33.33% Literally Insane in Marvel / Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Police Station

บท 2: Chapter 2: Police Station


[Welcome to the Situational Receiving system]

[Description of Situational Receiving system: By causing Situation's in Marvel the user will receive certain things depending on how risky and intense the situation is including as well as small or minor situations however the user will not receive anything special if it is not as impactful so please be advised.]

[Introduction over.]


[Transmigrate into the world with a bang by murdering someone in the first 5 minutes of your arrival then being arrested to then receive around the clock surveillance along with being suspected in the brewing gang war occurring in hell's kitchen.]


Transfigure Thing

Description: The Transfigure thing can shape into any hand held object ranging from something as small as a toothpick to as big as a Great sword, it can only be used by the user and is half the weight of the object it is transfigured into, and lastly it can be summoned into the users hand no matter where it is.

Warning: Cannot transfigure into a Firearm with bullets as that would compromise the structure of the Transfigure thing, and if another party tries to use the transfigure thing the weight of the current object in its taken form will be increased by 100x the normal weight.]


Shin looked at the message that popped up in his retinas with curiosity as he listened closely to the message and shook his head in approval. However his eyes lit up when he heard about the transfigure thing but before he could think about it more the door opened and a man stepped in along with two officers.

Behind the two way glass a man also walked in around the same time the man entered the interrogation room and both officers were immediately respectful and on their toes.

"Detective Blair." x2

"At ease, what has been the behavior the young man since he has arrived." Detective Blair said waving off their behavior to put them at rest.

"Sir um how do we put this...." Officer 1 said looking at Officer 2 for help to put it in a nice way but Officer 2 didn't even glance at him.

"Sir he's crazy, like out of his mind crazy, he also keeps getting angry out of the blue and for the last 10 minutes he has been talking to himself or how he puts it his 'readers' and sat in silence for like 30 minutes after he said something about what happened 'four hours ago'." Officer 2 bluntly said making Officer 1 facepalm as he totally didn't pick up his hints to ease down a bit.

Detective Blair nodded and rubbed his beard before looking at the young man who was being put into cuffs.

"Hmmmmm it seems he's detached from reality and has possible mood swings and judging by what he did to the man he murdered most likely violent ones." Detective Blair said already making a profile on Shin on the basis of the officer's description.

"Sir, if I may ask why Detective Bill is in the integration room instead of you, aren't you one of the main detectives in charge of these possible gang related killings that have to do with the brewing gang war in hell's kitchen." Officer 1 said politely.

"Detective Bill wanted the opportunity of being new to the scene so I'm letting him gain experience by letting him feel out this possible gang member and if things become too much I'll intervene." Detective Blair replied not trying to hide his intentions at all and both officers nodded.

Back in the interrogation room.

Two Officers finished handcuffing Shin to the table and Shin did not resist letting the Officers handcuff him to the table and he even smiled the whole time as the man in front of him got situated.

"Hi I'm Shin!" Shin said with a smile showing his pearly whites.

"Hello Shin I am Detective Bill and I would appreciate it if you would cooperate with the NYPD." Detective Bill said sternly and Shin nodded.


"First I would like to know why there is currently no record of you in any databases, local or federal?"

"Because my information was never put in those databases."


"Why is that?"

"Um because it's impossible for there to be any record of me because this is my first time to be caught here."

Detective Bill nodded as it wasn't impossible for someone in hell's kitchen to not be recorded since kids are born and abandoned in the slums almost all the time without being recorded in the federal and local databases.

Detective Bill then put a folder on the table and laid out the contents which were pictures showing a bloody body from multiple angles, it also included a headshot of a man from the front and the side, and after he carefully took them out he placed them in front of Shin.

"This man is Hector Pérez and is suspected of being in the cartel as he has the signature tattoo that almost all members have." Detective Bill said pointing to each picture with Hector in it and Shin just nodded the whole time.

"Now may I ask why you murdered Hector Pérez?" Detective Bill said, getting to the point.

