46.06% I Am Peter Parker (MARVEL AU) / Chapter 39: Bonds

บท 39: Bonds

"Relax Wade, it's going to be alright." Peter said as he helped Wade into a pod filled with azure liquid.

"What is this? It looks like soda." Wade asked, shivering as his body was immersed in the liquid.

"It doesn't taste like one though, trust me." Peter smirked as he monitored Wade's vitals on a screen. Gwen and Susan who were assisting him giggled as Wade squirmed. Giving his vitals a last look he walked towards Wade and grabbed his hand to reassure the mentally disturbed Canadian mercenary. "Okay, I'm going to explain the operation to you once so listen carefully okay?"


"Firstly we will be draining out your contaminated blood and supply you a chemical for a brief while that will clot the remaining cancer affected cells together." Peter explained as Wade started at Peter nodding deeply. "Then after running some scans I'm going to inject your body with some nanobots that will clear out the clots of cancer. Once the nanobots are out, I'm going to inject you with a special immunity booster I specially engineered for you to counter cancer cells from resurfacing ever again and it will give you some additional abilities as a bonus so I think you should look forward to being cured of cancer."

"Oh, wow." Wade replied with a blank look on his face as Peter, Gwen and Susan could almost see the question marks floating above his head.

'He isn't listening, is he?'

"Wade, are you listening?" Peter asked tapping his cheek as Wade sighed dreamily.

"Of course gorgeous."

'He isn't listening.' Peter, Gwen and Susan face-palmed simultaneously but Peter smiled helplessly.

"I don't know what I'm going to do with you, Wade." Peter smiled before he blasted Wade with his pheromones which took effect immediately. Peter helped Wade wear the oxygen mask as he submerged his face under the azure liquid. "Don't resist it, this makes you numb to the pain and keeps you half-dead until the operation is over. I'll ask May to make chimichangas for you to eat once this operation is over."

"Mmhmm." Wade mumbled in a daze as he begin to lose his consciousness, his grip loosening around Peter's hand as submitted to the darkness.

Peter smiled as he looked at Wade.

"I'll save you."

Peter nodded to Gwen and Susan as they started the operation. Under Peter's command, Eryl took control over the robotic arms and made cuts in Wade's major arteries and veins and connected pipes to each opening sucked out the contaminated blood and supplied with the cleaning chemical.

Peter and the two blonde bombshells worked for an hour straight finally sighing in relief as the clot of the cancerous cells were cleared up and the nanobots were extracted out.

"Proceed to inject the serum, SS-XI." Peter nodded as the robot injected Wade with the serum. Peter in the meanwhile drained the once azure liquid and filled it again but this time the liquid was green. "Proceed to heat the contained a little, let's jump-start the simulation of the X-Genes that have been lying dormant in the body of Wade Winston Wilson."

"Heating the pod in 3... 2... 1!" Susan pressed the button as the liquid outside Wade's body began to bubble slowly emitting a low glow as it began to stimulate the serum that was flowing through his veins now speeding to each of his cells.

Peter hummed to himself as he closed the lid of the pod and allowed the water to heat properly to the point of emitting steam. Peter narrowed his eyes and pressed a button as two minimized versions of vita-rays dropped from the ceiling and beamed Wade who was inside the pod.


Peter grimaced as he heard Wade scream in pain as he tried to thrash around trying to escape. There was nothing more Peter could do but watch as Wade slipped in an out of consciousness.

After fifteen long painful minutes, the process finally finished as the pod opened up. The liquid inside the pod had dried up revealing a slightly sweaty Wade snoring blissfully into la-la-land.

Peter sighed in relief as Eryl congratulated him on his success. Settings Wade on a stretched Peter sighed leaning back into his chair.

"Damn man, what a drag." Peter sighed to himself but he couldn't help but smile as he looked at the passed out Wade. "But I can't find it to be unpleasant anymore."

After making sure his vitals were stable Peter along with Gwen and Susan left the basement to have dinner and unwind together.

But it was ultimately cut short as they heard footsteps rushing up from the basement.

"Dude! You don't won't believe this!" Wade looked at Peter with wide eyes, his face displaying a weird mix of fear and excitement. "I had the craziest fucking dream ever!"

"Wade, calm down-"

"Dude, I had this fucking nightmare where I was dying in a world where you didn't exist! Then I was approached by this creepy dude called Ajax that looked like Frank Martin from the shitty transporter reboot they did! Man, it was creepy-"

"Deep breath, Wade. Must have been terrifying-"

"Yeah, right?! Imagine a world where you don't exist?! That's blasphemy!"

