The manner of speaking the elven Elders had towards Sylvester changed drastically in Alfia. No more did they try to argue with him or show him their usual pride. Rather, they even feared looking him in the eye.
It was a matter of shame to the Elders. The way they had dismissed Sylvester as a Supreme Wizard, someone weaker than their King. It all had thoroughly backfired for them.
"I'll be taking all the human and Beastkin slaves you have in Alfia with me. It doesn't matter to me how you abolish slavery, nor do I care. Alfia, as a civilisation, must learn to exist with their own hard work and innovate to automate processes with magic. Or, if you really want servants—hire them with money. Right to life and dignity is a thing I have introduced in Sol. Alfia can use it as well," Sylvester voiced his thoughts while sitting in the room with the Elders.
With heads hanging low, the Elders could only accept his wishes as this one was absolute.
[A/N: Don't forget to unload your heavy load of stones and GT on me!]
(Any super gift above the Castle shall get you an NPC character with your name in the story.)
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