23.52% Infinity System / Chapter 1: SS1-: The First Rudra- Legend of The Howling One (1/3)

บท 1: SS1-: The First Rudra- Legend of The Howling One (1/3)


The story of The First Rudra is a standalone one it is not the start of Canon. It is a story which introduces various characters, power levels, and other backdrops which may appear throughout the novel. Due to this it is indeed Chunky, beefy, or whatever you say. It is loaded with 23,000 + words!!

So here comes a question, whether should you read it? Answer will be, it depends, as even without it you can enjoy the novel. But it contains reason for various things happening in first novel and hence it became part of Volume 1: Step into Infinity.

And please remember to read with caution it is not your standard chapter. I repeat it is not a story chapter but a short story connected with main story itself,

There are alteast 10 stories like this, which can appear as interlude in other volumes.






Time: Unknown

Location: Ancient Graveyard, The Endless Void


Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, Orange, Violet, Black, White

Or shall we say, all the possible "colours" which can exist were stacked together in ever-changing waves patterns as if they were forming most complex codes in existence. This naturally occurring, vivid place would have been a perfect place for mellowing out only if it was not the Number 1 Dead Zone of The Endless Void: Ancient Graveyard.

Ancient Graveyard is a separate dimension which is among the few places which are linked with all the Universes and timeline in existence. It exists beyond the periphery of a Universe, into the endless chaotic void and can be found by the fated individuals and by those people whose predecessors were left alive to tell the tales. Each Universe has only a single link to it, for both entry and exit. Till the awareness of it's existence, only Ancient Nomadic Tribes and few prominent Void Voyagers were able to spread knowledge about this dimension but it is interesting to note that only the records of a few of them were able to match with each other, leading to further speculation that this dimension is even bigger than their own previous assumption. The most basic way to describe it, which is disseminated across the void through the hymns of Nomadic Tribes, is that it is a land containing risks and benefits which even tempt Gods to risk their godhood to search riches of this place. Across the eons, Various destructive weapons and sacred texts were obtained by fated ones from this land and each of them were powerful enough to rule over multiple universes, by either force or by knowledge. Overall, it is a place containing infinite unknowns, which can either make or break a person. It is a place for all kind of people, Rulers come here to obtain Powers, Sage for Sacred Texts, Jesters for Just Fun and Magicians for Inspiration.

There is no limit of horizon at this colourful plane, even the possessors of godly vision are not able to see the comprehend beginning and end of this place. Multiple blocks of mass can be seen floating around, positioned afar from each other, occupying only a tiny fraction of this bizarre dimension. No can fly here as this beautiful sky never fails to secrete deadly aura, waiting for it's food in it's attractive net. Even the smallest piece here is bigger in size than Uranus of Omega Solar System in Milky Way galaxy. These land mass are blessed with their own ecosystem. Some of them contains divine rainforests which can earn envy from the acclaimed Creators of Paradise in Heavens; while some of them contains deadly Wastelands, releasing such a thick death aura that even the Goddess of Fertility and Vitality can die from inhaling a single wisp of air. Different types of beasts are created by these ecosystems, but none of them have any soul or intelligence. Besides this, all of the lands contain traces of ancient war as weapons and skeletons can be found hidden inside the depths of these lands. While some of the lands even contains remains of ancient villages and temples of forgotten religions.

The whole area is divided into two parts, inner and outer circle. Outer Circle is located at immediate boundary of Ancient Graveyard. It is populated by various species, which decided to stay on the outskirts and perform odd jobs like guides, helpers etc. And Inner Circle is Graveyard itself. When anybody enter the Inner Circle they are provided with entry and exit token, which is created by Nomads after billions of years of research. It is the only link to outside for adventurers as when they enter here all of their connections are severed from outside by using them, they can atleast enter circle of reincarnation upon their death as most spooky thing about the Ancient Graveyard is that without these tokens, dead ones becomes one of the skeletons inside these mass of lands, which wails all the time due to it's craving for skin, bones, and souls of these young adventurers. {A/N: AG has existed since beginning of all known Universes, so even a trillion year old individual is a Young Adult in front of it. It is "Ancient"}

Supreme laws of time, death, and life are devoid of their grace in this plane, which is documented as most dreadful aspect as per Ancient Nomads and various Void Voyagers. Time- Every person who enters the graveyard will be in limbo for eternity as he/she can neither advance or regress in age. Death- No power of any universe can pierce through it's veil to find their departed ones, if a person dies then he/she...ceases to exist in totality. No reincarnation, no second chance, no soul state, no nothing. If anybody dies here even their Creators will forget about their existence, reason being, they are "erased" from existence across infinite timeline and instead they become fertilizers for new life while remaining as one of the bony skeleton for eternity. Life: Surprisingly, this plane is capable of giving birth to soulless beasts, which are only slave to their hunger, without a sign of intelligence. Any life born inside this plane is immortal unless it's every atom is sent into oblivion. As a result, all land masses are covered by savage beasts, it is difficult to live in extreme environment even if this dimension provides pseudo-immortality to all lives. {A/N: A person may spend a thousand years even if a single day passed outside}

But even then, this place is a hot-spot for extreme adventurers in Void as this plane is fully loaded of mysteries. Void Voyagers like Immortals, Gods, Devils, Ascended Ones and even Primordial Ancestors come here to try their luck. Many of them are greeted with Death and few of them obtained marvelous artifacts and lived a whole life of glory. There are various myths associated with Ancient Graveyard. Some say that most heinous war, across multi-verse, took place here and some says that it is debris of a huge Extinct Ancient Universe. Among these stories, most enticing one is that it is claimed as place of resting for first intelligent species, Unas {A/N: Pronunciation is Yoo-nus}.

