9.09% Infinite Stratos: The Fugitive Second Male Pilot / Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Life is not Gucci

ตอน 2: Chapter 2: Life is not Gucci

Chapter 2: Life is not Gucci

- Aruto Igarashi -

Greetings, this is Aruto Igarashi, the second IS male pilot. It has been a few days since I managed to escape from the IS examination ground, and life was not Gucci for me.

I tried to go home and packed up some stuff before going incognito, however, it seems like I was still underestimating the cops as they arrived at my fucking apartment at the same time I did.

So yeah, my house was a no-go since I'm sure more cops would be stationed around my neighbourhood, so I could only escape from there in resignation before they managed to recognize me.

I never knew my second life would be so exciting! (dead inside)

Fortunately, I grabbed my wallet before leaving the house, or I'll be fucked no matter what. It is tough to survive in the city if you don't have any money or ID.

Unfortunately, for me, using my ID in any required place was a death sentence. It would simply announce to the cops where I'm at.

So that's honestly why I actively avoided those places.

Hell, even the internet café required ID! So I could only helplessly go somewhere else.

I have been living like a homeless person for now. At least food wasn't a problem…. For now.

I had some cash on me, yet my fund won't last long. It's not like I'm filthy rich, either. 

So yeah, I'm living a shitty second life, but unfortunately for them, I'm not a fool!

I won't surrender because of a little setback. Suppose I were an ordinary reincarnated person with no cheat. In that case, I might have crumbled under pressure and happily joined the IS Academy, thinking I'd get all the girls and create my own harem, not knowing I might end up at a dissection table one day.





I thought as I ignored the weird those casual people were giving me on the street.

Oh, sorry, I got lost in my daily delusion once more. 

What! What do you mean I'm weird?

 You can't blame me; after all, I needed some way to cope with my current situation…

So now, I'm currently roaming the street of…. Somewhere in Japan with the hood of my vest up since I didn't want to get recognized at all thankyouverymuch.

I'm also feeling a little hungry from my little rant, so maybe I should hit a ramen spot? I can afford one bowl…

But I'm somewhere in Japan where I'm not very familiar with…

I can also get my money back very quickly, as for how?

As for why I'm not using my credit cards?

That's because I'm not a fool.

I don't believe they aren't actively monitoring my shit and my credit card being one of them. Those people are only waiting momentarily when I let my guard down, and they'll swoop me in like a poor rabbit.

Hell, I'm too scared to actively use my personal phone since I'm sure they are also monitoring it.

Don't worry about it.

 I, Aruto Igarashi, am a genius!


I held my stomach as I began to feel the consequence of skipping meals, not that it was by choice…

Still, that doesn't help my very empty stomach…

Should I really roam in this town?


Hohoho, how could I forget my roots?

After a few observations around me, I saw many men in their suits walking in the street.

It was almost nostalgic as I was among them in my first life.

A corporate slave.

As a former corporate slave, I knew they knew the best eating spot in town.

So let's stalk them and don't make it too obvious!


[Gotanda Eatery]

I glanced at the store's sign and casually entered, hood drawn over my head.

"One curry, boss!" I called out to the chef, taking a seat at the counter – the only available spot.

While I initially craved ramen, the aromatic wafts of curry from other tables enticed me to try something different.

I was really lucky that my stalking skills weren't failing him either, and honestly, it feels like my stalking skills became even better since I decided to train at the Ryozanpaku.

I thought I really should go back and visit them and bring some gifts to Shigure after I dealt with my fugitive status.

Anyway, thanks to those salarymen, I managed to find a great place to eat. Like a silent spectator, I listened to their conversation and grievances about life as an adult. 


It brought back memories of the good old days.

"You got it, kid!" replied the chef/boss, noting my order before disappearing into the kitchen.

Sipping on the nice hot tea served. I relaxed myself on the chair. It has been a long time since I treated myself to some excellent food.

For the last few days, I refrained from appearing in public openly or dining in restaurants, opting for convenient food at the Family Mart.

Yet after three days passed with no sign of any arrest or cops near me. I suddenly became bolder and more confident to appear in the open.

Well, I guess that's a great chance since I wouldn't be able to change anything in my new life if I were to stay passive and scared. After all, I still yearned for a life in this new world, and it would be a shame if I were to stay hidden and not enjoy life.

Oh well, I can think about my dream a little later since I was still in danger of getting caught.

"Here, enjoy, kid," said the chef, delivering a steaming plate of delectable curry.

I looked at the delicious and inviting curry served to me. I expected the appearance of the dish to match the taste, or my day would be ruined.

"That's a big chicken leg," I remarked, surprised at the generosity, given the affordable price.

"Hahaha, don't worry, kid, just enjoy it. You look very pale and weak… No offence, of course. I don't know what you went through, but you should enjoy it." the older chef offered with a comforting smile.

I was speechless, yet it warmed my heart a lot. "…No offence. I appreciate your kindness, Chef." I managed to say, a faint smile hidden by my hood, yet it seemed like the chef sensed it.

