53.14% Lonely Bear - Russian SI [Second Thread] - Threadmarks / Chapter 76: What is exactly bad? (July-September, 1916).

บท 76: What is exactly bad? (July-September, 1916).

Navy: Five-Year Plan]

July 1916, the naval ministry under Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich Romanov finally obtained the time and resources to fully implement its five-year plan for the navy of the Russian Empire.

The five-year plan had three main objectives: First, the re-construction of the assets lost by the Russian Empire during the Second Great War.

Second, collect and analyze all the information and data obtained throughout the Second Great War, which could be useful for the Russian Empire.

Third and last, to further expand the Russian navy for the next global conflict.

The first objective was 'simple', it was the next two objectives that were more complicated.

So far, the Russian Imperial Navy had clear objectives, simple doctrines, and a stable shipbuilding policy.

For a long time, the Russian Empire had focused on defensive policies and simply matching the strength of regional competitors (like Japan) - nothing too spectacular, to say the least.

Policies that had been remarkably successful in saving money and the neutral position of the Russian Empire.

But now it was clear that the post-war period would be different, Germany was no longer competing in the naval field, leaving only a few great powers and regional powers competing for tight supremacy.

It was a huge weight on the shoulders of the Admiralty, it was necessary to perfect doctrines, improve designs, support the development of the air force and further expand the capabilities of the Russian Empire.

For this Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich had developed the extensive and carefully planned five-year plan, which even had secret clauses (to avoid espionage).

How to achieve all this?

Well, there was already a base to work on, it was only necessary to further expand the capabilities of the Russian Empire.

This was 'simple' although it obviously required resources, capital, construction material and the training of the manpower used in various aspects.

This expansion in turn was vital to the security of the Russian Empire, so it had to be a protected expansion. For this Minister Alexander Mikhailovich Romanov showed 3 large naval platforms for the Russian Empire.

The Black Sea, the Yellow Sea (the bay of Liaodong and Korea) and the White Sea.

In these places the Russian Empire had to build and expand its naval capabilities, to project them throughout the Eurasian continent and fight in the next global conflict.

Through the Black Sea and control of the Straits, Russia was able to establish a powerful presence in the Mediterranean (Europe and North Africa).

Across the Yellow Sea Russia had a secure platform for the North Pacific and beyond (Alyáska was a possibility, but her disconnection with the Eurasian empire was dangerous).

And finally the White Sea, thanks to the White Sea-Baltic Sea Canal and its enormous capacity, Russia was able to supply the Baltic fleet with almost no threat (although precautions obviously still need to be taken), allowing the Russian presence in Scandinavia and others. parts of Europe.

All of these naval platforms were vital to a future conflict with any threat to the Russian Empire in Eurasia.

The problem of course was sending troops to Africa, which could only be accomplished through long routes, or the dominance / neutrality of Gibraltar and Suez.

The long route was possible, but it was expensive. And the dominance of Suez or Gibraltar were off the map for the time being.

The navy minister consequently developed various contingency plans and cases in various situations for the future of the Russian imperial navy.

You can't predict everything, but it was better to be safe than sorry.

Speaking of doctrine and naval development, it was all within theory, experimentation, and subsequent execution, all of which took time and money.

There were some things clear, first of all there were things to improve on the aircraft carriers of the Russian Empire (which would be an important part of the Pacific doctrine of the Russian Empire), there should be more development into the air force to support some efforts of the Navy and important developments had to be made in the doctrine of submarines-normal ships (certain strategies were effective against much larger ships like drednouts/dreadnoughts, as was the wolf pack doctrine, but with technological developments these doctrines needed improvement or to be replaced to some extent).

There were also many design and improvement possibilities in navy technologies and assets.

Although there were several problems with this, one of them was for example Deputy Minister Stepan O. Makarov. Makarov had been the architect of the Russian navy for a long time, practically for a lot of Alexander III goverment, and for this reason he was not getting any younger.

The death of Makarov on January 20, 1917, would be a severe blow to the Russian Empire and several of the projects of the five-year plan of Minister Alexander Mikhailovich and Emperor Nicholas II.