"Oh because he had it coming that's why!" Shin said a little angry thinking about that jerk.

Detective Bill on the outside nodded, however inside he was elated at the prospect that Shin might be a part of the cartel's rival gangs the dogs of hell or kitchen Irish, however he didn't dare to show it on his face.

He then took out more sets of pictures of the dogs of hell and kitchen Irish that had members, potential hideouts, and their logos setting them all in front of Shin.

"Shin, do you recognize these two gangs? The ones on the right are dogs of hell and the picture's on the left represent Kitchen Irish." He pointed to both sides and Shin nodded his head heavily because he knew of those two gangs from comics.

"Yeah I know those two gangs." Shin said smiling and Detective Bill couldn't help but reciprocate it as a smile appeared on his face.

"Shin, do you perhaps belong to one of these gangs?" Detective Bill said already thinking that his first ever integration could result in information on one of these two gangs.

"What oh no, I'm not in a gang Detective Bill." Shin said, shaking his head very exaggeratedly at this prospect, making his actions look at this idea being unbelievable.

"Gre-huh?" Detective Bill said a little puzzled at his rejection however he calmed himself, he should have known it wouldn't have been that easy.

"If your not apart of these two gangs Shin then why did you murder Mr. Pérez in cold blood?" Detective Bill said wanting to see if he could see any slip ups in his response.

Detective Bill's thought process was focused solely on the possibility of this event being something bigger than it really was.

"Duh because he called me a freak...ME! I'm not a freak I'm just misunderstood...and that look in eyes when he said it......he just deserved to die." Shin said aggressively as his eyes dimmed bit by bit recalling what transpired and what he said; however he regained his bearings and smiled at Bill.

Detective Bill sighed and rubbed his head trying to think of how to take it from here however he couldn't think of anything.

"*Sigh* Shin your saying that you murdered Mr. Pérez because he called you a so called 'Freak'.......that level of comprehension is a little crazy don't you think Shin." Detective Bill said recklessly, losing his bearings for a little and upon hearing 'crazy' Shin's expression became Dark.


He might not understand our thought process we should enlighten him so he can better understand us and it will surely make him realize his mistake" - Voice 2

Jerk. - Voice 3

"Detective Bill I feel I am fully justified in my course of actions and I think your understanding needs a little readjustment don't you think." Shin said with cold eye's and Detective Bill just rolled his eyes not caring about his change in attitude.

"Right right *sigh* Shin, if you really killed him for a reason like that you are probably going to be at the least sent to a mental hospital and at the most the state petitionary for manslaughter doing what could be a life sentence." Detective Bill said before looking Shin in the eye's.

"However if you come clean and just tell me the real reason for your actions we could work out a deal." Detective said with a confident smile thinking he set out the bait and now he was waiting for this helpless thug to catch onto it however Shin's eyes shook.

'Mental Hospital no no no...........NO NO NO I CAN'T GO BACK.'


He dared threaten to send us back when we were fully justified. He should let us GO WE MUST BE UNDERSTOOD!' - Voice 2

Please, anything but that. - Voice 3

Detective Blair sensed something wrong and started to feel apprehensive, however he wasn't sure if Shin was freaking out over going to prison or the mental hospital so he decided to trust Bill and let handle this.

"Nothing.....I guess we're going with Option 1 Shin. I really wanted to help you but if you're not going to cooperate I can only do so much." Detective Bill said with a tone of regret collecting the pictures slowly as to get Shin to break; however he did accomplish his goal but not in the way Bill wanted.


Shin immediately dislocated his thumbs, Detective Bill didn't even have a chance to fully look up at Shin's actions before Shin slammed his palms back onto the table.

*Crack* x2

Shin relodged his thumbs back into place, Bill looked up but right when he did Shin slammed his head back down right into the table.


"Sh*t!" All three of the spectators watched Shin slam Detective Bill's head down as they rushed out of the room trying to get to the interrogation room before Shin could do anything more drastic.

