4.54% Infinite Stratos: The Fugitive Second Male Pilot / Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Life is not good.  
Infinite Stratos: The Fugitive Second Male Pilot Infinite Stratos: The Fugitive Second Male Pilot original

Infinite Stratos: The Fugitive Second Male Pilot

นักเขียน: Haluo

© WebNovel

บท 1: Chapter 1: Life is not good.  

Chapter 1: Life is not good.

- Aruto Igarashi -

Greetings, everyone. My name is Aruto Igarashi, a name you'd find on any ordinary person worldwide. You might wonder why you should continue reading about an unremarkable individual like me. Please give ya boi a chance; I promise the story gets interesting.

Let's start from the very beginning, shall we?

First, let me clarify something: I may have claimed to be an ordinary human, but that's not entirely true either.

I died. I can't recall how it happened, but I definitely died somehow, and then I found myself reincarnated in another world. Luckily, I retained my old name, Aruto Igarashi, which is quite comforting when you've been accustomed to it for twenty years.

I used to read countless fanfictions where the protagonist receives fantastic cheats and becomes the ruler of the world. Yet, here I am, still the same old me with no particular advantages. Surprisingly, I've adapted to this new reality, and it's not so bad. 

After all, this new world doesn't differ much from my previous one.

(But boy, was I wrong…)

It was still the familiar Japan I remembered, and that was enough for a cheatless guy like me.

Regrettably, I was still an abandoned child left at an orphanage at a young age.


The silver lining was that I retained my memories and didn't have to experience childhood loneliness all over again.

The real shit came when I had to experience school all over again. I wanted to scream as I recalled the sleepless nights I'd spent studying for exams in my previous life.

Alas, he could only go to school once more, and it shouldn't be too hard since he had already studied the same subjects, right?

And you are absolutely fucking right! It seemed like I wasn't the same scumbag at school, and my grades were extraordinary, unlike my previous life.

I began to suspect that maybe it was my cheat or my benefits after this reincarnation.

Anyway, I continued my studies, and everything went well until shocking news shook the nation and even the world.

Infinite Stratos! Or, for short, IS!

A real-life mecha suit! I honestly creamed a little when I heard the news, and for weeks, my classmates and friends couldn't stop talking about it.

The thought of witnessing these incredible machines and maybe even piloting one in this era was mind-blowing.

While the current IS technology fell short of the likes of Gundam, Evangelion, or Armored Cores that I was familiar with, it was better than nothing. I was eagerly looking forward to the day I could step into one.

That's when I began my rigorous training by hitting the gym and entering various dojo, knowing that a healthy body was crucial for piloting these magnificent machines.

Life suddenly became brighter as I found my purpose.

What could go wrong, right?





I was shaken and devastated. 

The dream I'd held so close, the promise of piloting those incredible suits, shattered before me. The IS, the supposed pinnacle of a man's romance, was exclusively reserved for women.

My dream was crushed before it even had a chance to start. And I wasn't the only one; many of my friends faced the same harsh truth.

We all began to doubt about life…

IS were nothing more but defective products! I refuse to accept them as the real mecha of my dream!

"I curse you, Shinonono Tabane! Feel the hatred of a boy whose dreams you have crushed!" I screamed in frustration, my voice laced with bitterness and anger.

So, my mundane life continued. I finished school, graduated from high school, and enrolled in college, choosing the same major I did in my previous life: computer science.

That would have been the plan if it weren't for someone or something that disrupted the peaceful cycle of my existence.

I, Aruto Igarashi, a single dog, was savouring instant ramen while watching TV when a piece of news hit the entire nation like a tidal wave. It was news that would alter the course of my life and change the world yet again.

Ichika Orimura, the first male IS pilot and the brother of Chifuyu Orimura, also known as "Brunhilde," was found in Japan, the very same country where I lived.

What are the chances and also brother and sisters!?

"That's crazy…" I mumbled to myself as I slurped my instant ramen.

Shortly after the revelation of Ichika, a nationwide announcement was made to the public, specifically to every male.

It wasn't just Japan; many countries followed suit because of the discovery of the first male pilot.

Every man had to present themselves at an IS examination ground to determine their potential as an IS pilot. It was a bid to find the second male IS pilot in the world.

So, you see, I was dragged into it. My friends proposed we go to the examination together and grab a meal afterward before starting college. And my response to their proposal? "Sure, let's do it!"

Everyone didn't expect much about it as most of them thought about their future already. It would be wild if they were to find someone else again and in Japan. The numbers were too low to think about, and I foolishly thought the same.

Little did I remember, at that moment, that I was a reincarnated person.