Various factions have cleared some lands and have claimed them as their own territory. Among these lands, a single land mass is occupied by two different Nomadic Tribes: Kulu and Koku. This singular land mass is even smaller than the Pluto and, weird enough, it is only land mass in millions of miles around it. It is covered with white sand and is completely deserted. But if a Champion comes here, bearing the mark of Goddess Unag, he/she will be teleported to a hidden dimension. At there, a single majestic black coloured temple exists on the white soil covered by red coloured sky, radiating ancient aura. While ancient temple is without any dents from prehistoric destruction, the decoy land mass is the only spherical shaped land in Graveyard. At the front of the gates of this ancient temple lies two huge man faced long black serpents. Face of these sculptures are just like a textbook humanoid species, albeit few different features. Their snake like thin vertical pupils are capable of stealing soul if you gets lost in their abyss. Their tensed handsome face keep greedy people at the bay and fangs instead of canines in upper jaw in their mouth shows their conviction in to guard this black temple. Their tails are tightly coiled around all 4 sides of temple. Between them, a huge entrance, of around 12 feet, is situated without any doors. Inside the temple Six Cylindrical, 50 feet Pillars, each on left and right are holding the tons of weight of whole temple. There are no windows on any wall, but a ancient air shaft system is installed in here; resulting in flowing cold breeze now and then. On the ancient walls there are various etchings, leaking out smell of antiquity all around the hall. On the left side of the entrance there is a image of a hooded woman holding a book in both of her arms, only her eyes are etched prominently while on the right side is a fierce warrior covered in three eyed wolf skin, holding a huge axe, equal to half of his height, in his right hand and a bow in his left hand. On the left wall there are description of other species, which appears to be ancestors of many animals as huge beasts similar to Saber-tooth Lion, Mammoth, Giant Gorillas, Dragons and others were etched on this wall. On the right wall, there are descriptions of two scenes. One scene on the right covers 3/4 of the wall and shows some ancient lands, Demi-humanoid species like winged human, wolf with man's head etc., beasts walking on their legs and trees with huge eyes. The remaining wall is scratched by some previous visitors, because of which only a flaring circular object can be seen from it's remaining part. And towards the wall infront of entrance there is a 75 feet rectangular crimson crystal on which a figure of a naked female humanoid has been carved. Her body is proportionate and is giving a sacred aura when it is looked upon. Her whole body is crimson on her oval shape, there is no facial description. Her hair is undoubtedly most bizarre thing here as they are black on left of her scalp and white on other half, while they are long enough to reach her heel. Both tribes, Kulu and Koku are self proclaimed guardians of this temple. Kulu tribe focuses on speed while Koku people on power. Each person of their tribe has to live atleast 10,000 years in Ancient Graveyard to guard the temple. It is said that they started guarding it after their ancestors found the temple and received oracle from goddess to guard if in exchange for immortality in Ancient Graveyard and enhanced body of their descendants, guarding the temple.

Only few people has even entered this temple due to two reasons. First: It is innermost area, so most of them are killed in their journey of traversing through various planes to reach it. Second: Kulu and Koku tribe, they are responsible for testing all the persons who are able to find the passage through different planes. After the passing the tests they can enter the temple and receive a blessing from the goddess {A/N: Generic Xianxia/Wuxia like tests of morals, strength, mind, blahblah..}. In millions of years, only a single person was capable of passing these tests. But due to one person this cycle was destroyed along with whole small planet. While all the beings in existence are unaware of this incident, Kulu and Koku tribes passed on the epic of a barbaric man who stole away their goddess, forcefully, to their descendants while lamenting their loss of their precious blessing.






'Hmm, this land is indeed just like it is described in old man's journal. Reeking of blood.'

A handsome man can be seen glancing at his new surroundings while standing in a black vortex, creating quite a contrast in scenery. Standing straight like a 6.4 Feet spear he is permeating a intimidating aura around him, which is further assented by White Tiger Skin worn by him {A/N: His clothing is inspired from Hindu God Shiva, google his image for further visualization}. He has perfectly toned body which is neither neither lean nor bulky. His sculpted face is proportionate everywhere, making him godly handsome. His half opened deep dark brown eyes accompanied with angled eyebrows radiate a sagely light wherever he sees, illuminating his path and acting as a bane for any form of ignorance. His tanned complexion and bow at his back along with strong rough hands indicates that he is capable of archery from both the arms. He has jet black braided hair, reaching to his waist, are giving him a 'wild' image. His has golden bracelets adorned on both of his wrists, marching anklets on his anklets, and golden necklace. All these ornaments adds 'noble' sparks over his otherwise godly but wild aura. This man, or shall we say this entity, is called as "Rudra" or "The Howler" by the residents of Universe X01. He was Primordial Ancestor back in his days of patrolling across the Universe X01. He was born from the need of order at his home. He was the 'First Hero' and also the 'First Demon God' of the Universe X01. Currently, he is enjoying his exile while roaming to new places in uncharted place, The Endless Void. While holding a well worn off book in his hand he crossed the portal while gazing around this abnormal dimension, closely scrutinizing changes around him and matching it with the description written in his opened book.

After confirming his destination, he crossed the secret portal and space behind him closed without any trace of that peculiar portal. It is actually among the newly found, undocumented, portal. So it is quite obvious that all his connections to Universe X01 have been cut off, but awareness of this will dawn upon him in future; while cursing at the so-called 'Old Man'. As he was sentenced to exile, he gave up his Primordial Spark and obtained Strongest Cultivation Manual of Universe X01: Primordial Scripture: Void Physique which contains elements of void itself, allowing him to roam the void without any hurdle as he is now absorbing void energy to power his body. While his appearance is still the same, his power is only 80% of his original. But he is actually unperturbed by this as he himself believed that all that power was absolutely useless for him, he value his new found freedom more than the power to destroy universe itself as he was a Primordial who was most affected by the effect of his Spark: Protector. Now instead of roaming for another billions of years to rescue people, he can now spend some me-time of his own.

In his hand lies the journal of The Old Man, who also roamed across the Void for his research. By following it he encountered various adventures, ancient tombs, nomadic tribes, modern cosmopolitan cities, and ultimately various types of species which not only increased his knowledge but also awakened a new hunger for more of them. He has now became a spirited Explorer traveling to uncharted areas and taking his enjoyment in finding new things rather than saving people in exchange of useless 'Fate Points'. {A/N: Will be explained in due time} While thinking about his next step, a crimson coloured orb came out from the middle of his chest. That orb changed into a crimson fire and ran towards nearest floating land. Rudra narrowed his eyes and grasped the escaping orb. As if feeling his confusion orb transformed into a Crimson Fire and transformed into a arrow. In a bemusing tone, he smiled slightly while saying in his melodious voice "Now since my dear, Kal Agni, is taking initiative for the first time I shall comply to her wish and follow her light to slay all the evils of world in exchange of winning her maiden's heart, just like classic Hero stories, a handsome hero and a 'feisty' fairy facing a evil demon lord. I am sure minstrels will love our 'Graveyard Nights'. Kukukuku." Kal Agni stopped showing the arrow for a second before converting into orb once again and coming in front of his handsome face for a while, as if rolling it's imaginary eyes at his bad sense of humor, before hitting at his forehead and converting into a blazing arrow once again. "Okay, Okay. I will follow you to your chosen place without asking any question. So, from here you will be responsible for leading our way...Ah And also remember to map out a well laid out detour as old man has written about mesmerizing lands and tantalizing, sizzling meat of some grown up lizard going by name of 'Tyrannosaurs Rex' or something in wasteland." Arrow stopped once again but as it was directing towards the middle of his eyebrow, he hurriedly explained "H-H--Hey, you know that I require food to generate energy in this dimension as void energy is cut off in this dimension. I will eat for the sake of my stomach only, it is not that I am passing through these dead lands to find smoky, enticing, mouth-watering, spicy, and delicate meat along with euphoric tantalizing herbs as seasoning, Hmm I have another thing to explore now." After looking at the lost face of Rudra, Kal Agni started ignoring him and went to the direction of the place from where it got those similar signals, while not forgetting to find to tag some beasts for his 'snack time'.


