11.71% I Own a Brothel in Another World / Chapter 28: Luckiest Man Alive [ * ]

บท 28: Luckiest Man Alive [ * ]

We lie on the bed in each other's embrace. My hand softly caresses Sirgia hair as she rests her head on my collarbone, grazing my pecs with her palm. A warm smile forms on her lips. I'm the first one to break this relaxing silence.

"How are you feeling? Did you notice anything weird? Felt like something was trying to influence your thinking?"

She lifts up her gaze to match my eyes and ponders for a moment. "Ummm… After the pain disappeared, my body got a bit hotter and it started to feel really good instead, but I don't think it made me want to do… something that… I wouldn't want to do by myself…"

Sirgia's pointy ears twitch and the tips get slightly red as she speaks, showing her embarrassment from admitting that her words and actions were this lewd without any external push. I chuckle and pat her head even more.

"Good. I wasn't completely sure how it would exactly work. But I'm glad it turned out fine."

She closes her eyes to focus on enjoying the pats. A moment later, she opens them again and stares at me with a little blush on her cheeks.

"Did my… pussy… feel good?" She averts her gaze and lowers her voice when mentioning her girly parts, definitely forcing herself to use such obscene words.

I grab her springy butt and pull her up into a kiss. We exchange a few gentle pecks while she brushes my cheek with her hand and moans a little when I squeeze her bottom.

"It felt heavenly so stop worrying over it," I break off and tell her with a smile. A more proud expression soon appears on her face.

After giving her one more light tap on the lips, I glance down over her whole body, stopping at the valley between her legs. A steady river of white slowly spills out from the fleshy cave. She notices where my eyes land and moves her hand towards the area. She angles her hips to give us a better view and spreads the entrance to her vagina with two fingers, releasing even more of the captured cream.

"There is so much… I would have definitely gotten pregnant…" she says with a dreamy expression.

"Let me take care of that."

There's no need to leave this much inside her and have her suffer discomfort later when I can deal with it easily. I tap her adorable lips with my finger and lazily trace it down through the middle of her whole torso, making her giggle cutely when passing her ticklish tummy. Arriving at her pretty, pink flower, I gently slide a finger in.

"Mmmmhnnnn…" A little moan escapes Sirgia's lips.

Sealing her mouth again, I use some simple magic to get rid of all the milky stuff stored down there. A few seconds later there's no trace of it left behind. I retract my palm, giving her cherry a few more sensual rubs. She glances down and examines it with a slightly saddened expression.

"Don't make that face. You can get as much of it back there as you possibly want."

Her ears get redder and she nods, getting rid of that heartbroken look. I sit up and take a deep breath. We should get up already. Sirgia raises herself too and hugs my arm from the side. Her cute, modest breasts peek out from around it. I can feel the warmth of her body on my skin. I give her a kiss on the forehead making her giggle gleefully.

Moving around, she hits the dildo which was lying somewhere on the bed this whole time. She picks it up, glances over it and presents it to me. I close her small hand around it and shake my head.

"Keep it. I want you to have it." Her cheeks get almost completely crimson and she drops her eyes to the sheets. "Hahaha, as a memento, you silly girl." I poke her forehead to clear her mind. "That's the first thing you created for me. And there will be definitely a lot more to come."

She composes herself and nods. "Thank you. I'll cherish it."

I lean closer and whisper to her ear. "That doesn't mean there's anything shameful in having some fun with it when you feel like it. It's all yours." I nibble on the tip of her pointy ear, making her tremble a little.

She looks at me while playing with her fingers when I back off. "Ummm… I think… I'd rather like to… use yours instead…" She gives me a slightly embarrassed upwards glance.

I chuckle at her remark again. "You can use it whenever you want. No need to hold back. Just let me know and I'll be there for you. And if I don't get the little hints, you are free to assault me by yourself."

I begin tickling her belly and she falls onto her back while laughing.

"Hahahahah… I would… hahahah… never!"

It's my first time hearing it and she has such an adorable and lively laugh. Sirgia catches onto my hand trying to playfully push it away and I stop to not be too overbearing. I help her up and she slowly catches her breath.