Bill, already perplexed by the situation unfolding in front of him, blanked out as his head collided with the metal table.

Shin pulled Bill over the table and Summoned the Transfigure Thing and it appeared in his hand as a knife pressing it against Bill's neck.


"FREEZE, PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR AND RELEASE DETECTIVE BILL!" Detective Blair said with authority trying to remain calm on the surface however his mind was racing.

'How did he get a weapon, just in case he was crazy? Bill didn't go in with a weapon so how does he have a knife!'

"NO YOU WANT TO SEND ME BACK I CAN'T........I WON'T GO BACK JUST LISTEN TO ME HE CALLED ME A FREAK SO I KILLED HIM NOW LET ME GO!" Shin unreasonably screamed, his paranoid eyes showing as his anger and panic seethed into his words.

The Officers next to each other just looked at each other and then looked towards Detective Blair for his input.

"Shin calm down we can work this out Detective Bill is a rookie he doesn't understand how things work lets just put the knife down and talk this out, I am much more understanding than Bill so please." Detective Blair tried to bargain and upon seeing Shin hesitate he thought he got through to him.

Maybe we sh-' - Voice 2


Why is the world so cruel? - Voice 3

"LIES YOUR LYING STEP ANY CLOSER AND I'LL PAINT THIS ROOM IN DETECTIVE BILL'S BLOOD!!!!" Shin shouted hysterically, upon hearing him Detective Blair clutched his harder gun.

Bill's eyes slowly became less hazy, his mind was in a mess after Shin slammed his head but right now he finally started to come to his senses.

Seeing his predicament his body started to wriggle out of Shin's grip almost instinctually however Shin didn't try to stop his wriggling he just pressed his blade harder against Bill's neck

Feeling a slight pain Bill stopped squirming as some blood started to trickle down his neck and upon finally grasping this situation he froze completely.

Detective Blair saw this and bit his lip, Shin just stared coldly at Detective Blair and Bill just looked at Detective Blair and the Officers with panic and pleading written all across his eyes, he didn't dare say a word and just communicated his shouts through his facial and body language.

"Dammit stand down."

"But Dete-"

"I SAID STAND DOWN DAMMIT!" he shouted angrily and the officers slowly put down their guns down.

We cannot let Bill escape his fate; his blood must spill. - Voice 1

Being cautious is very important in this situation. We must not let them leave the room for the negation nor can we allow them to steer the conversation. - Voice 2

The second we drop our guard there gonna hurt us, why can't they just leave us alone. - Voice 3

"Shin okay but firs-"

"SHUT UP!" Shin furiously said and Detective Blair closed his mouth.

"First you will not move from your places or I will kill him, Second you will listen to my demands and if you interrupt me I will kill him, third if my orders are not met within a time period of 5 seconds I will kill him." Shin said and everyone became silent, not daring to move.

"First you will have a car pull to the front of the building if any words other than 'This is Detective Blair, Detective Bill has been taken hostage, someone pull up a civilian car to the front of the station or else he will kill Detective Bill I don't want to hear any banter or questions just execute my order' now Detective Blair you may slowly use your right hand to grab your walkie talkie to communicate my order." Shin demanded and hearing this Detective Blair complied, grabbing his walkie talkie slowly.

"This is Detective Blair, Detective Bill has been taken hostage, someone will pull up a civilian car to the front of the station or else he will kill Detective Bill. I don't want to hear any banter or questions, just execute my order!" Detective Blair repeated word for word what Shin said to him after he finished the room and became silent.


"Now what's going to happen next is that you will radio once again but to every officer except the one getting the car to the north side of the building and you will say 'Every officer inside the station is to report to the north side of the building right away except the one retrieving the car he is to deliver the car to the entrance and then report to the north with the rest of the officers in the building and all officers outside on patrol must not be located in the front of the building or any of the correlating streets next to it he's very serious about killing Detective Bill so please follow my orders exactly' and if I see a single soul near the entrance I will slice Bill's throat." Shin said calmly and Blair hesitated knowing that this was not going the way he wanted and also that it was a lot to repeat word for word.

