9.09% I am a special zombie. / Chapter 1: CHAPTER 1 - Am I a monster?
I am a special zombie. I am a special zombie. original

I am a special zombie.

นักเขียน: AngelPikas2

© WebNovel

บท 1: CHAPTER 1 - Am I a monster?

Zombies, undead, monsters, rotting bodies, etcetera. They are some of the most popular creatures in horror and science fiction movies. I always believed that a zombie invasion would be impossible to succeed. There are several factors that would prevent a zombie pandemic.

Number 1: Zombies are very slow. Seriously, would anyone not be able to escape them?

Number 2: Over time, their bodies would suffer from decomposition, swelling, stiffness, etcetera. A massive zombie invasion would only last less than a year.

Number 3: Current technology and weapons could easily kill a zombie. Additionally, if the government acts quickly, they could easily eliminate the first zombies. And if they have already infected an entire city, they could destroy it with bombs. It sounds too drastic, but it is preferable to destroy a city with the risk of killing survivors, than not doing it and risking the lives of the rest of the people in the world.

If the infection is transmitted through the air, we would be doomed, but if the infection is transmitted through classic bites, we would have salvation.

Oh... That's what I thought.

"Zei is still turned!"

"Zei, wake up!"

"Damn it, we're surrounded! Zei, wake up already!"

I opened my eyes slowly.

Shit, I still wanted to sleep a little more... Huh?! What a sight! There's nothing better than waking up surrounded by naked women!

"Zei woke up!"

"Just in time. Go and kill those zombies. We ran out of bullets."

...Ah... Ahhhhhhh! I'm already uncomfortable! I like seeing them, but them looking directly at me while I see them makes me very uncomfortable!

"W-why are you naked?!"

That's my only question right now. Yeah, I have to admit that I like what I see, but this situation doesn't make sense!

"Don't be exaggerating, we're in our underwear."

"The zombies attacked us while we were showering."

Being surrounded by more than 10 beautiful girls in their underwear is a situation I never imagined living, but I'm living it! Men of the world who are still alive, be jealous of me...! Although I envy you, because you can have sex and kiss women. I can't do that! Ahhhhhhh! So many delicious cakes around me and within my reach, and I can't taste them! I hate my situation! Although I admit that it has benefited me quite a bit.

"Oh, I see. I like this view."

"Zei, you idiot, don't waste time!"

Uwaaaah! Damn flat Elven bitch!

Celes hit me on the head, as always! Why don't I know any blond Elves with huge breasts?! They're always kind!

"Kill those stupid zombies, you bastard! I want to take a bath!"

"Damn useless flat Elf, I told you not to hit me!"

"Who are you calling flat, you shitty freak?!"

"To the only flat Elf here, flat, flat, flat, flat!"

"You're dead!"

"Literal... I'm literally dead, you idiot flat Elf!"

"D-don't fight, please."

Rina, the dark Elf in our group, is a shy and adorable girl. It's impossible to say no to that girl. She's so different from this crazy flat Elf! Ahhhhhhh! Everything I knew about fantasy creatures turned out to be more false than the love my ex-girlfriend swore she felt for me, who by the way, cheated on me.

I'll stop arguing with this flat Elf because I don't want Rina to feel bad.

"Shut up, don't get involved, inferior Elf!"

Only she would dare to say no to someone as adorable as Rina. Ahhhhhh! She's so unbearable!

If I were the leader of the group, I would kick her out without hesitation! Unfortunately, I'm not the leader, I'm basically a slave to this group.

"You two, stop fighting! Zei, we don't have time! The walls won't hold much longer!"

I sighed... I can't refuse the orders of the leader, the giant... Even though she's only 3 meters tall, she's not that giant... Although her breasts are definitely giant.

Yes, indeed, the walls of our temporary house won't hold much longer. The strength of these zombies never ceases to amaze me, although they are rubbish compared to me.

A fairy named "Nashai."

A dark elf named "Rina."

A stupid flat elf named "Celes."

Two humans named "Mary" and "Sakura."

A catgirl named "Diana."

A doggirl named "Rose."

Two Titan women named "Rem" and "Number 8."

A ghost woman named "Roxy."

My best friend and companion, who shares my curse: "Kiasan."

And three little cyclops girls named "Mei," "Rim," and "Sylvia" who, by the way, hate me and cut my neck when they have the chance to do so. Damn brats! They're lucky to be cute.

