83.99% Inner Voice: All Heroines Hear My Inner Voice / Chapter 362: Open your dog eyes

บท 362: Open your dog eyes

"Yes, it's me. I'm sure you elders know a bit about me" Eiji said indifferently. He leaned his arm on the back of the chair and supported his chin with one hand.

Although the height of his seat was lower than the three elders, in front of his golden eyes, anyone who was not friendly with him would feel inferior to him.

This was the aura of a King, the King of Heroes.

Fuji didn't want to admit it, but instead of him looking down on Eiji from his seat, he had the illusion that the boy was looking down on him from a golden throne!

No way, he must be hallucinating. Under his control, he strengthened the barrier effect inside the ceremony room. The spiritual energy that was already abundant in the room due to the power of the seven gods intensified.

This made Mio, Maria, Basara and Sapphire feel increasingly uncomfortable. They were unharmed, but it was getting harder and harder for them to release their powers.

Fuji did this out of caution and worried that Eiji might do something. Only after that, he said: "A little? We know a lot about you. Not only are you a demon capable of killing several gods out there and destroying Byakko's vessel— no, I heard you've repaired the mountain that Basara hollowed out with your power that our side could never do."

"We're not sure what exactly you are, Eiji Seiya. Whether you're a demon, human, or not doesn't matter to us. The thing that troubles us is that your existence is more dangerous than Demon Lord Wilbert's daughter, Mio Naruse who is rated as a Rank-S Elimination Threat."

He glanced at Mio coldly as if trying to intimidate her with the aura of an elder, yet the girl was looking at him indifferently and not nervous at all, she was too relaxed!

This was wrong, not according to the script they had in mind. Even so, Fuji was still confident because he was in this room and continued while turning his gaze on Eiji again.

"You are a Rank-SS Elimination Threat. We mean no harm, don't get me wrong. However, it is the duty of the Hero Clan to ascertain whether or not you are a danger to the world and humanity."

"So that's why you invited us here? That's why I said you know very little about me. And what if you think I'm dangerous? What can you do about me?" Eiji said with a faint smile.

This arrogance clearly displeased the elders.

He had certainly heard Shuuya tell the elders about everything he had seen and heard except for things about his two daughters before they got here.

However, Eiji did not care. He didn't mean to hide in the first place. People did not know what kind of power and person he was just because they did not ask him and were not smart enough to find out more about him first.

These are the things that villains who challenge protagonists usually miss.

In the original work, although the elders are part of the Hero Clan, they are arguably from the villain's camp because they are trying to suppress the protagonist group with their status.

The Hero Clan itself was actually not so holy and full of justice as the name suggests. The heroes in this clan were not like the heroes in certain franchises like "My Hero Academia", Eiji knew that except for his girls, many members of the Hero Clan, especially the elders were hypocrites.

[The people in the Hero Clan call themselves heroes who will protect the world and mankind, yet they will turn a blind eye to the many evils happening in the world and the humans suffering.]

[Leave aside the criminals without superpowers as that is the job of the police. Except for Basara, Yuki and Kurumi, where were the other members of the Hero Clan when the evil spirits and evil dragons created by Rizevim attacked the human world? I don't know if it's because of the different franchises that it's hard for them to know the situation. But in the original work they also ignored a lot of the bad things that happened in the world caused by people or creatures with supernatural powers.]

[The thing the Hero Clan must protect is not the world, but the reason for their existence. They do things according to what they think is right. That's why they will do anything and justify it if it means protecting this world from the Devil. That was the reason why they invited me, Mio and the others to the Village. But if there's something outside the scope of their mission, they won't even do anything.]

[If that's not hypocrisy, I don't know what is. Is this the Hero Clan? Sorry Yuki, Kurumi, but your clan is a bit... How do I put it? It's no worse than the Hero Faction led by Cao Cao. That man is just as hypocritical as the elders in this Village.]

[Although I sometimes act hypocritical too— Ahem, I do it quite often. But since the beginning I never considered myself a good person, not even a hero, I never did. After all, I'm just a harem king who likes to help pretty girls in trouble and give them a warm home.]

It sounded fine and serious at first until it made the heroines feel disgusted with the Hero Clan.

Even Yuki and Kurumi felt a little embarrassed because they couldn't refute what Eiji said. Those who had been raised in the Hero Clan since childhood certainly knew how hypocritical the elders were, unless on their own initiative, the missions they received from the elders only focused on hunting down or keeping an eye on demons living in the human world.

For example, what happened to Mio.

None of those missions cared about things outside of that scope.

