19.58% Lonely Bear - Russian SI [Second Thread] - Threadmarks / Chapter 28: I love the schisms (October-December, 1908).

บท 28: I love the schisms (October-December, 1908).

Auto industry]

Early in October 1908 begins one of the great eras of economic boom for the Russian automobile industry and related companies (whether deeply linked to the state, such as the BAK or private).

Many of these begin to dominate not only foreign technology through Russian economic poaching or the production of tractors, agricultural machinery, wagons and railway machinery, but also the production of armored vehicles and aircraft parts.

These initiatives were previously explored and carried out by the Russian government before the Russo-Turkish war of 1897, but it was limited to certain private companies, now it expanded considerably, and with this the industrial capacities of the Russian Empire were expanded.

In 1902, Fyodor Abramovich Blinov, the father of the tracked tractor and forerunner in Russian automobiles had died, leading to the change of the state company to simply be "Blinov Automobile Company" (Блинов автомобильная компания, Blinov avtomobil'naya) and a kompanya delay in the production of the 1906 Romanov car (Model Peter I or Peter the Great).

The 1906-1908 model of Romanov cars arrived at the time of the Great Depression, which was not going to end in 1908 of course (it would last more than a decade and started in 1903 ...) but it was a curious success.

Not only because of a name that inspired nationalist fervor, but also because of the moment in which it arrived.

1913 was the year where the model had its biggest peak and boom or 'Renaissance', thanks to the celebration of the 300 years of the Romanov dynasty, which brought new modifications, designs and other great changes that continued the model's huge sales and popularity (the result of a bit of nationalist fervor).

But it was not alone, there was competition and strong industrialization.

As mentioned, many of the automobile factories were able to begin to produce not only civilian vehicles dedicated to transportation or agriculture, or useful railway machinery, but also Medved vehicles (armored vehicles) and aircraft parts.

This motivated the Alexandrian government of the Russian Empire (mainly the war ministry of Mikhail Skobelev and Premier Pyotr Stolypin) to carry out a move of certain factories (those with the capacity to help heavy industry) and industrialization policies, beyond the Urals and other parts of Central Siberia.

This meant that Russia obtained a new industrial heart for its armed forces, which the enemies had very difficult ways to access (they had to conquer Russian Turkestan, European Russia or the Far East, very wide territories, with complicated geographies and millions of possible enemies among the Russian citizens), Stolypin successfully continued his policies of the development of Central Siberia and when heavy industry was not needed this heart was devoted to pumping into the civil economy.

Under these conditions, many workers and settlers moved to Central Siberia and this new industrial heart, but not only that, we also have the creation of the vehicles "Russo-Siberia" (Русско-Сибирь, Russko-Sibir) or "Russo-Siberian. "(Русско-сибирский, Russko-Sibirskiy). Civil vehicles, snowmobiles and trams designed in this industrial heart of Central Siberia.

Quite popular with the local population and especially expanded to certain parts of the Empire such as Alyáska and the Far East.

*"Behind the Urals: An American Worker in Russia's City of Steel" by John Scott is inspired by this and previous transportations-industrialization of Central Siberia in the Russian Empire.

Behind the Urals, follows the story of a American Communist that decides he has to help the new communist govt of Russia to succeed.

(OOC: Contribution 3 by @Ended ).


[Balkan problems]

On October 5, the problems in the area of Greece, Bulgaria and Romania intensify, as a result of the Greek economic detriment, the Macedonian revolt in Bulgaria and the occupation of Bulgaria and other powers of Romanian territory.

This belt of Balkan crisis erupted when on October 5 the ground fighting between rebels and the Russian-Bulgarian armies began, accompanied by severe inter-ethnic attacks between civilians in southern Bulgaria (Greeks against Bulgarians).

The last remnants of Greek nationalists were supporting the conflict in the vicinity for their Greek 'brothers' in Bulgaria, of course the allied Ionians, Russians and Greek collaborators simply defeated the Greek nationalists yet again in some days-weeks, but this was not the end since violence-instability continued in Bulgarian annexed Macedonia and North Macedonia got some related problems due to Greeks fighting again.

On October 9, violence broke out in the areas occupied in Romania by Bulgaria, Russia, Hungary and Serbia.