It wasn't the end of the world, but it did prove troublesome.

In general, we can say that Alexander Mikhailovich Romanov's plan was quite good in terms of logistics (building and expanding the naval capabilities of the Russian Empire in safe points to keep the navy in good condition and project Russian power in Eurasia) and capacity. of producing assets, worthy of an industrial power.

But in doctrinal and design terms, it wasn't that surprising, and it ran into some issues.

In any case, during these decades of the 20th century, Alexander Mikhailovich Romanov was effectively the new architect of the Russian navy.

With vital projects for the future of the Russian Empire and its armed forces.



While Russia was spending efforts on integrating its new sphere of influence in northern China, the sphere of influence in Europe was already relatively consolidated.

The completion of the Trans-Balkan Railway was quite good for economic stability in the region, and a definite Russian influence in the medium term.

All thanks to years of economic, political, diplomatic and military influence.

Now a way had to be found to continue to maintain all this in the volatile Balkans.

Of course the Russian Empire had achieved this to some extent, through pan-Slavic treaties, treaties with its lesser partners, and interventions of all kinds.

Among many other techniques, especially during the Alexandrian period.

Tsar Nicholas II was respected, as heir to Tsar Alexander III, but now he had to build something new on what his father left behind, so that the Balkans would respect him as the new Tsar of the Russian Empire.

This was 'simple'.

Tsar Nicholas II developed the 3-state strategy, also relying on his father's legacy for the perpetuation of the Russosphere.

The strategy of the 3 states was a balance between Bulgaria, Serbia and Romania, which had the stability and development to be middle powers in the region.

Through economic power and military, political and diplomatic influence, the Russian Empire directed an effective balance over the Balkans.

Russia simply prevented Bulgaria, Romania or Serbia from getting out of control, using two against one or simply managing to crush these countries with the enormous weight of Russia.

The three-state strategy was vital to a regional balance, and the plans of Tsar Nicholas II. The strategy allowed him not only to continue Russian influence, but to expand it even further.

Tsar Nicholas II was the architect of the post-war reconstruction of the Balkan economies due to this strategy, and the rest of the Russian influence on local economies.

* During this period, the Montenegrin economy effectively fell into Russian hands.

* Albania's transition from a monarchy to a republic was completed successfully, maintaining some stability (although like Bosnia, it was complicated).

* Bosnia-Herzegovina rearmed and increased its defensive capabilities for an upcoming conflict.

* Romania was rebuilding successfully, although it was still a dismembered country.

* Bulgaria and Serbia once again set course for an economy of peace, while managing to maintain notable wartime armed forces.

Macedonia was a bit ignored in some aspects, but it was a possible platform to intervene in Greece, if the time came ...

We can expand much more on Tsar Nicholas II's policy in the Balkans, especially his methods.

Similar to Tsar Alexander III, Nicholas II used soft power for the Russosphere. But unlike Alexander III, Nicholas II was prone to using much more, well... harsh power.

We are talking of course about the intelligence service (Okhrana and KGB, which had a joint domain within the Russosphere), which already had influence between politicians and local administrations.

But now the activities of the Russian intelligence services expanded much more (and of course Russia was always ready for a military intervention if necessary).

Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky, also known as "Iron Felix", personally trained many intelligence services in Eastern Europe under Russian influence.

The secret services of Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Bosnia, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia were trained as an extension of Russian influence in Central-Eastern Europe.

Some more brutal than others in dealing with the opposition, but effective at the end of the day.

Through this, Russia maintained its soft power and strengthened its hard power, thus a notable influence in the countries under the Russosphere.

The iron fist and the silk glove were maintained, giving some stability to the region and of course, keeping Russia's allies safe who were still in line.

Many future prominent leaders of the Russosphere came to power or to gain notable influence, due to their relationships with the national intelligence services and the secret services of the Russian Empire.


[Germans and Russians: Korol'grad (Корольград)]

On September 1, 1916, Tsar Nicholas II of the Russian Empire launched an imperial Ukaz that changed the old German names of the new territories of the Russian Empire.