"Ummm… About earlier… can I really sleep with Master in the same bed?" she asks with expectant eyes.

"Of course. Although, you will have to tell Emi and Safi first if you want to monopolize me a bit for the night. I have to peel the former off me like every morning."

I chuckle while remembering how they almost always end up in my room. I guess they sensed Sirgia being here today and that's why they stayed away. I bet it was Safi who held Emi back from bursting through the door. Really… such a great girl...

Sirgia also giggles at my words. "I'll discuss it with them then." She skips closer to me and places a soft kiss on my lips. I hold her in my embrace. "Thank you… I'm really happy I was able to meet Master..." She peacefully rests her cheek on my chest and lovingly hugs me back.

"And I'm as happy as you to hold such a beautiful little dwarf in my arrrrrrrrrrmmmmmssss—"

Suddenly, my mind starts getting light and fuzzy out of nowhere. My vision blurs and I feel myself falling forwards. Sirgia's concerned shout reaches my ears before everything turns completely black and silent.


An unknown amount of time later, my eyes open rapidly. Unnatural amount of pink and purple shades appear in my sight. Judging by the fluffy, floating objects above me, this must be a sky. But a purple one?

I raise myself up on my elbows and look around. First, I'm naked. Second, I'm lying on the grass or something similar to it, but in shades of colours, I previously noticed. I stand up and examine my surroundings. It looks like a plain with a giant cherry tree growing near an end of a grassy cliff. Nothing but the rustling of leaves and grass can be heard. And literally everything seems to be in different shades of violet. I'm not sure if the sky or the sun itself is behind this bizarre sight or if that's how actually everything looks.

「Okay. What the fuck. And where the fuck.」

While trying to figure out what the hell is happening, I feel a nudge on my right shoulder and instantly jump forward while turning around. A feminine, shadowy figure stands in the spot which was previously behind me. I instantly recognize it. It's the same person or thing that appeared in front of my eyes during the awakening. It looks a bit less shapeless now though. It's easier to notice the curves and details of a humanoid appearance and the pink mist isn't spilling out as much as before.

"Who are you?" I ask.

I can barely see the shape of her mouth move in this smoke but no voice follows. And my Linguist either doesn't work here or she uses a language I don't know. Last time, I at least heard some unrecognizable whispers from her. She notices my focused expression and sighs soundlessly.

"Can you understand me?"

I might not be able to hear her, but my previous experiences with the Slimes convince me to at least ask. And fortunately, the purplish shadow nods.

"Just in case… there isn't anything around that you could use to write instead of trying to speak?"

The shadow shakes its head sideways.

「Oh well, it was worth a shot.」

I rack my brain over some questions that could possibly be useful in this situation. While I'm lost in my thoughts, the shadow walks closer to me and extends her hand. I glance at her questioningly but she only smiles wryly. Since during our last contact nothing bad has happened, I decide to grab her hand. A tingling sensation envelops my palm as she brings it up and covers with her other hand. A bit of pink glow escapes through her fingers and I feel something hot coursing through my whole body.

Soon, it stops and she releases my hand. I pull it back and see my Hero Sigil uncovered. And more than that. It's glowing like during the reveal. And it goes even further. The small circle part has now taken the shape of a heart.

I look back at her, utterly puzzled. The shadow bows down to me very low and moves her mouth again, but obviously, I don't get a single word out of it. The intent is clear though, she is apologizing for something. After raising herself, she steps even closer and places a tingly kiss on my cheek. Backing off with a kind smile, she waves her hand at me.

"Wait! I have a lot of questio—"

The dizziness returns and I get swallowed by darkness again.


"—er… —ster... Master!"

I open my eyes and a familiar face appears in front of them. Sirgia is frantically calling out to me while almost on the verge of tears. She notices me waking up and backs off a bit. I raise myself into a sitting position and rub my temples with my fingers.

"It's okay… I'm fine…" I place the other hand on her head to calm her down a little.

