The door opened, and the hydra and its child turned toward Arthur. The child looked wary, but his mother held his hand and nodded. Then, he relaxed before standing up, staggering.
"I am sorry for what I did," the child apologized as he bowed down. "I was scared and hurt, but I did something bad."
"You raised him well," Arthur said as he walked into the room. "I appreciate your apology, but I am not the one who deserves it."
"My child is regretting his actions," the hydra woman looked unconvinced that he was guilty of anything. "As his mother, I want to fulfill his wishes and make things right."
Arthur watched her standing up as he realized that rather than fixing anything, she wanted to kill all humans for what they did. The child staggered to him and held his sleeve.
"I... think that something bad will happen," Kaya said as he grabbed his hand. "Those people took away something from me, and I think they will use it for evil."