He faced various kinds of mindless beasts across his journey, some were as tiny as ants and some were even bigger than Argentinosaurus. While it may be a ordeal for most of them, Rudra was capable of facing all of this without breaking a sweat. Sometime he just one-punched them or some time he let Kal Agni to roast hell out of them and convert them into delicious skewer dishes. And as they travel from one land to other, they keep on moving into the innermost area of Ancient Graveyard where no soul was able to reach in millions of years. Of course, he was not aware of this fact as he was just blissfully unaware of the net fate was weaving around him.

As he exited a mountain range type plain he found himself at a small white coloured planet shaped plane. "Tsk. It is so tiny that I am afraid that even a small push from my single toe, whole planet will be destroyed....Hehehe, Why not perform a little test." He increased his force and and put all his weight on his right leg, but there was no expected explosion. He knitted his eyebrows together and while contemplating about something lift his left foot altogether in air, in a stomping stance. He channeled his energy and a huge gust of wind exploded as his body became epicenter. Earth shook as nearby lying rocks flew beyond the gravitation pull. Heat around him started rising as his long braided hair danced wildly. *Bzzz* After short while of focusing his energy, sparks of violet thunder started cracking in the air around him as whole surrounding became even more hot. Then suddenly *BOOM* he stomped the tiny planet with his left foot. Small cracks started forming but soon they merged into huge ones and became even more deeper as four huge cracks formed from where he stood and divided whole planet into 4 equal parts.

Satisfied after obtaining his desired result he looked at his sidekick Kal Agni and found that it was showing towards underground of this planet. Perplexed by the direction he looked towards the blazing arrow and asked "Is this the right place. I am not questioning you, but I am not able to sense even a slightest spark of energy inside it, even the celestial core is a tiny ice cube." Ignoring his banter, the crimson fire arrow kept on directing to the core. Sighing he jumped into newly created hole in the ground. As he reached the core, he found himself looking at a ice blue coloured energy veil instead of icy rock. He became more alert after his new finding as his instincts were screaming to run away from this place. While he was having inner turmoil, his companion penetrated the veil leaving him shocked as a cold gust of wind smashed to his body. Perplexed, he looked inside it to find a strange place.



It was a land similar to the one he destroyed, seconds ago. It was covered with white sands and there was a huge black temple in front of him. Only difference was that it had red sky rather than multi coloured one in Graveyard. Not able to understand this phenomenon, he wrecked his billion years old grey cells to obtain some clues from his surroundings. As he was looking around while rubbing his chin with thumb and index finger of his right hand, two figures landed infront of him. They both were wearing clothes similar to black Sleeved Karategis with white belt and black stone sandals, which have white strap. They both were fair skinned and had long white slick back hair, reaching to their nape. On the left was the bulky one with square shaped face and on the right was the lean one with diamond shaped face, both were equal in height and even their facial features are quite similar. They both have broad forehead with widow peaked hairlines while having three horizontal wrinkles on it. They have white bushy uni-bows with emerald coloured eyes below along with thick snub nose. While their slightly wrinkled faces have evidences of passage of time, their body appears to be strong as a bull. Both glanced him from top to bottom and then looked at each other and nodded slightly.

???(Left): Well brother, it seems that we have got a trespasser here.

???(Right): You are right, he don't have marking of Unag on him. He found some other way to enter this dimension without passing our tests. Or maybe our lazy descendants forgot the task, set forth by us.

???(Left):....Hmm, actually there is a way, but before that, young man what is your name and what happened when you entered temple above the ground?

Rudra (In low tone, while rubbing his chin and looking at the sky above him): Aha!! I get it. This place is a separate pocket dimension. This place is still inside the Ancient Graveyard, but, interestingly this place also seems to exist outside it. Or I can say all the lands of Ancient Graveyard are connected with this dimension. Ah! Just like box within a box. And also, there is some amount of loose divinity here awaiting for plucking.

While ignoring them he walk passed them and stood infront of black conical temple. While beckoning Kal Agni back into a orb he jumped on the top of the temple and raised his arm in the direction of the sky. He opened his palm and made a grabbing motion.*Shhh~(Wind blowing)* Red sky started to disappear as the crimson orb started absorbing the colour of sky, changing it's colour to black instead. As he was completed his action, a shadow appeared over his right side of his face. By instinct, he jumped from the top of the temple and once again stood in front of two stony man-serpents.

*Boom* A Powerful Shockwave were generated due to the heavy force behind the punch causing small pebbles on the ground to jump in fright. Some dust landed on his clothes and air but Rudra ignored it and lazily looked towards the perpetrator. And then suddenly, he moved 180 degree to face his back and expressionlessly blocked a high speed 10 punches move with his right hand's palm while storing Kal Agni on his left palm in his storage dimension. As slender man started using wind blades with punch to create vertical slashes in air, Rudra simply started evading them with minimum movement. Each move between created a small shock wave. {A/N: Tsuki-Te: Punches targeting middle, top or bottom}. Then bulky one reappeared while wearing a heavy white spike armor, presumably made from earth. Along with lean one they started attacking Rudra. But he just evaded their attacks, whether they are heavy like boulder or light like wind, they passed through him. This continued until he used space element to wrap far from them as he looked at his slightly reddened palm with intrigue. They both came on their original position, while deactivating their strange powers.


Rudra: What do you mean by 'Blessing' it was just a small part of a creation god's divinity. It was free to use for anyone, so I let it my companion eat it. And that huge temple is generating enough amount of divinity, you will get your red sky back in few thousand years or so. Don't fret over it.

???(Left) While clenching his hand into fist and glaring at Rudra tried to attack once again when Right one held his hand on his shoulder. He shook his head while giving a forced smile to Rudra "My Brother is a little hot headed, so please ignore any kind of misgivings from his side." Rudra raised one side of his mouth before saying in a sarcastic way "Says the person who attacked on the back of a person without any warning. You are just as cool as you claim to be, one aren't you." Right one stopped smiling before narrowing his eyebrows and diluting his pupil before closing them to think next step.

???(Right): *Exhale* You are right, Your Excellency. It was our fault and we are only pray that you forget about this mishap from our side. Ahem.. Welcome to Aang-Bu, the holy place where our Goddess Unag resides. This humble one is ancestor of Kolu tribe and is called as Tahite. And here is my elder brother, Shaka, ancestor of Koku tribe. What shall I call you, your excellency

Rudra: Call me Rudra. Nice to meet you both. Don't need to use honorifics with me. Is there anything worth looking in this black temple.


Tahite (While tightening his grip on Angry Shaka's Shoulder, hurriedly spoke): Yes there is. Here murals about creation of The First World are stored. Come please follow us. But can you tell us, how did you reach here as only those who have passed some tests are allowed to come here.

Rudra: Well I had my own ways to reach here. And more correctly you can also say that I stumbled here, by mistake or maybe by fate.

Tahite: Great Unag must have called you here. Please follow me I will tell you about all the details.