Converting in this way to the city of Königsberg in Korol'grad (King's City). Sometimes called Korolevskaya Gora (Королевская гора) or Imperial City / Imperskiy Gorod (имперский город).

Tsar Nicholas II's patience with the Germans at Königsberg was rapidly wearing thin for several reasons.

Among them the obvious negativity of these Germans towards the Russian government and the negative opinions of various members of the government towards the new German 'citizens'.

A very clear example of some negative feelings towards non-Russian Germans in Russia was how Baron Boris Vladimirovich Stürmer and other nobles of German descent changed their German names to something more Russian (Boris Stürmer became Baron Boris Vladimirovich Panin, a surname that was actually from another russian nobility family).

The Volga Germans were protected, but others were a complicated situation ...

This was simply in the new territories of the Russian Empire proper, in Czechoslovakia, Tsar Nicholas II (King Nicholas I of Czechoslovakia in the country) guaranteed a minimum autonomy for the "Sudeten Germans" or Sudetendeutsche.


Very simply, in numerical terms these Germans were outnumbered by the Slavic populations of the country and the local authorities had them very well guarded.

And besides, the Bohemian Germans made good assets on the socialist frontier. Many of these did not want a union with Red Germany, which bordered Czechoslovakia.

So they became assets of the local government against a possible war with Red Europe in the future. Russia and Czechoslovakia simply had to avoid this nationalism of the Bohemian Germans or attempts against the monarchical central government of Czechoslovakia.

Czechoslovakia became a testing ground for 'problematic' political-administrative autonomies for the future, of course Tsar Nicholas II did not want to exterminate the Sudeten Germans, but a way had to be found to control separatism and possible problems.

Returning to the Russian Empire proper, days after the imperial Ukaz of Nicholas II began several protests against the Russian government, initiated by the native Germans of the region before annexation.

Tsar Nicholas II's patience with these Germans was little, initiating a process to change the situation in the region.

The movement of Slavs (Russians, Ukrainians, and Belarusians), Jews, and Volga Germans (loyal Germans) to the region was favored.

Meanwhile, troublesome Germans were imprisoned or deported to Red Germany.

Many deported Germans said that this was worse than Siberia or worse than death, although it is debatable. It was certainly bad for conservative Germans.

Meanwhile, the local Poles of the old east of the German Empire remained fairly calm, accommodating themselves quite well to the Russian Empire.

The authorities took advantage of the fact that these new Poles, the ethnic Germans and the old Poles of the Polish Congress, did not get along very well.

Dividing and keeping the region politically under the authority and interests of Moscow.


[Ethiopia: The Lion of Africa]

In the days of Menelik II, Ethiopia was a kind of 'African Japan', in the sense that the country had made impressive achievements compared to the rest of the continent.

An unprecedented industrialization within the few independent African territories (Liberia) and various European colonies.

Abyssinia / Ethiopia had important developments in its mining industry, consumer goods manufacturing, agricultural product exports, transportation and communication system, electricity and basic services.

But with the death of Menelik II, we can say that African Japan had died, in a sense.

Japan was independent, while Ethiopia was dominated economically and politically by foreign interests (the Russian Empire).

Under Menelik II, Ethiopia was an equal and ally, under Iyasu V, the country was a vassal partner. For several obvious reasons, from a historical point of view.

Iyasu V, Emperor of Abyssinia, had a reformist character, but did not have the diplomatic skill, administrative skill, or political intelligence-discretion to rule.

Basically the government was de facto controlled by Russia (with important interests in the country) and the old ministers of Menelik II, we speak mainly of an old aristocracy, big businessmen of the old Solomonian corporations and the religious elite.

All quite conservative (who may have been reformists under Menelik II, but were now conservative).

Meanwhile, young Iyasu V mainly went on vacation and did petty tasks, such as promoting the construction of palaces.

Even though the Ethiopian elites were 'conservative', the truth is that they had little appreciation for the majority of the royal family, Emperor Iyasu V or the total sovereignty of the country.