Sirgia launches herself at me and envelops me in a tight hug, nuzzling her worried face into my muscular chest. I serenely brush my fingers through her hair while repeatedly telling her that everything is fine until she finally gets ahold of herself.

I start noticing that there are much more details flowing into me through our connection. While previously I was able to get a read on the strongest feeling or emotion, now I can distinguish more of them at the same time. Anxiety, fear, shock but also relief and a bit of self-blame.

"Did you calm down yet?" I ask Sirgia.

"Uhn," she answers softly, not letting go of me.

"Good. Just so you know, this was in no way your fault."

"Uhn…" She nods again, a bit hesitant.

"I think it was because of my class, so don't blame yourself for this."

And I summon the Information part of my Status to confirm my suspicions. My Tier rose from 1 to 2, as I suspected. Figured that this weird vision, which also appeared during the awakening, would be linked to me advancing further. I'll check the details in a moment, Sirgia comes first.

I move to the corner of the bed with her in tow and we both sit at the edge. "Let's take a bath. We are all sweaty from our little fun."

I try to poke her tummy a few times to improve her mood a little. She squirms a bit and swats my hand away with a faint smile. She stands up from the bed, takes one step forward and her legs start wobbling, making her fall back into my arms.

"Ummm… I might have a small problem getting there…" she announces quietly.

I scoop her up into a proper princess carry and chuckle at her blushing expression. She hangs her arms around my neck.

"Since I'm the one at fault here, let me take full responsibility for causing you such discomfort, Lady Forgegraver." She gets even redder and covers her face with her small hands as I walk towards the door.

"Eh? Are we really going out naked like this?" Sirgia asks with a flushed face.

"Don't worry. Safi and Emi are still hibernating on their bed and Cornelia seems to be working on something completely focused at her desk."

The fact that I can pinpoint their location and state with even more accuracy, supports the guess that this is thanks to the level-up and not just me finally embracing Sirgia and raising our bond above 0. I confidently walk to the mixed bath with the little dwarf in my arms.

We spend some time washing each other's bodies thoroughly. Sirgia releases her braids to properly wash her hair and the volume of it amazes me. When woven into the usual form, it doesn't seem like there's much, but when fully released, she can almost completely cover herself with a wall of hair ending slightly above her ankles. She starts making the braids again and I ask her to teach me so that I can do it for her. I follow her instructions and learn it step by step while a very elated smile persists on her face for the whole time.

Done with washing and doing hair, we take a dip in the main pool to relax a little. Sirgia sits between my legs and leans back onto me. I place one of my hands on her belly and softly brush her skin with my thumb while invoking the full Status.



Name: Alastair Carter

Race: Human

Age: 28

Job: Scholar [▼]

Class: Sexmancer

Tier: 2

Titles: Otherworlder, The Embodiment of Lust, True Harem Lord, The One Who Controls Life



| Strength: 22 (+14) | Agility: 22 (+8) | Constitution: 30 (+24) | Intelligence: 28 (+8) | Charisma: 32 (+18) |



Common Abilities


| »Livelihood Magic Lv. 5« | »Formless Blade Arts Lv. 1« |


| »Linguist Lv. MAX« | »CQC Lv. 3« | »Arms Mastery: Novice« | »Improvised Weaponry Lv. 1« | »Mana Control Lv. 2« |

Class-Specific Abilities


| »Love Contract« | »Sweet Whispers« | »Lascivious Hunt« | »Rejuvenate Lv. 4« | »Carnal Mist Lv. 1« | »Voidal Bondage Lv. 1« |


| »Lover's Intuition« | »Sensual Strengthening« | »Charm Affinity« | »Void Affinity« |



When my eyes fall on the Stats section, I involuntarily cry out in shock, making Sirgia jump. I quickly apologize for startling her and rub my eyes a few times just to be sure, but the numbers don't change.

「What the hell?! Aren't your stats supposed to raise by something like 10 points per main stat or less usually? I can clearly see that they literally doubled! I had 15 CON and 16 CHA as a base before! And what is wrong with those bonuses? Wait...」

"Sirgia, can you check your status and tell me what's your Constitution score?" I ask my adorable dwarf.