"5!" not even two seconds did Shin shout the number.




"Every officer inside the station is to report to the north side of the building right away except the one retrieving the car he is to deliver the car to the entrance and then report to the north with the rest of the officers in the building and all officers outside on patrol must not be located in the front of the building or any of the correlating streets next to it he's very serious about killing Detective Bill so please follow my orders exactly" Detective Blair said in a hurry hearing Shin's threats not wanting to risk it hearing zero.

Shin knew that some Officers on patrol would not listen as well as some stragglers inside the building and they would try and surround him however he was going to show them he wasn't messing around.

They waited in silence for what seemed like hours but in reality was 45 minutes before they finally heard something.

"Detective Blair, everyone in the station is now at the north of the building and the car is parked in the front of the building, the officers on patrol are also not blocking any of the streets."

"Now everyone will take a step backwards out of the room however you will not move until I take a step and if I see any of you go to the left instead of the right well you know what will happen." Shin said, looking Blair right in the eye's.

Then he took a step along with Bill and then they took a step that repeated a lot as Shin was in the corner of the interrogation room.

No one went to the left and followed his instructions going to the right and now Shin was at the doorway, he memorized the path to the entrance when he was walking towards the interrogation room and while observing everything he could he counted 13 corners he had to take to reach the exit however five of them didn't have any reflective surfaces near them so he wouldn't be able to see around those but to his luck the first four on his way out had reflective objects so he would be able to see if anyone was behind there waiting to pounce on him because he knew there would be some officers around at least one and that was all he needed to make a example.

"Now I understand you won't just simply let me just walk away without eyes on my captive here so I will allow the same rules as before however you must follow the same instructions as last time except for every step I take you will take a step towards me." Shin instructed and Detective Blair nodded.

Shin looked to the right seeing the first reflective object which was a plaque and seeing no one he made his way slowly towards the corner and the Officers followed behind.

Then after he reached that next corner and saw a split in the hallway ahead of him one path going left and one going right.

He looked at the vase in the center and saw four officers in total, two were on the left and two were on the right.

Shin directed Bill into a corner and Detective Blair raised his eyebrows but then he suddenly widened seeing Shin submerge his knife into Bill's left shoulder.

"AHHHHHHHHH!" Bill screamed thinking it was going smoothly and was completely caught off guard by Shin's movement



The Officers not knowing how they were seen revealed themselves and pointed their guns at Shin, Detective Blair seeing this started cursing even more in his mind.

Detective Blair started to get anxious seeing the knife once again return to Bill's neck and then he saw the blood flowing from Bill's wound making him feel very indecisive on how to quell the situation and still keep Bill's life.





Detective Blair closed his eye's everyone was on pins and needles hearing Shin count down and Bill's state was even worse.

The pain he was feeling started to become unbearable as tears started to form in eye's looking at Detective Blair knowing his life was going to be determined by his answer.





Dextrious Dextrious

I don't want to make a complicated system like stores, status, and stuff like that because first I'm lazy and second I don't like systems like that as they are completicated like that, second systems that are interactive with the MC annoy the sh*t out of me espically when the system develops sentience and becomes attracted to the host which is hyprociatial cause the system in my previous book did that but the more I wrote it the more I disliked the idea so no interactive system if ya like those types of systems well sucks.

next chapter
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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








เขียนรีวิว สถานะการอ่าน: C2
ไม่สามารถโพสต์ได้ กรุณาลองใหม่อีกครั้ง
  • คุณภาพงานเขียน
  • ความเสถียรของการอัปเดต
  • การดำเนินเรื่อง
  • กาสร้างตัวละคร
  • พื้นหลังโลก

คะแนนรวม 0.0

รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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