When Rudra moved towards the black temple, Tahite looked at his back while frowning before telling Shaka in low voice "Brother, we are not powerful enough to stop him from doing what he want. He has more speed than me and when my fist met his palm I felt like a mortal punching hard steel, so he is more powerful than you. We can tie him into a draw but for killing him, we have to use Akhu. I will keep on distracting him, and when we will pray infront of Statue of Unag you will activate Nukos and then we will crush him. Today our Goddess will drink the blood of a powerful one." Shaka took a deep breath, glanced at his brother before nodding and vanishing from his spot, leaving only traces of footsteps. Tahite step up his speed to meet up with Rudra who was walking towards the temple.

Tahite: Please come this way, I will act as a guide for your journey.

Rudra glanced at him nonchalantly and nodding at him.

Tahite: Can you tell me about location of your territory so that I can provide specialised service.

Rudra: Territory??

Tahite (frowning): Aren't you a Duke, a person capable of reaching here without a token are only powerful ones like a Void Duke.

Rudra: No, I am what you people call as Void Voyager.

Tahite: But your strength is enough to rule over a Sector single-handedly.

Rudra: Ah, about that I am not interested in these silly conquests.

Tahite: But a young man like you should have some goals, why wasting your time in this dead place.

Rudra (smirked before glancing him sideways): Young Man? Hahahaha, it seems that you have a bad sense of humor like me. You are saying a Primordial like me, a young man. Hmph. Have you even forgot about 'understanding' Soul Age of a person you are meeting with, I am afraid that this your teacher failed to teach you the even the standard ways of Ancient Nomads, or may be you are a lazy bum thinking that he is Invincible in this locked space.

Tahite was shaken by his words and hurriedly used his spirit eyes to look at his soul. He saw a dark blue coloured soul light which is even brighter than the combined glimmer of billions of stars. He covered by eyes with his forearm but didn't forget using his tribe's secret art to look deeper in his soul. His pupil changed to white as he found himself on the top of a black mountain, having the silvery peak. He felt healing breeze passed through him giving him warmth of his mother's blossom. But as he lost himself in this protective warmth, destructive purple thunder bolts bombarded from heavens, destroying his projection. As his eyes returned to normal, his wobbly legs failed to find foothold as he fell on his knee, while covering his bloody mouth and started coughing blood violently. Rudra stopped and waved his hand as a healing wind passed through Tahite healing him completely, without giving him a glance to the panting Tahite while staring at the man faced serpents statue.

Rudra: Have your elders not told you that one should not peek into other's privacy without one's consent. And tell me what is graver violation of privacy than peeking in the soul of other.

Tahite: Huff huff, My Lord, punish me for my offence. I failed to see eminence of a great Primordial Ancestors

'What a monster, even his Soul Realm is trained to a such extent that it has achieved final evolution of Separate Dimension. He should have trained his soul for atleast 2 Billion Years to reach this state, only my grand father was able to achieve it in our tribe. He is just one of those oldies playing role of the wolf in sheep skin. It is good that we decided to use Akhu or else we would have been a meat paste. He is more powerful than my previous estimate. He is truly a Primordial freak, just like than Old Man'

Rudra: I don't like to waste my words on two faced hyenas like you. *Sigh* You have already sown karma with me so just do your job properly. This will free you to do what you want and I will also continue my exploration. (Rudra increased his Aura suddenly) And if you dare to continue your useless bickering, I vow that you will not be able to speak another word in this lifetime of yours.

Tahite slightly smiled but there was a foxy glint in his eyes.

Tahite: Affirmative!

While pointing at the stone statues he continued "This is Guardian Deity of our temple ,Lord Akhu. The Great Serpent. He has control over Primordial Divinity of Fire and Ice. It is said that there was only one serpent who wielded both fire and ice, but he divided himself. The epic goes by the time goddess was meditating in the depth of the forest. Due to her meditation whole of the forest rejoiced and tree spirits came along with animals to give different kind of heavenly fruits to her as offering. As Animal Kings paraded in front of her she woke up and was impressed by their action. Being the kind she always is she rejected all of the offerings but before giving them a nectar to them but telling them specially that only one can drink it. And that will receive unimaginative powers and immortality.

Rudra: *Yawn* You guys are quite a dimwit aren't you. She was not kind at all, she refused those offerings because of the Fate Law, right words will be that she was quite a intelligent person. By giving nectar she was able to sow Karmic Seed inside the soul of the being who drink it as she had not accepted the offerings so she had given without taking something in return. And she will have liberty to reap that seed in future and would have possibility of taking all the possible good karma earned by that being for whole of their life, till she had obtained Fate Points equal to the worth of nectar. And if there is no Good Karma, hehehe, they will be forced into a exploitative contract binding their future incarnations and blood descendants and then all of them will slave themselves to remove that karmic seed from their souls. You are a demigod of wind divinity, I am sure you have comprehended some of the Fate Law, so according to you have I said anything wrong.

Tahite was so annoyed that more wrinkles appeared due to his crunched face.

'Damn it, why the hell I agreed to guide him in the first place, it would have been better if I had told my muscle-headed brother to do it.'

Tahite: *Cough* No, Sir I have obtained my divinity as blessings from Urag, herself. I am not privileged enough to understand Mystical Fate Laws.

Rudra: Oh, that sounds plausible explanation for your weakness over understanding of Wind Essence. You are one of those lazy Demi-Gods, are you not. Receiving power in inheritance, rather than earning to it. Well whatever continue your story. And one more thing don't treat fate laws as impossible tasks even mortals are able to comprehend them. Don't claim something as difficult because of your own incompetence, lazy boy.

Tahite tripped over non existent stone and after stabilizing his emotions he continued his story while crying silent tears "After the nectar is received they all went to discuss the rightful owner but sly fox implanted the idea of eligibility by supremacy in Kings of Forest and then.."

Rudra: *Crackling voice from stretching of his shoulders* Allow me to complete your story. They had a war which led to bloodbath in the forest, various animals species goes into extinction and then you will claim that a serpent came as goddess servant and drank the nectar and goes bonkers on them. After killing unjust kings he divided himself into two parts one containing ice and one fire divinity because it will be revealed that goddess had two forms herself like chaos and order. Just like a cliche good and evil story. It has been some time I heard such stories, but they seem to never seem to lose their charm. I bet your goddess would have been seeing all of the action as a form of entertainment from the eyes of Akhu.

Tahite: No, this is impossible she is a kind goddess

Rudra (whole putting both of his hand on the shoulders): Tahite, what is your age?

Tahite got flustered before solemnly replying "10,612,611 Years 10 Month and 12 Days"

Rudra: Young man, don't be disappointed over what when I am going to tell you. Let me light up your bleak life, filled of ignorance. Ahem... I have lived over 10 Billion Years and saw many things which you can not even think of. Among the most vicious existences I met are the Gods which you find in your myths. By Gods I do not mean ascended ones or mortals who mutated to become vessels of Essence or Elemental Divinity. No, I am telling you about Primordial Ancestors. I was one of them and I can guarantee you that they all see other life forms as a means of entertainment. They play their games of good and bad in their boredom. Remember that. in future of you meet one of them always try to clear your karmic debts with them or you will be played by them even on your deathbed.