Am I in a fantasy world? Was I summoned or reincarnated into a fantasy world? Am I living an isekai adventure?

I wish I could say yes, but no... I'm in my original world... They're the ones who changed worlds.

Why am I with them? Why is there a zombie pandemic? Well... It's a long story.

My name is Zei, and this is the story of how my life was ruined forever.

I am a special zombie.

CHAPTER 1 - Am I a monster?

Oh... Ah... I feel weird. I think Sara's infidelity really affected me. I feel sick.

I woke up a little dizzy. Everything is spinning. Ah, I need a glass of water. And a delicious meal, I'm hungry! A delicious breakfast will give me enough energy to feel better! Come on, Zei, don't get discouraged, you're just dizzy! Move your butt and go have breakfast!

I get up from my bed. Uffff. The floor is cold... Oh, everything is cold. You can tell it's winter. You know what that means, Zei?

Yes... Christmas is one month away! Fat old man in red, I hope you have my gaming PC ready! I want to stream and make a living just playing video games!

Fufu. Although I already found out my mother bought it for me. Thank you very much, mother! I promise to continue being an exemplary son for you...! Oh... The nausea won't go away.

I want to vomit... Did what I ate yesterday make me sick? And they were so delicious burgers... Huh?

Wait... The floor is cold, but it feels different. What is this texture?

I looked down to see if everything is in order... Huh? What is this?


I realized that there is blood on the floor... Dry blood...? No... It's somewhat fresh blood... Did someone have an accident?

I have suffered many accidents in my life because of my stupidity, so I know blood perfectly. This is blood. Did my mother have an accident and I didn't notice? I feel fine... Well, yes, I'm dizzy, but I don't think it's my blood.

"What happened?"

... I'm worrying too much. This is not normal at all... Besides, the atmosphere is very... quiet. You can't even hear a car. This is weird. Usually at this time the streets are noisy. Are people not going to work today? This only happens on Sundays, but it's Friday. This is getting weirder and weirder.

I leave my room. I need to make sure my mother is okay. If my mother is okay, then I probably vomited blood last night and didn't even realize it.

We don't have any pets, so I highly doubt that... Huh? What happened here?

This is getting even weirder. Several pieces of furniture are on the floor... Was there a fight or an earthquake? How strange, I didn't feel or hear anything. Do I sleep that heavily?

Now I'm even more worried.

"What happened here?"

... Did my mother have an accident because of that earthquake? No... I don't think so. If the blood in my room is my mother's, why didn't she wake me up to help her? She's not an idiot, she knows perfectly well that she should wake me up so that I could get medical help... Wait... What if she tried to wake me up and I never woke up?!

"Ahhhhhhhh! I'm an idiot! Mother, mother, please tell me you're okay!"

Why do I sleep so heavily...?! Huh? What's that sound?

"Wa... Rrrrrr.... Grrrrr..."

Growls? Did a rabid dog come into the house?!

I heard a growl coming from the kitchen... It sounds very aggressive, but... It doesn't seem like a dog's growl... No... It's... talking.

"La... Ba... Na... Ze... Grrrr..."

It's saying some words... That voice... Could it be...?


Yes... It's her voice... Hahahahahaha! Mother, you won't scare me this time! Your rapist thief costume really scared me on Halloween, but this time you won't scare me!

But... Yes, my mother usually likes to scare me on Halloween, but... Why would she scare me today? She never does, only on Halloween.

... I don't think she's trying to scare me.

I head to the kitchen... I'm starting to get a little scared... What if it's a thief?

"Who's there? Answer me!"

... I don't get a response, the growling continues. Shit.

"M-mother, if this is another one of your pranks, you won't get a Christmas present."

... No... I still don't get any response.

I'm going to go in. It could be a thief and I could end up dead, or even worse, violated, but the voice I hear is my mother's. I'm sure it's just a joke.

I enter the kitchen and see my mother standing in front of the refrigerator.

What a relief, it's not a thief.

"Mother? Why are you making those strange noises? If you're trying to scare me, I warn you that you'll be without a Christmas present! This tense atmosphere almost gave me a heart attack!"


My mother turns around... Huh?


This is... What? She has white eyes and blood on her face... Huh?! White eyes?! Blood?! What does that mean?! What happened to her?!

... Contact lenses? Fake blood? My mother dresses up every Halloween, but it doesn't make sense for her to do it today, November 29th.

"What happened to you?!"

