56.64% Lonely Bear - Russian SI [Second Thread] - Threadmarks / Chapter 81: Good July Days (July-September, 1917

บท 81: Good July Days (July-September, 1917

July Days]

July 16, the July Days began in the Russian Empire.

What are the July Days?

With the July Days, we speak of an important period of economic boom in the Russian Empire that occurred in 1917. Result of the improvement of the international situation after the end of the great international wars.

It meant that Russia's exports and domestic market once again experienced a significant improvement.

All this associated with the important projects of Tsar Nicholas II during the time, which included the fight against poverty, inequality and unemployment, modernization and the search for new technologies for various economic-state sectors of the Russian Empire and the considerable increase of consumer goods (appliances) for citizens.

Russia, the United States, the Imperial Federation, and the more developed countries of socialist Europe (Germany and France) essentially experienced an economic miracle.

A miracle that effectively announced the beginning of the end of the Great Depression, which had begun in 1903 (or earlier, it depends on the historian who you ask).

The great economic powers experienced this early, officially the Great Depression ended in 1918 for the rest of the world and the international community.


Right to own a future!


Right to work!​

Periods of austerity within the Russian Empire were ending and trade difficulties were ending, effectively allowing the strengthening of important trade routes under the influence of the Russian Empire.

Among these the Thai Channel, the Mediterranean Sea-Black Sea, New Silk Road and others.

Raw materials and consumer goods passed through Russia and the Russosphere, recovering pre-depression export levels and beneficial economic measures for this boom time.

In general there was significant optimism in these days of July, where the Moscow Stock Exchange (like other major stock exchanges, New York and London) experienced significant rises and gains.

Of course the Russian leadership could not afford to sleep, any profit time was an important period of strengthening and reinvestment within Russia and the Russosphere.

Reinvest within Russia, its industries and important projects to ensure a long period of stability and security.

This included the needs of the state (bureaucracy, military forces), investment (scientific research for example), infrastructure (education, medicine, housing) and international commercial projects.


[Russosphere: Yugoslav/Pan-Slavic treaties]

July 20, the Russian Empire deepens its treaties with the Balkan countries, more specifically with the Slavic countries (Bulgaria, Serbia, Macedonia, Bosnia and Montenegro).

This is the continuation of the pan-Slavic treaties or Yugoslav treaties, which promote socio-economic and political integration between Slavic nations through joint projects.

With the beginning of the July Days / beginning of the end of the Great Depression and the end of the Trans-Balkan, it was clear that at least for the time being there would be significant peace and prosperity.

Russia wanted to continue to formalize her sphere of influence into a real economic-political-military bloc, similar to the projects of the Imperial Federation with Scandinavia-PRG and the projects of socialist Europe.

For this, Russia effectively forced peace in her sphere of influence, having spread the roots of her influence and capital deeply into the Balkan countries.

Which meant several things to Tsar Nicholas II in the new treaties.

On the one hand the economic-citizen union between the Russians and the South Slavs continued to strengthen, and on the other hand there were many new potential projects in the Balkans.

Mainly in the construction of infrastructure and the continuation of the strengthening of ties between the Russosphere and the rest of the international community.

A very important example was the reconstruction of Thessalonica.

A fire had left tens of thousands of citizens homeless, destroying roughly a third of the city in the process.

Nicholas II and the Russian government offered Tsar Alexander I of Bulgaria, help in planning and carrying out the reconstruction of the city.

The aim was not only to start up the port for economic activities, but to modernize the city and continue to integrate the territory in Bulgaria (even moving more Bulgarians to the southern region of the Tsardom of Bulgaria).

Similar to the reconstruction of Thessaloniki, Russia promoted the modernization and expansion of infrastructure in its minor partners.

This for political, commercial and military purposes of course.

Modernization and stability of the allies in peacetime meant money for Russia, money that was reinvested. But it was also useful for other purposes.

Among them, preparing the allies for future times of war.


[Congress of the RSDLP: August of 1917]

August 8, the leadership of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party, preceded by Iosif V. Stalin, holds an important congress to discuss relevant issues within the current situation (Third Duma of the Russian Empire) and future (1920 elections in the Russian Empire). ).

Among these matters to be discussed during the Congress of August 1917:

* Report of the Central Leadership of the RSDLP (report made by Stalin himself and some associates).

* Various 'field reports', made by Sergei Kirov, Nikolai Bukharin, Stalin and others.