"I don't know about you guys... But I'm feeling really threatened right now." Gwen muttered as the rest of the ladies nodded with sour looks on their faces.

"Trust me... You aren't the only one." May muttered. "I feel like his previous one line was more romantic than anything I have said to him until now."

"I don't know how to feel..." Susan muttered.

"This fucking hussy... Must not kill, must not kill." Yuri chanted to herself.

"Anyways, what I was saying that after this creepy dude approached me with really no good intention I still accepted his offer like a fucking dumbass!" Wade flailed his arms around as he made dramatic gestures. "Then I was taken to this really, really super facility where I was given the same hospitality Joker gave Robin!"



"It was stupidly torturous man, he kept torturing me again and again-" Wade was cut short as Peter stepped in and hugged the frantic man. "Peter-I... I feared I was going to die but I didn't... I turned into this ugly abomination and I wanted to die but I couldn't. Peter-"

"It's fine, Wade. I'm here." Peter consoled Wade as he rubbed his back in a brotherly manner. "You are fine now. We are here for you."

Wade looked at the ladies who were giving him a kind smiled and after a moment of hesitation hugged Peter back.

"I... Thank you. Thank you so, so much."

"Always, for a real one." Peter smiled as he pulled back. "Always for you. You are my best friend aren't you?"

Wade's eyes widened as he looked at Peter's grin which he returned.

"Hell yea,h I am... I am the best friend you'll ever have!"

"Haha, good. Come now, eat with us." Peter said as he gestured towards the table. "After we eat I'll tell you what happened to you and what has changed."

"Man I don't know about that... I still feel a bit nauseous from that whole thing back there."

"Oh, bummer. I actually asked May to make chimichangas, especially for you-"

"What the hell dude? Are you gonna stand there all day? If you don't catch up I'm going to eat your share as well!"

Peter cracked a smile to himself as Wade seemingly teleported onto the empty chair as he began to shove his face with food.

"Oh? But, I thought you were nauseous-"

"Well, you know what? Fuck nausea!"

"Mind your fucking language dude." Peter laughed to himself as he sat beside Wade. "You can't swear in my fucking house."



The rest of the night was spent in good spirits as the spider family welcome Wade as their newest family member and joked around while they feasted on some delicious chimichangas


"So, how did May's process go?" Peter asked as he approached Susan and an unconscious May who was laying on a stretcher.

"It was a success without a shadow of a doubt. The mild enhancement was a success and as you have modified the vita-projector the process wasn't painful. It only caused her some slight discomfort, but she's more than healthy rest assured. In fact, she has never been this better." Susan said as she handed Peter a device which he ignored in favour of gulping down May's new look through his eyes.

There was a slight layer of sweat covering her skin that made her light brown skin colour glisten under the light. The wrinkles on her face were all gone and even past blemishes had disappeared. Her breath had become more full and her body looked good with a healthy amount of muscles.

"Damn..." Peter muttered to himself as he tried to hold himself back. This didn't go unnoticed by Susan who whacked him in the head and told him to concentrate.

"I would like you to not be horny since you are going to work on Gwen next and I don't want two Spider-people fucking around the house in weird positions across the ceiling if possible," Susan said as she rubbed her temples. "You know how much of a cheat your existence is?"

"I don't know about that but ouch!... That hurt my feelings."

"It's already crazy that you can turn other people and give them abilities similar to yours but what's more crazy is that you can also influence and control just how drastic their transformation is."

"Pretty neat, right?"

"It's ridiculous. It's like you are Lord Dracula except your spirit animal is a spider."

"Ahaha, good one."

"Anyways you need to be careful when you bite her and inject her with your venom otherwise you might unknowingly affect her with your lust and turn her into a spider succubus or something ridiculous like that."

"Hmmm, it's not a bad idea-ouch! What the hell Sue?!"

"I'm serious, Peter." Susan said as she placed her hand on her hips. "You need to be careful."

"I will be, man. Just relax." Peter grinned as he gave her a thumbs up. "I've mastered most of my abilities so don't worry about that."

"I really, really hope so." Susan sighed as she turned towards May. "I think you should get going, Gwen is waiting for you up."

"Yeah, I'll get going-oh! Before I go umm... I just remembered something." Peter said as he turned towards the computer and loaded up a file. "I need you to keep a special on an eye really special individual. Here, look."

"Helen Cho?"

"Yep. She's going to be really important in the near future-"

"You are gonna fuck her too, aren't you?"

"Oh for the love of good God, no Susan no. I don't wanna fuck her. I don't fuck every woman I come across. The way you say it makes me sound like a sexual deviant or something-"

"But you do fantasize right?"

