Fiery Humanoid
Fire Absorption
Fire Breath
Fire Surfing
Heat Generation
Heat Absorption
Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Durability
Enhanced Jumping
Enhanced Acrobatics
Enhanced Agility
Enhanced Reflexes
Cryo Immunity
Pyrokinetic Flight
Enhanced Speed (via Pyrokinetic Flight)
Underwater Survivability
Speed Swimming
Limited Pyroportation
Limited Corruptura Immunity
Cryokinesis (via Cold Virus)
Hey! Why don't you pick on someone with real firepower?HEATBLAST WHILE FIGHTING VILGAX'S DRONES.[1]
Heatblast is the Omnitrix's DNA sample of a Pyronite[2][3] from the star Pyros.[merch 1]
Ben as Heatblast
Heatblast is a plasma-based life-form whose body is composed of a super hot inner plasma body covered by dark reddish brown volcanic rocks.[pop-up 1][4] As a fire-based entity, his body radiates high amounts of heat. His feet have a slight oval-like design with only two toes and one back toe. His tongue is also made of fire[5] while his collarbone resembles a volcano which generates a fiery "hair" that covers his head, leaving his mask-like face visible with no nose or ears.
When under the effects of a cold in Side Effects, Heatblast's fiery skin (excluding his rocky body) turned blue.
In Back with a Vengeance, Heatblast wore a yellow raincoat.
4-year-old Heatblast looked the same as 10-year-old Heatblast did in the Original Series, but with a much smaller and thinner body, as well as an oversized head.
In Destroy All Aliens, Heatblast looks the same as he did in the Original Series, except his plasma body glows brighter, and emits movement, similar to the Sun. The rocks show small but noticeable cracks around him, much like other minerals.
In Race Against Time, Heatblast had less fire on his head and most of his head was exposed. His stone skin gained cracks of yellow glow and his plates were further apart, exposing almost parts of his plasma body. The Omnitrix symbol appeared to be embedded in his chest.
In Ultimate Alien, Heatblast closely resembled Alan, only taller, not as skinny, slightly altered and his face shape was more similar to the Original Series. His eyes were no longer connected to the fire on his head. The rocks over his body changed, with a burnt black color and red markings on every edge of his rocky skin, resembling charcoal and his plasma body is a lighter shade of yellow.
In Heroes United, Heatblast looked the exact same as he did in the Original Series, only his jaw was a lot lower than it was before.
In The Forge of Creation, 10-year-old Heatblast's appearance is a mix between the Ultimate Alien design and the Original Series' body color. Also, his Omnitrix symbol was green.
In Omniverse, Heatblast looks the same as he did in Ultimate Alien, only his eyes are once again connected to the fire on his head, like in the Original Series. He is taller and more muscular, his face's design is different and his shoulder plates are slightly tilted up. His feet are also redesigned.
When put out by water, Heatblast's plasma body was a maroon color. His rocky skin is a darker shade of red, almost pink. The flame exposes his head, however he is enveloped by a faint rising steam, possibly due to the amount of high temperature he builds up.
10/11-year-old Heatblast in Omniverse looks exactly the same as his 16-year-old self, except for the fact that he is shorter and much less muscular than his sixteen-year-old self.
Heatblast wears the original Omnitrix/Ultimatrix/Omnitrix symbol on his chest.
Kevin as Heatblast
Kevin's Heatblast looked the exact same as Ben's did in the Original Series, albeit he had paler skin and lacked an Omnitrix symbol.
Gwen as Heatblast
Gwen's Heatblast was leaner, her chest was larger, and her face was longer and more curved. Her forearms were considerably skinnier than Ben's Heatblast.
Ben 10,000 as Heatblast
Ben 10,000's Heatblast looked similar to his younger self's, but he sported two miniature volcanoes on his shoulders and had a more muscular build.