Naturally, I could just summon her Status window and check myself, but this is a good moment to introduce her to the effects of my Title if it really is how I think it is.

"Of course, Master." The brown rectangle appears not only for her but also becomes visible to me. "My Constitution is at 3—…"

She stops mid-sentence and furrows her brows while confusedly moving her head further from the screen. I can see that it's 35 and there's a +14 bonus next to it, so almost 50 in total. Some quick math in my head tells me that my 32 base Charisma, with the previous bonus from Safi and Emi being at +13, can easily give her that amount as a bonus if you assume a 30% transfer. I quickly summon her entry in the Partners menu as a final step to confirm my suspicions.



Sirgia Forgegraver - Dwarf

Bond Level: 3/5

Bond Type: Honest Affection (Master/Servant)



「And there it is. Bond Level 3/5. And Bond Type is 'Honest Affection'? So, this girl jumped straight from hope to almost love, and it had to be strong enough to start at the 3rd level already...」

I notice Sirgia staring at me with curiosity painted all over her face. I smile gently and while patting her head. I explain how the stat bonus works in detail. She looks at me with admiration in her eyes.

"Master is amazing…"

I pull her up and sit her on my thigh. "No, it's so big only thanks to your strong and honest feelings. I'm just some guy who is extremely lucky to be on the receiving end of those. And the fact that they come from such a gorgeous little Dwarf makes me unspeakably happy."

Lifting her chin up, I dive for a deep and romantic kiss. Her ears turn almost fully crimson and twitch a lot, but she does not run away and answers by letting me invade the insides of her mouth and invite her small tongue for another round of sensual dancing. After we separate, she slides down with a cute giggle and leans onto me with her side, caressing my abs. I let her cool down from the sudden assault of compliments and affection and focus on the Status again.

First, with all the bonuses from all three girls, some of my attributes broke the threshold of 50 points… That's… utterly insane for Tier 2… For Humans, that would be a very lucky Tier 4 or pretty normal Tier 5, which is already considered the top of the elite. If Kamil's stats also double on tier-up, then he would be over 70, but he has the legendary Hero Class, so that wouldn't be so surprising.

「Actually, what will happen when I advance to Tier 3? Will it add the same amount or double the new base again? No, the latter is impossible. That would be broken beyond any logic. And just the bonus from others is getting more and more ridiculous. Why is it so easy to power-up with this Class?」

I start pondering over the possible explanations. My hand keeps stroking Sirgia's head and my finger accidentally grazes her ear making it twitch. I freeze. She looks up at me confusedly and I just keep aimlessly staring into nothingness as the realization dawns on me.

「No fucking way…」

Suddenly, everything becomes clear. It's not that this class is unbelievably powerful or has some insane principles behind it. On the contrary, it's the trashiest class someone could get. But. BUT. This only applies to someone RAISED IN THIS WORLD.

Just imagine your typical Human getting it. No. Actually, let him be a Human prodigy. If we follow this world's rules and history, he'd most likely surround himself only with other Humans due to his hate or prejudice against other races. Even if it would have happened during or before The Great War. But people didn't know their Classes back then, everything was just a feeling. Nevertheless, be it a Human, Elf, Dwarf, Lizardfolk, whatever the race, the person would most likely come close only to females of their own kind.

Next, it's not like gathering powerful girls is an easy task. When limited only to their own folk, the chances of meeting one fall drastically. Especially in Humanity's case, where Tier 4 or 5 stats are already ultra-rare. The Class owners, being awfully weak at the beginning, have a very slim probability to actually acquire a proper harem, not even mentioning strong individuals falling for them. And there's the Bond Level too. Just getting a person to like them and stay at the first level would net them like 5 points from 50 due to the 10% buff. So, developing and progressing a deep relationship again reduces the already low odds.

