100% Life Simulation: Propose Marriage To Kushina Uzumaki at the Beginning / Chapter 101: Chapter 100 » Tsunade's Brilliance Shines! The Women's Astonishment: Lady Tsunade, You Should Have Been Hokage!

บท 101: Chapter 100 » Tsunade's Brilliance Shines! The Women's Astonishment: Lady Tsunade, You Should Have Been Hokage!

Kirigakure, top floor of the ANBU headquarters.

After last night's events, Mabui hadn't risen all morning. It wasn't that she didn't want to get up; her spirits had plummeted like a rocket crashing into the ground. She couldn't even explain why she felt this way.

Tsunade stood at the doorway of Mabui's bedroom, gently biting her lip.

This Yūsuke — how could he be so cruel?

Last night, she had heard everything clearly from next door. At first, she thought it was just another ordinary night, but curiosity got the better of her. She pressed her ear against the wall to listen. When she heard Mabui's voice crying and begging, followed by the... brutal... events of the night, she realized something was terribly wrong.

Though she couldn't make out the exact details of the conversation's beginning, it was clear Mabui had done something to anger him.

Just then, Yūsuke walked in from outside. He came face to face with Tsunade in the hallway.

She shot a fierce glare at him. Then she let out a hmph, turned her head, and left.

"This little bitch..." Yūsuke raised an eyebrow. Had he been too lenient with her?

It seemed that when he had time, he'd need to make Tsunade understand who the master was. It was about time to start exercising his authority.

Five minutes later, Yūsuke gathered all the women in the meeting hall outside.

From left to right, they lined up as follows: Kushina, Mikoto, Tsunade, Shizune, Yūgao, Mabui, and Yugito.

With a smile on his face, he addressed the seven women before him in a clear voice.

"From now on, you'll be earning your keep. You'll handle minor conflicts in the village, with duties similar to Mabui's. Just resolve the issues efficiently. Additionally, you're now free to move within a three-kilometer radius of the ANBU headquarters. All facilities within this area are at your disposal — feel free to roam as you please."

"Of course." Yūsuke added with a light smile, "When you approach the three-kilometer limit, the collars on your necks will flash a warning and the bells will ring incessantly. Should you dare to exceed this range, you'll face six hours of electric shock punishment. Feel free to test it if you're brave enough. Oh, and one more thing — you must return to the ANBU headquarters by 10 PM. If you're still out after that, you'll suffer the same six-hour shock punishment."

Keeping them cooped up all day wasn't as productive as giving them meaningful tasks. After all, what was the point of having these women if they weren't useful?

Upon hearing his words, the women's faces initially lit up with joy. However, their expressions quickly turned to shock at the mention of the punishment.

Six hours? Half an hour was already nearly unbearable. Six hours would be practically lethal.

"So how much —" Tsunade began, but Yūsuke cut her off.

"Naturally, as I'm not a cruel man, I'll provide you with a salary so you can enjoy yourselves properly. After all, you're working for me." He approached them, pulling some bills from his pocket, "Of course, I advise against spending it all on frivolous things."

As he spoke, he began distributing the money with the air of a seasoned pimp. All that was missing was a cigar between his lips and a flashy coat.

He first pulled out 5,000 Ryo and handed it to Kushina, who glared at him with murderous intent, 'Does he think I'm some kept woman he can just toss money at? Hmph!'

To Mikoto, he directly handed 50,000 Ryo, eliciting a surprised reaction from her and a half-irritated one from Kushina. His wink and smile were enough to make Mikoto blush with embarrassment.

"Thank you..." She said softly, her cheeks flushing. She could feel the knowing gazes of the other women, fully aware of why she was receiving such a sum.

When it was Tsunade's turn, he was about to hand over another 5,000 Ryo. She eagerly opened her mouth and extended her hand.

"I want ten thousand — ouch!" Her happy smile vanished as the money disappeared from view, replaced by a small packet of bills smacking her forehead.

"What do you want so much money for? To gamble it all away?" Yūsuke extended the money again with a provocative smile, his quip drawing involuntary chuckles from the women familiar with Tsunade's gambling addiction.

Shizune and Yūgao received the same amount, responding only with their usual looks of disgust.

When it came to Mabui's turn, Yūsuke looked at her briefly before handing the last 5,000 Ryo to Yugito beside her. His hands were now empty, and he made no move to retrieve more funds.

"You'll receive your monthly payment directly from Mangetsu." Yūsuke said, his tone indifferent as he walked back to the head of the line.

The women glanced at Mabui, puzzled by her lack of payment. Only Tsunade understood the reason, her heart aching as she observed Mabui's attempt to conceal her emotions.