Alpha as Heatblast
Alpha as Heatblast looked roughly similar to Ben 10,000's Heatblast, only his head was more monstrous. His rocky skin was more brownish. His hands and feet were animalistic. His eyes are solid red. His chest had an opening, and there was a tail-like attachment on his back. He wore a red fake Ultimatrix symbol on his chest.
Being one of Ben's most versatile alien forms, Heatblast is a pyrokinetic, meaning he has the ability to generate and manipulate intense heat and fire from his body. He can form fire into any shape that he chooses, commonly fireballs. He can also enhance the fire in his hands for flaming punches,[1] and can breathe fire like a dragon.[5] To top it all off, he can even absorb heat and fire from external sources, [6] allowing him to put out flames in short amounts of time.[7]
Heatblast's fire can become hot enough to melt a tank[8] or a road, as he almost buried Vilgax in boiling tar when he was younger.[1] Several years later, Heatblast was able to bury him in the ground up to his shoulders.[9]
Heatblast can make his flames explosive, explaining why his fire tended to cause explosions on a regular basis. On that note, he can even create fire fuses with the snap of his fingers.[10] He can create a fire bomb, which he used to destroy the planetarium that the Nosedeenians were possessing.[5] He can create fire spears shaped like crescents that can be used as piercing, slicing, or explosive weapons, as shown when he battled a swarm of Vilgax's drones.[1] He can also create fire disks and throw them as slicing or explosive weapons as seen when he battled Dr. Animo's mutant hornet.[11] Furthermore, he's able to create a fire dagger, which he used to slice through parts of S.A.M.'s water form.[12]
When 4-year-old Heatblast had a temper tantrum his firepower was greatly magnified to the point that Gwen called it "supernova-hot" and the heat was so extreme that it flash vaporized the Fountain of Youth and destroyed a large portion of the cave they were in.[13] Similarly, Heatblast can increase the temperature of his heat and fire with his speed, as seen when he vaporized S.A.M.'s water form by racing around it until his fire was, again, "supernova-hot".[12]
Heatblast can create a small fire-board on which he can ride at high speeds by launching fire backwards like an engine. On this board, he has enough skill to ride in a continuous circle.[12] After decent amount of practice, Heatblast is now capable of high-speed flight by propelling himself forward.[1][3][14][15]
On occasion, Heatblast has been shown to be able to instantly travel distances by enveloping himself in a tornado-like swirl of smoke, and disappearing before any smoke clears, zipping through the air to a new location. The extent of this pyroportation is unknown, and has only been shown transporting him small distances.[5][10]
Heatblast is able to teleport by producing a fiery tornado around himself, as shown when he avoided getting hit by a subway train and appeared again on top of it.[16] Similarly, he can even transport others to safety inside his tornadoes without burning them with his fire, as seen when he saved a boy and his mother from a burning building[6] and when he teleported Kangaroo Kommando.[17]
Due to being made of plasma and charcoal-like crusts, Heatblast glows in the dark like a candle.[16][18]
Heatblast is cold resistant and ice proof thanks to the high temperature he produces, allowing him to thaw his way out of ice, such as an Evolved Necrofriggian's ice flames.[19]
Heatblast can generate enough heat to solidify slushy substances or creatures, such as Lenopans.[20]
Heatblast is capable of using terrakinesis, shown by him levitating a stone into the air.[21] Heatblast is also able to use more limited terrakinesis by channeling fire through the ground.[DM 1] One result of this capability is the ability to surf through the air on a board of rock.[8][22][23
] This was first demonstrated when Ben taught Alan how to master his own flying abilities.[24]
Heatblast has enhanced strength, enough to hold his own with his fists against Viktor, making the latter stumble several steps backwards.[8] He was also able to lift a broken portion of a house, rip off and buckle down the door of a car[6] and stop the Wooden Bell from rolling, which was said to weigh heavier than 3,000 pounds.[25][15]
Heatblast has enhanced durability thanks to his rocks and plasma energy that makes up his body, able to survive getting thrown through multiple buildings at high speed by Vilgax with no damage,[1] as well as Malware's laser blasts.[26] He also casually shrugged off multiple laser blasts from Rojo[10] and survived the Chimeran Hammer's explosion.[1]
Heatblast is capable of jumping exceptionally high.[27][8]
Heatblast can swim and use his powers underwater, but with a lower intensity. Ironically, he can even breathe underwater despite being a fire-based alien.[7]
Heatblast is immune to being controlled by a Vladat via their Corrupturas as long as he can burn them off his body with a small flare.[DJW 1]
When infected with a cold, Heatblast's powers are completely inverted, making his pyrokinesis becoming cryokinesis (the ability to create and control cold and ice), and he is constructed of icy fire rather than regular fire. While in this state, he can shoot blasts of ice from his hands that could freeze and cool down a nuclear reactor, and create blue "ice-fire" balls to encase and trap his opponents in.[28]
If exposed to enough water or fire-extinguishing substances, Heatblast's fire will be extinguished, though he can still heat up and reignite his fire in short amounts of time.
