Chapter 52: Just wait
"Did you do it?" Yumi glanced at the baby monkey who had been glued to Michu so far. The old man behind this small soul glanced at Venomous with a seething expression, then nodded hardly.
She told KongFu to prepare one banana. This banana would bring positive stat for the buyer and news of Michu's bananas should spread across the beginning cities, the center, and even higher lands!
It would be like a gamble and everyone knew how addictive gambling could be. This kind of gambling could give promising stats, so its allure was beyond apprehension. Only time could tell how it would end up!
KongFu glanced at Michu and cast an incredulous gaze.
The Monkey God couldn't believe that Michu literally shared everything that had occurred between the 'monkeys'. The fact that he shared it forced KongFu to change his approach as he still had many doubts about Venomous.
Her tone was also stabbing his status; the heavenly one!
She didn't bat an eyelid while requesting him to do his trick. Worse, it was like an order! How old was this brat? Around twenty years old, if not just that! KongFu balled his fist, then punched an air and added, "There can be another service later on sold at the auction." He taunted Venomous.
To his taunt, Venomous narrowed her eyes. Not even five seconds passed before her lips parted to answer him, "Service to erase the negative stat? If it's too much of a problem, then players won't wait for you to appear." Yumi's voice paled KongFu who hadn't expected her to answer him that fast.
He then wanted to talk back, but Yumi just cut him, "It would be even worse if Michu's name and the level got exposed. High-level players would just hunt him down to get a cure, so this another service is not for later, but for the far future." The Snake inferred and turned her eyes to Michu, "Focus on selling. I believe it will be even more addictive than gambling."
"Haha! Thanks for your help, Yumi. You are so smart!" Michu smiled, patted KongFu's head then looked to the side. They were on the road, pulled by the carriage to one of the beginner cities.
Each beginner city had an auction, but each also had some guild behind. The guild had its own rules, reputation, and alliances. There was a wide net of those things that Michu honestly hadn't thought about once.
Venomous just told him that some ridiculous guilds banned players solely because they had participated in other auctions. This seemed bad for the business at first, but they were flourishing nonetheless.
So they were on their way to the auction that had one of the reputable guilds as backers. For Venomous, it was also an occasion to form some new connection that should come in handy at every level.
After all, an auction had various items and their requirements extended high. The auction guild also should have some connections to the center kingdoms and maybe even more. All in all, they should try to get some better equipment anyway.
"True! Yumi, you said something about the Impossible Quest!" Of course, Yumi didn't hide her thoughts from Michu and Sandra. All had turned their eyes to her including Yakuzan and KongFu who appeared in the new world just recently.
This Impossible Quest sounded like a childish tale one would tell to their brats for a good night.
"Impossible Quest. It's one of many quests that less than 1% of players had successfully walked through. What we, the rest of the world, know is that this quest takes a whole year to successfully complete." Yumi said some absurd words.
"It took a while!" Michu stretched himself as soon as he left the carriage.
The whole trip to the beginner city along his building anticipation caused him to complain about the lack of teleports. Many players shared the same sentiment and Michu just picked up their complaints along the road.
[You have entered Juvelia City.]
The beginner city bustled with activity as usual. Players teemed the streets, a lot of arguments and talks were mashed across the city! If it weren't for the wide streets, the players would find it hard to move, to say nothing of the residents.
The monke guided by Venomous arrived before the auction house. He raised his eyes at the tall auction house, smiled at the guards, then entered together with his friends.
One of the guards drew Michu's attention, "Keep an eye on that monkey." The funny-looking monkey, Yakuzan, shifted his eyes to look at the guard with a threatening gaze. His sunglasses fell slightly and revealed his undeterred eyes.
The guard laughed and patted Michu.
Michu just said, "Yakuzan is a good and smart monkey. If he were to do something bad, then I will take responsibility." The monke slightly bowed, then finally entered the auction. As other people passed through him, Michu felt at ease again as no guards should make problems for them.
He turned his eyes to Yumi, "What do we do now?" Yumi wanted connections, so Michu gave her a free hand. She just smiled sweetly at him and guided him to the room where Michu would be able to fight against the black magic.
This system was here for him to buy and put items on an auction, "We will make connections, but how do you plan us to get noticed without your bananas? The auction takes their share for service, so they will notice us in this way. Understand?"
