18.18% Kampf / Chapter 6: The First Fight and The Gunsmith

บท 6: The First Fight and The Gunsmith

"Oho, looks like a fresh meat has come straight to our doors."

In the middle of the deep dark alleyway, in between two buildings, there were four middle aged guys. 

Two in the front and three at the back. Those three at the back where smoking cigarettes, playing cards and was laughing about, while the man at the front were acting as a guard. The men stood at varying height with an average of height 5'9"m as opposed to Felix's 5'3".

All of them were a bit skinny but still threatening nonetheless.

"Felix saw the ball had landed at the middle of the group. He approached the man at the front and politely asked if they can give the ball to him.

"Could you please hand the ball over to me?"

One of the three men at the back grabbed the ball and examined it. He didn't hand over the ball but instead he told Felix to come and get it.

"You want this ball? Come get it. Come. Come at uncle's lap. Bwahahahaha!"

All the men laughed together, and was showing the ball to Felix.

Pedophile gangsters....

Now, Felix knew that the wise thing to do is to back off and just tell the kids that he cannot find the ball, but out of nowhere, there was a man at the mouth of the alleyway. Now, he has nowhere to go but fight his way out, so he immediately think of a plan. He didn't know but the Royal Guards were now closing in on him and was getting ready to eliminate the gangsters.

Felix saw that the man in the front of the group was walking towards him.

Felix suddenly thought of a crazy but workable plan.

"Please... *sniff* *sniff* hand the ball over to me *sniff* *sniff* I just want my ball *Sniff* *Sniff*"

The man at the front was excited upon seeing the crying child (pedophiles the worst scum of mankind), attempted to grabbed Felix, but Felix was faster. 

He reinforced his foot with mana and kicked the left side of the man's left leg causing the man to slip and fall to his behind. While the man is in his falling motion, with the same leg, Felix positioned himself in an axe-kick position, with his leg not fully extending upwards, but just enough to extend it above the man.

With his mana reinforced leg, he axe-kicked the man in his chest causing the man to drop down to the floor and breaking the man's 8th, 9th, and 10th ribs in the man's left side of the body, resulting in pain between his breathing and blood seeping out his lips, which lead to his eventual lost of consciousness. 

Felix saw the blood as the color indigo, which indicates that this man belongs to those unimportant people, or so he theorized..

He looked behind him and the man guarding the entrance was still there, with his back towards the dark alleyway, thinking that his friends was now having fun with the child, apparently, he thought that the sound before was just the child resisting.

Felix didn't paid heed to the man behind him because he knew that the man does not know that Felix has already knocked down one of his friends. Truly, ignorance is a bliss.

Felix then adapted a close-range boxing stance with his left fist positioned below his left eye and with a space in between his left cheek and the fist. His right fist positioned in his cheek just below his eyes. His knees were bent and his feet was positioned in a close stance with his left foot in front and his right foot bent at a 60 degree angle, with his left foot held with the ball of his foot.

Felix was a boxer for fitness reasons because his job from his previous world is a very physically taxing profession, that's why he knew a thing or two about boxing.

He then taunted the men at the back, gesturing with his left-hand telling them to come close to him.

One man, looking at the bloodied form of his friend, rushed to Felix as an attempt at revenge.

The man shouted and lunged towards Felix attempting to deliver a hook. Felix, with his new eye power, saw the trajectory of the hook, he immediately weaved right, and with a burst of speed, leaned downwards towards the man.

From below, Felix dealt a stunning mana reinforced uppercut, that was close to an upward punch due to height difference between them, which left the man with a set of cracked teeth. Felix then dealt a left mana reinforced hook to the right side of the man's body, towards his liver, which sent the man to the right wall near him.

"Not laughing anymore are we?"

Seeing and hearing this, the two men at the back were looking at Felix cautiously, seeing their two friends knocked down, they admit that they let their guard down in front of a kid, but now, they will look at Felix as they have looked at their other enemies.

The two men then grabbed their knives and went towards Felix slowly. Inch-by-inch, they are moving closer towards Felix. Felix on the other hand, was moving backwards slowly, he was a bit exhausted because his mana control and body is still shit, but he kept his exhaustion inwards, not indicating any signs towards his opponents as a show of force.

The men were jabbing their knives forward while Felix was dodging and weaving his body backwards.

Suddenly, the man from Felix's left side, immediately lunged at him, causing Felix to dodge to his right and attempt a right hook, however, the man at the right side immediately slashed his knife towards Felix causing Felix to stop his attempt and lunging backwards. 

Again, both sides are in a stalemate. The men were again jabbing and stabbing their knives forward while Felix was dodging and weaving backwards.

All of a sudden, Felix's eyes started to hurt. Seeing this prompted the men to slash towards Felix, who fortunately opened his eyes at the last second and dodged backwards, however, he was still nicked by a knife for a an inch in his arm. His right wrist was bleeding a bit, but he didn't pay attention to this. 

He noticed that the trajectory lines that he normally see were now a bit broken, nevertheless, it still shows the path that the punch or knife will take. 