I got scared. I'm scared. I know my mother is probably playing a joke on me, but fear still overwhelms me.

The blood doesn't seem fake. The furniture is broken, I don't think she broke it on purpose just to scare me. The silence of the atmosphere, the furniture, the blood, my mother... This situation is not normal. What's going on?

"M-mother, please tell me you're just trying to scare me. You already did it, stop doing it!"


S-she's getting closer to me. She's scaring me more. Why won't she admit she's playing?

This Halloween, my mother dressed up as a thief, took my money, my phone, tied my legs and hands, and then pretended to take off her pants so I would think she was going to rape me. When she saw me crying, she started laughing at me and took off her costume. My mother is an expert at designing her costumes, I really thought she was a man, even her voice sounded like a man, but this is different.

My mother loves to play pranks on me, but this is exaggerated, even for her.

"Mother? Please, stop it."

She starts smelling me... Huh?

She looks like an animal smelling its food.


She stops smelling me and backs away... Still not saying anything... Ahhhhhh! I'm so fed up! I want her to stop!


I grab my mother's arm. Why is she acting so strange?! This doesn't make sense!

"What's wrong with you?! Why are you taking this joke so far?! Answer me, damn it!"

She ignores me... Why won't she answer me? This doesn't make sense. No, no, no, no... No fucking sense!!

"Mother, react!"

I gave her a strong slap. I know I shouldn't hit my mother, but she asked for it! She's scaring me too much!

... She's growling again, like a rabid animal.

Why is she making weird noises?

Why is she acting like this?

What the hell is going on?

"What's wrong with you?"

This situation... is not normal.

"Ah... I don't understand anything."

It's best not to pay attention to her. She probably found out that I had sex with Sara in her bed and wants to get revenge on me.

"If you're mad about what happened with Sara, you have to understand that your son is a teenager, I couldn't help it."

I opened the refrigerator and took out some eggs.

"Do you want some breakfast?"

... She keeps growling.

"Ah... Stop joking around. I have to go to school, I don't have time to play along. Although I have to admit your costume is amazing! With just some contact lenses and fake blood, you managed to scare the living daylights out of me! But if you do it again, I'm leaving the house."


Huh? My mother is growling, but another growl is heard, a male one... Huh? Did my mother convince someone else to play along with her? Why go this far?

I hear growls outside my house... More growls? There are more people.


I looked at my mother, acting as if she wasn't here.... This... doesn't make logical sense.

"What's the matter, you want to go viral on the internet and you're recording me? Hey, whoever is watching the video, help, my mom is prostituting me to old fat guys and old ladies!!!!"

... Still no reaction... Ahhhhhhhhhhh! I thought she would react, even a little bit, but she's still acting.... I don't understand anything anymore...!!!! Eh?


She's reacting, but...

"Seriously... I don't understand anything."

My mother reacts to the growls and tries to leave the house.

"Why don't you react when I talk to you?"

She pushes the door and hits it... Is she trying to get out that way...? Why is she acting like she's stupid? Did she forget how to open it?

Will you really continue with your stupid acting?! Ah... Ah... Ah... Well, I'll go along with it.

"Can't you open it? I'll help you."

I open the door for her.

Now what stupidity will she come up with...? Huh...? What?!!

T-this scene is really scary. It's impossible for my mother to be behind all this!!

"What the hell?!"

T-there are supposed dead bodies on the floor, destroyed cars, and people like my mother walking the streets.

Is it the end of the world?! N-no, it must be some joke or the filming of a movie... But, if it were the filming of a movie, why didn't they tell me? And if it were a joke, why go this far? I could sue those responsible! And I highly doubt my mother would play such a cruel joke on me.

"What happened?!"

I definitely don't understand anything that's going on.

"No, get away from me, monster!"

The voice of a man? A normal man!

I see a man, who looks normal, running. Finally, I can get some answers!

"Hey, what's going on?! Are they filming a movie?!"

The man stops and looks at me. I don't know him. I doubt he's some famous actor.

... Huh? That expression of surprise... Is he afraid of me?

"Excuse me, Mr. Actor, sorry for ruining the take, but I think my mother got too into the role and won't talk to me!"

"A talking zombie?!"


... Did I hear right?


Oh, is it a zombie movie? I see. By the way, that actor really knows how to improvise. My congratulations, sir... Huh?

Is something running...? Ahhhhhh! That something is my mother!

My mother ran out and headed towards that man.