As mentioned above, when under the effects of a cold, Heatblast's pyrokinesis is replaced with cryokinesis. Despite the new powers this gives him, Heatblast works completely "nonfunctional" to his fiery nature and the cold still prejudiced his health.[28]
If Heatblast isn't careful, he may cause a fire that will accidentally go out of control and spread in certain areas.[4]
Because of his fiery body, on occasion, Heatblast cannot hold anything without burning or melting it. He is also prone to burning the place where he sits.[6] Similarly, he can leave scorch mark footprints on certain floors.[3]
Despite having a body made of fire, Heatblast can still be rendered immobile by ice until he melts it off.[19][3]
Being a Pyronite, Heatblast is vulnerable to being trapped by a Crabdozer.[29][30]
Heatblast's fire attacks are useless against anything diamond-related or fireproof in general, such as Petrosapiens[31] Crabdozers,[15] and weapons and/or armor made from their DNA.[32]
Heatblast can get dizzy by flying around in a continuous circle at extremely high speeds.[12]
Heatblast can be knocked down by an Aerophibian's neuroshock blasts, as also demonstrated with Alan.[24]
Despite his Corruptura immunity, Heatblast can still be controlled by Corrupturas unless they are burned off his body.[DJW 1]
In A New Dawn, Skurd gave Mole-Stache Heatblast's maces to battle young Vilgax.
Ben 10
Heatblast first appeared in And Then There Were 10, where he, while testing his powers, accidentally started a forest fire, but stopped it afterwards by starting a second fire to extinguish both of them.
The same scene occurred again in And Then There Was Ben.
In Washington B.C., Heatblast saved a mother and her son from a burning building and caught some crooks.
In Permanent Retirement, Heatblast defeated the Limax by blasting a pipe of water open to melt them underneath.
In Kevin 11, Heatblast fought Kevin and stopped him from crashing two trains, but got his powers temporarily absorbed by him in the process.
In Tourist Trap, Heatblast battled and destroyed the Megawhatts' planetarium before trapping them in a giant fishbowl.
In The Alliance, Heatblast saved a hospital from a landslide and defeated Rojo.
In Side Effects, Heatblast, with a cold (forcing him to use ice instead of fire), defeated Clancy and his cockroaches and stopped a nuclear meltdown.
In Secrets, Heatblast defeated Vilgax's drones before battling Vilgax himself and losing. Later, Heatblast escaped the Chimeran Hammer before it exploded.
Also, Heatblast appeared as one of the many alien templates used for Vilgax's army in an imaginary sequence.
In The Big Tick, Heatblast failed to defeat the Great One.
In Framed, Kevin as Heatblast defeated Diamondhead and later battled Four Arms before switching into Stinkfly.
In Back with a Vengeance, Heatblast appeared five times. Firstly, he was used when Ben unlocked the Master Control. Then, he appeared in a photo. Later, he was used to see which alien could spit the best loogie. Lastly, in the Null Void, Heatblast was used twice to escape Kevin 11 and Vilgax and to fight a Null Guardian.