"Itadakimasu…" I muttered before eating. I might now be a fugitive, but I still had my manners!

With each spoonful of rice and curry with some chicken, I couldn't contain my delight. A tear glistened at the corner of my eye – my first warm meal in ages.


"I'm glad you liked it, brat." the older man said, as his presence definitely didn't startle me out of my wits.

"Ah, sorry for surprising you."


"Here, some tempura for you," the man added, placing a plate of three big fresh shrimp tempura before me. 

I was pretty sure I didn't order anything except for the curry…

Maybe he gave it to the wrong customer?

"Ah, no, I didn't give it to the wrong person. It's something I whipped real quick for you."


"You a big guy, right? I'm sure you can eat more! Don't worry, it's on the house. You just reminded me of my kids. I would feel terrible if I let you leave without feeling full. So enjoy it."


"Sorry, can't hear you, brat. I have some customers waiting for me," he said, making a swift escape, leaving me speechless.

"W-wait.. sigh." I yielded and accepted the kindness of the man. I silently continued eating my meal and the tempura offered.

It's nice to know that kind people still walk among us…


As I finished my meal, the restaurant, once bustling with people, had mostly emptied out with few customers lingering around. No surprise—most were probably heading back to their corporate grind.

Honestly, I might have been in the same boat if my life hadn't taken a detour thanks to Ichika.

Well, blaming him was futile; after all, he got caught too, but his luck seemed to be holding up better.

Anyway, if anyone needed blaming, it was that Shinonono chick. Always messing things up with her mecha-like stuff.

As I geared up to leave the eatery, gathering items to conceal my face, the restaurant door swung wide open. My eyes widened as I saw two police officers entering, clearly in a foul mood.

Their sudden appearance sent a jolt of fear through me, but I managed to stay outwardly calm and composed.

I doubted they were here to apprehend me, as they didn't seem to be in official work mode. Instead, they made a beeline for a table.

But who knows? I shouldn't jump to conclusions based on a single observation. Those cops could easily be very good at acting.

Deciding to play it cool, I acted like any other customer ready to leave, subtly making my way near their table. Maybe I could eavesdrop and gather some intel about myself—hopefully.

As I casually approached their table, pretending to check my phone or something, I overheard bits of their conversation.

"...missing person, Aruto Igarashi..." one of the officers muttered, scanning a document.

My heart skipped a beat. They were discussing me. The situation was rapidly becoming more intense. I needed to tread carefully and gather as much information as possible.

I lingered nearby, feigning disinterest while trying to pick up on more details. The other officer chimed in, "Last known location: near this area. Keep an eye out for anyone suspicious."

That was my cue to make a swift exit. I nonchalantly walked toward the door, making sure not to attract any attention.

Just as I was about to step out, the officer said, "Hey, you there!"

I froze, pretending to act surprised. "Me?" I pointed to myself.

"Yeah, you. Come over here for a moment," the officer beckoned.

I reluctantly approached, hiding the nervousness behind a mask of innocence. "What's up, officers?"

They exchanged glances before one of them asked, "Have you seen this person?" He showed me a picture of Aruto Igarashi.

I do look very handsome in this wanted picture if I must say so myself…

However, that was not the problem…

I had to think fast. Denying it outright could raise suspicion, so I adopted an indifferent tone. "Aruto Igarashi? Nah, I can't say I know him. Why? Is he in some trouble?"

The officers exchanged another look, seemingly unsatisfied with my response. "Just keep an eye out. If you see anything unusual, give us a call."

I nodded, promising to cooperate, and quickly went toward the exit of the restaurant.

As I attempted to leave the restaurant, the other police officer called out, "Hold on a second!"


I reluctantly turned back, the hood still concealing most of my face. The officer who had beckoned me over earlier approached, eyeing me with suspicion.

"Mind if I take a look under that hood?" he asked, a stern expression on his face.

I hesitated for a moment, contemplating my options. Refusing might raise more suspicions, but complying could expose my identity and I'm not sure if my minor change in appearance would fool those two cops. Despite the inner conflict, I decided to play along cautiously.

"Sure, officer," I responded, slowly pulling down the hood.

As my face became visible, the officer scrutinized me for a moment. "Hmm. You're not who we're looking for, even though you somehow look like him but not really," he concluded, giving a nod to his partner.

Relief washed over me, but I maintained a composed exterior. "Glad I could help clear things up," I said, forcing a small smile.

The officer, seemingly satisfied, gestured for me to go. "Alright, you're free to go. If you hear or see anything unusual, you know where to find us."

"Absolutely," I replied, pulling the hood back up and making a hasty exit.

As I walked away, I couldn't shake off the tension. The encounter with the police served as a reminder—

"Wait a minute, sir,"



The cops probably sensed the annoyance emanating from me, and even the owner appeared slightly irked as he emerged from his kitchen to intervene.

"Come on, officer? Aren't you harassing my customer for far too long? I saw you guys calling him already two times. Just let the kid off already! He is a good kid," the owner insisted with a stern expression.