"Shit!" Said the man, scared to death, or well, pretending to be scared. Uffff, what a great actor you are. I almost believed you were scared.

Oh, my mother is participating in the shot. Great. How much will they pay her to participate in the movie?

The man tries to run, but he trips, falling to the ground.

Wow... I was expecting something more epic. Is he a filler character?


My mother approaches the man and starts to... eat him... Is she really eating him? Is she really eating him?!

... Ah... What?

... This is... real?

My mother... Is she eating his neck? She's devouring him like a hungry wild animal.

... Is all this real?

She's eating him. I would say it's acting, but those screams of pain, those big bites that tear huge pieces of flesh off him, all that blood... This... is real.

... Real...

"... Is this happening?"

... Yes... It's... happening.

"Is my mother... a zombie...? A real zombie...? Am I in a zombie apocalypse?! Ahhhhhh! This can't be happening!

I-I would say it's a dream, but it's too real to be a dream.

... Wait... Did that man say I was a zombie?

... Am I a zombie?

My mother didn't try to attack me... The zombies around me aren't trying to attack me... No... This can't be real... Ahhhhhh! I refuse to believe it's real!

"But I have to confirm it."

I enter the bathroom of my house and look at myself in the mirror... Ah... Ahhhhhh! What happened to my beautiful face?!

"What happened to me?!"

My eyes are white and there was dry blood in my mouth... Blood... Did I eat someone?!

"... Am I a zombie...? Ahhhhhh! I'm a zombie! I didn't even last a day in a zombie apocalypse?! I'm useless...! But how was I infected? I feel pretty... normal.

I take off my clothes and check my body... Nothing. I don't have any wounds... Does the infection spread through the air?

"I don't have any wounds... How was I infected...? Is my mother dead?!!"

Ahhhhhhh!! We're both dead!!

I leave the house and see that the man who was eating my mother had become a zombie. A classic zombie. The infection can be transmitted through bites.

Rest in peace, bro, although I don't care about your death because I don't know you.

"Damn, the world has gone to hell."

I see my mother walking away from the house. Ahhhhhh! Don't go! If any normal human sees you, they might kill you...! Although I think we're already dead, mother.


I run towards my mother.

I don't know what's happening in this place exactly.

I don't know why my mother turned into that.

But I don't care if she's a zombie, she's still my mother. I'll protect her, I won't let her be killed again.

If I can control myself, my mother can too!

I grab her arm.

"Mother!! Listen to me, mother!!"

I lift her face and look her in the eyes.


She doesn't show any reaction... Why isn't she speaking? Why isn't she smiling? Why isn't she doing anything?!


I couldn't bear it anymore and let out the tears that I had been holding back. I lost my mother...! I lost my mother... My mother is dead... And so am I. I'm dead. It's probably just a matter of time before I lose control of my body and die for good. I couldn't protect my mother, but it's not my fault that the zombie apocalypse started while I was sleeping.

Mother, I'm so sorry.

"What's going on? Why can't you speak? Why can I speak...? I don't understand anything... Mother, nod if you understand me."

My mother still doesn't react... She doesn't understand me... She doesn't reason... She stopped being human.

"Mother... Uwaaaah!"

Shots?! Damn, shots!

The classic zombie hunters are coming! I have to get my mother away from them!

I know she's a zombie, but I won't allow them to harm her. First, I'll investigate if it's possible for her to regain control of her own body.


I grab her arm.

"We have to go inside."

She resists... Damn it! Do you want to die again?! Listen to me!

"We have to go inside!"

The shots are getting closer. Ahhhhhh! I don't want to die again!

"Mother...! Huh?!"

They shot my mother in the chest and it seems like she doesn't feel any pain. But that doesn't change the fact that they shot her!

"Uwaaaah! Mother!"

I lift my hands. Please, look at my hands! We surrender!

"Don't shoot! We're not completely zombies! If you kill us, you'll be committing murder, and they'll rape you in jail without lube!"

"Are you infected?"

"I don't have any weapons! I'll turn slowly, but don't be scared! I'm more scared than you are!"

I turn slowly and see an older, dark-skinned man with a gun. Wow, he looks pretty tough. He looks like the classic protagonists in zombie stories!

"Are you a zombie?!"

"I don't know...! I think so, but I don't know why! I can control myself, I swear I won't try to eat you!"

"Can you talk?!"

"Help me, I don't know what's happening to me...! Uwaaaah! Mother, no!"