In Midnight Madness, Heatblast destroyed a mall while sleepwalking.
In Super Alien Hero Buddy Adventures, Heatblast "saved" Abel North from a fake burning building before fighting him for the latter's show.
In Monster Weather, Heatblast defeated S.A.M..
In The Visitor, Heatblast was defeated by Xylene.
In the Red Edition of Ben 10: Secret of the Omnitrix, Heatblast fought a Mutant Hornet and destroyed Dr. Animo's DNA bomb, accidentally activating the Omnitrix's Self-Destruct Mode in the process.
In Don't Drink the Water, four-year-old Heatblast defeated Hex and accidentally turned him into a baby.
In Big Fat Alien Wedding, Heatblast defeated Mr. and Mrs. Mann.
In Ben 10 vs. the Negative 10: Part 2, Heatblast made a barricade to the Mt. Rushmore base.
In Ben 10: Destroy All Aliens, Heatblast appeared thrice. Firstly, Heatblast attacked Ben in a dream. Then, Heatblast escaped from Ben's locker and flew home. Later, Heatblast was defeated and interrogated by Retaliator before the Omnitrix switched him into Grey Matter.
In Survival Skills, Heatblast made campfire even though he was told not to go alien. Since he didn't keep his promise, Max and Gwen used him as a campfire while he was told not to go alien. Since he didn't keep his promise, Max and Gwen used him as a campfire while he was trying to make one with rocks.
In The Forge of Creation, Heatblast battled 17-year-old Kevin, 16-year-old Gwen, and 16-year-old NRG until he reverted.
Five Years Prior to Omniverse
In Trouble Helix, Heatblast battled Malware.
Alien Force
Heatblast was unlocked offscreen prior to Vengeance of Vilgax: Part 1.[33][DR 1]
Ultimate Alien
In Viktor: The Spoils, Heatblast defeated Viktor.
In The Ultimate Sacrifice, Heatblast melted and broke free from Sentient Ultimate Big Chill's ice before switching into Brainstorm.
In Ben 10/Generator Rex: Heroes United, Heatblast was used by Alpha to battle Rex before switching into Four Arms.
Also, Heatblast appeared as one of the many aliens when Ben was explaining his story to Rex.
In The Beginning of the End, Heatblast met up with Sir George before going with him to confront Vilgax and witnessed the latter reveal Dagon's dimension.
In The Ultimate Enemy: Part 1, Heatblast and Sir George battled Vilgax before the former eventually defeated him.
In A Jolt from the Past, Heatblast chased and stopped Corvo.
In Of Predators and Prey: Part 1, Heatblast tried to attack Khyber, but was thrown away by Crabdozer, so he switched into Ball Weevil.
In Of Predators and Prey: Part 2, Heatblast was promptly defeated by Crabdozer in a failed attempt at deliberately mistransforming.
In Malefactor, Heatblast battled Buglizard. Later, Heatblast later flew hastily back to the Proto-TRUK.
In Showdown: Part 1, Heatblast tried to put out Pakmar's burning truck. Pakmar shouted to Heatblast that it was barbecue and he tried to tell Rook but Rook already blasted the tire causing the truck, Heatblast, and Pakmar to crash into the lake. Heatblast then saved Pakmar from drowning.
In T.G.I.S., Heatblast fought Munya.
In Store 23, Heatblast battled and defeated Dimension 23's Tetrax and SevenSeven.
In Stuck on You, Heatblast fought Khyber and Skurd, and was teleported to the Plumber Headquarters by Blukic and Driba.
In The Secret of Dos Santos, Skurd gave Rath Heatblast's mace to battle Exo-Skull.
In Malgax Attacks, Skurd used Heatblast's breath while Blukic and Driba tried to remove him from the Omnitrix.
In A New Dawn, Heatblast appeared for a short time when Ben was cycling through his aliens.