But what about the last one? That man, Eiji. Lately he had been proclaiming himself the King of the Harem, he really didn't hide his greed for them!

It made some of the heroines blush, especially those who had fallen into that man's hands and lived in the same house with him.

Of course, there were also other heroines whose reactions were different and varied.

Whatever it was, Sapphire couldn't help but glance at Eiji who was provoking the elders with a strange look.

'That's really his voice. Maybe his inner voice? Regardless of his Harem King ambitions... He's right!'

'The Hero Clan is indeed hypocritical! I've disliked it for a long time. If it wasn't for that time I was tempted by Jin, I wouldn't have asked my elder brother to stop the war!'

[Sapphire +4]

Without Sapphire realizing it, her fondness for her son's friend who was much younger than her was increasing. It was getting closer to her husband's position that she had long abandoned over the years.

Eiji who saw the notification from Leme was secretly happy. He was getting closer to the finish line and in the future Basara would have to call him father!

"...." Basara wasn't sure why, but right now he had a bad feeling.

He didn't think it was because Eiji had malicious intentions towards his mother, he was instead increasing his vigilance on the elders.

It happened, especially when Fuji turned his gaze to him.

"Before that. Basara, the same thing happened to you. Your father adopted Mio Naruse and Maria Naruse and made them your younger sisters, you were considered a threat to the Village because of your closeness to the demons."

One of the elders, Kumano added: "Basara, not only that. We have also heard of the things you have done in the Demon Realm. You are indeed Jin's son, with your current power, you are a Rank-S Elimination Threat."

"It's not that we don't believe you because unlike the others you are a former hero of this Village. But as a former hero, you must know how the Village views unstable factors like your father."

Atsusa also said.

The three elders looked at Basara who looked nervous and wary seriously. However, they were actually happy because Basara's reaction matched the script they had in mind.

The boy was taking them seriously, unlike Eiji and the girls.

"That's, well... I know, elders." Basara said with a dark expression. He was clearly unhappy that the elders mentioned his father in this situation.

His father, Jin Toujou was not just expelled from the Village like he was.

In fact, if it wasn't for that man's power. The Hero Clan had long wanted to deal with him because after the war in the past, he never obeyed the elders anymore and was busy traveling the world in search of his mother.

His father neglected his duty as a hero and refused any missions which made the elders naturally dissatisfied.

Just like Eiji, he was now considered a Rank-SS Elimination Threat.

And to deal with such people, the Hero Clan had several methods...

There was silence for a few seconds in the ceremony room.

The air there was getting tense.

However, it didn't affect some people. Eiji yawned and the girls whispered to each other in the group chat. The girls were making fun of the elders.

Sapphire looked at the elders coldly. These old men dared to intimidate her son!

The woman known as the Strongest Demoness in Demon Realm secretly clenched her fists.

She wanted to kill them, but remembered the consequences that would harm her son. Sapphire held back her anger and still had the letter in her cleavage, so she soon calmed down.

She was actually confident.

At least as long as those elders hadn't yet gone too far and performed a moral kidnapping on her son, she didn't need to—

"That's why the Village has to take action on you guys. Even if one of them is you, Basara. We've confirmed it now, sorry. The three of you and Maria Naruse who is also a Rank-S Elimination Threat are too dangerous to be allowed to live in this world."


The loud slapping sound made Fuji stop talking and everyone turned their eyes on the envoy from Demon Realm.

It was Sapphire, she had just slapped the long table in front of Eiji and the others and although she couldn't use her demonic power inside the barrier, her physical strength was enough to destroy the table made of special material.

This was the ceremonial room that stored the spirit weapons that housed the gods. So the quality of the material used to make this room obviously had a higher durability and was on a supernatural level.

Yet that woman was able to destroy it with her slender hands.

[I was just about to move and put those senseless old men in their place, but Miss messenger wants to do it first? Sure, I'll wait a little longer.]

Sapphire originally wanted to immediately shout out in anger, but she was stunned for a moment after hearing Eiji's words.

"You're a special messenger sent by the demon leaders. I heard you wanted to deliver a secret letter to us. That's why you're in this room, but what does this rude act of yours mean? It's not your turn yet."

Fuji frowned and said to the woman. The other two elders were also displeased by her actions.

Sapphire grew angry and said, "Rude acts? Of course. How could you not? You elders of the Hero Clan dared to say that to Demon Lord Wilbert's daughter and her friends in front of the envoys sent by the demon leaders. Do you think our leaders will be happy after knowing what you want to do to them?"

"And what's with the unreasonable judgment? You haven't confirmed anything yet, but you've already judged them too dangerous to let live!"