My mother observed the man, growling, and tried to run towards him.


I hold her tightly to prevent her from running.

"Idiot, do you want to die?! Please, forgive my mother, she can't control herself!"

I have to prevent her from killing my mother! It's not necessary to kill her, I'll hide her in the house and lock her in! She can't open doors!

"Don't hurt her, I beg you!"

"Hey, I have to kill her, she's a zombie!"

"No, please, I just have to put her in the house!"

"... Alright."

"Thank you!"

The man has terrible aim, but at least he killed the zombies on the street. I have to be careful with him.

I try to get to my house with my mother, but she keeps resisting. I have to pull her harder. I'm afraid of hurting her, but I have no other choice. If she escapes, that man will kill her.

"Mother, stop resisting!"

Just a little more... a little more... Yupi!

I reach my house and force her inside. Done!

"Don't leave!"

I lock the door and close it. Mission accomplished! Ahhhhhhhh! I hate this situation!


I sit on the ground and my mother starts pushing the door, trying to get out.

I'm sorry, mother, but it's for your own safety.

"What's happening, sir?! Ahhhhhhhh! I don't understand anything!"

The man approaches me and aims his weapon at me. I don't blame him, even I know that this situation is strange. I'm supposed to be a zombie, I'm supposed to be dead, but I'm still talking as if I'm alive.

"Why can you talk?"

"I don't know, yesterday I was normal and now I'm a zombie, but I don't know why I can talk. Maybe it's a mutation of the virus, or my immune system is on another level... Ah, I don't know."

"This is weird. When you're infected, you become a zombie immediately, but you can't talk... Do you want to eat me?"

You wish, sir. My little body belongs to women... and traps. It's just a curiosity, don't blame me. I've always been curious about doing it with a trans girl.

Putting the foolishness aside, no, I don't want to eat human flesh. I'm hungry, but I prefer normal food.

"No, I feel normal, I don't want to eat people."

"... Stand up."

I get up from the floor and he looks at me from head to toe, analyzing my body.

Appreciate the work of art that I am, I give you permission. Fufu... Ah... Zei, making jokes won't change the situation.

Ah, I know, but at least it relaxes me. My mother is dead, sorry for trying to be calm!

"You have white eyes and blood in your mouth."

"That's how I woke up. I don't know why I have blood in my mouth."

"This is weird."

It's my chance to find out more about the situation.

"Are there zombies everywhere? What's going on?"

"Zombies appeared last night, I don't know why, but in a few hours the whole city was overrun by zombies."

That's ridiculously fast. Is it airborne? That would explain why I was infected without being bitten.

"In a few hours? Can you tell me everything you know about zombies? You know, to avoid acting like one and getting killed! Ahhhhhhh! I don't understand anything about my fucking situation!"

"The little I know is that when you're infected, you immediately become a zombie. Zombies are attracted by sound and are very fast runners."

"By sound?"


... Are you mentally retarded? Do you have mental retardation, idiot?

"Don't you think it's stupid to use a gun? I mean, that makes a lot of noise."

... Oh... Look, my new family. Running towards us... Ahhhhhhh! Idiot, you should never use guns in the city! Don't you know that millions of people live here?! Which means there are millions of zombies!

The zombies were attracted by the sound.

They are heading towards us running... I guessed it.

Uwaaaah! There are many!

"Shit, run if you don't want to die!"


"Through the window of my room, I always leave it open! Get inside the house!"

It's easy to open because I used to sneak my girlfriend in... Ahhhhhhh! There's no time to explain to the readers!

We head towards the window and the man enters my room.

He climbed onto my shoulders to reach the second floor more easily. I must admit that I didn't feel him very heavy, and he's a very tall and burly man. Could this be the advantages of being a zombie?

"Get up!"

The zombies are heading towards me. I don't have time to climb up!

Goodbye world. I'm going to die... Again. And it will be a painful death... I will be devoured. I wanted a cooler and more epic death! It's not fair!

"Shit! Goodbye, world! I'll miss your food, your women, and video games! Goodbye, mother, see you in the afterlife! Goodbye, friends, it was a pleasure meeting you! Sebastian, I hope your death is extremely painful! Go to hell, asshole! With love, Zei... Oh, my last words are dragging on... Mmm... Oh! Sebastian, the only good thing about you is your sister...! Ah... This... Hey, you fucking zombies, are you going to kill me or not? Ah... How embarrassing! I made a fool of myself!"