And then, there's me. A complete opposite of this world's mentality. There are no racial boundaries for me. Reaching out to everyone, regardless of their status or race, opens up a towering door to a path of boundless possibilities. Numerous species with various stats dispositions and growth rates stand lined-up in front of me. And the one path that I've chosen is rich in abused and mistreated slaves who start feeling attached to the very first person who shows them a little kindness. As wrong and rude as it might sound there, that's usually true. Those Class owners would most likely distance themselves as far as they could from their slaves if they would even buy ones for different purposes than being bait or luggage carriers. Pride and things like that.

It's not like there's something wrong with the Class. I AM the mistake here. If we consider this situation purely from the effectiveness standpoint, then this is most likely the luckiest combination that could have taken place ever. My mind free of all prejudice, my arms open almost to everyone equally and the fact that my career path dabbles in the area which houses the greatest variety of potentially useful individuals, made the Class broken beyond comprehension. It would never work any better for someone else.

I take a few deep breaths to calm myself down from all this heavy thinking since I almost began shaking. It finally starts making sense. Accepting Safi, Emi and now Sirgia, boosted me up insanely fast and high. No free Human girl with as high stats as theirs would most likely consider me worthy her attention for months or years to come. Yes, the Class has this adonis and aphrodisiac thing, but it still needs consent and mutual affection. And tiering-up most likely bases like 90% on having sex and strengthening bonds with Partners, with only a little of the rest being combat or other things.

If I went the suggested Hero path, I would have struggled a lot, and the chances of meeting a girl who would grow to like someone with such a pathetically weak Class would have been incredibly low. The only thing I could have done would be flaunting my Hero status. Perhaps Cornelia would have been one of the stronger people to get close to me, considering that we were already good friends before my Class was revealed. But the number of potential girls ending up with me in that scenario can't even come close to my current predicament.

「This chance. I won't let it go to waste. I don't plan on becoming an all-powerful Hero, but I swore to use whatever I can to become stronger and protect those who will gather around me. And now that I discovered my strong points and opportunities, I'm going to make use of all of them. To grow stronger, I just have to keep doing exactly what I have been doing before, which means trying to help as many non-humans as I can. There's no malicious intent here. I'm still not going to force all of them to stay with us, but let's be real, if things continue at the same pace as up until now, I'll be tiering-up like a madman. I reached the second one in a little more than a week.」

A giggle escapes my mouth and soon evolves into a stifled chuckle, garnering Sirgia's attention again.


"Sorry. I just realized that I am most likely the luckiest man alive in this vast universe."

I lovingly brush her cheek with a warm smile, still slightly chuckling. She giggles and rubs her face into my hand before resting on my chest again.

「Okay, enough of this flirting left and right. I need to see what skills I got.」

Summoning the Skills tab, I scan through the contents with my eyes, spotting five changes. I open the Class related ones first.



»Sweet Whispers - Your love knows no boundaries nor distance and your sweet voice will always reach your Partner's ears. You can send short, mental messages to any of your Partners, or even all of them at once, and they will hear the words just as you would be lovingly whispering into their ear. The sound is only audible to the target and doesn't exist for anyone else. Your Partners can contact you via the same means.

»Lascivious Hunt - You are the Alpha of all males. Your insatiable carnal desire pushes all your senses to their very limits and no female that earns your interest is able to hide or run away from you. You can effortlessly track your target even with just a whiff of their scent, taste of their sweat or blood, or any other bodily fluid.

»Voidal Bondage Lv. 1 - The Void answers your call and lends you its strongest restraints. You can summon up to 10 Void Chains at the same time to lock down your enemies or have some fun with your Partners. The Chains can be either harmless or deadly, your choice. Their strength, number and your influence over them raises with each level and Tier.


My eyes fall on the first entry.

「Hell yeah! Sweet Whispers is exactly what I needed! Now, I should be able to communicate with Cornelia, who will be able to quickly pass the message directly to the King or his soldiers. And the description sounds amazing. It's kinda like flavoured telepathy. Judging by the length limit, it should be much better than it too.」

I move to the second one. Not gonna lie, its name did make me a little uncomfortable when I saw it in the Skills tab. Let's hope it's not some kind of a sexual rage mode.