* Review of the political program of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party (conducted by speaker Vadim Nikolaevich Podbelsky and Lev Kamenev).

* Review and reports on the State Duma elections in 1915 (by Boris Zakharovich Shumyatsky).

* State of the Party (by Konstantin Konstantinovich Yurenev).

* Situation of the trade union movement of the Russian Empire.

* Organizational issues of the RSDLP.

* Elections of 1920 for the State Duma and other bodies of the Russian Empire.

* "Miscellaneous" (about the political situation, about the economic situation, about the RSDLP Charter, about the youth unions, about propaganda, about the courses for trainers related to RSDLP issues and about the activities of the central leadership of the RSDLP) .

This Congress was very important for several issues, within the internal politics of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party.

The situation of the Russian Empire had changed during the New Great War (Second Great War) and the Treaty of Visegrad, it was a perfect rebuilding moment for the socialist ideology in the Russian Empire (which was a very strange ideology).

The party was very close to important political victories for the next elections (1920) but important changes were also approaching within the RSDLP itself.

Through the Congress of August 1917, Stalin had the opportunity to effectively isolate or purge the last elements dangerous to him within the RSDLP. And start preparing the next purge.

* Grigory Zinoviev effectively missed any opportunity to return to the central leadership of the Party.

He would form the Petrograd Group, an opposition group within the RSDLP, but they were never popular outside of Petograd (hence the name).

* Stalin began to successfully promote Sergei Kirov, Nikolai Bukharin and Alexei I. Rykov, among others. Strengthening the 'Stalinist' wing of the RSDLP.

* Stalin successfully began to undermine Kamenev's wing thanks to the August Congress and the strengthening of the Stalinists, as a result the duarchy would eventually become the sole leadership of Iosif V. Stalin.

* An action plan was effectively established for the next elections, with a collective government with Alexander Kerensky's Trudoviks and potentially other leftists (if possible).

Although it was clear that the RSDLP would be the one to pull the government car.

It is obvious that the party's program therefore continued to be strongly guided by Iosif V. Stalin, who in the process added new initiatives to support the unions and youth organizations associated with the RSDLP.

The central leadership and the party's delegate-voters accepted this, after all Stalin and the rest of the Stalinist wing were quite popular within the party.

But a first notable split occurred, Lev Trotsky leaving the RSDLP after Stalin effectively purged Zinoviev politically (and will begin to undermine enemy wings within the party).

This gave rise to the ideology of Trotskyism, which obviously comes from Lev Trotsky and his political-theoretical work.

Trotsky founded the Mezhdunarodnaya Rabochaya Partiya Rossii (Международная рабочая партия России, MRPR) or Internationalist Workers Party of Russia.

The aim of Trotsky and the MRPR was to be a leftist opposition to the very Russian Social Democratic Labor Party led by Iosif V. Stalin.

It is true that Trotsky had followers, but he was very ... snobbish for many Russians.

After Trotsky's death, all Trotskyist organizations have been characterized by something. They split VERY often or are just very weird.

In short, during Trotsky there was an opportunity to win as semi-unified organisms in some places, but Trotsky sabotaged himself (and it didn't help to have separated from the much larger RSDLP/Communist movement) and after Trotsky the Trotskyists never had much of a chance.

Within Russia or abroad actually.


Millions in power!​

Internal opposition to the Stalinists and the RSDLP was quite fragmented after Skobelev's death during the Third Duma period, resulting in a very interesting situation for the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party.

A period of masses began, the 'Millions in Power!' where the reconstruction of Russia was taking place and a dark era in the Russian Empire was ending.

The Great Depression was ending and the New Great War was over after Visegrad, it was a time of change and transformation in many ways.

The July Days were not important for the Russian socialism of the RSDLP, indeed they were a boom in many ways.

The Labor government was the one for this new economic boom in the opinion of many Russians. Since it was time for change after the failures of the Duma led by the nationalist-conservatives and militarists left behind by Skobelev.

For many people 'freedom' is the concept of civil and political freedoms, for the Russian Empire freedom was more about sovereignty, stability and good governance.

The RSDLP promised a sovereign and well-governed Russia, with important projects for the national economy and Russian society.

Among them the deepening of the fight against unemployment and economic inequality, expansion of social programs and useful infrastructure, etc.



August 10, the presence of the Russian Empire in Persia Qajar increases when Mohammad Ali Shah Qajar accepts the creation of a series of 'Military Missions' of the Russian Empire in the Qajar dynasty.