The men, with the sudden burst of confidence due to nicking the child, lunged towards Felix as a duo. 

Felix was now pressured due to his exhaustion and his broken eyes, he attempted to dodge towards the right yet he underestimated how exhausted his body was. He was slashed, albeit lightly, in his shoulder. His cream colored long sleeved shirt was now a bit bloody in his left shoulder.

He looked at his red blood and wondered why his blood was always red, but this is not the time for thinking. 

Seeing the lightly bloodied shirt of the child gave the pedophiles a.... you know what... and was excited and laughing. 

You might wonder where are the Royal Guards all this time. They just took out the person in front of the alleyway and was taking out some of the reinforcements with the help of the police. They then attempted to rush towards their highness but a nearby door in the alleyway suddenly opened and a wrench suddenly come flying towards the head of the gangster in the right, which immediately took out the man and surprised his companion.

Seeing this, Felix lunged towards the man in the left and dealt a mana reinforced body punch towards the solar plexus of the man. This left the man having a hard time breathing and soon after passed out due to shock. 

Relieved that the fight is over, Felix was going to thank the man who threw a wrench when suddenly numerous people dressed in civilian clothing came rushing from the front of the alleyway, blocking him and the man who threw the wrench. 

Seeing the bloodied shirt of the prince, the Royal Guards knew that they were toast when they come back to the palace. They will most likely be fired from their jobs, but right now, their duty is protecting their prince. 

Seeing them, Felix can infer on who they were, but still asked as formality.

"Umm, who are you guys?"

The Royal Guards then turned towards him and knelt on one knee and punched the ground, which gave him a bit of a scare. Fortunately, no one can see this since they are deep in the alleyway, if someone saw this and his bloody shirt, they will definitely be on the front page of the news tomorrow stating 'Bloody Attack on the Prince'.

"We are your Royal Guards, your highness! Please, we must return to the palace immediately to dress your wounds."

"Don't worry, I will say my thanks to this gentleman here and come with you."

Hearing his, the Royal Guards looked at each other and decided to let the prince say his thanks before dragging him back to the palace. They went to the side, at an arms length were they can provide help to the prince immediately.

Felix then walked to the man who was inside his home.

"Thank you for helping me, may I know your name?"

Felix removed his dark aviator glasses and looked towards the man. The man, looking at the crimson red eyes of the child and the whole squad dressed in civilian clothes, yet the way they stand is like of military, immediately knew that the child in front of him is the prince of the very Empire he is now standing on. He knew that his is his chance to advertise himself towards the prince whom he saved. He then crossed his right arm across his chest with his fist and loudly shouted.


Felix was a bit startled by the sudden shout of the gunsmith, however, he knew that he is shouting because he wants to advertise himself as a gunsmith. Coincidentally, Felix wanted a gunsmith for himself, who will help him in a further technological revolution when it comes to guns. so he interviewed the gunsmith about himself.

"So... Jarvin, tell me about yourself, do you have any family or relatives?"

"Yes, your highness! I have a wife and a daughter, my wife is currently buying groceries, while my daughter is attending the public high school made by his majesty! My family and I are currently surviving by me being employed in our local blacksmith, your highness! "

"Hmmm, do you have any guns here in your home? Can I see it?"

Jarvin then went on to grab the gun that was in the table nearby him. Seeing this, the Royal Guards was alerted and attempted to stop the gunsmith, but their prince stopped them. 

Felix then grabbed the gun and inspected it. He saw that the make was good, but he was not an expert when it comes to the guns in this world.

Felix gave the gun to his Royal Guards for inspection and to tell him what they think of it. 

The Royal Guards inspected the gun one by one to the point that it was disassembled. Seeing the superior make of the gun, the Royal Guards went on for a full 10 minutes discussion.

Throughout this 10 minutes, a mage from Felix's squad helped the prince in healing his wounds, albeit lightly.

Once partially healed, Felix navigated around the home of the gunsmith. He is truly a gunsmith through and through. On the table, he saw a design schematics which greatly resembles the famed AK-47, he reads the heading of the schematics and it was nicknamed 'Valmet-1'. 

He was a bit surprised because he knew that the Valmet assault rifles greatly resembles the AK-47, yet the Valmet was supposedly based on the design of the AK-47. Who knew that in this world, the Valmet Assault Rifles was first to be made rather than the AK, or who knows maybe this world's version of Kalashnikov is now designing their own AK. 

He looks at the schematics and noticed that the barrel of the gun was a bit long. as opposed to the length of the gas tube. This is important because of the concept known as dwell time. Without proper dwell time, the cycling of the gun will not be reliable at all. It can still fire though, albeit manually, or one by one.

Looking at the prince who was deep in thought about the 'failed' design that he had drawn, he asked the prince on what he thought about it. 

"Prince, what do you think about this design?"

"Hmm, do you have a prototype for this design?"

Felix didn't answered the question, rather he went straight to the point asking if the Jarvin made a functioning gun based on the said design.

