65% In Marvel as Lor-Zod / Chapter 13: Chapter 13: Acting 101

บท 13: Chapter 13: Acting 101

~3rd POV~

Lor had landed back on Earth. He had landed in Metropolis and waited. He could have gone to where the others were, but it was a wise choice to give Batman fake limits concerning his abilities. He started walking along the road of Metropolis while people were giving him weird looks.

He did not notice that as he had gotten used to this kind of thing with the anti-mutant propaganda when he was a kid. He kept walking till he heard someone calling him. He looked around and saw no one talking to him. Everyone was pretty much minding their own business. It was only when he looked up that he saw her, Power Girl.

Power Girl: Fancy meeting you here.

Lor would think that she was mad were it not for the smile on her face. He sighed. He was about to speak to her when he heard gun noises. We both flew towards the source of the noises. When they arrived at the source, they saw that it was a bank robbery. Twenty robbers each had a hostage in their arms. They all had guns, varying from modified pistols to Uzis.

Lor remembered the time he thought he could save the day in this kind of situation by using his heat vision. He was truly naïve back then. All it would do was heat the gun till the powder contained in the bullets explode simultaneously, harming the wielder and possible hostage along the way.

Power Girl: Listen, boys, how about you put those guns down before someone gets hurt?

Power girl was surprised to see me there but quickly focused on the matter at hand. She made herself known to the robbers. The civilians as well as the cops cheered as the robbers got anxious. Lor did not understand the point of her action. She was faster than anything that was not classified as a speedster since Superman was still injured.

If it was up to him, he would just tie the robbers at super speed before they even blinked then introduce himself. He watched as the robbers threatened to kill the robbers. He got tired of hearing them scream their demands. He used his reality warping powers to make the hostage intangible.

Everyone was flabbergasted at some of the robbers falling due to the hostage passing threw their arms. The hostages were surprised but did not miss this opportunity to run to safety. Lor had subtly given them that suggestion as he did not want to risk them staying there. He honestly could not care less about the people of this world since they were not from his world, but he needed to give a good impression as things would go more smoothly if he did not have the entire Justice League breathing down his neck.

Power Girl was shocked and looked at Lor whose red gem was glowing. He descended next to her and then walked toward the robbers. Everyone from the robbers and hostage to the cops and civilians was bewildered when they saw Lor. He had become famous for beating Superman. Some reports had managed to capture Superman being beaten by Lor that day.

They had been too far to get an audio of the fight, but they managed to get pictures that made the front page of many newspapers., mainly one of Lor breaking Superman's arm or grabbing his throat. The whole had named him a villain automatically. Lor knew that but he did not care since it did not affect him.

Lor used his super speed to knock the robbers and bring them in front of the police officers, who kept their guns pointed at Lor as they recognized him as a villain, for now at least. Power Girl had yet to tell them that he was with her. Lor looked at the police officers before speaking.

Lor: Help me understand something. Those guns will do as much damage to me as a fly would, yet you guys point them at me ready to fire. That would do very little to help and might agitate me, you know that, yet you still do it even after I just saved those guys over there.

Lor said those words to demoralize the officers as well as to sell his acting shortly. When he assimilated the space stone, he started to use it along with his X-ray vision. Now even lead could not block his X-ray. Why does that matter now? Well, it is because he saw someone inside the bank.

With Power Girl next to him, he could synch with her and act accordingly as he would also feel her pain. Power Girl came in between Lor and the police officers before explaining that he was not a bad guy. They looked back at the hostages who were crying tears of happiness as they realized everything was over.

Power Girl looked at Lor who was watching the hostage celebrating then she saw a light coming out of the bank. She realized that it was a laser aiming at Lor's back. She scuffed before using her super speed to get between the green beam and Lor.

As the beam hit her, she felt an unimaginable amount of pain. It felt like trillions of knives were stabbing every single part of each of her cells. She had felt this pain before. The shock of receiving damage and the pain that came with it slowed her cognitive functions, but she managed to remember as she fell to the ground.

Power Girl: K-K-kryptonite-

Lor caught her before her body hit the ground.

Lor: Krypto- what now?

metallic sounds could be heard. A robot with a big green glowing rock lodged in his chest came out of the Bank. He was one of Superman's enemies, Metallo. Lor put Power Girl Gentilly on the ground as she warned him about Metallo and walked toward him.

Lor: look terminator rip-off, either surrender or- huh? W-what is happening to me?

Lor had a hard time maintaining balance as the green light was touching him. He staggered to the point that he came to a stop. Metallo laughed and walked toward Lor. He was amused as he saw Lor using every bit of willpower not to fall. Metallo punched Lor in his gut.