I naively accepted their invitation without a second thought, oblivious to the consequences. Only when I stood before the IS core did I realize the consequence of my actions.

I finally recalled the nonsense spewed by those protagonists in similar situations.

"Golden fingers can be late but are always present!"

"FUCKKKKKKK!? I DON'T WANT THIS SHITTY GIFT WITH ME???" I roared silently in my head, maintaining a composed facade on the outside. There was no need for anyone to know how mentally unstable I felt.

Some of you might be confused about my reaction, or you may think I was excited about the prospect of piloting the IS.

That was the old me, the naive kid who chased his dream without knowing the dark side. But now, I was a grown man who had learned a few harsh life lessons for a second time.

I am a poor orphan kid with no real background, and unlike Ichika, I didn't have a super hot and badass sister behind me as a support, yet I was able to awaken the ability to wield those defective machines.

To many people and countries, I, Aruto Igarashi, ceased to be a human and became a subject for examination. For the extremist feminist group, I was a threat to their female-dominated society. In either case, I was in deep trouble.

I could hear gasps and shocked voices all around me as I placed my hand on the IS core, causing it to light up. My male companions expressed a mix of disbelief, jealousy, and frustration:

"No way..."

"I can't believe it!"

"The second male pilot!"

"It should've been me, not him!"

As for the woman… well, let's say he wasn't that popular…

"Urk, another man!?"

"Despicable man!"

"Men have no right to defile IS! It belongs to us, women!"

Fortunately, the extremist feminists represented only a minority. Since the emergence of IS, women have gained power while men, who had previously dominated society, found themselves marginalized.

Various groups, like the infamous extremist feminists, sought to exacerbate the situation and further alienate men.

I could see the female examiner giving me a forced smile as she scribbled something on her clipboard.

"Aruto Igarashi, you're 20 years old, correct?" she asked, her smile feeling even more strained.

"Yep," I replied, my face betraying no emotion.

"No parents?"



"Well, why don't you follow us? Don't worry; we'll take good care of you," the examiner said as she signalled two guards to stand beside me.

That confirmed my worst fears. I was in deep trouble. I was fucking donezo, and she wasn't even trying to fucking hide it.

Unfortunately for them, I, Aruto Igarashi, am a genius, with my high intelligence, high specs physique, and my 1000 secret techniques making me more than just a man.

In my mind, I had become something more, something beyond human! (Delusional)

I never imagined being forced to use one of my secret techniques in public.

I didn't have time to hesitate as I sensed the impatience in the examiner's eyes.

"Sir?" she said with a forced smile that was even more unsettling than before.

"Sure, but can I have some space? I need to give some things to my friends," I replied casually to avoid arousing their suspicions.

After a moment, the two guards exchanged glances, and the examiner reluctantly nodded.

I played the part of someone oblivious to their plan and regained some room to maneuver for my next move.

Now, for the next step...

"Hey, buddy!" I called out, strolling toward my friends, who greeted me with envy in their eyes. Little did they know...

"Hey, Aruto, you lucky dog!" one of my friends began until he and the entire group, including the two guards and examiners, saw me sprint away from them.

"Nigerundayo Smokey!"




"Damn! Was that a JoJo Reference!?" shouted someone from the crowd as he managed to wake up everyone from their stupor.

The examiner sputtered, spraying her drink in disbelief. She hadn't expected someone to flee after discovering their potential as an IS pilot.

"What are you all waiting for? Go after him!" she shouted, urging the guards to chase me down.

"R-right," one guard replied before they both sprinted after me.

Fortunately for me, I activated one of the 1000 Hidden Techniques I had developed in my two lives.


This secret technique consists of carefully and quickly retreating from the opponent while closely examining their surroundings. To the untrained eye, it looks like Aruto is simply running away like a coward, augmented by his panicked shouting when doing so.

I quickly vanished into the crowd, evading their pursuit and disappearing from sight for a while.


- Chifuyu Orimiya –

The faculty office at the IS Academy droned with tension, and Chifuyu's sudden outburst caught the attention of her fellow professors. As she slammed her hand on the desk, her booming voice echoed through the room, leaving her colleagues in a state of shock.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE RAN AWAY!?" Chifuyu's voice was filled with surprise and frustration. Her sudden outburst sent shockwaves through the faculty room, and the other professors wisely refrained from interfering with her.

Amidst the heavy atmosphere, Maya Yamada, a close friend of Chifuyu, mustered the courage to inquire about the situation. She approached Chifuyu cautiously, sensing that something serious had happened.

"Chifuyu-sensei, is there something wrong?" Maya's voice was tinged with hesitation, her concern evident as she gazed at her friend.