That is why on September 27, many of the country's conservative elites supported various of the Russian Empire's plans in Ethiopia, which included the effective purge of various members of the Ethiopian royal family.

Through this, the majority of opponents to the monarchy of Iyasu V and their supporters (other relatives and small local cliques) were eliminated, an example of the purge was the fate of Menelik II's daughter, Zewditu, de-facto in custody of the government (this was a soft end, the problematic ones got executed).

Only those who aligned themselves with the Russian Empire were saved, such as Ras Tafari Makonnen (ልጅ ተፈሪ መኮንን / Lij Teferī Mekōnnin) or Haile Selassie (baptismal name).

Why this purge?

Very simple, even greater centralization of power and control over the internal affairs of Ethiopia after the death of Menelik II, with the intention of important economic and political reforms.

Nicholas II planned on the need to keep the Ethiopian Empire sharp for the future and to maintain the influential Russosphere in East Africa.

So for this, they had to get rid of the opposing cliques and start supporting the next generations of the Ethiopian elite.

For this reason, Russia favored in politics the young relative of the emperor, Haile Selassie. As long as it put a young aristocratic generation in favor of the Russian Empire.

The old conservative elites accepted this because after all, Nicholas II's plans did not threaten THEIR power.

The modernization of Ethiopia had a new resurgence, with a further evolution in Ethiopia's capitalism and industrial production after an advanced modernization of agriculture and the productive forces (slavery and primitive labor were definitely a thing of the past).

The marginal regions of Ethiopia had more and more access to services, and the core of the country became an important industrial center (including services, industry, radio, modern transport, etc).

Of course however, Ethiopia was not a de-facto independent country. Yes, they were independent de-jure, but now the interests of Russian capitalism and its allies ruled the country.

Allies such as: The Ethiopian Solomonic Corporations (which had borrowed much from the Japanese zaibatsu) ruled the manufacturing-industrial conglomerates of the economy, the Ethiopian Orthodox Church ruled religious affairs (and also had a lot of political influence) and the pan-Ethiopian aristocracy ruled the political-administrative affairs at the regional-national level.

The common Ethiopian citizen enjoyed improvements in their quality of life, but did not really have much freedom in political matters.

But there was education, work and food. And since Menelik II the country had promoted a pan-Ethiopian identity that had reduced the worst regionalist-separatist movements.

So actually, initially there weren't many problems.

But of course, such a system cannot last forever, in a moment the luck will run out. But that is a matter for much later.



July 1, over the course of two weeks a single shark attacks 5 swimmers off the US shores of New Jersey.

There are 4 deaths and the only survivor needs a limb amputation.

The prohibition of alcohol begins to expand by Canada, Imperial Federation.

Special forces commandos are created in the British Raj to fight against the Indian revolutionary guerrillas.

Various abuses against the population in Bengal occur as the authorities crush the central foci of revolutionary organization.

Despite the successes of the Imperial Federation in Bengal, in other northern regions the opposition is much more successful. For example the guerrillas in Punjab.

July 4, the Emirate of Ha'il initiates advances towards the promotion of pan-Arabist ideas in the Kingdom of Egypt and Sudan (led by the French military junta of Henri Philippe Benoni Omer Pétain).

July 5, a hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico causes more than 3 million dollars in damage to crops and property in Florida, Alabama, Mississippi and Tennessee (United States).

July 7, despite the tensions, the Socialist Party of America sticks together.

But the tension between the 'imposibilists' (a Marxist theory that see the limited value of reforms under capitalism, seens it views the pursuit of such reforms as counterproductive to the goal of achieving socialism as they stabilize, and therefore strengthen, support for capitalism) against the reformists continue to rise as the party grows on a national scale.

In part this theoretical-political divide is the result of socialist revolutions in other parts of Europe and the migration of socialists from the Imperial Federation and Scandinavia to the United States.

Of course, while the left has these internal problems, the American right will seek to eliminate the 'leftist threat' posed by the socialists as a whole.