Race Against Time Timeline
In Ben 10: Race Against Time, Heatblast fought Eon and his servants while protecting the Bellwood Police Department from them and seemingly obliterated the former.
Original Future
In Ben 10,000, Heatblast was defeated by Vilgax, so he switched into Stinkfly.
In Ken 10, Heatblast battled Sploot.
Ultimate Alien Future
In Ben 10,000 Returns, Ultimate Ben used Heatblast's pyrokinesis to fight Eon.
Gwen 10 (What If?)
In Gwen 10, Gwen as Heatblast wrote her name in the sky with fire, to Ben's chagrin (as he states, it took him a month to learn how to do that).
In Snow Blind, Heatblast tried to stop an avalanche caused by Frostbyte.
In The Height of Heat, Heatblast stopped the Tree Mutants.
In Alien Data Files: Heatblast, Heatblast was used in the video footage.
In Eggs with Legs, Heatblast defeated eggs with Dr. Animo's mutated lizards.
In Dora Flora, Heatblast tried to defeat Dora.
In The Past is the Key to the Future, Heatblast was used by 10-year old Ben to try stopping Big Chill used by 15-year old Ben.
In Flag, Heatblast attacked Amalgam, before switching to Big Chill.
Season 1
And Then There Were 10 (first appearance)
Washington B.C.
Permanent Retirement
Kevin 11 (selected alien was Four Arms)
Tourist Trap
The Alliance (selected alien was Four Arms)
Side Effects
Secrets (x2)
Season 2
The Big Tick
Back with a Vengeance (x5)
Season 3
Midnight Madness
Super Alien Hero Buddy Adventures
Monster Weather (selected alien was Ripjaws)
The Visitor
Season 4
Ben 10: Secret of the Omnitrix (Red Edition)
Don't Drink the Water
Big Fat Alien Wedding
Ben 10 vs. the Negative 10: Part 2 (cameo)
Ben 10: Race Against Time (alternate timeline)
Ben 10: Destroy All Aliens (x2)
Survival Skills
Season 2
Framed (x2)
Season 2
Gwen 10 (non-canon)
Ben 10,000
Season 3
Ben 10,000
Season 4
Ken 10
10-year-old Ben
Season 2
The Forge of Creation (first reappearance by 10-year-old Ben)
16-year-old Ben
Season 3
Viktor: The Spoils (first reappearance by 16-year-old Ben)
The Ultimate Sacrifice
The Beginning of the End
The Ultimate Enemy: Part 1
Ultimate Ben
Season 3
Ben 10,000 Returns
Ben 10/Generator Rex: Heroes United (cameo)
Ben 10/Generator Rex: Heroes United
16-year-old Ben
Season 1
A Jolt from the Past (first reappearance by 16-year-old Ben; intended alien was Big Chill)
Of Predators and Prey: Part 1
Of Predators and Prey: Part 2
Season 2
Malefactor (x2; first time intended alien was Humungousaur)
Showdown: Part 1 (intended alien was Water Hazard)
Season 3
Store 23
Season 8
Stuck on You
A New Dawn (cameo)
11-year-old Ben
Season 1
Trouble Helix (first reappearance by 11-year-old Ben)
10-year-old Ben
Season 5
And Then There Was Ben (first reappearance by 10-year-old Ben)
Season 8
The Secret of Dos Santos
Malgax Attacks
A New Dawn
Cartoon Network Action Packs
Snow Blind
The Height of Heat
Alien Data Files: Heatblast
Eggs with Legs
Dora Flora
The Past is the Key to the Future
Ben 10: Omniverse
Ghost Ship
Ben 10
Ben 10 (HyperScan Game)
Ben 10: Protector of Earth
Ultimate Alien
Ben 10: Galactic Racing
Ben 10: Omniverse
Ben 10: Omniverse 2
Battle Ready
Alien Unlock
Ben 10: Slammers
Blockade Blitz
Critical Impact
Krakken Attack
Savage Pursuit
Saving Sparksville
Wrath of Psychobos (mobile only)
Video Games
Heatblast in hyper scan.PNG
Heatblast In Hyperscan
Heatblast wins racing.png
Heatblast in Galactic Racing
2011-09-26 1239.png
Heatblast Exosuit in Project Exonaut
Heatblast PTE XL.png
Heatblast In Cartoon Network Punch Time Explosion XL
Ben 10
Heatblast is a playable alien in the game.