Not that the Shah had much choice to start with, after the Visegrad Treaty the influence of the Russian Empire was well established in the country.

And this time there was no competing power to help drive the Russians out of Persia.

The initial excuse for the creation of the military missions was to guarantee vital points and the borders of the Qajar dynasty from possible enemies, in particular the Imperial Federation.

In secret, the Russian government wanted to protect the spy networks and secret supplies that existed or passed through Persia. Such as Uncle Yasha's Group or the Russian 'mineral water'.

The Russian secret to entering Persia was not to enter through direct military action, but through diplomacy, politics, and trade.

Thus, the geography and ethno-cultural resistance of Persia, which function as a defense against external dangers, were not problematic for Russia.

Because the Persians themselves let Russia into the country.

Through the creation of Russian military missions in the Qajar dynasty, Russia had excuses to greatly increase its influence and that of its allies within the military-state apparatus.

In the process, the number and funds of the Brigade of Persian Cossacks, stationed in the very Persian capital, also increased sharply.

The coup was moving smoothly under the current leadership of Russia and her allies.

Among Russia's military missions in Persia, Tsar Nicholas II also proposed new trade treaties with the Persian dynasty.

What was the beginning of the founding of joint trade policies (greater integration of Persia in the Russosphere) and cemented the influence of Russian capital continuously in the Qajar dynasty.

It was basically useful for Russia, but in a sense also for Persia. Considering that the country was heavily indebted to Russia economically and did not trade much with India (so access to Russian markets and the rest of the Middle East was very useful).


[Circle of Trust and religion]

Russia was a country with extremely centralized power since old times, but it was a sustained power in various elements. Among them the religious authorities.

After the educational reforms and the introduction of democracy, Tsar Alexander III had left the Russian Orthodox Church as the official religion but giving some space and favorable treatment to other religions, such as Russian Muslims, Buddhists, Jews, etc.

It is true that the population was more educated and open in certain ways, but the church continued to play an important role in the social (and therefore political) life of the Russian Empire.

Tsar Nicholas II in particular, as a 'new' Tsar, wanted to continue to guarantee influence and allies within the religious institutions of the Russian Empire.

As his father had done before him.

For very simple reasons, it was a useful and extremely effective strategy in population control that did not share as many ideals or ideology with the government of the Russian Empire.

On August 28 is when Tsar Nicholas II began to launch efforts for these projects, especially to win allies within the main traditional religions of the country.

How did Tsar Nicholas II do this?

Well, it was a mixture of diplomatic skill and favors (as Tsar Alexander III had done), and the use of other strategies within the state apparatus of the Russian Empire.

In particular, Emperor Nicholas II used elements of the old Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church, to move and obtain important assets within the religious institutions of the Russian Empire.

Through this, the Tsar Nicholas II gained influence in the main religious centers of the Empire, which gave him power beyond the legitimacy and judicial law of the Russian Empire.

Moscow, Tsargrad and other ecclesiastical centers were soon aligned with the new Tsar Nicholas II.

Either by political patronage (assets of Nicholas II winning important positions or influence) or by the conservatism of the church, that he wanted to maintain the status quo of the moment.

Nicholas II promised to maintain the status quo, that mainly meant the current situation of the church (in terms of status and so on) and the subjugation of certain elements nominally outside of religious authority.

With this we speak mainly of Orthodox outside the Russian Orthodox Church.

As de-facto heads of world orthodoxy since the capture of Constantinople (now Tsargrad), Russia had an authority and presence to maintain.

Naturally, the Russian Orthodox Church did not want to lose all this, and the method to continue guaranteeing the golden age of that moment, was to maintain the current course of Tsar Nicholas II and his associates.

In the rest of the religions, it was simply much easier to continue the work of the old Tsar Alexander III. Which he meant to say that as long as the non-orthodox subjects remained loyal, everything would be fine.

Tsar Nicholas II also added some favors to secure significant assets, as had his father.

This required, for example, the construction of some temples and private discussions of important matters (inside and outside the Russian Empire, such as Russian interests in Buddhist Tibet).



Lavr Kornilov, like others, was present at a meeting of the National Salvation Directory on September 10, 1917.

At this meeting, Admiral Alexander V. Kolchak and his associates prepared a secret document. The first plan about what to do at the decisive moment when the NSD would take control of the central government of Russia.