Chifuyu responded with a weary sigh as she massaged her forehead. "Sorry, Maya. We've found the second male pilot, who happens to be from Japan like my brother."

Maya's initial confusion deepened. "That sounds like good news! Why are you so angry, then?"

Chifuyu gave her a pointed look and picked up the TV remote from her desk, turning on the television. This action piqued the curiosity of Maya and the other teachers, prompting them to remain silent and watch the screen, trusting that Chifuyu had her reasons.

On the TV screen, the breaking news headline scrolled across, revealing the details of the situation.





The room fell into a heavy, contemplative silence. The teachers struggled to comprehend why the second male pilot fled after discovering his unique talent, which seemed perplexing.

"What kind of short circuit made him run…" muttered Chifuyu as she patted her poor forehead and examined the portrait of Aruto Igarashi.

Without a doubt, it was a man that Chifuyu would classify as handsome. Aruto Igarashi had a striking appearance with jet-black hair, piercing red eyes, and a well-built, formidable physique. Even his attire couldn't conceal the powerful muscles, clearly honed for combat.

(A/N: Ya boi, Aruto Igarashi looks like Anos Voldigoad.)

She unconsciously licked her lips as her train of thought was entirely focused on the picture of Aruto Igarashi displayed by the media.

This man, Aruto Igarashi, was utterly her type, at least physically. As for personality, it remained to be seen.

Interrupting her trance, Maya, flustered by the situation, approached Chifuyu. "Chifuyu-senpai! What should we do!? Should we also send some help?"

Chifuyu contemplated the situation for a moment, and her response was measured. "We don't need to get involved immediately. Let's wait and see if the police can apprehend him. If they can't, we'll step in."

Maya remained unconvinced, prompting her to whisper, "What about the extremist group?"

She almost forgot about them, and she wouldn't be surprised if they were also sending a group to assassinate Aruto Igarashi for fear that his presence would shake their rules. Fortunately, her dumb little brother was spared of their wrath since they were related, but as for Aruto…

"Let's discuss it with the principal," Chifuyu said, her brow furrowing. "If the situation escalates and Aruto Igarashi remains at large, we can consider deploying IS units to assist in his capture."

Chifuyu and Maya left the faculty room to address the pressing concerns surrounding Aruto Igarashi and the potential threats.

Since he was the second male found, they must safely bring him back to the IS Academy.


- Ichika Orimura –

Amidst the bustling crowd of students at the IS Academy during lunchtime, there was a lone boy among the sea of girls. This person was none other than Ichika Orimura, the first male IS pilot and the younger brother of Chifuyu Orimura. He sat at a table, enjoying a tonkatsu set with three of his friends.

His first companion was Houki Shinonono, a close friend he had known since childhood. The second was Cecilia Alcott, a friend he had made during his first three weeks at the IS Academy. Lastly, there was Lingyin Huang, affectionately known as Rin, who was also Ichika's childhood friend.

Deep in thought, Cecilia turned her attention to Ichika and asked, "Ichika, have you heard about the news regarding the search for a possible second male IS pilot?"

Ichika looked up in surprise, his chopsticks poised over his tray. "Huh? Why haven't I heard about it?"

Cecilia realized that her question might have been a bit naive. Houki and Rin nodded in agreement, understanding that Ichika wasn't the type to keep up with the news. After all, he had been overwhelmingly occupied since he had enrolled in the Academy.

He had to face Cecilia in an IS battle, which led to his defeat and earned him the affection of a particular young lady, though he remained oblivious to it.

After that, he resumed his kendo training with Houki, diligently studying the fundamentals and honing his skills. He divided his energy between learning about IS technology and techniques with Cecilia and also conducted training sessions with his personal IS alongside Rin whenever they could secure the arena.

Moreover, as the Academy still had an academic curriculum, he had to devote time to studying basic subjects like mathematics, English, history, and more.

In essence, Brother Ichika Orimura is cooking.

"Are they still looking for more?" Ichika asked with a glimmer of hope in his voice now that he was aware of the search. He was currently the only male student at the school and felt somewhat out of place. He longed to have other guys at school to form friendships with.

While it was enjoyable to meet with his childhood friends, he missed having male companions in his current life and the camaraderie that came with it.

"They should be," Rin replied. "After all, there are plenty of guys, so it should take a while before everyone gets their turn."

"Great, great, great," Ichika muttered with a wide grin on his face. He couldn't help but think about the prospect of bonding with other male students and was lost in thoughts of camaraderie.

(Bro is literally kicking his feet while giggling.)

The other girls exchanged glances, understanding Ichika's concern, but their feelings were mixed, and they couldn't quite explain the strange emotions bubbling within them.

After all, there was no way Ichika was...

