100% I'm Morty But Better / Chapter 5: shop

บท 5: shop

When I got to the classroom I sat at my post and waited while keeping my eyes closed and thinking about various things, when I rang the bell I opened my eyes and saw that the math teacher Mr.Goldenfold was Eddy Murphy, what surprised me is that person who saw that it was important or mentions in the plot the haze of blurred memories that I had was dissipating, while I was watching how they taught I got bored soon and I started playing with my cell phone.

Mr.Goldenfold: Morty, how about you show us how to solve this equation (He said as he looked at me making everyone turn to see me who was playing with the cell phone)

When I saw the blackboard I saw the equation and then the teacher repeating the process a couple of times, making me raise an eyebrow at the small detail that I was seeing in the equation, when I stood up I walked to the blackboard and stood still with my hands on pockets to see the teacher.

Morty : I can't solve this (I said while looking at the equation)

Mr.Goldenfold: Oh, but to play with your cell phone yes.

Morty: They're two different things, Professor.

Mr.Goldenfold: Yes, as it will also be different if I call your father instead of your grandfather because of your lack of interest in school and in other subjects, but mostly in mine.

Morty: Petty little things.

Mr.Goldenfold: Well, this little thing will be notified to your parents, now sit down boy and we'll talk later (He said with an annoyed face and letting out a sigh)

Morty: Fine, but I would also like to tell you that I can't solve this because it's wrong (I said to take the chalk later and modify the equation by adding some signs) now if it can be solved (I mentioned while I started writing the complete resolution on the board taking up a lot of part of it, when I finished I saw how everyone had the face of idiots making me sigh)

When I finished humiliating the teacher, I began to explain each part of the equation step by step and solving some doubts they had, some even began to take notes and pay more attention to me than to Goldenfold when I explained the class, since I did teach the class and not He talks about emotional problems as if we were psychologists, Goldenfold spent 60% talking about nonsense topics and the rest explaining math classes and on some occasions he didn't even answer questions, so they didn't pay as much attention to him as before .

Once the recess bell only took my things and I left the room to my locker to leave my things and look for the others of different matter, when I took them I saw how everyone saw and some girls greeted me flirtatiously, among the whispers I could hearing how Summer had teased an overweight guy and teased why he had proposed to her.

Jessica: Hi Morty (She said as she appeared to my right once I closed the locker door)

Morty: Hi Jessica (I said seeing how she was talking to me instead of the other way around)


In the entire infinite curve of universes, each Morty from each reality felt annoyance towards themselves and jealousy, some of them thought it was another Morty from another reality, some being the most accurate knew that this self-shrugging and jealousy was due to one of them from one dimension could have made some kind of contact with the love of his life or had done something incredibly memorable receiving several compliments instead of scolding.


Jessica: What you did in class was so much fun and interesting! Thanks to you I was able to understand better than before, I didn't know you were so smart (He said with a big smile)

Morty: Thank you 'You can see that many never saw Morty's brilliance, I don't blame them, Morty was intelligent, but he was under pressure in some strange circumstance, I am still surprised how Morty, without Rick's help, managed to understand that alien machine that enlarged Morty's bust Summer in that chapter, or his strategic mind when facing the subjects who had Planetina or the day of the purge'

Jessica: I would like to know if you could please help me -.

Morty: Um , excuse me, I have something to do (I walked past her, preventing her from finishing the sentence because I saw Summer with her friends making her know who was who, next to Summer were Tricia Lange as actress Liya Silver, Nancy who knew who she was but looked better as human than cartoon and Tammy Guaterman's manipulative bitch as Maya Ray Hawke)

When her friends saw me they stopped and raised an eyebrow, seeing how I was dressed or how full I was at them.

Tricia: Wow that's your brother, is he so much hotter than before? (He said causing Summer to turn around and see her brother walking slowly like that)

Summer: Well, puberty came before (She said with grace)

Nancy: I'm hitting the growth spurt, he's taller than before. Have you been exercising ? (He said while putting up his glasses)

Tricia: And it's made him more handsome, I wonder if one more part He grew up (He said with a lewd tune, making Summer frown with annoyance) I think I want to fuck him (Making everyone see her and Summer frown more) Summer, do you think I could -.

Summer: Oh no, I won't do what you want me to do to make Morty finish -.

Morty: What does Summer do?

Summer: Nothing at all (He said as he looked up and saw me)

Morty: I'll ignore this, we need to talk.

Summer: Why would I have to talk to you?

Morty: Because of certain things, so if you don't want to talk the good ones, it will be the bad ones, it's up to you.

Summer: Well, I decide the third option, ignore you for the rest of the day.

Tricia: Don't worry handsome I can talk a lot if you want or if you want we could go to a sa …

Morty: To a salon and have unprotected sex like animals in heat and have the whole school hear how you scream my name while I make your pussy useless (I mention with a sensual tone while I approached her and being very close to her lips while she nodded meekly)

Hearing what I was saying, the girls all blushed except for Tammy's, who could be seen from far away as it was improvised where she hid a disgusted face because of what she was hearing.