But that's a matter for later.

July 9, Argentine President Victorino de la Plaza y Palacios is assassinated during an inspection of the military parade on the centenary of Argentine independence by an anarchist named Juan Mandrini.

As a result, during the following months Argentine politics falters somewhat, around the 1916 elections, which bring about the end of Argentina's 'conservative period'.

Instability is sustained in the post-election period, which causes a weakening of Argentina's position in Latin America.

The South American Soccer Confederation, CONMEBOL for its acronym in Spanish, is founded.

This governing sports organization was founded under the initiative of Héctor Rivadavia Gómez, director of the Uruguayan Football Association.

July 12, the first major public projects of the socialist government in Switzerland.

New means of transportation, housing and government buildings are being built.

July 14, a hurricane hits North Carolina and South Carolina, causing flooding that killed about 80 people and caused damage estimated at between $ 15 million and $ 20 million.

Much of the main railroad line in these states is destroyed.

July 17, despite delays due to the assassination of the Argentine president, Uruguay won the first continental association football championship of the Copa América, after drawing with host Argentina.

The government of President Champ Clark in its last moments of the period 1912-1916, signed laws that favor large corporations dedicated to agriculture, against small farmers.

What makes loans easier for some, and difficult for others.

Meanwhile, the breeding ground leading to the Dust Bowl continues to develop (mostly unnoticed by many). Perfect for the 20s.

July 23, trade union demonstration of Scottish socialists exiled in the Irish Socialist Republic.

This demonstration is against the excesses of the 'decaying capitalism' of the Imperial Federation, against British India and other populations in the British Empire.

July 25, the Imperial Parliament and the State Council of the Imperial Federation begin to create 'special military areas', which is in short, martial law against various populations of the Imperial Federation and the British colonial empire.

These areas restrict the movement of native population and the entry of non-residents, allowing greater political-military control.

July 30, various problems in the Prussian Republic of Germany result in clashes between military and civilians. With British support, the situation in the government of the German republic begins to stabilize.

Although it is a stability associated with political purges and the crushing of civil opposition through martial law, and other methods.

August 1, several Sudanese separatists come into contact with the Emirate of Ha'il, after years of French rule since the Fashoda war.

In exchange for support, the Emirate of Ha'il wants Sudan to join the emirate.

Members of local dynasties support the idea, such as the Keira dynasty.

August 2, Leonardo da Vinci National Exhibition takes place at the Federative Socialist Republic of Italy, celebrating science and an important national figure such as the Leonardo da Vinci polymata.

August 7, in the Irish Socialist Republic the institution "Ireland Films" (Scannáin na hÉireann) is created, a state institution of the Irish Socialists dedicated to the production and distribution of films.

Under this state institution the first films of independent ireland were created, which were released in Dublin and other large cities.

August 13 to 16, there are several meteorological warnings due to the hurricane season in the Caribbean. Several islands, Mexican territories (such as Yucatan) and states of the United States are affected.

August 16, several migratory birds begin to have problems on the American-Canadian border (Imperial Federation) due to lack of protection and hunting (due to its great value as food).

Migratory birds that play a role in the ecosystem, as food for other predators or insect eaters (insects that are harmful to forests and forage plants).

August 21, the purges in the new Peru-Bolivia guarantee the influence of the Imperial Federation in the military junta / dictatorship of the country.

Through Chile and Peru-Bolivia as a base, the British are going to expand their political influence in Latin American countries, especially Argentina, Greater Colombia and Brazil.

With the intention of counterbalancing the United States and Russia in the next global conflicts.

August 23, the government of the Empire of Brazil must back down in its foreign policy due to the Russian protection over Rio Grande do Sul.

This seriously damages the Brazilian economic position due to the Great Depression and the new isolation. Due to the country's economic crisis resulting from years of civil war and economic mismanagement, they cannot invest money in the armed forces or in reconstruction.

All this causes the anger of the revengeists and nationalists in imperial politics.