While Rudra may appeared smiling, Tahite were screaming in his mind 'Aren't yourself one of those freaks and what is with this smug smile. If I had power I would have just smashed your stupid face.... Wait a minute, is it possible that he got some idea about our plan that's why he is warning us within his words. Hmm I have to be more cautious with my words from now. I don't want to arouse his suspicions till Shaka work on the mechanism to awaken Akhu.'

Tahite (while making a manipulative smile): You are truly omniscient, an entity above god themselves. You are correct in your deduction. *Cough* This serpent god is called as Akhu, guardian of this temple. Let's move inside the temple, you will be fascinated with prehistoric engravings of ancient beings.

Rudra glared him for a brief moment, before shaking his head while sighing 'Do you really believe that I don't know about what you have planned with your idiot brother. Even if you had erected a soundproof barrier, sound travel through air and I am a Wind God. I can feel about every changes in air for miles. You don't know that I am 'allowing' you to activate your so called guardian. Sigh~ That's why it is said that idiots are dead man walking. Hmm, No this is wrong saying. Well whatever I will spread this among 2 or more civilization it will become a new maxim or something.' {A/N: Current timeline is at around 900 A.D}


While it may appears that Rudra was listening to babbling of Tahite, but all his attention was directed towards the craftmanship used in making the Black Temple. All of the stone cuts were precise, without any traces of working by any tool. It would have been okay, if one or more etchings were perfect but as he moved further, to his horror all of them were perfect.

'This temple was not by mortals. Even gods were able to make something like that back in my home after few billions of years of practice.' He moved near warrior's etching and ran his index finger along the path of engraving. 'It is just as I expected, it is smooth. This huge temple is created out of imagination of a prehistoric Creator God. This is quite a big discovery for Creation Gods. Maybe, I can exchange my notes for few jars of Wine from the Old Man or map of another tomb or something similar. But one etching is quite special here.' He moved to his left and pointed at the the piece of wall which has been sabotaged.

Rudra: Tahite, I have understood basics about this temple but can you tell me about that part of wall.

Tahite: Ah, it was like that before we came here as guardian. We also don't know about that wall besides the fact that it depicts some star or something.

Rudra walked to the sabotaged and while moving his fingers across rough stones "You are both correct and incorrect in your statement. Correct, because you don't know about it and incorrect because you saw it as a star.

Illusionary tick marks appeared above on Tahite's tired eyes. He massaged his forehead and prepared for another bout of words with this chatterbox.

Tahite: Please tell me about your thoughts, Rudra. 'ARGH, OH GODDESS WHAT SINS I HAD COMMITTED THAT YOU MADE ME MET THIS KIND OF ADVERSARY. If he had been a barbaric hunter, it would have been understandable but here I am seeing a sage in the clothes of a savage. Just speak your last words as after them you will be a sacrifice to our Goddess but I have decided that before offering you I will cut of your vile tongue and will make a chewing toy for Akhu'

After looking at his forced smile and hearing grinding sounds from his mouth Rudra knew that he was not thinking good about him. But being magnanimous like always he shook his head 'Even after severing from Spark of Protector, I am not able to ignore the ignorant ones. Due to it's influence I have learned to obtain a peculiar enjoyment from spreading knowledge to these lost sheep. Hmm~ Or I just like to destroy their established view of life and enjoy their wretched faces from resulting chaotic thoughts, just like this little boy. He looked cute when I lectured him on Fate, wasn't he. His expression is exactly like those cute bat winged kids when I told them that The Old Man mistakenly created them while dozing off on his rocky chair.'

Rudra: Pfft. Hahahahha. Ahem.. Sorry, I just remembered something funny from the past. *Cough* Have you seen a Universe in your life.

Tahite: Yes, each generation of our tribe is obliged to travel to atleast 10 different Universes.

Rudra: So, do you know how a Universe comes into existence.

Tahite: A Universe is born out of explosion of Two Primordial Sparks.

Rudra: Well done, two sparks, one represent cold or Yin and other one represent heat or Yang. Well, their description can be changed across time but both of them are simply opposites of each other and when their attraction becomes fatal...

Tahite: They collide and explode

Rudra: Hahaha, correct. Now look again at this wall and tell me what you see.

Tahite:...It looks like a light after birth of Universe

Rudra: Close but you got it in opposite. It is the flare from a huge explosion.

Tahite: WWW-WHAT!!!

Rudra: I also don't know about the reasons behind destruction of a Universe. But this light can be understood as a dawn of apocalypse. Since the remaining wall is sabotaged, we can not say about what was etched on it. But on the basis of the engravings on other walls and generic patterns in all creation stories. On the first wall, there were two photo where man is warrior and woman is shown as the precursor to warriors and mages they show that they were dominant species Unas , on the left wall there are description of beasts, which share traits with animals in multiple universes. And on the right there are mutants or hybrid ones. All of these species exist in every Universe in some manner. And just like all of the creation stories, this last engraving is telling us the end. Now, let's have a look at your goddess.

Rudra moved away from the wall and walked toward the huge statue in the main hall, leaving behind contemplating Tahite.

'Death of All to bring forth the Re-Birth of two Primordial Sparks. Truly a wicked idea, sacrificing countless lives for returning a Universe to it's original state. It will be dangerous if this knowledge is spread among others. But I also feel that I am missing out on a detail, well whatever, I can search other areas for similar information. Adding one more thing to look out for during exploration.'

*Echo due to fast footsteps*

Tahite: Wait, before that we have to pray infront of great Goddess. You can obtain some powerful gifts from her by bowing your head in front of her.

Rudra (Nodded): .I don't want gifts or something. It is not that I have lost something coming here, I have found something to do for some million years, it is a win for me. Ah, and take this as your reward for guiding me.

He waved his hand as a golden light flashed and a silver shining book appeared in front of Tahite. He grabbed it and gobsmacked by looking at the domineering gold painted title "My Gourmet Journey Across The Void". He thought that supreme art would have been bestowed upon him, as he even forgot his schemes and expended great efforts in his job. But weirdly he is gratified upon receiving it 'I will make it a family heirloom and make my descendents pray to it for...Wait a minute.'

Rudra: What's wrong have you lost on cloud nine from my 'gift'.

Tahite: H-H-Hey, Rudra while I appreciate your gesture but can you exchange it with some arts or something like that.

Rudra: Humph, how dare you treat such a sacred text a 'Useless' book. You don't know how many people would have sold their whole fortune upon receiving the signed copy of my best seller in Void.

Tahite: But I am tasked to guard this temple and have not even left this place for 8 million years. And we don't even need to eat food. Please give me something else.