"Shopping, games, bathhouses — the money is yours to spend as you wish." Yūsuke continued, "You're dismissed. I have work to attend to."

Most of the women dispersed immediately. Yūsuke, however, led Mikoto to her room for what was clearly an intimate matinal heart-to-heart.

Mabui stood rooted to the spot, watching him leave with another woman. Her heart sank as she thought.

'He barely looked at me... and his voice was so cold...'



In a stark white underground experimental facility, Fugaku stood before a cultivation tank, his face ashen. Inside the tank, to his astonishment, was the arm Yūsuke had torn off earlier!

The arm was eerily pale, yet pulsing with an incredibly strong Wood Release chakra.

"Orochimaru. How's the progress?" Fugaku's voice was hoarse with fatigue and seething with anger.

Since his narrow escape from Yūsuke's clutches, Fugaku had been plagued by insomnia. On the rare occasions he dozed off in the early hours, Yūsuke's taunting voice would echo in his mind, mocking him about Mikoto's... oral skills. Worse still, relentless nightmares of green things tormented him, driving him to the brink of madness.

He felt as if his mind had become like that pale, slightly greenish arm in the cultivation tank — and it infuriated him beyond measure.

Yet he was utterly powerless to change his circumstances. This helplessness was the most agonizing part of all. He could only watch events unfold before his eyes, completely impotent to intervene.

Fugaku Uchiha had placed all his hopes on Orochimaru's genetic experiments.

"The progress is normal. We can begin human experiments now." Orochimaru said, his gaze fixed on the cultivation tank.

Indeed, only after awakening the Mangekyō Sharingan through one's own power could the body barely withstand Hashirama's cells.

"Human experiments..." Fugaku rasped, "Very well. I'll bring two clan members who have just awakened their Mangekyō Sharingan."

The Mangekyō Sharingan couldn't be awakened at will. Sometimes, even witnessing both parents' deaths might not trigger its awakening.

The Mangekyō's power is tied to love. The stronger the love, the more it can stimulate the Mangekyō Sharingan's power!

Take Obito, for instance. When he saw Kakashi pierce Rin's heart, he leaped from a two-tomoe Sharingan straight to the Mangekyō Sharingan!

The pain was unbearable!

"If these two clan members can withstand the First Hokage's cells, their combat power might even surpass yours, Clan Head Fugaku." Orochimaru's sinister smile spread across his face, his snake-like eyes gleaming with anticipation.

"That would be ideal!" Fugaku inhaled sharply, his eyes blazing with murderous intent.

He yearned for all his clan members to awaken the Mangekyō Sharingan. With such power, he could lead the entire clan to utterly annihilate Kirigakure! The thirst for vengeance had consumed his mind entirely.

Orochimaru then guided Fugaku to another cultivation tank.

Within this one lay another arm segment, motionless yet alive — a testament to the power of advanced cloning technology.

Hashirama's cells merged with Shin's — Orochimaru's organ cloning technique was nearing perfection.

"This arm." Orochimaru said, his tongue flicking across his lips, "Is a gift for the Fourth Raikage A of Kumogakure. It embodies pure, unadulterated destructive power! Should the Fourth Raikage master it, his strength will increase tenfold at the very least!"

Noticing the familiar glint of madness in Orochimaru's eyes, Fugaku narrowed his gaze, "Orochimaru... aren't you concerned that once the Fourth Raikage acquires this power, he might turn against us?"

Orochimaru responded with a slight shake of his head and a sinister chuckle.

"Clan Head Fugaku, do you truly believe I wouldn't take precautions? Rest assured. My years under Danzo weren't wasted — I've mastered his potent binding curse seal technique. What's more, with my improvements, I can easily subdue the Fourth Raikage! Even if I fail to restrain him, I can force this arm to expend all its energy, compelling him to sever it once again to escape."

After hearing his words, Fugaku fell silent. Orochimaru's attention to detail in his work was indeed watertight.

"Furthermore, this morning I received a reply from the Fourth Raikage. He has agreed." Orochimaru narrowed his eyes and said slowly, "It seems you're not the only one who wants to see Yūsuke Kamizuki dead and buried."

Fugaku slowly closed his eyes.

"Clan Head Fugaku, please prepare yourself. Tonight, we will go to a base on the border between the Land of Fire and the Land of Lightning. There, we'll transplant the arm onto the Fourth Raikage A." Orochimaru said with a slow smile.

"...Alright." Fugaku understood his intentions.

After all, although the cultivation was complete, who could guarantee that nothing else would go wrong? Bringing Fugaku along was also a sort of life insurance for Orochimaru.