The zombies surround me and ignore me. Am I not delicious? That offends me! Although it also saved me from dying.

"Ah... The same thing happened to my mother, my mother didn't attack me."

"You'll be fine, I'll close the window!"

"Yes! By the way, don't check the drawers or I'll bite you!"

My private things should stay private.

The man throws me a knife and closes the window.

"Help me kill them!"

"You want me to commit murder?! What else? Ahhhhhhh!"

"Do it!"

D-damn it.

I take the knife... It's the only option in a zombie apocalypse... I have to do it.

... If I don't kill them, they'll kill that man... They're zombies, Zei, not people... Ahhhhhh! Do it!

"Damn, I have to do it!"

There were 10 zombies around me. 10 zombies I have to kill.

They're not people... They're not people... They're not.

My mother ate a person. Zombies are monsters... Though my mother is an exception. I'm a hypocrite, but I'll try to save my mother. If I can control myself, so can she. But I won't try to save any more zombies! I have enough with my mother.

All zombies must die...! Except my mother... and me, of course.


I stick the knife in one's head and it falls to the ground... Yes, the weakness is still the head. But it's so disgusting!


Ah... It's kill or be killed... I have to adapt... They're monsters, not humans... They're monsters. If they stay alive, they'll kill more people. I have to kill them to prevent more innocent people from dying!

I follow the same procedure with all of them. Die, die, die!

... Ah... It's not as epic as in the movies, but at least I took care of them.

Fufu. Being immune has its advantages.

"You can come out!"

"That was amazing! Well done!"

"You're welcome. You owe your sister."


"You owe me a salad."

The man leaves through the window.

"Thank you so much, you saved my life!"

"Hey, what's wrong with me? Why are they ignoring me? Am I not tasty?"

"You're a zombie, they don't eat each other."

"Why don't I want to eat you? Why can I talk? Ahhhhhh! So many mysteries and no clues!"

"I don't know, but you could be useful. Do you want to join me and form a team?"


"You know, to kill zombies and save people."

Oh... That sounds... so cool! A team that kills zombies, with a special zombie as a member! Is there a movie like that? Mmm... I don't know, but I'll accept!

I wanted to stay and take care of my mother, but I won't get the answers I want if I stay here. It's what my mother would want. She'd be disappointed if I stayed here doing nothing for the people.

But I won't let them experiment on me. They won't experiment on my body!

I know my body could have the cure for the virus, you know, being a zombie that can maintain control and all that, but I'd rather stay alive, thank you!

"I guess it's better than staying here and watching my mother eat people."

"I appreciate it."

He extends his hand.

"My name is Erick."

Oh, he stopped being afraid of me.

Erick, huh? I was expecting a cooler name.

I shake his hand.

"My name is Zei."

"Wow, you're not cold... That's weird."

"Should I be cold?"

"Yes, zombies are undead, and their bodies are cold."

Oh... Well, I don't know, so I won't say anything about it.

"I see... What do we do now?"

"Get food."

"There's food in the refrigerator. How are we going to carry it?"

"I have a truck. Bring the food, I'll get the truck."


Erick is leaving and I enter my house through the window. Wow, I really feel stronger than before. It used to take me longer to climb up.

"I must be dreaming... Why can I speak if I'm a zombie?"

I look for my mother and approach her.

"Mother, I'm going away for a while, I have to find out what happened to us... I can't let you go out, they could kill you. I'll close all the doors and windows so you don't leave."

I give her a kiss on the forehead... On her cold forehead... Cold...

"I'll be back. I'll try to find the answers to my questions and I swear I'll do everything I can so that you can also control yourself."

I take all the food from the refrigerator and take it out the window.

"... Goodbye, mother..."

I smile at her.

"Thank you for everything... I love you."

I swear I'll try... I swear.

Erick arrives with the truck. Wow... It's huge. And it's stained with blood. He ran over several zombies with that thing. Perfect. It'll serve us to escape when necessary.

"Pretty, isn't it?"

"What good taste you have."

"I stole it. Fufu."

Well, stealing is normal in a zombie apocalypse. To hell with the law, now the law of the strongest prevails! Everything is fair game for survival...! Although, now that I think about it, now that there is a zombie apocalypse and it is impossible to force all people to continue obeying the laws, many people will take advantage of the situation to kill innocents... And even rape... Ah... This world will become wild.