We are not talking about military movements or strategies (outside of taking vital points in logistics and resources), but about politics and administration. The middle and after of a coup.

It was clear that the intentions of the National Salvation Directorate was the consolidation of state power in the armed forces, a military dictatorship in short.

The document designed by Kolchak and associates actually called this "Sovereign Military Command", which would be led by a Supreme Commander-in-Chief, who would be in charge of directing precisely the military forces and most of the state affairs during the transition in power.

Obviously due to the scenario of the seizure of power, drastic measures would have to be implemented to deal with separatist elements, revolutionaries and opposition to the National Salvation Directorate.

1-Martial law would be introduced throughout the territory of Russia.

2-Reestablishment of loyal and disciplinary authority in military, civil and bureaucratic commanders.

3-Opposing military-state elements and rebellious civilian population under military jurisdiction would be put on trial in military courts.

The death penalty would be given for a number of serious crimes.

After this seizure of power and the re-establishment of law and order, the political-administrative program promoted by Admiral Kolchak's National Salvation Directorate was clearly established.

1) The establishment of independent governmental power from any 'irresponsible' organization (such as the RSDLP or other dangerous influence), to a new State Duma.

2) Establishment of local authorities and courts independent of the old government organizations, supervised by military courts.

3) War in total unity against the enemies of Russia, inner enemies and foreign enemies, until the conclusion of peace and order. Securing the wealth and vital interests of Russia.

4) Creation of an efficient army and an organized rearguard, including the creation of political commissars to establish discipline among the troops.

5) Ensure the life of the country and the army, rationalizing transportation and restoring the productivity of factories and plants after instability.

Establish regulatory bodies for the economy, overseen by the government.

6) The resolution of the main state, national and social affairs is postponed until the creation of the new State Duma, with the elimination of the dangerous elements for the Russian Empire.

The group was beginning to get the attention of more capitalists thanks to Yusupov. The Ryabushinsky, Morozovs, Tretyakov, Putilov, Vyshnegradsky and other capitalist families with conservative links would support the idea of the Kolchak-led coup.

Militarily speaking, there was a clear division between some military unions, such as the Cossacks. On the one hand the Cossacks loyal to the legitimate central government and on the other hand the Cossacks in favor of the National Salvation Directorate.

After this meeting in September of 1917, Tsar Nicholas II's circle of trust in secret began to give Commander Kornilov certain promotions, thanks to General-Minister Aleksey Brusilov.

Kornilov served as an important source of information and help for the circle of trust of Nicholas II against the Directorate.

Of course the Directorate did not know that Kornilov was working with Nicholas II and his associates, so they supported him in his new promotions, thinking that Kornilov would be useful in positions of high power for the objectives of the Directorate. While in reality, Kornilov was a double agent against them.

"To end every war in a dignified way for a great Russia, we need three armies: An army in the trenches, fighting directly in the battle. An army in the rear, which manufactures everything the army of the front needs in workshops and factories. And a railway army, which gives everything to the front ".

-General Lavr Kornilov.



July 1, an important event occurs for the literary world, the British writer John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (better known in modern times simply as J. R. R. Tolkien) publishes his fantasy novel for children, The Hobbit (or There and Back Again).

Tolkien's first book that takes the reader to Middle-earth and a precursor to the rest of the volumes of The Lord of the Rings.

Soon the first edition of The Hobbit (with 310 pages) became a critical and commercial success, awarded as one of the best young adult fiction novels in 1916.

The Hobbit follows the story of Bilbo Baggins, a home-loving hobbit who is forced out of his no-adventure rural life into much more sinister territory.

The work is influenced by events in Tolkien's life, including his experience in the New Great War / Second Great War. But obviously there are many more themes that the work touches on (Personal growth, motifs of warfare and forms of heroism) and many other inspirations (mythology, fairy tales, Germanic philology).

Tolkien today is praised as the father of High Fantasy, and in part it all started with The Hobbit (not exactly fantasy, but literature that already presents fantastic characteristics).

July 2, East San Luis race riots (Illinois, United States).

Violence between white Americans (supported by the KKK and the Silver Legion) and blacks, leading to the death of 48-200 African Americans and the destruction of the homes of 6,000 black people.

What was the origin of the violence? Quite simply, whites were upset by the growing number of African American workers in the city ...

The local police chief told officers not to shoot at the white rioters, as a result the police were unable to suppress the violence and destruction.