Moreover, even if Orochimaru didn't allow him to go, Fugaku would find a way to follow. After all, right now only Orochimaru could make him stronger!

He still needed to rely on him! He still needed his power.


Kirigakure. In a barbecue restaurant near the ANBU headquarters.

"Ah, hahaha… It's been so long since I've eaten this much! Burp~~" In a private room, Tsunade patted her stomach contentedly.

Her slightly bulging belly was clearly visible, a testament to the copious amount she had consumed.

"Lady Tsunade... We've eaten so much, but... we don't have enough money." Mikoto said, sitting upright. Even the money in her pocket couldn't cover this bill. She was reluctant to spend everything on food she hadn't eaten herself.

Earlier that morning, after Yūsuke's departure, Tsunade had invited the women out for a feast. Mabui and Yugito couldn't join, as they had to assist Kiri with some minor matters.

Undeterred, Tsunade brought Mikoto, Kushina, Shizune, and Yūgao here. To the women's astonishment, she ordered a table full of barbecue and alcohol.

Now, with their meal finished, they faced a dilemma: they lacked sufficient funds. Their meager pocket money wouldn't even cover a tenth of the bill.

{T/N: 5,000 Ryo is equivalent to about $56. In an upscale restaurant, indulging excessively naturally results in a hefty bill.}

"Ah!" Tsunade waved her hand dismissively, "Don't fret. This old lady has her ways. Besides, we finally have a chance to move about freely. Should we really behave so demurely? We can't beat Yūsuke... fine. But we can certainly eat his food, drink his drinks, and enjoy ourselves at his expense!"

She pouted, turning to Mikoto, " And hey, you've already given yourself to him. What are you afraid of now? Not to mention you have enough money to cover the entire bill, but let's not dwell on that detail."

Mikoto's face flushed crimson at her words.

"Lady Tsunade... What are you... saying?" Mikoto's expression became extremely bashful.

How could Lady Tsunade speak about such things so openly?

"Hmph..." Tsunade drained her cup of alcohol in one go.

If only you'd been quieter, I wouldn't have noticed anything...

"Let's go, sisters. On to the next place!" Tsunade was the first to leave the private room. She called out to the restaurant owner, "They're Lord Yūsuke's servants. You know that, right? For payment, go to the ANBU headquarters to get reimbursed from Lord Yūsuke. We're leaving."

With that, she led the dumbfounded Mikoto and others out, leaving behind only the bewildered restaurant owner.

Just as Tsunade said, everyone could recognize Mikoto and Kushina. Moreover, a rumor was spreading among Kirigakure's villagers: Lord Yūsuke liked to collect servants, marking them wear collars — a symbol of their noble status as his servants.

Obviously, the collars worn by Tsunade and the others already displayed their status.

"Lady Tsunade... Is it really okay for us to run up tabs like this?" On the street, Shizune couldn't hold back anymore.

Tsunade had completely ignored Yūsuke's words. After barbecue, they'd gone for desserts, then afternoon tea — all on credit...

If this continues, what will become of us? If Yūsuke finds out...

"Don't be stupid!" Tsunade let out a light snort, "We're running up tabs, sure, but first of all, we don't know if those shop owners will actually go to the ANBU headquarters for reimbursement. Even if they do, do you think such a trivial matter would reach Yūsuke's ears? It's too insignificant. How could he possibly know?"

"Moreover." She smiled mysteriously, "I've already tipped off Mabui and the others. Even if this gets reported to the top, this kind of issue — which isn't a conflict between villages — won't go through Yūsuke. This type of normal economic dispute between villagers, even if it reaches the top, will first land in Mabui's hands. She'll handle it for us directly. So, what are you all still worried about?"

At this moment, Mikoto and Kushina, along with Shizune and Yūgao, all looked at her in astonishment.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Tsunade's eyebrows twitched slightly.

"Lady Tsunade! It's such a shame you're not the Hokage!" Shizune took a deep breath and said with utmost sincerity.

Hearing this, Mikoto and the others immediately nodded in agreement. Everyone looked at her with admiration. It was clear: Tsunade was the big sister to all of them!

"Hahaha... Let's go! There's a nice hot spring up ahead. Let's have a good soak, sisters~~" Tsunade put her hands on her hips, her vanity greatly satisfied!

Then, she led the women to storm into the hot spring establishment.


T/N: If you want more chapters like this, check out my Patreon! I'm constantly translating and the difference will keep getting bigger!

For just $1 you can access all the extra content, and the Smut chapters, plus descriptive images, costs only $2!

That's it and happy reading! (-‿◦)


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