Jarvin, looking at the curious eyes of the prince, went to the back of his house and grabbed something similar to the design in the schematics. He then introduced the gun to the prince.

"Your highness, this is the gun that is designed based on the schematics. It is meant to be a fully automatic rifle, your highness."

"I see, but did you know that the barrel is a bit long while your gas tube is quite short?"

The gunsmith was surprised to hear that the prince immediately know the problem of the gun design. He knew that it was the problem but he cannot do something about it... But with the help of the prince, then maybe... He didn't know that Felix is just basing it on the top of his head.

"I know, your highness, but I cannot do something about it. I cannot test the gun and fire a bullet or go to a range, since bullets are quite regulated here in the capital."

"I see, you are talented, why have you not joined the Royal Arms Manufacturer?"

"I am Finnish, your highness... They instantly failed my application, when they found out I am Finnish."

"I see..."

Truthfully, in order for states secrets to remain secrets, they limit those who manufacture weapons of war to those of the same race as them. Guns are one of these weapons of war. 

Felix does not truly know the inner workings of an AK-47 but he can still yap about the things he remember.

"Regardless, try designing it as a 16 to 17 inches barrel with a gas tube length of around 13 to 15 inches. Also, as I can see in this gun that I am currently holding, you metal stamped the receiver on this right? Try making a design that has the receiver 'milled', if you get what I mean. It might also lead to a much heavier gun, yet a more robust design. Also, to save some costs, try putting wood as the stock and the handle of the gun. Also use a......"

Listening to the prince yapping, Jarvin's mind gears suddenly starts turning. His long lost hope for the 'Valmet' design suddenly came back, he wants to have a more detailed discussion about the gun, but the Royal Guards suddenly came bringing with them the Gewehr 98 that was given to them for inspection.

"Your highness. The results of the inspection is that this Gewehr is a little bit better when it comes to the design of the rifle. It also weighs less than the current rifles in the military. I do not know if it will fire better, but at first look, your highness, it is a bit better than the standard."

Jarvin was a bit over-the-moon when he heard the results of the inspection. Though it was not yet tested in the firing range, it has the possibility of earning a high rank due to the Royal Guard's praise. 

Felix then went on to praise the gunsmith and the group started to head home after the prince told the gunsmith to prepare a prototype for the gun within 3 days. 

"Jarvin, I was greatly impressed by the design of this gun, I think this is the future of guns. Now, please make one with the said new design within 3 days. I will visit you again in that time."

"Thank you your highness!"

On the way home, the captain of the Royal Guard, a 6 foot tall Caucasian blond-haired, blue-eyed male, asked his prince about his intentions on the gunsmith.

"Your highness, what do you plan to do with the gunsmith?"

"Investigate him thoroughly and check if he can be trusted. I plan to do something great with him, so I need to see if I can trust him. I want to revolutionize Germany's technology further. With this, we can win this war! This is just the start of it."

"I see your highness, I can now see your vision."

Seeing the prince talk about winning the war further cemented the ten Royal Guards' view on their prince as a god of war. Even though they are on the brink of losing their jobs, they still want to serve his highness wholeheartedly.

Deep inside Felix's brain....

Hehehe with this, I can put my name in history as the handsome and majestic prince who helped invented different technologies hehehe

Out of nowhere, the Golden Eagle came back with a messy plume indicating a fight or something wild happened. The eagle then perched on the prince's head.

"You missed out on something fun."

*Screech* *Screech*

"Looks like you had fun too huh?"


At the palace.

The Grand Butler entered the room of the Emperor. He noticed that the atmosphere inside the room was a bit off. 

The butler can see the Emperor sitting on his seat signing and reading documents with a radio playing some solemn sounds in the background. He can sense that the Emperor had already know about what happened to his child, nevertheless, he still reported it.

"Your majesty, the second prince was involved in a fight. He knocked out four of them, well technically three, leaving 2 extremely wounded due to the prince's mana reinforced hits. The gang involved was known as the Das Blut gang, your majesty."

The Emperor, without looking at the butler, speculated about the gang.

"Isn't that the gang who was in suspicion for kidnapping kids and espionage within the capital?"

"Yes, your majesty, although it was just suspicions at the start, the event that happened with the second prince solidified the suspicions that they are involved with the kidnappings.

The Emperor then stopped what he is doing and looked straight at he butler's eyes,

"Eliminate them, and bring the leader to me."

"Your will be done, your majesty."

The Emperor, with a bit of a smile, thought about his second son.

"Also, how's Felix? I need to check up on him later tonight."

"He is at his room, resting and the doctor was sent to him for healing. Also, your Majesty, about the prince's Royal Guards..."

The Emperor suddenly loses his smile and stared seriously at the butler. 

"The second prince insists that you do not remove them from their duty. He said that he has plans regarding them."

"I see... So he cares about his people..."

The Emperor then smiled lightly and went back to his work. 

The butler bowed down his head to the emperor and walked towards the Landespolizei (Local Police of Germany) and the Royal Guards in order to fulfill the bloody task.

Income_Tax Income_Tax

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

next chapter
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