Ben 10: Protector of Earth
Heatblast is one of the two aliens that are given from the beginning, Four Arms is the other, as you unlock combos you use him at his full strength. You will also need his abilities to run though fire and absorb it, and also to produce a rock to ride for a short distance in a fiery trail.
Heatblast also has a few exclusive abilities in this game such as:
"Blazing Slide". Heatblast swiftly propels himself forward while sliding and surrounds himself in a layer of fire for extra damage on impact against the opponent.
"Armageddon". Heatblast ascends into the sky while raining fireballs upon his enemies, then comes back down and creates a large pillar of fire when he lands.
"Solar Flare" and "Fire Moon". Heatblast sends out crescent-shaped projects made out of fire.
"Meteor Slam". Heatblast jumps, creates and tosses a large sphere of fire and then chucks it at the floor, creating a pillar of fire.
Ben 10: Galactic Racing
Heatblast is a playable racer in the game.
Ben 10: Omniverse
Heatblast is a playable alien in the game (by both 11-year-old and 16-year-old Ben).
Ben 10: Omniverse 2
Heatblast is a playable alien in the game (only on 3DS).
Punch Time Explosion XL
Heatblast is one of the aliens used by 10-year-old Ben. For unknown reasons, the flames on his head are missing.
Project Exonaut
Heatblast is a plyable exosuit of the Banzai Squadron on Project Exonaut. His weapon mod increases the damage, but slows the firing rate of the Marksman. He is available for purchase at level 40 for 5000 coins.
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Naming and Translations
Language Name Origin
Heatblast is the first alien Ben ever transformed into in the Classic Continuity and the entire franchise. Coincidentally, the first alien used in Alien Force (Swampfire) also has heat-based abilities like Heatblast.
Heatblast is replaced with Whampire, the final alien introduced in the Classic Continuity, in the opening intro of Omniverse's Arc 5.
Despite not appearing in Alien Force, Heatblast's hologram can be briefly seen on the recalibrated Omnitrix in Vengeance of Vilgax: Part 1[33] and Busy Box.[34]
Derrick J. Wyatt believed that Heatblast was never used off-screen during Alien Force.[DJW 2]
Heatblast's flaming appearance resembles Marvel Comics' Human Torch, a member of the Fantastic Four.
Heatblast's voice has changed throughout his appearances:
In the original series, Heatblast's voice was deep and raspy.
In Race Against Time, his voice was mostly similar to his original voice except it was less deep.
In Don't Drink the Water, 4-year-old Heatblast had a high-pitched voice.
In Ultimate Alien, 16-year-old Heatblast's voice was a deeper version of Jetray's.
In The Forge of Creation, 10-year-old Heatblast's voice leans closer to what it was in the original series.
In Omniverse, Heatblast's voice sounds like Ghost Rider, another Marvel Comics superhero with fire-based powers.
Heatblast tends to make fire-based puns.
Among all of Ben's aliens who have eyes, Heatblast is the only one who never had green colored eyes.
Heatblast was originally planned to be one of the playable aliens in the online game, Game Creator, but was soon removed from the game when Alien Force aired.
Gwen 10's Heatblast would resemble Ben Prime's Heatblast except she would be colored pink.[DJW 3]
Bad Ben's Heatblast would instead look exactly the same as his Prime Timeline counterpart but with the Omnitrix symbol recolored mint green.[DJW 4]
Heatblast is Steven T. Seagle's and Tara Strong's[AC 2] favorite alien.
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