The cop faltered, understanding the owner's frustration, and offered a helpless smile. "Sorry, it's been a very long day for me. I just forgot to ask for this kid's ID the second time. I really didn't want to harass the kid."

The owner huffed in annoyance, shooting me a worried glance. Why?

… He knew? Didn't he?

Well, I was pretty close to him after all…


If I show the cops my ID, I'm pretty dead.

What should I do…

I don't want to cause a scene but if I have to…

I can only use one of my hidden techniques in this case.

I decided to play it cool, trying not to escalate the situation. "It's alright, officer. I understand you're just doing your job," I said, feigning a calm demeanour. "Here's my ID, no problem."


I reached into my vest, faking as if I was pulling out my wallet to hand over my ID and one of the cops approached me.

I slowly pulled out my hand from my vest with nothing in it as I swiftly gave the closest cop a—


The unexpected force of my backhanded technique sent the cop sprawling to the ground, surprising his partner. In the chaos, the cop who had taken the brunt of my slap inadvertently collided with his partner, creating a momentary diversion.

Seizing the opportunity, I sprinted away from the scene, maneuvering through the bustling crowd with agility.

"Sorry!" I shouted to the bewildered owner as I made my escape, leaving the restaurant behind.


Hidden Technique 445: Backhanded Bitch Slap

A very powerful technique created by Aruto in his first life that helped him fend off some annoying thug when he was trying to impress his crush. He eventually did get a date from his crush until the thug he beat came back with some friend of his and beat the shit of Aruto.

Unfortunately, he was seen by his crush as she left Aruto behind and followed the thug and his friends. He then vowed to never use this technique anymore to impress a girl.


- Gen Gotanda –

"So, a good kid, huh?" grumbled the annoyed cop, shoving his partner away from him.

Gen simply shrugged, maintaining a calm expression. He wasn't the one responsible for the unexpected backhanded slap on his partner.

"I guess I got fooled too," Gen replied with a straight face.

"Right, right..." muttered the cop as he reluctantly took out his radio, calling for backup.

The cop spoke into the radio, "Dispatch, this is Officer Matsuoka. I need backup at Gotanda Eatery. We've got a situation here."

The voice on the other end responded, "Backup is on the way, Officer Matsuoka. What's the nature of the situation?"

Matsuoka hesitated for a moment, then replied, "We've got an unidentified individual who attacked a police officer and also a possible suspect evading an ID check."

He paused and thought about something before he continued. "Possibly, suspect Aruto Igarashi, the second male IS pilot."

There was a brief silence before the dispatcher confirmed, "Copy that, Officer Matsuoka. Backup will be there shortly."

Matsuoka, while maintaining a watchful eye on Gen, pressed a button on his radio again. "Dispatch, this is Officer Matsuoka. I also need medical assistance for Officer Tatsuya. My partner is down."

The dispatcher responded immediately, "Medical assistance is en route, Officer Matsuoka. Please secure the area."

Matsuoka frowned, realizing that the situation had escalated more than he anticipated. "Alright, just hurry it up."

As Matsuoka put away the radio, he shot a stern look at Gen. 

Gen simply looked at the man with disdain. "What? What are you looking me for? I didn't do anything right?"

He continued. "Officer, I told you this kid is just trying to have a meal. Why did you have to cause trouble?"

Matsuoka sighed, his frustration evident. "Look, we have a procedure to follow. If he had just cooperated and shown us his ID, we could have resolved this peacefully."

After a brief pause, his tone shifted, carrying a hint of anger. "Let's not forget, he wasn't the one who ended up unconscious from a slap."

His gaze narrowed as he addressed Gen directly. "And you, show me your ID. For all I know, you might be covering for this kid."

Gen frowned in response as he slowly approached the cop with his hand in his coat.

"Wait calm down! Don't move and gently present me the ID! There's no need for you to move." Quickly said Matsuoka with some lingering fear in his voice.

Gen simply snorted with some amusement and presented his ID calmly.

Matsuoka cautiously took the ID from Gen, eyeing him suspiciously. He examined the identification, noting the details and the face on the card.

After a moment, he seemed to ease a bit. "Huh, Gen Gotanda... alright."

A sense of relief washed over the cop, but his frustration lingered. "Look, we're still waiting for backup, and medical assistance is coming. So just stay put."

Gen, unfazed, leaned against the wall, watching the unfolding scene with an air of detachment. The owner of the eatery simply read his newspaper in silence and continued to observe the situation.

'Good luck, kid. You're going to have a lot of trouble now.' Thought Gen with a smile.


[A/N: Sorry, I didn't expect this chapter to take so much time before It felt right. I made three versions of this chapter and I nearly lost my mind in the process, lol. Also writing in the first person is honestly something I'm not used to and was somehow harder for me. I'll try to get the next chapter up faster. So yeah next chapter, you can expect a lot of action from Aruto as he tries to escape from the situation he created.]

Haluo Haluo

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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