Metallo: You must be a new Kryptonian. I can never get enough of seeing you guys fidget near Kryptonite like a fish out of water but it never is as pleasing when it's the first time you felt the effect of Kryptonite.

Metallo punched Lor's face. Lor lost balance and fell to the ground. Metallo proceeded to kick him repeatedly. He grabbed Lor's head and proceeded to punch him repeatedly when he got tired of kicking him.

~End of 3rd POV~

You bastards! This hurts like hell. The pain from Power Girl's memory was already bad enough now that tin can fucker started to beat me up. I needed to use the power of the space stone to empty most of the solar energy in my cell to sustain physical damage.

It would look weird if Kryptonite could only cause me pain, it would also not be the perfect "weakness", my future foes could use. Now you might be wondering why I said "Bastards" plural instead of singular. It is the same reason why I had no qualms emptying most of my solar reserve from my cells.

Those Justice Fuckers are already here. They were here since the moment Power Girl made contact with me and decided to observe me. I decided to act cocky so that they would save me, but they decided to wait and see. They sure hold a grudge, but I won't judge because I hold grudges too.

I had enough of this. I made my fake reality stone glow. The glow enveloped the green glow of the Kryptonite. At the end of it, when it died down, a red mist was covering the Kryptonite as well as restraining Metallo.

I used my right index finger to point to the sky. A miniature sun appeared near my index. Yeah, I pulled an Escanor, sue me oh wait you can't. I made sure that the light would also reach Power Girl. It barely took five minutes for both of us to heal.

[AN: I do not own anything related to the seven deadly sins]

I used my left hand to lift Metallo through the red mist. I ripped the kryptonite out of his chest after telling him something.

"You had fun beating me up right? Let's see if you can still laugh when you are nothing but ashes."

After the Kryptonite covered in the red mist was close to me, I threw the miniature Sun at Metallo's body. Power Girl tried to save him, but I used the space Stone power after the blue gems on my suit glowed.

She came back to her starting point. The miniature Sun flung Metallo's body to the sky. I spread the fingers of my right hand before grabbing the hair. 'Pride's Flare'! I did not say that out loud, I thought it. The miniature Sun exploded transforming Metallo's body into ash.

I looked at the Kryptonite that was covered by a red mist. I tapped my right ear and glasses material starting from my right ear and ending at my left one. The futuristic glasses scanned the Kryptonite. I needed to sell my pitch, and this was the finishing touch. After it had done scanning, the red mist vaporized the Kryptonite.

I looked at Power Girl who was also looking at me. I spoke before she did.

"What is that rock? And why can it weaken me?"

She crossed her arm before speaking.

"First, you answer why you killed him?"

I looked into her eyes. She was not going to say anything before I speak. I decided to go along with her for now.

"He was trying to kill me, I made sure he would not, and he is a robot that does not count as killing."

She almost bought the reason but rebuked.

"He was not always a robot, he used to be a human being, like you and me."

I crossed my arms.

"First, I'm a mutant, not a human, respect my truth. Second, didn't you say you were a Kryptonian or whatever they are called? Lastly, how the hell was I supposed to know he used to be human? For all, I know he could have been an actual terminator."

I frankly gave a rat's ass if I was labeled a mutant or Kryptonian. To me, that did not change who I am. Though, I would like to be known as a mutant since the more "false" knowledge my foes have about me the less their plans are likely to work.

I remember someone had made a virus to kill mutants in one of the worlds of Marvel, that kind of virus would do nothing to me. Thinking about the multiverse of Marvel gives me a headache. On paper, it might seem to be the answer to all your questions, but it is nothing more than a monkey's paw waiting to shove its fingers up your rear.

You don't get it. Allow me to enlighten you. The Marvel multiverse is a death trap. There are countless alternative versions of people I know who have gone either crazy, evil, or all-powerful. Usually, all three are combined. Rick said that the world I'm in will start following the road of the comics.

Ergo, the base will still be that of the plot from MCU. This means that they will not be any omnipotent beings that will come out of nowhere like the Marquis of death. Why do you think, I prevented Sentry from being created? I remembered that he had a sort of alter ego that could not be stopped.

I am not an idiot that will let a potentially all-powerful threat that is clearly out to destroy everything be created. That is not even the worse part of the multiverse. The unknown is the worse part. What? You are calling me a chicken? I remembered an episode of what if, that features a zombie virus.

What if something similar had a magic origin and is present in one of the universes I go to? I am immune to any type of mind control, but magic can still affect my body if I am not careful enough. I could lose the ability to move my body. I could even lose the ability to wield the powers of the stone in my body.