Rudra (Shaking his head): Even if I consider your words, I can not change what has been done. Didn't you feel the euphoria from Harvesting of Karma you saw with with me. We did equal exchange, you allowed me to enter the Temple while acting as my guide and i gave you appropriate reward for this. If I change it I will saw Karmic Seed with you and will have to deal with you. Moreover, if you meditate on this exchange you can even comprehend fate law. I have given you enough.

'Hmm, So the release I felt was harvesting the seed I planted in him when I took the job of guiding him.' "But what would have happened if I refused to complete the task midway."

Rudra glanced at his face before resuming his walk towards the crimson statue. "Nothing would have happened beside the fact that we would have shared a Karmic Link and this would have become a problem for you as your fate would have converged around me as I have more Fate Points than you. So you would have met me once again in some nearby future."

Tahite: I understand, please follow me to pray infront of Goddess and pray your wishes from her.

Echo of Tahite's sandal resound in the hall as he moved facing the statue and then slightly bowed before getting into dogenza.

Tahite: O~ Great~ Unag~, your humble servant has bring the champion of the trial with me to receive your love and blessing. Please come forth and meet your new warrior. Guide him in his path to greatness. Allow him to bask in your Glory an-

Rudra (While using his Right hand's pinky finger to Clean his ear drum): Stop your nonsense. Here let me help you to awaken your goddess. (Rudra punched the statue)

Tahite eyes were widened with rage at his actions. Blue Veins appeared on his head and arm due to anger as a burst of wind exploded from his legs. He jumped abruptly and targeted solar plexus of Rudra with all his might. *Boom* Wind blasted as he conveyed all his rage to Rudra via his fist. It would have been a equal fight if he had waited for Akhu but sadly fools are always eager to jump into their grave.

Rudra felt a small pinch on his abdomen and tilted his head in confusion before saying demeaning words in deadpan manner to Tahite "You lack power of your brother, so I don't know what you want to know to achieve by pulling these weak punches. You even failed to control wind in your punch. No, even your stance is not appropriate" he grasped his fist moved them between his chest "Here, you should have attacked here while compressing your winds around knuckles and release them inside my body. Ah, you don't understand. Well this is expected from a lazy boy like you. Let me demonstrate it to you."

Rudra grab hold on Tahite's right fist on his chest by his left hand and made crackling voice as he drew his right fist back in punching stance. Air around them compressed and covered his right fist, then it further compressed in 4 small sharp grey spikes around his knuckles. Then *Booommm* he hit fist on his Sternum/Breastbone while penetrating and then releasing the air spikes. A sound of explosion comes from insides of Tahite as his eyes rolled back while fresh blood started from any outlet they can find. Thick wine red blood teared from the edges of his eye sockets and nails and then all of his body started inflating as blood even started flowing from his groin area as his mouth started foaming while no signs of life remained in his body.

"Well you are quite weak, aren't you, sigh~ how can you understand the principle behind wind and reach Godhood if you can not even stand this little pain. Well I will examine dangers in this dimension later but first I must teach you about wind. Here, let's bring you back in shape. Come Forth!Pran Vayu!!" A healing wind brushed the dead body of Tahite as his body visibily healed in front of Rudra.

"*Cough**Cough* I am the sinner....I am the sinner.... PLEASE FORGIVE ME"

Rudra still holding Tahite in his punching stance "Ah, forget about it, here I am going to demonstrate it once again, pay attention this time; properly"

Tahite: Huff...Huff...Ple..Please.. Leave.... me.. aa-alone

Rudra: It is not so painful as you are making it out, my little disciple can bear even more pain than a demi god like you when she was a mortal. Ah.. She was truly brilliant, I still remember her lovely smile whenever I beckoned her to partake in my 'Experiments'.

Tahite: Www-WAS? 'I am sure that would have been a crooked smile and if he did such things with his student, what will he do to me'

Rudra: Oh, I graduated her from my tutelage. What has it got with you? Were you thinking some funny things about my little disciple?

Tahite: No Lord I was not thinking at all. This lowly one is not capable to think about any funny things in your presence.

Rudra (Smirked while releasing his Aura): Oh, but you have quite capable in scheming with your brother, aren't you. Did you really think that I don't know about your efforts in unsealing your Guardian Deity. You guys look quite cute while doing your mischievous acts. He will be able to unseal in few moments so I can give you yours appropriate reward in meanwhile. And as a reward I want to 'teach' you, wholeheartedly, about the way of wind. Brace yourself and try to remain awake during the whole process or else I will have to be 'strict' with you.

Tahite: NOOOO!!!!


*Blergh* He vomited his insides on the floor due to high air pressures inside his body. He dell on the blood pond on the ground while trembling from head to toes. Rudra made a beckoning gesture and held Tahite's body as a punching bag infront of him.

Rudra: Ah, I forgot to instruct you to clench your teeth. My mistake. Come Forth, Pran Vayu. Here we go, as good as before. Ahem, this time remember to keep your mouth shut.


Rudra: Here comes the last one.



Rudra: Pran Vayu...Now let's move to the main event. Kal Agni!!! Wreck Havoc!!!


A small wisp of crimson fire appeared above his right palm and then he clenched his fingers into fist while leaving echoes of crackling sounds of his strong fingers


A flash of light appeared before a blazing crimson inferno took hold of the giant temple as Kal Agni spread itself around the hall. The deadly wisps of karmic fire covered the prehistoric walls as three spirals raised to the ceiling of the black temple, destroying the creation of Goddess. Goddess statue trembled as a burst of magenta coloured hot and cold fire countered the crimson destruction but it was only fated to be devouvered by the fire of origin. Cracks appeared on the hair line of statue and it keeps on extended, reaching towards the arms and legs of Goddess.

"No, I am not going to give you any kind of opportunity" While saying this, Rudra grabbed his crescent shaped wooden bow and drew it's 108 strings as a lighting bolt appears as his arrow.


Arrow struck at the middle of chest of statue destroying it completely.


Statues destroyed in pieces leaving a blue orb behind it. Rudra frowned over new happening but fate didn't allowed him to ruminate about it as orb pierced between the area between his eyebrows.

*Thud* Rudra fell on his knees and blue veins started appearing all over his body. That blue orb entered his Soul Realm and started destroying the beautiful mountain ranges. Even if it does nor appear on surface, each of the mountain was painstakingly erected by him after tens of thousand years of meditation and each of them were a part of him and if all are destroyed then he will become a soulless vessel. Clenching his forehead he tried to withstand excruciating pain but when the situation was becoming even more worse, he recalled Kal Agni and send it into his Soul Realm as a last resort.

His action was like a trigger point as blue orb stopped it's action when Kal Agni entered his Soulscape. It absorbed it, but strangely Rudra can still feel the control over Kal Agni. He stabilized himself and stood up while deciding to leave this wretched place. But, as he looked around him he noticed that, apart form burnt main hall leaving a acrid metallic smell, there was no trace of the poor Demi-god Tahite. Ignoring him he put his bow back and started walking towards the entrance while listening to the crackling sounds of pillars. As he walked, area behind him started to disintegrate but he didn't flinch at all as if this type of mayhem is daily occurrence to him.

