Back in the public square beneath the scheming calamities, Arthur watched as a commotion rose in the crowd. He saw a man fighting another, then fleeing while holding something. The figure disappeared into the crowd and then into the alleyways.
"You two can keep monitoring Julia and Li for now," Arthur told Dia and Oriole. "I want to investigate this."
"The local police would handle petty theft," said Oriole, stuffing popcorn into his mouth. "Let's just relax, okay?"
"I'd like that, but I have a bad feeling," Arthur replied, smiling at them. "It doesn't seem like relaxing is for me. We'll meet later."
Arthur bid the two farewell and headed out of the square. The others might not have noticed, but Arthur saw something in the man's expression—he looked too unstable for a mere thief.
I wrote this chapter because of the comment that Shaidira made. Montana_Wilson also made me feel ashamed for the lack of upadates. I want to apologize for that, and I realized one thing.
I tried to make Level Up Legacy a different novel, one focused on happy memories and easy-going fights. I could never write a story I wasn't passionate about.
LUL was always about struggling, fighting, and losing. It was about moving forward despite the losses Arthur suffered. It kept going no matter the things he lost, and that's the reason I loved it. It was about moving on.
Thanks, Shaidira and Montana Wilson for motivating me to write this chapter.