Do not get me started on the people that you would meet. I will admit that when I assimilated with the reality stone, I wanted to leave my reality and find a reality where I could have everything but after some thought, I realized that would never happen.

First, they would need to be another version of me to replace which I am sure Rick did not make ergo not possible. Second, If I were to find a place where for example jean was still single, it still would not be the jean I grew up with and fell in love with. At that time, my plan for the future relied on Jean.

Thirdly, I could in fact find the perfect reality only to later lose everything because one person was not who he or she seemed to be. *Cough* Hydra Cap *Cough*. There were too many cons outweighing the pros.

Power Girl sighed as she watched me.

"Kryptonite is a radioactive element that weakens KRYPTONIANS to the point of being fatal in case of long exposure."

She emphasized the word Kryptonian as if to make her point. I scuffed. I decided to end this topic as I had enough of "new" information.

"Anyhow, where are my friends? I would rather save myself the time to go look for them."

Power Girl smiled.

"Oh~ Looks like you aren't so heartless after all. Follow me"

Both of us flew to the sky in the direction of where she was going. We arrived at our destination in under ten minutes. After which, I met with everyone. Carol was still in space, probably. It turns out that they saw me getting my ass beat. Tony and Thor laughed about it but quickly shut up when I reminded them that I won by throwing a literal Sun at my opponent.

Three months went by fast, I had never been so happy to have hidden my card because those Illuminati fuckers were already planning on a contingency for me. Reed and Stephen were intrigued by the glowing rock as I had suspected.

Tony on the other hand dismissed that idea as it would require the help of Bruce… Banner. He would not help them, and they knew that. He of all people knew what it felt like to be feared for your powers. They thought he might sympathize with me and inform me before they acted. There was also the fact that he was also one of their so-called potential threats.

The funny thing is Bruce might be the one who understood me the most. If they did not come after me, I would not go after them. They are a lot of dangerous foes in the universe. I intend to prepare myself to face them, alone if I must but having a backup is not something I would refuse.

Tony's idea to beat me was to siphon the solar energy that is contained in my Kryptonian cells. That might have worked when I was still eighteen, but I have learned to fully control my absorption ability. Let's not forget about the infinity stones.

Now that I have the power stone, I won't need to weaken myself when using the other stone's powers. Oh, you didn't know. Well, when I assimilated the stones, I took in their concept by exchanging them with the residue power the stones had. In layman's terms, I upgraded the stone's power by sacrificing their powers.

The stones each had something akin to a battery inside them. It powered the power they represented. I sacrificed that battery to get a stronger version of the stone's ability. This happened for each stone I assimilated. That is why Strange doubted the source of the temporal fluctuations.

If you thought about it, the signs were there. I have been pumping myself with the solar energy of thousands of suns, yet superman was able to send me flying. Anyway, back to Tony's plan. He got that after my fight with Superman.

Thankfully, I hid the fact that I have telepathic powers else I would not have found out about this. The rich fucker with daddy issues kept thinking about his plan when I was talking to everyone. He would take a moment to observe me from an arm's length distance when it seemed that I was not paying attention to him.

In these three months, all members of the Illuminati went back home. Stephen asked me to send him back a week after our arrival. I guess being Sorcerer Supreme means that he can't leave earth for too long. Reed and Tony had work to do, and they left after the first month along with others.

Other than me, there was only Steve, Natasha, and Carol. Kitty had homework to do as well as school to attend. Wanda and Ororo needed to go back since they missed their partners. Both were still in the honeymoon phase of their relationship. They could not stand to be apart for too long.

The reason for Clint to leave was because he got injured by Bruce. What happened was that Reed had managed to incite Bruce about Kryptonite. Bruce wanted to learn more about it thus he used the Zeta tube to go to Metropolis. Sadly, he chose the wrong destination and ended up in Gotham.

As if things were not bad enough, he met Scarecrow when he was still thinking that he was in Metropolis. I think you know what happened. Scarecrow used his fear gas and ended up shitting his pants when he saw Bruce turn into the hulk.

Clint had been there to help Batman on a case. Batman needed Green Arrow, but the green archer was already on a league mission. He did not refuse when Clint volunteered his help. The Hulk ran amok due to the effect of the fear gas.

Clint tried to reason with him, but he did not know that the Hulk was under the effects of the fear gas. Luckily for Clint, Batman recognized those effects and managed to save Clint though he sustained some injuries. I was called along with Carol and Kara to calm down the Hulk.

I used my reality warping powers to show Hulk a white space filled with nothing else. This helped as there was nothing that the fear gas could warp. The Hulk calmed down enough to be administered the cure. Bruce was riddled with guilt and decided to return home one month after Tony and Reed.