As he left the shattered main hall, whole dimension started vibrating. Two serpent statues reacted to it as they also started to vibrate horizontly. Small cracks started appearing on it's black scales. As thin lines reach it's head, it moved towards it eye sockets causing two pair of lights shine in this ancient dimension.


Black glass like residue fell from them as the two Serpent Gods tightened their tails, destroying remaining temple with a bang. Dust blew past Rudra to the ends of this dimension when the only remaining building was destroyed in this dimension.


Two man faced serpents curled around each other before becoming one whole. This being was the one described by Tahite as Champion of Unag, Serpent God Akhu.

Akhu was a huge cobra with a man's face. It's whole body stood at 601 meter in length and was 20 meter in thickness, while it's face covered 10 meter of it's total length. It's face was devilish handsome with pale skin and long magenta silky hair. Below the Adam's apple whole of the body was made of shining blue and red scales, as two colours coiled around themselves like a strands of DNA. It has thin black vertical pupils in it's heterochromic eyes, left one was blue coloured and right one was red coloured. The huge man snake coiled it's body before staring at the broken temple for few fleeting seconds.

Then it released a snakish slurp, and glanced at Rudra "So, you are the one who awoken the slumber of this deity."

Rudra shook his head while saying "You are wrong, it was that Shaka boy."

Akhu: Then how did My Mother's temple was destroyed.

Rudra: Ah, I got a little careless there. But don't fret over it, I am capable of making a new one.

Akhu slurped while glaring down at Rudra. He looked towards the idiot guardians in back and reprimanded them "You Imbeciles!! Just look what you brought in my mother's home. We agreed in providing shelter and power to your bloodlines in exchange of a simple job of guarding this temple for eternity and you failed in it. NOW BEGONE!!" Akhu opened his mouth as a magenta coloured cold flame made popsicles of them and then *Smashed* it moved its gigantic tale to break them in pieces. And for their soul, he opened it's mouth as the whole area of few kilometers got sucked in it's huge snake body.

Then he moved his mouth and *Rooooaaaarrrrrrr* glared at Rudra while baring his 10 feet long fangs it roared at Rudra, while our hero flinched a little but he regained his composure after erecting a spatial barrier for escaping from thick raining mucus and noxious smell.

Rudra: Such a stinky mouth. Tsk. It appears that even your insides are rotten like your soul.

Akhu: Oh, you can see this deity's soul, huh. So you should be atleast Higher Level God. Interesting I have not faced a strong enemy in a while. I will play with you a little before extracting Infinity Core *Slurp* from your dead corpse!!

Akhu sweeped it's huge tail horizontally at Rudra, he jumped to avoid it, leaving a huge sweeping marks on land and dust cyclones in it's wake. Akhu than moved it's fang to bite him midair, but he grabbed hold of it's fangs and used centrifugal force to toss it aside in air, destroying various slopes while doing so.

*Bang* Huge body of Akhu fell on the land, creating a huge crater on the white land, but there was no damage done to it. It slurped and angrily glared at him before opening it's mouth to spit icy blue breath towards him. Rudra used his own winds to block the attack, but suddenly huge thousand ice spikes came floating at him. Calmly, he drew his crescent bow and fired multiple lightning arrows while evading the deadly spikes. In his dismay, as he destroyed one it broke into tiny millions of shards and rained upon him. While holding his bow on his left hand, he shook his right hand's wrist as golden bracelet shined and a big rectangular wooden shield appeared in his right hand. He guarded himself in the icy maelstrom and then after 1 minute, when it stopped, looked around the newly created ice world around him. He withdrew his shield and bow, while jumping towards the huge serpent god. His whole body glowed in violet as tiny thundersparks danced around him. As he clenched his right fist all of the aura covered his hand while forming a 100 meter long thin sword. Sensing abnormality, Akhu spit inferno at him, but thunder sword pierced through it, like a butter.

Rudra: You dared to show this measly blizzard infront of me, let me show you why I was titled as Storm God back in my home.







As thunder sword sliced horizontally, it's sliced tail fell on ground creating minor earthquakes. He drew his sword once again to slice off it's head in next strike. He took a deep breath and exhaled from his abdomen while releasing a war cry and his thunderous aura.

*IIYYAAHHH* {A/N: Help me in finding better war cry}

*Putchi* {A/N: Help me in describing piercing sound}

Thunder sword pierced into the brain of Akhu, from it's left ear and as he withdrew it, sword exploded into millions of lightning sparks, burning the whole body of the Serpent God. He moved himself apart to avoid pungent smell arose from it's smoky body.

He frowned while seeing the burning carcass as he felt that a Lower Level God should not have been so much weak. At the same time he grinned while clicked his tongue while looking at destruction "Tsk, Let's move to final round. I have lot's of things to do."

A tall 6 feet shadow apeared from the carcass. He had similar face to the snake god but had full body of man. He wore a loose black coloured T-Shirt and trousers which had engraving of golden eastern dragon as the design. A red and blue aura enveloped him as where ever he walk whole place started burning and freezing in equal half. Stretching his neck, he shrugged his joints and stop releasing his aura before staring with battlelust at Rudra.


Rudra: People call me Rudra.

Akhu: Hmm...It is a new word for me.What does your name stands for?


Akhu: Oh, such a broad claim. Are you capable of living upto your name in front of this deity. I want to fight you in my full strength, maybe for few thousand years. Are you ready.

Rudra: Sorry, I am not. I have other things to do.

Akhu: Come!! On!! You have only a little time to enjoy your remaining life, why not end it with a blast?

Rudra (Squinted his eyes and glanced Akhu from head to toes): You can not kill me, you are weak.

Akhu: It may be true, buuttttt~ what~ about~ the~poison~ in~ your~ soul?

Rudra grunted and released all his aura. Wind and thunder went berserk, while space cracks appeared around the dimension. His braided hair started floating in hair as he released threatening gaze at the snake god.

Rudra: I don't have time to play with you in your sick games. SPEAK what you are REQUIRED to speak!

Akhu (While slurping his forked tongue): Haha, why getting angry over little things. Let me introduce myself first. I am son of Goddess Unag, presiding deity over this dimension. I have divinity of Fire and Ice. And stayed here to guard heart of my mother, Infinity Core.


Akhu: Ahem. Infinity Core will destroy your soul from inside slowly in few thousand years. It will eat your Fate Points and during the time you will not be able to leave this dimension.

Rudra made a tearing motion and tried to make a small wormhole but it got shut before it even finished forming. Rudra reduced his aura while frowning.

Rudra: How can I leave.

Akhu: You are bonded with core now and, now tell me what does a core do?

Rudra (While loosening his expression): It is stabilizing this whole dimension.

Akhu said smiling "Not only this dimension but the whole Ancient Graveyard. Can you feel Supreme Laws now."

Rudra: Yes I can

Akhu: You should have felt two of them, life and death when you bonded with the Core.

Rudra:..I can feel all of the three, including time.