Several African Americans left the city permanently, and black enrollment in the area's public schools had dropped by 35% when the schools opened in the fall.

More than 10,000 black citizens marched in silent protest in New York City and the Solid South to condemn the riots in late July.

On the same day, Henry Ford's federal government agrees to send troops to deal with the strikes in Bisbee, Arizona.

However, federal troops first contact the Phelps Dodge Corporation, a mining company against which the miners are protesting.

July 5, unrest in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Troops of the Imperial Federation in the country settle the matter, fearing a possible communist revolution.

A striking miner at the Copper Queen Mine struck the president of Phelps Dodge Corporation, carrying out further crackdowns on the strikers.

July 6, archaeologists from the Imperial Federation founded the Oriental Research Institute, to obtain evidence of the influence of the Aryan race and other Aryan elements in the historiography promoted by the British Social Aristocracy.

In short, pseudo-science by modern standards.

July 10, the General Staff of the Imperial Federation begins to carry out its first plans for the future war against Red Germany and the People's Republic of France.

Of course these were just sketches and they became out of date on various issues when World War III started.

July 11, the federal government brings together about 2,200 forces to help the Bisbee Sheriff and the Phelps Dodge Corporation deal with the strikers.

July 12, 1,300 strikers are arrested in the Bisbee strikes, but it's after this that everything gets pretty ... dark.

The Phelps Dodge Corporation had provided lists and lists of striking workers and associates, through these lists not only the strikers and supporters, but other more innocent people (citizen bystanders) were arrested.

Then the sheriff, Harry C. Wheeler, took them to a local baseball park before being loaded onto cattle cars and deported 200 miles (320 km) to Tres Hermanas in New Mexico, a 16-hour drive without food or water.

A completely illegal action perpetrated by Phelps Dodge Corporation and Sheriff Wheeler, with the help of federal troops in the arrest of the strikers.

And President Henry Ford didn't reacted negatively to this.

At the end of the day the Supreme Court ruled that the Constitution by itself does not give the federal government the power to stop kidnappings (even ones involving moving abductees across state lines on federally-regulated railroads).

President Ford's federal government actually intends to maintain strong support for big businesses like Phelps Dodge Corporation.

The news at first was kept partly closed in Arizona by Sheriff Wheeler, but it spread and caused numerous scandals rather quickly after.

Tensions within the United States remained quite high in the early postwar years.)

July 22, the Ford administration initiates plans for the construction of a new building for the United States War Department.

During the New Great War, the Munitions Building had been established as the headquarters of the War Department. The building was a temporary structure during the occupation of New England and Washington D.C.

Now with President Ford's massive rebuilding plans comes the obvious need to construct a new building for the headquarters of the United States Department of Defense.

It was decided that the place would be in the state of Virginia, specifically today-Arlington County. Across the Potomac River from Washington D.C.

As part of the new and improved defenses of the United States of America and the increasing expansion of forces and bureaucracy related to the United States Army.

This is what is known today as the Main War Department Building, one of the largest government buildings in the world.


First drawing of the final design of the Main War Department Building.

(OOC: ITL, the Pentagon).​

July 25, the Imperial Federation introduces its first income tax to finance various projects and needs of the Imperial Federation.

These new taxes in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and South Africa, are quite successful for the imperial bureaucracy.

Although of course, not everyone is happy. Fortunately the Imperial Parliament puts the biggest tax burden on the middle class and not the upper class ...

The most conflictive with the new tax are the French-speaking Canadians, mainly Quebec.

July 28, Black activist W. E. B. Du Bois and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People lead silent marches in New York for race riots in early July.

August 1, the problems in the United States continue after in Montana the Labor leader of the Industrial Workers of the World, Frank Henry Little is abducted by six masked men in Butte (Montana).

The OFFICIAL cause of his death is suffocation, but in the process Little was beaten and dragged by a car around Butte.

The trouble began in Montana soon after, with more than 13,000 associates marching at Little's funeral for the Labor cause.

August 2, one of the first notable violent uprisings in America's Ford administration, the Green Corn Rebellion of rural Oklahoma.

The Green Corn Rebellion was an uprising by American socialists, European-Americans, tenant farmers, Seminoles, Muscogee Creeks and African-Americans against corporate and government measures in the state of Oklahoma.

Measures imposed since the Clark administration in the Second Great War.

From here some 4,500 people marched through rural Oklahoma in favor of legislation against lynching, against large corporations, against Bisbee Deportation and other Ford administration issues.