I made a mental note to make sure that Bruce would never die under the same circumstances as civil war 2. I did not need the one below all to come here. I made that remainder because I saw that the inhumane made themselves known.

Black Blot's brother wanted to invade the world but thanks to Tony, Reed and the Hero of the city of Fortitude as the world call them, Black bolt was able to be freed and take back his title as king. Tony offered a spot in the Illuminati for Black Bolt after observing him. He agreed.

Wakanda also made themselves known since a certain Black Panther fought against the inhumane's invasion. They are yet to be fully revealed but the world now knows of the existence of Black Panther. Tony offered him a seat on the Avengers in the hopes of observing him closer but T'Challa refused.

Even after three months, there is still no sign of nebula. I admit that I did not look as hard as everyone else did. It was harder than expected to look for Ivy without arising suspicions. I used my fight in Gotham to locate her. Thankfully she was in Gotham at that time.

My plans for Ivy were to negotiate with her, seduce her or clone her. I disregarded the second choice once I found out that she aimed for the same team as me. Luckily, she was not as ecoterrorist as her comic counterpart was. I used the space stone's power to move to Gotham discretely and the reality stone's power to make sure no one noticed my absence.

It took a bit of convincing, but she agreed to help me bring life to Mars. Her condition was that I was not to abuse of the plant life too much. Even she knew the luxury of modern technology. She also wanted to see it for herself. I agreed. I only needed to create a decoy and have it stay here.

After a week of our agreement, she asked if she could bring someone with her. I agreed because this meant that she would not double-cross me. To no one's surprise, it was Harley Quinn. I quickly cloned them and had the joker murder Harley's decoy. Ivy's decoy killed him before being sent to Arkham where she escaped never to be seen again.

Batman did manage to track her down only to find that she had died in one of her rushed experiments. I found out that neither of the girls was friends with Catwoman. This lowers the chance of them telling her the truth.

Currently, I was looking at the stars. It is easier to see them from the moon. I had made a king-size bed. I was on it with the sheet covering us. I never got tired of waking up like this, but all good things must come to an end.


I look around to see Kal-El coughing into his fist. He looked pissed. I did not understand why until I saw that the Watch Tower was visible thus people could see us from the Watch Tower. I could see Kal-El looking at my bedsheets. I spoke to dilute the tension.

"My eyes are up here Perv, and here I thought you aimed for the same team as me. It is sad that I did not know that before else you would have made the perfect wingman."

Kal-El did not even pay attention to my banter, he kept looking at the bedsheet before speaking.

"What are you doing here?"

I responded.

"Well, I thought it would be a good place to sleep and-"

He interrupted me.

"I was not talking to you, Lor. I was asking you… Kara!"

Kara came out of the bedsheet where she was hiding. I had made it flat, but it seems that he had seen us when we were still asleep. She tried to answer him.

"Well, you see Kal, I was huh… hm… LO! Teleport us out of here quickly!"

I snapped my fingers, and we were back at the hotel where our fun had started. Yep, I'm fucking Power Girl. Some might say that I am just using her as an outlet for my needs, but the truth is, it's the other way around. I knew how she felt but the funny thing is that Carol is the one that set us up.

After talking to Kitty, she decided to make it up to me by being my wingman. I frankly don't want to know what Kitty told her about me. Carol seemed adamant about helping me. Seeing as this was not in any way linked to her orders from S.H.I.E.L.D I accepted.

We both needed this. Being Kryptonian is basically a death sentence for your love life. Take Kara, for example, the one certain safe option for sexual relief without her killing her partner was her cousin. They were other uncertain options, but they were turned down due to the candidate being a villain or her cousin being overprotective.

According to her, I fit in neither as I was not a villain, and I could beat Kal-El's ass if he came at me. Speaking of which, he is still on the moon. I should repair the moon before he finds out about the crater. Now that he knew our month-long secret, I wonder if things would change.

We were called the next day for an unknown reason. Kal-El wanted to talk about indecent behavior. He was beyond mad when I said our relationship was just about sex. I made a few good points and even told him about the super pills that S.H.I.E.L.D had "created".

At the end of it all, he was not angry anymore just ready to test one of the samples I gave them. We all knew what he was going to do with his sample after Batman checked the super pills. Kara and I laughed when we remembered Kal-El's face.

After another three months, Nebula surfaced. She had Apokoliptian Technology on her. It only took a few minutes to get the full picture. Darkseid took Nebula and studied the power stone, but he grew bored of it since it did nothing to him. His Omega force was better.