King Ferdinand I of Romania suffered an assassination attempt, which fortunately was unsuccessful. Because of this he declared martial law and the mobilization of the Romanian loyalist army.

The mobilization and Romanian martial law led to the outbreak of new civil conflicts in the Kingdom of Romania, this time led by liberal bourgeois and terrorists without a fixed course.

Terrorist attacks took place in Bucharest and close to the occupied areas, where there were also uprisings led by the Liberals.

Faced with this, in October 10, Tsar Alexander III, Pyotr Stolypin and the coalition (led by Nicholas I of Hungary, Tsesarevich of Russia, Alexander I of Bulgaria and Peter I of Serbia) again activated their interference in the kingdom of Romania.

The first territories were easy to win thanks to the troops stationed in Romanian territory, but again it would take a long time to deal with the uprisings, and Russia had to continue to stabilize the Bulgarian situation, and to correct the Greeks again.

The Greek rebel coast was captured in a short time, while Russia and Bulgaria moved further into the interior of the rebel territory, but the local war (which had never affected Bulgaria in recent times), was a blow to the Bulgarian society and economy.

Some directed their hatred towards the Greeks and others simply called for more openness due to the authoritarian measures of the Bulgarian government at the time.

The war between Romanians and Bulgarians again also caused serious problems in northern Bulgaria, including Romanian incursions into unprotected northern territories, which came as a surprise and damaged several localities in northern Bulgaria, specially livestock-agricultural communities.

Some social crises recurred in Greece around November as the armies put order, support for the monarchy and the left were taking an important lead after the nationalist failures.

In Romania on the other hand the liberals were banned by martial law, those who did not participate in the war were captured or forced to leave Romania by King Ferdinand I. The conservatives and allies of Russia now made up the king's government.

Meanwhile also several forces of thousands of liberal troops were killed by the coalition, another damage to the Romanian wound.

By December things were continuing slowly, the smartest Greeks and Romanians had gone to guerrilla warfare against their enemies, but they didn't quite know how to fight.

By now the Romanian loyalist army and the coalition already had experience in how to kill the Romanian peasant armies, it did not matter if they were populist or liberal. In addition, the Romanian agricultural destruction and a new defensive strategy in the north of Bulgaria supposed the accelerated decrease of food, being a guerrilla means starving (reducing the number of food and resources), but a literal famine was a serious threat to the survival of Romanian guerrillas and non-collaborators / terrorists.

In the Greek Macedonia annexed by Bulgaria it was a similar situation, the occupation of ports, the withdrawal of possible foreign support through Greece and the circulation of Bulgarian troops to the north posed a threat to the rebellious Greeks.

In a rather mountainous territory devoid of resources after conflict, Bulgarians, Jews and other local minorities were collaborating with the Russians against them. Starving many of the rebels while the revolt was getting crushed.


* [British perspective]

"I don't understand, why don't we do something?" Albert Victor questions. "We could indirectly support the Balkan rebels or intervene directly."

"While it is true, we are not ready yet and can still benefit from this." Louis Alexander Mountbatten, Prime Minister of the Imperial Federation, explains. "The Alexandrian model seems to work up to a point, the Balkans are still a gigantic barrel of powder. It could be effective to just let Russia focus on that and not cause further threats to the empire for the moment."

"Very good ..." A clearly annoyed Albert Victor tries to sound calm. "But how dare you say we are not ready, Britannia rules the waves. We will crush those Slavs on land, sea or air."

"The Russians still have many Balkan allies, we must not underestimate the third most populous country in the world and its navy or its armed forces. Our forces are better, without a doubt, but it does not mean that it is not a tough battle and that it would cost many lives. " Louis Alexander Mountbatten testifies.

"... Very well, then I want more money for the navy." Albert Victor insisted, of course he was within all imperial policies. Partly ridiculous projects of huge ships or naval weapons.

All this was being seen by the "Prince of Wales", George Frederick Ernest Albert, brother of King Albert Victor and George's son, Edward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick David.

The young man was deeply marked by his uncle ... more than his father liked.

Sun Tzu already mentioned that not knowing oneself or the enemy, he supposed to succumb in each combat.

The ultra-nationalists of European origin had a surprising ability to underestimate the enemy and overestimate themselves.

