"[Beacon]. {Portal}."
From the four space doorways came the rest of my party. All of them were carrying pitiful looking corpses in trash bags. Naturally I also had a similar looking corpse. I had Pixie travel around all five zones via {Portals} and locate all the defenders.
Similar to George, they were all in gruesome states one would barely call alive. Nyda, Leo, Pixie and D took the bags and gently opened them up. While everyone knew that these corpses were Phantoms, we also knew that they still felt pain.
"Pixie, Treat them."
My {Vassal}, then switched magazines of both her pistols. Watching a teenager imitate my akimbo reloads was quite a spectacle. Her left pistol had {Disarm} rounds while the right were loaded with {Restore} rounds.
As part of her {Auto}, I intended to see if {Restore} could be used for medic duty. Together with {Disarm}, Pixie now had the ability to bring almost anyone back from the dead.
Hi everyone,
As always, If you like the book please support it with a review, PS and comments. This month is the anniversay month of Limitless! As thank you to everyone who supported me over the year, Piv will have a reduced cost just for July.
And all tiers will be at 99% meaning a chapter will only be worth 1 coin, so long as you buy any priv tier! Please enjoy the celebration and enjoy the read.
Anyway thank you all for your support.
To God be all the glory
Will return in May. Stay awesome everyone. Enjoy the read!