"I think the only ones who are dangerous to let live in this world are old men who hold power like you!"

The air around her trembled and the aura she emitted was that of a lioness.

Although the power of the barrier suppressed her demonic power, it was still able to leak out slightly because her demonic power was too strong that the people in the room were able to see the crimson aura that made her black robes flutter.

This made Basara surprised and felt something familiar from miss messenger.

Mio too, but unlike Basara, she who knew the identity of the miss messenger was her aunt was not surprised. The crimson aura was even similar to hers.

Still, her aunt's words made her lips twitch. She continued to say Demon Lord Wilbert's daughter and her friends, but she was obviously furious that the elders also wanted to kill Basara!

She could no longer control herself to slap the table and shout.

[Mio: Is this woman my aunt? I feel like she cares less about me and more about her son.]

[Sona: Isn't that natural?]

[Mio: Maybe. It's my first time meeting my aunt after all.]

[Maria: Mio-sama, you must have misunderstood. Sapphire-sama is also defending you right now.]

[Mio: Really?]

[Yuki: You guys can still discuss things like this in this situation. Aren't you a little worried? The elders want to kill you.]

[Mio: Yuki, you know something like that won't work, right? Look at Eiji, he's already staring at the elders in your Clan with a cold gaze right now.]

[Kurumi: It's over.]

The elders don't know, but if a person with the ability to see destiny sees the value of their destiny. That person would see their destiny colored black which means it's definitely not a good thing.

Fuji snorted, "For a messenger you dare to tell us that. What you said is the same as doubting our judgment of Demon Lord Wilbert's daughter... Ah I mean the daughter of the deceased former Demon Lord and the others. We certainly thought about the things you said before making our decision, but so what?"

"We don't believe the current demon leaders will care about them that much. They might be a little displeased, but that's it. It's true that we should at least ask Mio Naruse and the others first to confirm whether they are dangerous or not, but we already know the answer."

"Eiji Seiya is SS class, Mio Naruse is S class, Basara is S class and that Succubus, Maria is even S class. They are youngsters, but their strength has grown to an unreasonable level. The power of all of you is a threat, you are far past the point where we can only keep watch over you with the help of hero clan members like Yuki and Kurumi."

While saying that he glanced at the two girls in question coldly.

"I've heard of the romantic relationship you two have with Eiji Seiya and surely your surveillance on them is no longer reliable. Therefore, we can't trust you all."

Yuki and Kurumi did not say anything, they did not try to deny what Fuji said and smiled faintly.

It was tantamount to admitting their relationship with Eiji.

Both of them stared at the elders without fear.

Shuuya was a little worried at the moment.

The elders were clearly getting unhappy with his two daughters. They would probably label Yuki and Kurumi as traitors to the Village.

If that happened, he didn't know what he should do.

Sapphire did not expect the elders not to be afraid of her threats. She was about to take out the trump card hidden in her cleavage at this moment.

But someone clapped his hands and said in a disdainful tone.

"Trusting someone only comes from those who trust each other. And the future is full of possibilities. It's impossible to ascertain whether someone is dangerous or not from someone's judgment, especially you mongrels who don't even ask and treat us with bias."

It was Eiji and his words made veins stand out on the elders' foreheads as they felt insulted.

"Mongrels? Eiji Seiya, you call us mongrels?! You boy, you dare insult us elders!"

Atsusa was the most impatient of the elders. He was angry and pointed at Eiji with his trembling finger.

Just like Fuji, he had control over the dimensional barrier and was currently activating a barrier mechanism that would make one's body suppressed by the spiritual power that the three elders representing the 3 Japanese gods and 4 Chinese gods had in the room.

Basara, Sapphire and the others could see the terrible air and spiritual power pressing down on Eiji from above as if the gods wanted to make the boy kneel.

However, Eiji was still sitting there with one hand supporting his chin. He looked very relaxed. The seats and the floor below should have crumbled under the pressure, but they all looked fine which left Atsusa and the other two elders dumbfounded.

"That's it? I know your confidence to say all that is due to the power of the barrier in this room. But heh, this is too WEAK! And you think just because of your status as an elder, you feel superior to me? Ridiculous!"

"Those gods can't even compare to me, they're not equal to me and are inferior to me. What makes you think the spiritual power belonging to these 7 gods that are weaker than all the gods I've killed are capable of bringing me to my knees? What a bunch of trash."

"Open your dog eyes and see this King's spiritual power."


A/N: If you want to read 7 advanced chapters with a faster update frequency than the webnovel, you can read it on my patreon whose link is below:


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