(OOC: I just show the royal family members full names because I want to show that there are lots of Alberts in the room).


[Russian cinema: Classic among classics]

While Mikhail / Misha the bear had unprecedented commercial success in related merchandise, the film never became a classic and is only the inspiration for toys for children and families throughout the world.

On the other hand, on October 28, the first Russian film was created that was considered a Classic, an immortal work over time and relevant for the cinema in the Russian Empire.

This was the movie "Stenka Razin "(Стенька Разин), also known as The Lowest Freeman or Stenka Razin and the Princess.

The play is directed by Alexander Osipovich Drankov, who runs the Drankova Trading House (Atelier A. Drankova, dedicated to producing and distributing films), with music composed by Mikhail Mikhaylovich Ippolitov-Ivanov and the script written by Vasily Mikhailovich Goncharov.

The main actors are Evgeny Petrov-Kraevsky and members of the company of the Petersburg People's House. With about 150 extras.

The film is about a story of Stepan Timofeyevich Razin (1630-1671), a Cossack leader who historically led a revolt against the tsarist nobility and aristocracy in the final years of his life.

But it is not a documentary or biographical film (although it does belong to the historical genre), it is a film that partly adapts the work "The Lowest Freeman" by Vasily Mikhailovich Goncharov (Russian screenwriter and director), in turn inspired by the song "From Beyond the Island to the Rod", by Dmitry Nikolaevich Sadovnikov (Russian poet, folklorist and ethnographer).

The plot is not the greatest strength of the film Stenka Razin:

"The famous thief Stenka Razin and his group defeat the Persians, allowing the Cossack leader to capture a beautiful Persian princess as a prisoner. He falls madly in love with her while being hunted by the Streltsy after having defeated Tsaritsyn and Astrakhan.

Stenka then heads towards the Don, but is constantly stopped by his hedonism and the Persian princess, his companions, the Yesaul Cossacks (a Cossack rank), try to bring Stenka into reason, but are unsuccessful.

These Esaul finally deceive a drunk Stenka, with a false letter which makes clear the relationship of the Persian princess with Prince Hassan (false).

Provoking a fit of rage where Stenka throws the princess into the Volga. "

Where it stands out is in the more professional acting than previous films of the Russian Empire, the classic special effects and the filmography.

The film stopped using several interludes, and was based on certain dialogue panels, in addition to the movement or expressions of the actors for the development of the plot.

One of the director's favorite frames was the wide shot, although there were edits and some other forms of filming in which Stenka Razin pioneered. The traditional photography of the film was highly praised at the time and technically perfect, given the limitations of the time.

When it comes to primitive special effects, Stenka Razin's film mainly uses practical special effects for certain sequences, which would later lead to certain innovations and interest in other uses for such effects in Russian cinema.

The film is also accompanied by a sequence of scenes illustrating moments from this plot, filmed and edited with limited media from the time of 1908.

The professional critics of the time praised the technical execution of the film and the effects, although "modest" various scenes and music were praised, such as the final scene, the Cossack ships passing through the Volga and passages in the woods.

When it comes to music, there were not only compositions by Ippolitov-Ivanov, but also a choir that sang songs like Down the Mother Volga and "From Beyond the Island to the Rod", precisely the inspiration for the film.

An imperfect work, but one that offered much for 1908 and was a strong basis for Russian classics in the future.


[Navy: Minister and Deputy Minister]

On November 28, 1908, at the age of 58 (to turn 60 in January 1910), and many of these years spent serving the Russian Imperial Navy as admiral, civil servant and inventor, Stepan Osipovich Makarov decided to retire from the post of Minister of the Navy of the Russian Empire, to be the deputy minister and private adviser of the Russian government (composed of Tsar Alexander III and Premier Pyotr Stolypin).

This supposed that Stepan Makarov took the job of his former subordinate, who is promoted to Minister of the Navy, this new Minister is Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich Romanov. Son of Mikhail Nivolayevich (son of Nicholas I) and son-in-law of Tsar Alexander III through his marriage to Grand Duchess Xenia.

Tsar Alexander III before this, created the Day of the Naval Fleet (День Военно-Морского Флота, Den 'Voyenno-Morskogo Fleet) or also called Day of the Russian Navy (День ВМФ России, Den' VMF Rossii), celebrated every last Saturday of November.