Akhu: Hmm...WHAT!!..Wait a minute while fighting me, you didn't use that weird flame of yours. What was it's attribute.

Rudra: It is one of Origin Fire, I named it Kal Agni when I found in a Ancient Tomb.

Akhu: Fufufu. I bet that your Origin Fire has time essence in it. We have got a lucky one, here. Now, you can avoid your death and escape, but only after getting approval of Infinity Core. For rest of the procedure, you have to ask Unag herself.

Rudra: I will have to enter my consciousness in it for this. What will you do in meanwhile.

Akhu: I will also move to your Soul Realm.

Rudra (Surprised): Why??

Akhu: The whole dimension will be destroyed when Infinity Core will take you as it's new host. Supreme laws were cut off in this dimension due to the core itself. After destruction of The First World, Infinity Core went into seclusion to preserve itself. And in order to revival of goddess we needed..

Rudra: You needed required fate points. You created a treasure land containing beasts and trials so that most of the people are killed in their greed on these lands. This Infinity Core was powerful enough to isolate a whole dimension from cycles of reincarnation of other Universes. In fact it created a separate miniature universe around itself. Truly a ingenious plan. So have you achieved your target, yet.

Akhu (While sulking): I afraid not. Before your arrival it could have taken a few billions years more.

Rudra had a terrible foreboding from his words.

He asked "Is she going to steal my painstakingly earned Fate Points."

Akhu: Calm down brother. Before communicating with the Infinity Core, please absorb my soul into your Soul Realm.

Rudra: Why should I??

Akhu: Oh man, didn't you fell in our brotherly love. You did such a horrible thing to me and now you want to escape from your responsibility. Men are always like this. *Sob**Sob*

Rudra(Widened his eyes): What horrible things are you speaking about, you devious snake. And you are a man too. Besides I don't sway that way.

Akhu: But you pierced me with such determination, I was in daze~

Rudra's eye twitched for the first time in a while and completely ignored him as he knows that this foolish snake is just goofing around.

Rudra: Ahem. Tell me one reason for giving you shelter in my Soul Realm. You should know that while you will lose your physique, I will also lose some Soul Power to feed you.

Akhu said seriously "I will enter into Fate Contract with you. I will be your right man and I believe that even if you are powerful than me, you can not do all the work by yourself. And seeing you coming here alone also indicates that you are a loner type. While having a snake around you can add a colourful company with you. I can provide some flirting tips too to a loner like you. Hahahah"

Rudra: .....*Sigh* I can use a henchman now and then. Agreed. But you will enter into dormant state and I guarantee that I will awake you in A Thousand Years from now. I want all of my Soul Force to deal with your Goddess, who knows that she may attack me when I meet her.

Akhu: Sigh, you are so stuck up. Well, fine I agree to remain in dormant state for a thousand years but with a condition that you agree that our match was a tie. Here let's sign it.

Akhu presented a golden contract but Rudra didn't move.

Rudra: Fine with me, as we have not fought with our full strength. But we will sign on this contract.

Rudra also produced a similar golden contract while Akhu just weekly smiled before shrugging it off.

Akhu: Fine with me. I, Akhu, hereby decide to bind my fate with Rudra. Rudra will be eligible to obtain 30% of good karma earned by me from this point of time in exchange of place to hibernate in his Soul Realm till I have found a appropriate body. In addition, I hereby take a vow that I will not perform any action which may be detrimental to my benefactor, Rudra, even after founding a new body. If I violate my vow, I agree to destruction of my Fate and punishment of not able to enter into any Cycle of Reincarnation for 100 Billion Years, from the date of violating this contract.

Rudra: Good. I, Rudra, hereby decide to bind my fate with Akhu. I will awake him in thousand years from now, till that time I take vow to ensure maintaining his hibernation by providing 1% of my Soul Force. After his awakening, I will provide him 30% of Soul Force in exchange of equivalent Good Karma. I will provide him shelter till I have not obtained appropriate body for him. If I violate my vow, I agree to destruction of my Fate and punishment of not able to enter into any Cycle of Reincarnation for 100 Billion Years, from the date of violating this contract

They both used their Soul Force to form a small thread which entered into the golden contract. After recording their soul signature, contract duplicated itself as a silver copy flew out from it. Golden one flew to Rudra and Silver one flew to Akhu.

Akhu: Well, see you a thousand year later.

Rudra nodded and closed his eyes to open a grey portal in front of him, Akhu's body dropped on the ground as a ethereal Magenta coloured snake swam in circle around Rudra before flew into the portal.

'Well, one thing's done. Now let's meet up with this troublesome goddess'

Rudra sat in lotus position before entering into his soul realm. He saw his slightly destroyed mountain range and shook his head to calm down his grief over his loss. He moved to the blue shining Infinity Core. As he touched it his hand got suck into it, as whole soul realm froze at that moment. And on the outside, his body started disintegrating as Core was dragging his ethereal self inside itself. He felt destruction of each of his cell. Cold sweat was flowing like a loose damn as he felt incredible pain from destruction while he was completely awake. He tried to open his eyes, to stop whatever happening to him, as his arms disappeared, he bit his tongue to awake himself. Failing at this, real despair washed over him for the first time. He felt fear of death, which is faced by countless mortal every second, for the first time. While he was scared, he was also excited for facing death for the first time. As his legs vanished, his fear turned into gratitude. He felt blessed to enjoy this freedom, as he accepted this peculiar fear. Whole of his life passed through his eyes. He saw the faces of people he saved, people he killed to save, his only disciple, his devotees, and lastly the people who prayed for his exile. There was no emotion of hatred, love or regret on his mind. He only felt elation for receiving freedom from his immortality. As the process reaches his chest, he felt pain from disintegration of his heart and lungs. While his blood also disintegrating into different minerals and water, his heart stopped beating and after few seconds all the traces of a person known as Rudra stopped existing in multiverse.

After his death, whole dimension became unstable as earth cracked and molten lava came into action to destroy whole of the land. White soil became charred black and magnificent temple was submerged completely inside warm blanket of earth's fluid. The whole dimension cracked like glass and soon destroyed into oblivion. And in place of small planet, in middle of Ancient graveyard, only a shining orb can be seen, it started rotating anticlockwise as a powerful magnetic field appeared around it. The colourful sky stopped changing it's colours and was absorbed in the orb itself. As Adventurers felt connection to Supreme Laws, they started to look for the source of such tragic changes, orb vanished in spatial cracks to hide itself from greedy eyes and escaped from the place which was considered as most dreadful place in The Endless Void.

SixPath SixPath

I will share some exciting facts here along with other updates. Please note that this is my first novel so grammar will improve over time. Share your thoughts on first chapter and also a kind warning, all chapters will be lengthy, atleast 4,000 words each and some above 10,000 words. You have been warned.

Fact 1: Do you know about Aztec Creation Story, if you don't google it and you will find yourself infront of among the most brutal mythology story you ever read.

next chapter
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