「Hmmmm... The description starts a little creepy, but this seems to be a pretty dope tracking skill… The only downside is that it works purely on girls, but considering how powerful it sounds, that's not that bad of a tradeoff. I will certainly have to test it out as soon as possible.」

Finally, I glance over the last one.

「The Void? I did see the Void Affinity skill in the Passives section, so I guess it came with this. Sounds great. Another crowd control skill but this time much more physical and aggressive. Ten chains is a lot. And why I'm not surprised that they have a 'fun' mode too...」

With those out of the way, I summon the remaining two skills. Void Affinity sounds almost exactly the same as Charm Affinity, but instead of offering protection against effects up to the highest tier, it currently nullifies effects of low tier Void magic and offers a partial resistance for the medium tier. And also tells me that my proficiency in that school of magic is also around mid-tier.

I open the Formless Blade Arts skill group.


[Formless Blade Arts Lv. 1]

An ancient technique of using your internal energy to create any weapon your mind is able to clearly imagine, with the use of an adequate formless artifact. You finally started to grasp the basics behind it, allowing you to form more shapes and begin to create your own techniques fitting your own fighting style. The more you use them, the faster the level of your proficiency with both the weapon type and this Art rises, allowing you to gain more control and influence over the mana.

Mastered Forms:

» Whip


» None


「So… I guess that appeared because of the Soul Relic I have been using all this time. I might have gotten strong enough to properly start getting better with it one step at a time. The 'any weapon you can imagine' part does sound pretty powerful. I wonder if that really means any. And creating techniques? That's something new. I need to start training my ass off with it to raise the proficiency and reach a level high enough to form more shapes. I don't mind maining the Whip though, it somehow feels right for me to use.」

After taking one more peek into every corner of my Status, I finally conclude this tier-up analysis session. Hopefully, I'll be able to get at least a bit more used to all the new stuff before the auction guys contact me. Actually, why not try some skills out already…

I close my eyes and focus completely on sensing every Partner I currently have. With enough meticulousness, I can not only feel their location but also kind of see the outlines of their bodies as purplish shadows, similar to the woman from before but much more detailed. I stare at Cornelia from up close, like my existence is being suspended in the air above her head. Invoking the Sweet Whispers skill, I speak the message in my mind.

~Juicy thighs...~

Her figure jolts up, startled by an unexpected sound arriving at her ear. Or at least I think she heard it like that since I can't confirm it from my position. She stands up and turns around assuming an accusing pose, but quickly realizes that there's no one behind her and starts confusedly looking around. I chuckle to myself. This has too much trolling potential.

~Just a new skill… My love…~

I send her another message with a little more teasing. I can see her shape tensing up and how she rotates her head to the right, where the source of the voice is most likely located for her. Too bad I can't see her expression. I bet she's furiously blushing right now. I'll apologize later. Let's just try one more thing.

~Try sending me… a mental message back...~

Most likely expecting more of my teasing, she has prepared herself for another whisper and hasn't reacted in a funny way. She assumes a thinking pose and soon the reply arrives.

~You are such a… tease… you bully…~

Shivers run down my spine. Cornelia's voice whispers to my ear in an utterly seductive tone. The thirst and horniness literally spill out from every quiet word and the intonation threatens the receiver with ferocious sexual arousal of the sender. No wonder she reacted so heavily during the first one, it must have sounded like I was ready to push her down and ravage her like a horny beast.

~Sorry… Didn't know how… lustful… this sounds…~

I can discern a giggling motion from her slightly shaking figure. Leaving our little conversation at that, we finally move out of the bath, with me carrying Sirgia back to my room and making her promise me that she will take a day off to rest today. Dressing each other up, we talk a bit about the future artifacts and I share some of my ideas with her. To not inconvenience her further, I prepare some light breakfast today and carry her to the dining room. Others give us suspicious and knowing stares, making the adorable dwarf hide her face in my clothes while I walk with her in my arms. I share with them the information about my new skills so that they can communicate with me whenever they need.

After breakfast, it's time for more training and testing before the invitation arrives.

Saileri Saileri

Progress ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


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