The decree that created Day of the Naval Fleet said: "In order to mobilize the broad masses of citizens around the issues of defense and construction of the Navy of the Russian Empire, and the tasks it faces, the Fay of the Naval Fleet of the Russian Empire is established."

More than a vacation itself, it is a day of remembrance and support for the navy, a tribute and honor to naval sailors of all generations, celebrated by all those who guard the maritime borders of the Russian Empire, "all those who associate years of life and service with guaranteeing the combat readiness of the ships and units of the Navy ", family members of the military (mothers, wives and other loved ones), varied personnel, workers and employees of naval institutions and companies, and veterans of the naval-armed forces of the Russian Empire.

* Accompanied by this naval parades are held, the main one in Saint Petersburg.

While it is possible to delve into the new holiday in 1908, we must consider other issues: Why did the change occur and what did the change of ministers entail?

There were several reasons behind the change, personal reasons for Admiral Makarov (and other decisions requested by him), the continued rise of Grand Duke Alexander and professional reasons of a governmental-administrative nature such as the change of priorities on the part of both men.

Both Makarov and the Grand Duke were very capable men for the broad tasks of ministerial work, but their ways and interests of work brought about some change.

As a minister, Grand Duke Alexander Romanov was able to devote himself to large projects of the navy administration, expansion and bureaucratic work were his main strengths.

With the development of various defense or offensive plans for the Russian Empire against regional or international rivals (mainly the British Empire), the continued establishment of a firm discipline and positive quality of life for the naval forces.

On the other hand, Admiral Makarov as deputy minister, could dedicate himself where the Grand Duke was weakest, in the development of naval science and designs. Although Grand Duke Alexander was educated, he was simply not engaged in continuing scientific research and development (part of the design of weaponry, units, useful technologies, etc).

A sector of the navy where Makarov had worked for years before being promoted to the great ministerial positions.

Now as deputy minister, Makarov was able to focus on these kinds of more lateral but still important projects for the Russian Empire, and be a guide-advisor for both the new minister and Tsar Alexander III.

Quite a positive duo for the Russian ministry and government.

Although some insisted that Grand Duke Alexander had risen, in part, thanks to the nepotism of the Russian Empire. Some statements that followed in the following years, but never with too much force.

It is true that Grand Duke Alexander was part of the imperial dynasty, but we must bear in mind that he was one of the few members of royalty or related so directly to it, to obtain a ministerial position during the Alexandrian government.

The truth is that in the final years of the Alexandrian period, Stolypin and Tsar Alexander III (along with other members of the government), would fight considerably against attempts by nepotism or the old aristocracy to obtain governmental power by other means than action of the tsar or elections.

For this the group "United Nobility" (formed by said old aristocracy in a kind of political party) was accused by the government of breaking various laws regarding corruption, lobbying attempts and financial malpractice (within a political organization).


[The Bear's claws on the dragon's neck]

Between November 14, November 15 and December 2, in the Qing dynasty important events take place, first the descent of the Guangxu (Zaitian) emperor, the death of Empress Dowager Cixi and the rise of the young emperor Xuantong / Hsuan. -tung (Puyi) with just 2 years and 10 months.

Puyi was chosen by the dowager empress and de-facto ruler of China, Cixi, as emperor after the death of Emperor Guangxu.

Prince Chun, father of the young emperor, becomes prince regent (摄政 王), but he does not have as much power to change the rule of the Qing dynasty from within. He is there for some minor chores (taking his son to the dragon throne of the Emperor of China and trying to stop him from crying).

The Qing dynasty was already in a deep period of political-social instability and economic detriment (and technology-infrastructure-education, etc), a regency was certainly no help.

Puyi would soon go to waste, and during the period 1908-1909, Dr. Sun Yat-sen and associates would already plot a revolt against the Qing monarchy to establish reforms, a change in China.

During this period, the last member of the Ming dynasty was invited to Russia by Tsar Alexander III's KGB, with promises of some future power for him or his descendants.

A mixture of money, ambition and proposals from the Russian government mobilized the Marquis of Extended Grace (or Marquis of Zhu) Zhu Yuxun (born 1882, Marquis since 1891) to be an asset of Russia.