Well, I'd better not think about that.

We stored the food in the truck. It will be enough for a couple of weeks.


Goodbye, mother... I will miss you.

I get in the truck.

—"So... Where are we going? Do you have a plan?"

"We must find a refuge."

"Of course, that's the main thing. Although, I don't know if you noticed, but I'm a zombie! They'll kill me without hesitation if we approach a refuge!"

"I mean our own refuge, not one from the government or other people."

"Oh... That makes more sense."

"Besides, we must first investigate on our own if your situation is unique or manifested with other people. I would say that taking you to the government to investigate your body would be the best, but..."

"Do you want me to bite you?"

"Exactly. I knew you wouldn't want to."

"Well, sorry for wanting to stay alive... Well, alive my way."

"You could help find a cure."

"I know, but that's my last option. The first thing I want to do is investigate on my own, and then after a while, I'll give up and go to the government. I don't want to die yet."

"Ah... Well, it's your body, your decision."

I know my decision is selfish, but I don't want to die. Besides, I know that refusing to go to the government is a way my mind indirectly tells me that it is impossible to save my mother.

Her body will rot... There is no salvation for zombies. If I sacrifice myself, only the living people will become immune to the virus, but my mother will remain dead.

My mother is the only person that matters to me, I won't sacrifice myself for someone else.

I will live for her, but I won't stop looking for a way to bring her back. It will probably be too late, but at least I will have achieved my goal of finding the cure on my own.

... Ah, who am I kidding? I don't even know what to do with my life.

Erick starts the truck and we leave.

"So... You don't know why you can talk?"

"I don't know, I just found out that I'm a zombie."

"Maybe you're immune to the virus."

"Look at my eyes, if I were immune, I wouldn't have these eyes."

"Yeah, you're right... By the way..."

He hands me a handkerchief.

"You should clean the blood from your mouth."


... Is it my mother's blood...? Please, don't let it be my mother's.

I take the handkerchief and clean the dried blood I had.

... Did I infect my mother...? I don't have any wounds, but... Ah, better not think of depressing things.

"Maybe you're a special zombie, an evolution of the virus."

"I don't think the virus could have evolved overnight. That kind of thing requires a lot of adaptation time."

"You're right."

I see many zombies outside the window... So many zombies... I highly doubt I'm the only one in this situation.

"Am I really the only zombie who can talk?"

"I've seen many zombies since last night, but you're the first one who speaks."

"Then there may be more."

"Maybe... but why?"

"We must find out. Gathering more like me will allow us to..."


A woman's scream? A woman!

Let's see... The scream came from... there.

I see two girls on top of a house, which is surrounded by zombies.

Yes, they will definitely die if I don't do something.


Erick stops.

"Do you want to save them? There are about 30 zombies."

"I thought we were a team to save people."

"Yes, but..."

"Don't worry, I'll kill them. You go take a walk so they don't get on the truck."

"Wait, there's a machete behind the seats, take it."

I take the machete... Good.

"It will be a little easier to kill them with this."


I get off the truck and Erick leaves.

There are too many zombies for a normal human, but... Fufu. I am not a human.

"Well... I'm not in any danger. Come on, come get me!"

The zombies turn to look at me.

"Run away from there!"

"They're too many!"

Oh, these kind girls, they worried about me. I like girls like that! I'll try to court the older one... Oh... right, I'm a zombie, I can't... Ahhhhhh! I have to say goodbye to kisses and sex!

"Don't worry!"

I run towards the zombies.

"They can't do anything to me!"

I start killing them... Perfect. Having an ability that allows me to be ignored is incredible. I am the perfect zombie slayer. ZombieSlayer!

"Do zombies ignore him? Why?"

"Look at his eyes, he's a zombie!"

"A zombie?!"

Ah, they found out. Oh well, I don't care! Keep killing!

I finish killing the zombies... New record.

Phew. Now I look great. Saving two girls feels much better than saving a man.

"Okay, you can come down now, they're dead!"

Well, dead again.

"We won't come down!"

"You're a zombie, you can't fool us!"

Huh? Is this how they thank me? Whatever, I don't do this to be popular with women. In fact, I can't even be with another woman again. Damn life.

"Fine, stay up there then!"

Erick arrives with the truck.

"You finished so quickly?!"

"Yeah, let's go!"

Zombies stink... I need a shower, I don't want to stink too.

"...Hey, sis, that zombie is good, we could trust him."