"Hehe! I understand!" Michu nodded a few times, then the battle with the black magic began.
[After an hour.]
"Now, the price," Yumi uttered, a little exhausted. Of course, it was mentally as Michu's hands wobbled when it came to the black magic. His eyes and mind were worse, but he finally achieved the desired result with some instructions.
Now, all he had to do was to put a price.
"So, we can let our players start bidding at... 100 000 gold coins," Yumi said, then peeked at KongFu. Though this monkey god appeared just recently, he learned about the currency and gold value.
Hearing the number, he nodded genuinely to Venomous' rare probe. On the other hand, Sandra flinched at repeated, "100 000 gold coins?" That sum... was so astronomical! She couldn't believe her ears at the beginning.
Venomous then added, "An instant buy... One million gold coins."
"Jesus..." Sandra nearly fainted, then grasped Michu's shoulder to support herself.
This time, Michu didn't put the zeros immediately but took a good look into Yumi's eyes, then his eyes shifted to take a glance at KongFu. All of them were confident in this number, so Michu clicked on the keyboard, then accepted.
[You have put The Mystery Box on the auction!]
[You have put The Mystery Box on the auction!]
[You have put The Mystery Box on the auction!]
"Why The Mystery Box, though?"
"Because we don't know the value... If The Mystery Box doesn't sell, we can try selling the bananas in different forms later." Yumi replied, then said, "Now, just wait." She then caressed Michu's cheek and invited him for some fun in the city.
It would be mostly food, but Michu couldn't refuse.
Sandra whispered, "Don't forget about me."
"It can be a date with two women at the same time. It's a game after all," Yumi smiled, giving some weird ideas to Sandra, then all of them went to the city.
"Snake, you are forgetting this old god," KongFu raised his eyes, then threw a tail sweep at her. His efforts were futile, the snake was too perceptive! Those green eyes! Those green eyes always threatened him!
Sorry for the delay. I had an appointment and then felt sick. I had to focus on contracted novels while feeling bad and etc. The schedule will change and be erratic because I don't have stockpille ^^
Chapter 53: Invitation from The Snake
As KongFu was about to turn away, jump on the monkey boss and just disappear into the background, Michu suddenly exclaimed, "KongFu, where are you going? Did you spot something yummy?"
"What?" KongFu blinked and turned his eyes to the monke. Confusion was written on his face and his eyes asked Michu what the young man did! He had two women around him; one that had proposed a date while another accepted this three-way date.
How could even Michu think about him and Yakuzan?
The Monkey God glanced at Venomous and Sandra, then beckoned Michu to come closer to him. "When a girl says the magic word 'date', you don't think about other people." KongFu slapped Michu's cheek, then Yakuzan's cape.
Two monkeys disappeared on the horizon.
Initially, Michu was worried about their safety in this beginner city, but upon taking a closer look, his face eased and he turned his eyes to Yumi and Sandra. It was highly unlikely for some players to attack KongFu and Yakuzan as the royal guards and players on the watch would protect them just fine.
He took KongFu's advice to heart, then asked, "It's a date then! Let's just try every restaurant here! Hehe! It's on me!" Michu had some spare money and it was usually Yumi who had much more stuff prepared for an adventure.
Thus, Michu offered, but his two friends shook their heads at the same time, "We will pay for our stuff."
Sandra then laughed as she added, "And, it's unlikely for us to try everything. If you haven't seen players vomiting in the game yet, then I will keep the recording button close."
"Eh, I won't puke! I have never vomited because of food!" Michu retorted, but reality proved him wrong. After eating and sharing his stuff with his friends, Michu suddenly felt sick and a rainbow escaped his mouth like a waterfall.
Though it made him nauseatic, the laughter of Venomous and Sandra appeased.
"I didn't expect our date to be anything special, at least for now," Venomous faintly smiled, "But this is gold." The rainbow effect on Michu's stinky waterfall amused Yumi even now. She glanced at the pale monkey whose forehead was being wiped off by Sandra.
The witch also had a faint, amused smile. These two were closely sitting to the monke who had been looking at the sky with a heavy head arched back, "So that's how it feels... to be full."
While Michu looked absentmindedly to the sky, Venomous waited for him to get some strength back and asked about the auction. As someone who had put the mystery boxes on it, Michu could check it even from this bench.