Of course this cooperation supposed a certain revolt of interests and of the Zhu family towards Russia. A farm in the Far East and some islands of the Russian Pacific became the residence of the Ming descendants (Zhu Yuxun, his wife and his descendants when these descendants arrived).

Russia had annexed everything it could annex, for the moment, but it was clear about its intentions to continue a sphere of influence in northern China and potentially certain strategic points.

The Russian bear or octopus was trying, like other European powers, to strangle the dragon.



On October 1, a Schism occurs within the Republican Party of the United States of America, this due to the primaries, which have lasted for quite some time in a period of extreme unpopularity, economic crisis and the US intervention in Mexico with its problems associates.

This makes Robert La Follete Sr. and Henry Ford jump from the Republican boat to form the National Republican Party (NRP), formed from the circle of National Republicans or Nat-Reps of the aforementioned two.

This is a severe rift among Republicans, who are simply losing a lot of support and membership due to the new party, among progressives, populists, and many people simply disappointed by the Republican leadership.

The new National Republican Party elects La Follete Sr and Henry Ford as presidential and vice-presidential candidates for the elections in the United States.

The Republican Party elects Philander Chase Knox and Charles Evans Hughes Sr.

Democrats elect William J. Bryan as their presidential candidate (after years of experience as vice president) and John W. Kern as their vice presidential candidate.

The Socialist Party elected Eugene V. Debs and Benjamin Hanford.

Also at the beginning of October, the People's Republic of France found some Neanderthal remains in Le Moustier, remains of around 40,000 years old. This archaeological discovery represents an interesting development for the time.

At first it was thought that Neanderthals were beings of low emotional intelligence, they were simply not as "human" (in humanity) as a modern man. But the French discoveries indicated more complex levels of relationships than expected.

Discoveries that would also be replicated in a Persian cave many years later, would indicate that ancient humans and other hominids related to humans were beings that even in ancient times had remarkable emotional intelligence.

Injured elders were not left behind in all cases, but were sometimes helped to survive by other members (possibly family or simply from the same tribe-group). As it seems to indicate certain Neanderthals who lived during this period, that they had wounds that prevented a lot of mobility and therefore survival-subsistence tasks without external help.

* At first, it was also branded communist propaganda, but France (and Russia strangely), adopted the theory of humanity in ancient hominids, quite early.

(OOC: Based in actually, some information about Neanderthals that I remember, perhaps later cite the source or modify this a bit).

October 5, the work of British author Israel Zangwill, The Melting Pot, is performed for the first time in Washington D.C. the United States, becoming a popular term for the assimilation of immigrant cultures in the United States.

October 29, the economic planning of the Federative Socialist Republic of Italy indicates strong industrial growth and quality of life in the south of the peninsula, but the north is increasingly stagnant.

This will be a problem that will haunt the entire Costantino Lazzari government and that will have important consequences for his successors.

The left communists, anarchists or western socialists (favorable to certain reforms ...) infected some of the Maximalists in the north of the FSR of Italy, but they would not come to power while Lazzari is still alive, he was simply very popular.

The south on the other hand was free of this influence, but that is a different matter of discussion ...


* [War in Latin America 1]

October 30, 1908, broke out the Crisis of the Empire of Brazil.

During this period, Empress Isabel I of Brazil, leader of the empire (Brazilian state of the north), led to a serious national crisis that spread.

The crown prince and military commander Dom Pedro de Alcântara of Orléans-Braganza (prince of Grão-Pará), wanted to marry Countess Elisabeth Dobržensky de Dobrženicz, a noblewoman from the German Empire (Bohemia).

Isabel wanted to exclude Prince Pedro from the Brazilian line of succession in the face of this, an unequal marriage, although it did not imply a challenge to the constitution. The empress was simply considered to have become more authoritarian since the defeats to the Republicans and the split between the Federalists and the Monarchists.

Pedro III opposed all this, offered a new era of enlightened and liberal monarchy, opposed to his now 'tyrannical' mother. Although the opponents only insisted that Pedro capitalized on populist tendencies (being a demagogue) and wanted power.