Huh? Did one of them change their mind? I can hear her, I don't know if my hearing improved or something.


"He helped us."


Hehe. I get in the truck. I'll give them a little scare.

"Let's go."


I knew it, they'll need our help.

The girls come down from the roof and head towards us.

"Can we go with you?"


Erick gets out of the truck.

"My partner is a zombie. Do you really want to come with us?"

"But he can talk."

"He's a good zombie."

"What do you think, Zei?"

"I really don't care."

I'm telling the truth, I don't care. As long as they don't bother me, I don't care. Why do I say that? Because I don't want to fall in love! Ahhhhhh! I can't be with a woman anymore! I'm a zombie! Can I even get erections? Ahhhhhh! I hate my life!

"Well, hop in the back."


"We appreciate it!"

They get in the back of the truck. Erick gets in and puts on his seatbelt.

"I almost forgot."

I put on my seatbelt.

"Hey, are you hungry?"

"I haven't had breakfast, I guess I'm a little hungry... Wait..."

I pull out a package of sausages.

"Do you want one?"

"No, thanks."

I pull out a sausage and eat it.

"It's not a great breakfast, but it's something."

Erick starts the truck and we're off. Ah... Well, our team has grown.

"By the way, don't you feel different?"

"Nope, I feel normal."

"That's weird."

I throw the package of sausages out the window.

"Hey, do you want one?!"

"No, thanks!"


I put away the sausages... Mmm... Ah... How boring.

"What time is it?"

"I don't know, I don't have a phone."

"I see... Where are we going?"

"The city is full of zombies... I guess we'll have to leave the city."

I'm too sleepy... Very sleepy... Too much.

"Okay... Do you mind if I sleep for a bit?"

"No problem."

I settle in and try to sleep... I'm so... sleepy.

Zei immediately fell asleep, and while Zei slept, Erick remembered his family. A family that no longer existed.

When all this zombie stuff started, he was at his daughter's house, visiting her because she had just had her first child.

Everything was happiness for him, holding his first grandchild, until some knocks on the door ruined his life.

His daughter opened the door and a zombie bit her right on the neck, causing her to scream and attract the attention of a group of zombies that entered the house.

After seeing his daughter turn into a zombie, he tried to escape through the back door with the baby, but the zombies were faster than him. When he opened the door, a zombie snatched the baby from his hands, as the baby's crying was what caught the attention of the zombies the most.

Filled with helplessness and pain, he had to endure watching his grandson being eaten by those zombies.

But instead of staying still and doing nothing, he took the shovel that his daughter had in the garden and mercilessly killed the zombies, and then had to kill his own daughter's zombie, telling himself that that thing was no longer his daughter.

And then he ran and ran, without looking back, determined to take revenge on those things.

"I don't want more people to lose their families."

He was afraid of the zombies that were trying to eat those girls, but because there were too many for a normal human like him, but Zei gave him hope that it is possible to save anyone in any situation, and that lifted his spirits.

He looked at Zei and smiled.

"With your help, we can save many families. I was lucky to meet you, Zei."

He caressed Zei's head.

"Thank you very much."

(Pov- Zei.)

(One hour later.)

"Oh, what a nice dream... Huh...? What?!"

I just woke up and the first thing I see is a crash! When did we crash?! Was I that deep asleep?! Ahhhhhh! Damn heavy sleep!

"What happened?!"

The truck was overturned and zombies were surrounding it. Ahhhhhh! How did this happen?!

"What the hell happened?!"


I hear a growl nearby... No... Please, no.

I turn around and realize Erick has turned into a zombie. Uwaaaah!!


His neck had a huge bite. He was bitten!

"Shit...! Huh? N-no... I-impossible."

I taste a strange flavor in my mouth... No... Not again... Impossible!

"No... Did I do it?!"


I get out of the truck as fast as possible.

"Please, let it not be me! I refuse to believe it!"

Why did all of this happen...?! Uwaaaah! Girls?!

I see the girls have turned into zombies. Ahhhhhh! Why?!

"What happened?!"

I see the rearview mirror on the ground. I must resolve this doubt.

"Please, please..."

I pick up the rearview mirror and look at my face.


My mouth is covered in blood. The blood of a human! Erick's blood!

"I ate Erick! Because of me, he turned into a zombie!"

After all, I'm still a damn zombie... Damn it!

(Author's note: What did you think of the first chapter? New chapter every Sunday.)

next chapter
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