So far nothing got sold nor people even looked over the items, "It's one big zero." Michu replied, with a self-deprecating smile. He thought highly of his bananas, but he had never seen his unique stat going off.
What if all those bananas turned out to be nothing more, but a scam? Michu would need to upgrade his farmer skills to get more effects! He wanted to surprise his family and show them that there was hope to change their situation!
One million gold coins were equivalent to 10 000 real money! It would change their life so much already!
"Don't be dejected, Michu. You can't be! Rome was not built in one day, you know? You have to be patient." Sandra grasped Michu's hand and sang some nice words straight to his ear. She also added, "It's best to kill time by fighting or training. How about we go to that... Impossible Quest?"
Sandra wanted to cheer Michu as much as possible, then brought up the Impossible Quest carelessly. This quest's name reeked off with hardships and Michu felt like hard work would be the key here!
His face lit up with expectations, then he turned his eyes to Venomous, "Let's go on this quest!" He then raised his hand intertwined with Sandra's, "Sandra will go!" A foreign to Michu's emotion swirled within Yumi's eyes.
It didn't stop her from answering, "We can go. Funnily enough, the Impossible Quest requires us to get a lot of food and other survival stuff." To Michu's blinking eyes, Yumi's emotions faded away from her eyes as she turned to Sandra, "Since you were the one to propose the Impossible Quest... Could you be the one to buy all the needed stuff? I can prepare a list for you."
The witch's lips trembled to this sudden jealousy. Unlike Michu, Sandra easily could see through it, but so far, Venomous hadn't displayed even a hint of it. Was it because of her hand holding his? That would also be a little too weird.
After all, Venomous was the one to casually mention the date. It was a date because of her words, actually.
Did Sandra mistake her emotions as Michu did? She questioned herself, but then agreed, "Sure, I will buy all the stuff we need. It's for our team after all." However, if it was just a game that Yumi wanted to play with her, then Sandra would enjoy it wholly, "Each player's inventory has limited capacity. We all are around level thirty, so I need help to pack it all. Michu, could you?"
"Of course! I will hold all the stuff for you, Sandra!" Michu agreed on the spot, causing Sandra to flash a wide smile at both him and Venomous.
The witch clapped her hands happily, "Thanks! Also, each of us should have some potions and other stuff for the monsters, so we have to split our items proportionally to our inventory's capacity. Since we don't know the number of consumable items yet, let's wait for Venomous to buy these while we two go together for survival stuff shopping." Sandra pulled Michu's arm, then even brought herself closer. Her chest slightly brushed past Michu's arm, but he was thinking more about survival stuff! "Is it a tent? Oh, and we need a campfire! So sausages too! Haha! It's looking fun already!"
"Yes! Let's have a lot of fun." Michu's attitude helped Sandra and she hugged his arm without much feelings behind other than her embarrassment teeming her heart. Her loud voice exuded excitement, but that was sole to Michu's ears.
Both of them waved back at Venomous who was left alone on the bench.
KongFu passed next to her, "Hah! Snake Bitch! Team Witch here!" The Monkey God showed off middle finger mid-air, then on his four followed Michu and Sandra. Yakuzan was also behind him, but he glanced at Venomous and nodded.
She waved her hand at the monkey boss then whispered, "Prince's arms often supported a lot of damsels." Her smile grew wider, "But there's one that has the whole prince wrapped around her finger." Yumi stood up and strutted towards the alchemist's shop with her smile gathering some attention from others.
She invited Sandra to a mini-game, so it was already fun that the witch didn't just say 'Yes' or 'I will do it' and played along. Of course, Yumi had her reasons. First of all, Michu couldn't be the only one working in this relationship.
If he were to sell golden bananas successfully, Yumi would do as she had promised. But who said that women also didn't want to touch too? Another crucial reason was that Sandra had changed.
From what Yumi knew, Sandra hadn't spent time with any other player and just did her subclass quest, then went to the Azure Lake with Michu. The change in Sandra's attitude received an invitation from the snake.
Would it backfire? Yumi didn't think it would, but she believed she would be able to make a comeback no matter what trick Sandra used.
If the future could speak, then it would alarm her, though.
Thanks for reading! Have a nice day!
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