The truth is that it can be a mixture of both, Isabel I always had an authoritarian streak. The violation of the Brazilian constitution / the laws of the imperial house and the attempts to remove Prince Pedro was too much for many.

Given this and due to the economic-social-political problems in the Empire of Brazil, it was a crisis, a considerable part of the imperial navy and parts of the army marched on the capital of the Empire to prevent the abdication of Prince Pedro, whom they crowned as Emperor Dom Pedro III when he accepted the crown offered by the armed forces.

Obviously this was the rupture in the Brazilian imperial family, the forces loyal to Empress Isabel and the forces loyal to Pedro III exploded throughout the territory.

Isabel and the loyalists to her government named Prince Luís of Orléans-Braganza as the legitimate heir to the Brazilian monarchy.

The division between the Empire of Brazil in the East (occupied by Isabel and Luis) and the West (occupied by Pedro III) did not go unnoticed, it is more sending waves through Latin America.

The Republic of the United States of Brazil, although poor, was going to annoy the Empire of Brazil, the Brazilian lower classes returned to the local struggle and everyone felt the war near in the giant Brazilian states ...


November 3, elections in the United States, these elections suppose the broke of the back of the republican power in most of USA.

William J. Bryan Democrats are able to move forward despite supporting Free Silver, Republicans are just that unpopular right now. Especially the Democrats won in the Solid South and various states from coast to coast. However, the situation was difficult for them as well.

In western (not counting California, Oregon, and Washington) and agricultural regions of the United States, Eugene V. Debs's socialists posed an ever-growing threat, destroying much of Republican and to some extent Democratic support in areas .

The final nail in the Republican coffin was the National Republicans, with victories in the Midwest and stealing much of the vote in the North and unfair states from the Republicans and Democrats.

Of course, William J. Bryan and John W. Kern eventually won, but the 1908 elections undoubtedly marked a breakdown in America's two-party system.

Left Socialist-Populists and National Republicans had won several congressmen and even some senators, ushering in a serious four-party era.


* [War in Latin America 2]

On November 6, the waves of war in the Empire of Brazil and the meddling of other Brazilian states finally reached crisis throughout Latin American states.

With the Brazilian movement, the Second Acre War breaks out between the Republic of Acre and Bolivia, caused by the near instability, the arms race in Latin America and Bolivian ambitions to recover the territory of the Portuguese-speaking and Hispanic locals (who generally support the independent Acre actually).

However, the aggressive Bolivian movement also extends to a resumption of disputes in the northern Chaco, between Bolivia and Paraguay.

In the middle of this foreign interests (Europe) intervene, some diverse Brazilians and Argentines to support Paraguay, and therefore Acre, against Bolivia.

Of course, these supports do not go completely unnoticed when repeated incidents occur in the southern cone after this, especially Argentina against Chile, which begins to support Bolivia in opposition to Argentina.

Finally both countries declare war.

Causing a series of 'great' Latin American wars.

* Civil war in the Empire of Brazil between Pedro III and Isabel I. In addition to mobilization in the Brazilian states.

* War between Bolivia and Praguay.

* War between Bolivia and the Republic of Acre.

* War between Argentina and Chile.

* Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid participated in the great Latin American wars of the Argentine-Paraguayan-Acre side and other associates against Bolivia-Chile and others.


November 15, King Leopold II sells various objects from the former Belgian monarchy to Russian museums in exchange for money, as he has been in exile since the German-French conquest of Belgium.

Unfortunately with his new money, Leopold II cannot buy any territory in Russian Katanga, but he can buy an island estate in New Krakow, Kameroon.

December 16, begins the construction of the RMS Olympic of the British, colossal ships but with military purposes, after this they become a wet dream of the Royal Navy.

Unfortunately, the Social Aristocracy wastes money on projects that are too expensive or simply impossible to carry out, and discard various reforms with potential, partly perhaps because of their 'Jewish' or 'non-Anglo-Saxon' origin.

During this time the work of physician began to be considered as the most Jewish profession in the Imperial Federation ... it is not quite clear why. But it was the reason that many Jewish-British doctors moved to Kenya, as did Jewish doctors of Russian origin.

(OOC: Based on some opinions of the Nazis actually).

December 23, hybrid solar eclipse in the Atlantic Ocean.