Seeing the hate in Nebula, he barely had to say anything to get her under him. He knew that she was faking subservience and would rebel when given the chance but that did not matter to him. All he needed was for her to go back to her home universe then he could invade that one as well.

It was only a hypothesis but after seeing her memory and knowing Darkseid's nature, that was likely the reason why she came back. She even had an omega force-infused weapon with her. It looked like a staff with the power stone on top. I knew what I needed to do. I needed to kill her. She appeared in Metropolis. She screamed my name.

I could go and fight her head-on, fight my way through the power stone and Omega-infused weapon but let me ask you one question. Why in the blood-soaked hell that is Apocalypse would I risk that? I had my fun here, but Darkseid's attention is not something I want or need. Sure, I had the Phoenix Force, but I will not fight Darkseid unless I have to.

I came via my space-warping powers. I used my reality-warping power to create a red mist dome to cover both of us. Before she could even utter a word, I came at super speed and absorbed the omega energy from the staff after using the mind stone's power to wipe out Darkseid's influence on it.

It was only possible because this is only one of the infinite iterations of Darkseid and this amount of Omega energy did not matter to him. I then solar flare Nebula to dust after taking away the staff. I put the staff in my pocket dimension as I would study the Apokoliptian Technology later.

Yeah, I had a pocket dimension. Surprised? I am a super genius plus I have the space and reality stones. This was one of the top five things any decent reincarnated guy would do if they did not have one beforehand. I dematerialized the mist and turned it into a ball to contain the power stone.

The heroes were shocked but quickly understood what happened when they saw the scorched ground near me. I explained to them that I was a little anxious as I was starting to miss my home. They all bought it except Batman who asked me in private later.

I told him that my instinct was telling me to take her down quickly as I knew a mindless weapon when I saw one. Nebula did not realize it, but she was already dead. The Omega force was already poisoning her mind. I would give her an hour before she became a full-fledged minion of Darkseid.

I had one last fun session with Kara and told Kal-El that Titan was destroyed before leaving. Batman had asked me before the reason why I did not take over the world or change worlds when I could. I told him that my friends would stop me, and I did not want to fight my friends.

You already know my answer to changing world. What no one knew was the true reason why I never took over the world was that… yes, I would not like to fight my friend but that was a psychological reason. I could not drastically change the future that I knew else I would spend decades hunting the mind stone through space.

My plan was to convince Jean to join my side and create a mutant independent country. She was crucial for my plan not just emotionally; she was well loved thus with the two of us we could gather many people from the school. I knew Magneto would join us if I told him about a country for Mutants.

As you know, things did not go according to plan. Well, I was never going to actually run the country. That is too much work. I wanted to enjoy my life as I would assist the Avengers with minimum effort. That was before I knew that taking the mind stone would derail things, but I do not regret my decision since thanks to it I am going to create and obtain the Omega force in the Marvel Universe.

It seems like the phoenix force like the Omega force. It will lessen its work. It seems to like me because I bring something new by just existing thus, I can never be the one thing it hates, stagnation. If things went as planned and I was betrayed, then my plan would proceed smoothly. I do not wish to be betrayed but I will make the best of the worst scenario.

[AN: Full truth, I know very little about the phoenix force.]

My plan was never to mass genocide because I did not want the celestial on my back at least not until I am capable of killing them with ease. The Omega force would be my ace in the hole. Hm? You don't understand why the celestial would be on my ass. It's simple because if I killed too many humans that could stop the celestial inside the earth to be born.

That is the reason why Thanos lost in the Endgame. Every other iteration, he wanted to erase only half of all life, by the standard f the celestial this was nothing, but all life would prevent the birth of other celestial. I am sure that MCU Thanos had made it so that if the number became too big again, half would die again.

The movie Eternals proved that Thanos wanted to save the universe from Celestial while not attracting their attention. Sadly, in Endgame he forgot that fact and the Celestial intervened in the form of allowing Carol to arrive at the perfect time to help.

[AN: That was one of my fan theories, I thought I would put it here.]

We said our goodbyes and left but boy did Kara give me the most unexpected farewell gift. Hm? You want to know? Too bad, a gentleman does not tell. I made sure that no one was spying on us when we went back home via the mind stone's power and my mental block.

Anyway, five years went by after we came back. Things happened along the line of the comic. For example, Scott Lang was not as goofy as his MCU counterparts. That was due to me acting behind the scenes to allow him to meet his daughter, legally, even when he was in prison.

Speaking of prison, I am currently on the lowest floor of Avengers Tower, locked in a red sun chamber with a solar energy absorber battery on my chest. Yep, I'm in prison. The Illuminati managed to lock me shortly before they sent Bruce into space.

next chapter
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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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