Their thoughts were interrupted as a commotion erupted at all the cafeteria tables, jolting everyone from their musings.

"Look at the TV, everyone!" shouted a female student as she attracted everyone's attention on the TV.

The students focused on the TV as a news reporter explained the remarkable development concerning the search for the second male IS pilot.

On the screen, the reporter's voice was excited as they described the unfolding situation. The visuals displayed the search operations, the crowds of hopeful male candidates, and the anticipation that enveloped the examination grounds.

Ichika and the girls listened intently, their curiosity piqued by the groundbreaking news. The revelation of a potential second male IS pilot was a significant event, one that had the potential to reshape the dynamics at the IS Academy and beyond.

The TV reporter's eyes widened with astonishment, and her voice trembled with excitement. "Oh, what are you saying? Someone actually reacted!"

Beside her, the cameraman was equally taken aback, his camera quivering in his hands. "Where!? Testing ground A! We are going! Come on, Sudo! We have to go!!!"

In a flash, the reporter and her dedicated cameraman, Sudo, sprang into action. Their urgency was palpable as they rushed to the testing ground. They had to be the ones to get this man on their camera first!

As the TV reporter and cameraman's frenzied conversation played out, Ichika and the girls at their lunch table couldn't help but react to the unfolding drama.

Ichika's eyes widened in surprise, and he exchanged a quick glance with Houki, Cecilia, and Rin. The prospect of someone reacting during the IS pilot examination was a rare and significant occurrence, and the realization that they were witnessing it firsthand left them all in suspense.

Houki leaned in closer, her expression a mix of curiosity. "Did you hear that? The second male pilot! I wonder what he looks like!"

Cecilia's eyes sparkled with anticipation, her hand clutching her fork as she spoke with eagerness. "How exciting… I never thought there would be another person that could make the IS react like Ichika!"

Rin continued. "Ichika, you are really getting a new friend at school now!"

Ichika's heart raced, and he felt a surge of surprise and anticipation. The possibility of a new male IS pilot joining their Academy and not being the only male anymore filled him with a lot of excitement. "God didn't leave me alone in my struggle!"

Their table became a hub of excitement as they, along with their fellow students, continued to watch the live coverage on the TV, eagerly awaiting the developments at Testing Ground A. The anticipation was palpable, and the impact of Ichika's journey was more significant than ever.

The TV reporter and cameraman arrived at Testing Ground A just in time to witness an unexpected turn of events. Their cameras captured the chaotic scene as a young man sprinted away from the testing ground with remarkable speed, hotly pursued by two guards.

Baffled and intrigued by the unfolding situation, the reporter decided to act swiftly. She turned to the nearby people gathered around, a mix of onlookers and hopeful candidates, and inquired, "Excuse me, folks, do any of you have any information about what's happening here? Why is this young man trying to flee from the testing ground?"

They asked around until they found someone in the crowd.

The informant was a fellow male candidate who had been observing the examination proceedings. He spoke with excitement as he held his laugh with great difficulty, "Oh yeah! You just had to be here, HAHA! That guy who just ran away is the one who made the IS Core react, and he pulled a fucking JoJo on them. He is the greatest guy ever!"

The TV reporter's eyes widened with the revelation, and her voice reflected the gravity of the situation. "So, this young man activated the IS core? That's extraordinary! Perhaps do you know the reason why this young man decided to escape?"

The informant scratched his head in perplexity and shrugged. "Nah, no idea, but bro was zooming like crazy! I tell ya! You might have a better chance talking to those guys over there. They seem to know him."

The TV reporter appreciated the lead and replied with gratitude, "Thank you very much, sir!"

With a sense of urgency and determination, the reporter wasted no time. Her excitement was palpable as she hastily approached the groups of young boys who appeared to have information about the situation. Licking her lips in anticipation, she knew she had to get the scoop and unveil the story behind this second male pilot.


Ichika and the girls, still glued to the TV, gasped in surprise at the chaos unfolding on the screen. The development left them speechless as they watched a daring escape on TV.

Houki muttered in disbelief, "Is he trying to run away?"

Cecilia leaned forward, her eyes fixed on the screen as her mind raced with questions. "It certainly appears that way. But the real question is why."

Rin couldn't hide her curiosity and concern. "Something must have happened. I hope he's safe."

Ichika watched the scene with a mixture of concern and mounting worry. His thoughts raced, and he couldn't help but wonder about the second male well-being. "I wonder why he's running..."

'He'll be here no matter what, right…?' thought Ichika with a trace of panic in his heart.

Haluo Haluo

Had this inspiration for a while.

I decided to finally let it out for now.

Like it ? Add to library!

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