December 28, an earthquake shakes Sicily and Calabria, south of the Italian peninsula, causing around 75,000 and 200,000 deaths.

Obviously the Italian socialists together with their government and some international volunteers set about rebuilding everything as soon as possible.



* Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili.

"Recently I and Felix (Dzerzhinsky) were promoted to directors of the KGB and Okhrana, for my service in fighting the British in interference in Russian affairs and enlisting the support of the last of the Ming.

On the other hand Felix was successful in certain internal missions.

This should allow me to start gaining more recognition in the state apparatus and support within the RSDLP, while Felix helps the party and the state as well of course.

Stolypin is popular and positive for Russia, but everything indicates that the increase in the number of voters will favor Skobelev's right in the next elections.

Skobelev himself is not a threat, but in his hands is a horrible Pandora's box. The Black Hundreds and the Greens are a threat, I think and I will destroy them, when the time comes.

Tsar Alexander III is getting old, it is not surprising considering that he is the Czar with the longest time on the throne. He is wise and still diligent, positive for Russia, but we all wither eventually.

The violence in Romania got out of his control somewhat, although Tsesarevich Nicholas was more active (and willing to use violence against violence) to deal successfully with the situation.

Perhaps he and I are similar in many ways, certainly our previous cooperation has not been much, but as one of the directors of the KGB now is the time to get to know the future Tsar more deeply.

Some within the RSDLP call me a populist and a chauvinist, delusional.

First I have to reduce Zinoviev to second or even third place, then I should be able to control Kamenev in order to lead the match.

I can understand certain accusations, but I am the one who is most capable of bringing socialism to the Russian masses, I just must not scare them with socialist rhetoric. Talking about Christian values and attacks on the corrupt big capitalists is just the beginning ...

* Note to myself, destroying non-aligned anarchists and social democrats is also a vital task as a member of the RSDLP.

** Tomorrow I have to go see with Kirov that play that he wanted ... My friend sometimes is too insistent."

Dzhugashvili observed its writing one more time, before keeping it safe.

Nobody normally would fin the secret writings of one of the new KGB leaders...



* Felipe Carrillo Puerto.

Olegario Molina Solís was assassinated, with this unfortunately part of the local imperial administration fell with him and local trusts in the imperialists after the loss of Porfirio Diaz and the old age of Emperor Maximilian.

The Americans had stopped a bit in their elections, but there were interests of the military, imperialists and businessmen not to stop the war, and there was nothing certain that a change of government will really change the situation.

Under this, Felipe Carrillo Puerto and José María Pino Suárez enlisted the support of various Mayan guerrillas and other natives of Yucatan and southern Mexico to support the fight against the United States elsewhere.

Carrillo Puerto's first objective would be to find and speak with Francisco "Pancho" Villa.



A Russian in Paraguay.

"Name?". One of the Paraguayan officials asks.

"Ivan Timofeyevich Belyaev". The Russian soldier calmly reports, leading other Russians on this 'military expedition', although Ivan was 33 years old, he still had a certain youth leading him on curious adventures.

His wife had died suddenly when he had returned to St. Petersburg after his studies, and he had a decent but not exciting career in the army as part of the Russian artillery, reaching the rank of lieutenant colonel.

"... We will call you Juan Belaieff." The Paraguayan replied, noting this on his papers.

The struggle in the Boreal Chaco was undoubtedly difficult, the Paraguayans were still wounded from the war of the Triple Alliance, but they were not going to lose any more economic sustainability due to Bolivian ambitions, there was a strange solidarity with Acre for the sovereignty and economic independence of small countries.

And that the Brazilian states, Chile and Argentina influenced also helped (despite being underdeveloped states compared to the USA or Europe, they had the power to influence small nearby countries).

In the midst of this, the strange Russian Colonel, Ivan Timofeyevich Belyaev, also arrived, who volunteered to fight alongside the Paraguayans and did a really useful job about the fortification needs of Paraguay, information gathering and strategy against Bolivia.

Although of course Belyaev, better known as Juan Belaieff, did not carry the Chaco front on his shoulders, but he and his men (volunteers) did help in mapping the region to favor Paraguay, construction of forts and convince local tribes (with whom he formed a friendship and strong ties ) to fight for Paraguay.

next chapter
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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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