorium. Journalists, critics, filmmakers, writers, and actors filled every seat - a testament to Arthur's drawing power. My chest swelled with pride as I leaned toward the microphone.
"Welcome, everyone, to the 32nd Autumn Film Festival," I began, unable to suppress my enthusiasm. "I say this every year, but this time I truly believe we're witnessing something special. The caliber of films we're presenting, the talent gathered in this room - this year's festival seems destined to stand apart from all previous ones."
After covering the usual festival protocols - our mission to support independent cinema, the week's schedule, and our esteemed jury - I arrived at the moment everyone was waiting for.
"It's my great honor to welcome one of our competing filmmakers - a visionary who needs no introduction, yet whose presence here reminds us that true artistry transcends budget and scale. Please join me in welcoming Arthur Pendragon to share a few words!"
The applause thundered through the auditorium as Arthur approached the stage. Despite my decades running this festival, I had never felt such electric anticipation during an opening ceremony. Perhaps I wasn't exaggerating after all - this year really would be different.
(3rd Person POV)
Arthur clasped Duncan's hand firmly. "Thank you for the introduction, Mr. Everleigh," he said, his voice carrying genuine warmth.
Duncan pressed a hand to his chest, smiling broadly. "The honor is mine, truly."
Stepping to the microphone, Arthur addressed the crowd directly. "I'm aware of the rumors circulating - that I bought my way into this festival." His frank acknowledgment drew surprised murmurs. "Let me assure you, the film I'm presenting here will speak for itself. It's unlike anything you've seen before."
He paused, letting his words settle. "Yes, we made this film on a modest budget. But in terms of story and the lessons it carries? This film surpasses many productions with twenty times its cost."
As Arthur continued his speech, subtle tension rippled through the audience.
Several filmmakers shifted uncomfortably in their seats, their expressions darkening. To them, Arthur's presence felt like an intrusion - a mainstream director stealing attention from those who had built their careers in independent cinema.
Among them sat Marian Frost, the elven filmmaker who'd been heralded as the rising star of the indie scene. Her cold eyes never left Arthur, tracking his every gesture with barely concealed disdain.
"Well?" whispered Gideon, another elven filmmaker seated beside her. "Think his low-budget experiment can match his blockbusters?"
Marian's lips curved into a derisive smile. "Who knows? Our exiled demon prince has quite the reputation - making hundreds of millions, even billions from his films." The words dripped with sarcasm.
"Sounds like you're admitting defeat," Gideon probed, watching her reaction carefully.
Marian crossed her arms, her posture rigid with pride. "Me? Give in to him?" She scoffed. "I may not have his fame or fortune, but I have something he'll never understand - the true spirit of independent film." Her eyes hardened with determination. "Mark my words, Gideon. I'm winning this festival."
Gideon's casual shrug belied the tension in his jaw as he looked back at Arthur. Though he kept his feelings hidden, he shared Marian's resentment. Arthur might have revolutionized the industry in mere years, but that didn't mean they'd bow to him like Duncan did.
They watched with barely concealed disgust as the festival director fawned over Arthur. "Nothing but a bootlicker," Gideon muttered, echoing the sentiment shared by many indie filmmakers present.
Duncan returned to the microphone, practically beaming. "Now, let us begin our festival with our opening film - Arthur Pendragon's 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest'."
The announcement sparked immediate movement as journalists, critics, and filmmakers filed into the main theater. Their expressions ranged from skepticism to curiosity about this supposedly remarkable low-budget film that Arthur claimed could outshine productions twenty times its cost.
As the audience settled into their seats and the lights dimmed, John stood in the shadows near the entrance, his heart hammering against his ribs. The sheer number of people filing in to watch his starring role left him light-headed. Never in his wildest dreams had he imagined such a crowd would watch his performance.
"Be calm and confident," Arthur's steady voice cut through his panic. John turned to find his lord director watching him intently. "Have some confidence in your acting skills. I'm certain they'll appreciate your performance."
John swallowed hard, forcing his features into a mask of composure. His lord was right - he needed to believe in himself, in his fellow actors, and in Arthur's vision. This film would prove itself worthy of its place here.
As the projector hummed to life and the first frames flickered across the screen, John took a deep breath. Everything they'd worked for would be judged in the next few hours.
(Marian Frost POV)
I watched the projection with rising competitive spirit. Despite my earlier defiance toward Arthur, there was no denying his filmmaking talent. His first film, Demonfather, hadn't just succeeded - it had sparked inspiration in countless filmmakers, myself included.
The film's opening caught me off guard - serene shots of wilderness stretched across the screen, misty forests and open fields filling the frame. The gentle sound of native Empirican flutes drifted through the scene, creating an unexpected sense of tranquility.
An emotional piece then, I noted mentally, studying each frame with critical attention. Success will depend entirely on execution - both from the lead actor and Arthur himself.
Arthur's skills behind the camera weren't in question. Even "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", though heavily steeped in demon culture and lacking real emotional depth, had showcased his technical mastery.
The lead actor, however, remained an unknown quantity.
I studied him sitting in the front row beside Arthur and the other cast members. His nervousness was painfully obvious - this low-budget film clearly marked his first major role. His ordinary appearance suggested he'd need exceptional acting ability to carry the film. Though if Arthur had chosen him, there must be something remarkable beneath the surface.
The trailer suggested he'd play someone unstable, I recalled, waiting for his entrance.
When he finally appeared as Randle, the scene shifted to his transfer from prison to a psychiatric hospital. The asylum struck an unsettling balance - frightening yet deceptively normal in appearance.
Randle's entrance in handcuffs subverted expectations. Rather than playing the unstable patient I'd anticipated, he emerged as something different - a criminal whose loud, bizarre behavior blurred the line between sanity and madness.
Just another crazy among crazies, I mused critically. So far, the film felt surprisingly mundane - especially compared to Arthur's usual dramatic openings. Just an ordinary hospital setting filled with mental patients and this oddball criminal. Yet something about the understated approach nagged at me, suggesting hidden depths I hadn't grasped yet.
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