In turn, the Brazilian left is angry and radicalized after years of the Brazilian oligarchy and the return of the monarchy, added to the lack of stable civil policies.

August 29, the problems in the Philippines intensify with a major change in the nationalist regime.

Gregorio del Pilar, due to the threat of small separatist groups and Philippine socialists, plus British influence, effectively proclaims a military dictatorship in the country.

With this, the local civil war intensifies enormously.

September 1, attempts to ban child labor in the United States (prohibiting the sale of goods across the state line if they come from factories employing children under the age of fourteen) are deemed 'unconstitutional' by the US Supreme Court. USA.

(OOC: This is OTL, Keating-Owen Act).

The city of Konigsberg is re-named as Korol'grad (Корольград) by the government of the Russian Empire, led by Nicholas II and Mikhail Skobelev.

(OOC: @Kaiser Kolovos did say this name and I like it).

September 3, the United States government rejects the eight-hour law for the railroad industry, trying to knock down similar movements in other industries.

September 5, the film Intolerance: Love's Struggle Throughout the Ages, by filmmaker David Wark Griffith, opens.

The film is well received by critics, but is initially received 'tepid' by audiences. Although eventually the film proves to be a commercial success.

September 6, Piggly Wiggly is founded (although the official opening is 5 days later). This is the first modern self-service grocery store.

September 7, protests in Korol'grad by native Germans after name change.

September 9, Erich von Falkenhayn, 'chancellor' (actually dictator) of the Prussian Republic of Germany, begins the path to the country's first 'free' elections.

Of course, in reality the elections prohibit socialists and other candidates against the interests of this new Germany and the Imperial Federation.

September 12, Farrukh-agha Mammad Kerim-agha oglu Gayibov, the first Russian military pilot of Azeri descent, begins training a new generation of pilots in Baku in the post-war years.

Meanwhile in the USA, several escaped elephants from zoos join the population of pachyderms in the American Great Plains, which during elections and reconstruction problems, are ignored.

As a result, similar to the hippo population of the Mississippi Delta, the elephant population in the Great Plains is expanding (although elephants reproduce much slower than hippos, which is good).

September 14, the military Benito Mussolini is put in command of several military exercises in southern Italy, which in principle, he carries out successfully.

September 17, Manfred Albrecht Freiherr von Richthofen begins his career in the affairs of the Prussian Republic of Germany during the preparation of General-Chancellor Erich von Falkenhayn for the first elections.

The Prussian Republic of Germany is a country ... complicated. There are many political and economic difficulties.

September 20, the 'Grand Theater' of Australia, Imperial Federation is created. Where films and live performances are shown, it soon becomes one of the largest arts centers in the region.

With the center of the Revolutionary Bengal almost totally defeated, the revolutionary focus shifts mainly to the north-west of the British Raj.

We are talking about guerrillas in Punjab, Kashmir and especially nearby mountainous areas.

September 22, start some small Islamic revolts in Sudan by the military junta of General Petain.

September 25, Japan's dominance over Vietnam solidifies somewhat after fighting between local monarchical rivals.

Despite this, the situation in the Japanese home archipelago is not the best due to the weakness of the monarchy and the civil service in various state affairs, after the de-facto takeover of power by the armed forces (the navy).



Dinner between Nicholas II and Nicholas Nikolaevich

"You are about to turn 20 years old." Nicholas II mentions calmly, but some pride as he eats some meat with his eldest son.

"Oh yes, you're right!" Nicholas Nikolaevich responds, a small smile formed on his face. He was happy to live another year after the New Great War...

"Mmm ... I don't quite remember where I was when I was that age." Nicholas II exclaims seriously, confusing his eldest son a bit.

"What do you mean?". The Tsesarevich asks.

"For me you officially become an adult, it is time for you to stop playing child games and get on your way to inherit the empire." Nicholas II responds. "Administrative work, looking for a wife and stuff."

"Oh ..." Nicholas Nikolaevich mentioned calmly. "You know, I don't know if that's my thing ... I'm comfortable in the military, and social relationships aren't my thing."

The tsar was silent.

next chapter
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