"Any healthy, straight male would. But I don't want wallflowers in my harem."

"Aha! There you said it! But what about MJ's family Mr Harem Lord~ Don't you wanna bone them?"

"Ugh!" Peter groaned in mock irritation as Susan giggled. "Just keep an eye on her research, look for opportunities to fund it and if you get the chance to recruit her, do it. She's really talented and would be a great addition to your cause."

"Regeneration Cradle?" Susan raised an eyebrow as she looked into Helen. "Isn't regeneration obsolete to us now, since you have already created a better alternative, which is faster and better?"

"Well yes but no actually. I have other means to regenerate a lost limb or multiple limbs and organs but I can't just part this ability to anybody and everybody who'll be working for us in the future. If we help her create this cradle we can mass-produce healing and restoration chambers that way we won't lose many people even if we send our people for war. Also, we can introduce a water-downed version of this cradle to the public which will help our image and improve the health of the general public." Peter explained his idea as Susan nodded with a hum. "Also... This is more than just a simple regeneration pod."

"What do you mean?"

"This can print muscles tissues, help mend broken skeletal system it can even create a skeletal system with the right tuning and under the right operator. Pretty cool right?"

"Yeah, but what's the point-"

"But it can't create a living body... At least that's what Helen says. But..." Peter grinned as he clicked a button loading a new file. Susan's eyes widened as she read its content. "I say... With the right material and planning. It's very possible."

"Peter... Oh my god. This is-"

"Yep, I have a way to create bodies for Juno and Eryl."

"I... I need to study this."

"Alright, I'll leave you to it then. Feel free to let me know if I can make any improve anything, okay?"


"I'll ask May to bring you coffee, I have a feeling that you are going to say up all night with this."

"Mmhmm." Susan replied not really paying attention as Peter smiled to himself.

"And you call me a workaholic. How dare you?" Peter kissed her cheek as he pulled back and turned to leave.

"I love you, babe." Susan said without looking back.

"I know and I know that you know that I love you more."

"And we both know that's debatable."

"Haha." Peter laughed as he climbed up and left the basement and climbed to his bedroom. Opening the bedroom door, Peter smiled as he was greeted by a nervous Gwen who was pacing around the room.

She smiled nervously as she spot him.

"Peter... Um hi." She fiddled with her thumb.

"Haha. We know each other for a good while now and quite intimately as well. I don't know why you are acting like it's your first date." Peter grinned.

"I'm just that my whole world is about to change now. I'm about to change."

"Understandable. So, how are you feeling."

"Nervous and excited." Gwen replied her breathing picking up as Peter walked towards her. "M-Mostly excited but yeah... A bit n-nervous as well."

"So, you want to not do this today?" Peter asked as he put his hand on her cheek and smiled gently as she leaned into his palm closing his eyes.

"Nope... Not at all." Gwen replied opening her eyes. Pulling her shirt, she exposed her neck and shoulder to him. "Make me yours."

"Gladly." Peter said as he pulled her into a soft and gentle kiss as he began releasing his pheromones. Gwen began to feel her eyes growing heavier as Peter's scent lulled her into a sense of absolute comfort and protection. "Don't resist it. Embrace it, embrace the change."

Gwen moaned softly as Peter buried his fangs into her neck softly as he inject her with his venom.

"Tonight you'll be born again as a new you."

Gwen had embraced herself for pain subconsciously but it never came as she floated in her consciousness.

"Welcome to my world, Ghost-Spider."


Alternate Titles:

- I don't have friends, I have family. (lol)

- Captian Deadpool & Co.

- Count Parker (use Romanian accent)


Soo... New chapter, weren't expecting this so soon, were you, aye?

Anyways, this concludes Vol. 2 and Vol. 3 will start with Peter's College days. So there will be a month and a half gap between Vol. 2 and 3.

I hope you liked the chapter and if you did let me know. Also definitely let me know if there is something I can improve and all, constructive criticism, ya know?

Anyways, I haven't seen the new Batman movie yet and so I wanted to know what your thoughts are on it. Frankly, I'm dreading to watch it since the lady who was cast as the Catwoman (Zoe something, something) is pissing me off with her attitude lately. She was accusing Christopher Nolan of being racist because she wasn't cast as the Catwoman during the Batman trilogy and now I saw a clip of snubbing and talkin' shit about Tifa and Aerith (T.T)

I don't want to let my feelings cloud my judgement so I hope you all can give me your honest reviews without spoiling the movie for me. I'd appreciate it.

Anyways, I'll see you guys in the next volume and I hope you are strapped in cause boy... Things are going to happen.

next chapter
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