Although the group was stopped by troops and armed citizens shortly after, the Green Corn Rebellion marked an important event.

In the shortest possible time, the Socialist Party of America won the state elections in Oklahoma.

Oklahoma was the first major rift, and between 1917 and 1924, the Socialist Party of America took over the Solid South (electorally speaking).


One of the many reunions of Socialist Americans during the late 1910s and early 1920s.

August 4, the Imperial Federation begins attempting to conduct 'business' in Liberia.

August 6, the new Army of the Free Republic of Germany is created by the Volk-Kanzler Karl Liebknecht, with an initial force of 345,000 troops and 100,000 associated civilian workers.

Soon this expands much further, but the First Army was the foundation for a 100% professional and established force. Not like the first German socialist militias / paramilitaries.

On August 10, several strikes begin throughout the United States in the post-war period, but the food and fuel situation in most of the country is stabilized.

Of course, this is before the Dust Bowl in the American center.

August 18, a fire in Thessalonica, Bulgaria, destroys a third of the city. Leaving 70,000 people homeless.

August 20, the Ford administration begins to open banks and commercial subsidiaries of the state and American corporations in Panama, Hispaniola and some other Central American countries (Nicaragua, Costa Rica and El Salvador).

With this expanding the influence of America and its corporate-capitalist imperialism in the region of Central America and the Caribbean.

August 21, reforms in the Imperial Federation establish basic prices for some agricultural products and white rural workers.

This measure increases state intervention in the economy, but helps regulate various affairs within the Imperial Federation in its 'miraculous' post-war recovery.

August 23, under the presidency of Juan Vicente Gomez, the government of Gran Colombia takes increasingly dictatorial measures.

Among them, the abolition of media opposition or take over of various media (such as newspapers).

Feeding the power of President-General Gomez, and making the country continue to move away from a liberal-democratic policy.

Riot of Houston (Texas, USA) of 1917, after the rumor of an African-American soldier dying in police custody, 156 soldiers (belonging to the 24th Infantry Regiment) riot and march in Houston.

As a result of the confrontation between police and soldiers, there are 20 deaths.

19 soldiers are executed and another 41 receive life sentences after court martial.

August 27, premiere of Straight Shooting, a western film and one of the oldest surviving films from director John Martin Feeney (John Ford).

August 30, the birth of Vladimir Kirillovich, Grand Prince (Kniaz) of Russia.

Son of Grand Duke Kirill Vladimirovich of Russia (son of Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich of Russia and grandson of Emperor Alexander II).

September 5, big conference in Zimmerwald, Switzerland.

Here the European socialist states (Andorra, Flanders, Union of Iberian Socialist Republics, People's Republic of France, Free Republic of Germany and the Federative Socialist Republic of Italy) continue the successful construction of their supranational project.

Zimmerwald would effectively become the 'capital' of such a project, as it would be the main meeting and discussion center for the pan-European socialist proposal.

Why choose Zimmerwald and not a capital city?

Very simply, by placing the project in a non-capital city of Switzerland, the socialists avoided many problems and conflicts of interest associated with other cities such as Berlin, Paris or Rome.

In addition, I allowed the socialist governments to build something from 0 and to cement their influence over Western-Central Europe, especially Switzerland.

Geography is a bit tricky, but they are dealing with it properly.

September 9, death of Baron Boris Vladimirovich Panin (born Boris Vladimirovich Stürmer).

September 10, Sergei Sergeyevich Prokofiev completes one of his most famous compositions "Classical Symphony" (better known as Symphony No.1 or simply 'Classical'), which opens shortly after in the city of Petrograd, Russian Empire.

September 11, birth of Herbert Charles Angelo Kuchačevič ze Schluderpacheru, Czechoslovakian actor known for a variety of roles (starting with serious jobs all the way to well-known roles in comedy).

September 20, protests by Quebec natives in Canada, Imperial Federation, due to new taxes and remnants of the military draft since the Fashoda War / First Great War).

The protests are crushed by imperial troops.

September 29, various foreign actors finance various groups of the civil war in the Republic of China during the last stages of the expeditions of the moment.

Through this the war spreads and instability in southern China is guaranteed.

Under the Ford administration, private contractors are strengthened by cooperating with the government. These contractors form the basis for the military-industrial complex, because they 'feed' the armed forces of the United States.

Which is partly very troublesome.

The influence of corporations in the United States increases as a result.

next chapter
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