Summer: You know I really want to talk now, come on Morty (He said as he pulled me away from Tricia who let out a groan of protest and then looked at Summer angrily who looked away)

Walking down the hall we went to an empty room that wasn't being used and I took Summer and then lifted her up and sat her on my lap, once I was seated I put my things aside on the desk and pinned her hands back.

Summer: Morty what the hell! Let go!

Morty: You know recently I found out that you did something bad to someone when I explicitly told you to behave (I said making her stop struggling)

Summer: And what the fuck do you care, I can do whatever the hell I want.

Morty: Well congratulations, next time you'll think that your actions have consequences in the future (I explained to then turn her over and make her lie on my lap while immobilizing her with one hand) *Slap*

Summer: Morty what the hell let go of me! *slaps*

Morty: Not until you learn that every consequence has a price *Slap*

Summer: Ah~ Stop it Morty this is weird! *Slap* You can't do this to me, I'm your sister!

Morty: I don't give a damn *Slap* that you're my sister I'll give you your punishment *Slap*

Summer: Stop it Morty it's starting to hurt.

Morty: If I eat the boy you mocked, there is no worse psychological pain than Summer *Slap* next time watch your words *Slap*

After another four spankings I stopped and massaged Summer's bottom relieving the pain, lifting her onto my lap I laid her down and stroked her back, wiping away her tears of pain.

Morty: The person you made fun of could have developed some kind of trauma when you only said stop so small and insignificant, those kind of people have it difficult you don't know why they are obese, maybe eating is a way to ease their pain or something for the style and you go and make fun of him, you don't know how the other person is outside the school, that's why he punishes you, inside the school they can be the happiest person because for them it is a safe haven, but it is ruined by people similar to you, so be careful what you say, something bad may happen in the future because you have a loose mouth (I said making her nod, when I raised her head I kissed the corner of her lips and then raised and leave her in the chair and then take my things and leave) 'The more sexual attraction I develop, the better for me'

Once her brother left, Summer was sitting on the chair for a few seconds and pressed on the words she said, when she got up she felt something wet on her lower part and when she slightly stretched her pants what she had was a small stain on her panties doing what She blushed knowing that Morty could feel it from the spanking, but she wasn't sure, because if she did, he would stop, sighing, she had to put up with the fever she was feeling in order to go to class.

Summer: 'If this continues with Morty's insinuations, his flirting and so on, I could end up sending everything to hell, I just have to be careful what I do and I'll be fine, I just have to be careful' (It was said like this herself and then leave the room)

As the hours went by, I went subject by subject, surprising each teacher with how brilliant I am, receiving compliments from some. In just a short time, I went from being the ignored, failed and weird Morty to the intelligent and handsome Morty, even some girls who weren't before. they talked to Morty they did it now even though I knew it was just a front for something else, others got annoyed at how smart I am and they tried to annoy me only to get paralyzed that included Jessica's stupid boyfriend who seeing how he talks to me in the change of salons wanted to mark his territory only to stand still like a statue.

Many others who wanted to do the same gave up when they saw that he was no longer that timid Morty and that he shuddered at every step he took or for every thing they grabbed, now he was a much more dangerous Morty and first hand, in the Second break when I was close to Summer she straightened up like a board when she saw her and I looked away when I saw her, when I entered the cafeteria I sat down as far away from everyone and began to eat in peace, but as they say peace never lasts.

Brad: Smith! (The Young Joivan Wade from Rick and Morty and Jessica's boyfriend said angrily as he entered the cafeteria)

Morty: This must be a fucking joke (With exasperation as I stood up and looked at the athlete) what do you want Brad (I said with my hands in my pockets and walked towards Brad and I saw how Summer was going to get up, but I gave her the "Look" and made him sit down again)

Brad: I want you to never talk to my girl again (He said to then take the ball from one of the boys from the Basketball club and throw it to me, but I caught it with one hand and without blinking)

Morty: Brad you are as pathetic as Billy thinking that this place is your territory, your kingdom, but I have news for you, it is not everyone, they respect you because you are a bully just like Billy, but mostly for making the school win in the soccer championships (I said making everyone stop eating and look at us)

Brad: What are you going to do to hit me, everyone knows you're a fagot, you wouldn't harm even an insect (He said making me raise the sign and see Summer who had the same face because she also knew what had happened a few moments ago)

Morty/Summer: 'I don't think this guy's very smart'

Morty: What I'll do is call your parents (I said making fun of him like everyone else And Summer covered her face) you know Brad, I feel so sorry for you.

Brad: You don't know me bitch.

Morty: Oh, but you don't have to brat, you think you're the man, captain of the football team, you go out with the pretty girl and go to school, you reigned, but friends (I said as I walked past Brad and looked at everyone) Brad he is abusive, why? It's so easy to say that Brad bothers the weak just because he's an idiot (turning around to see him and point the ball at him making some laugh) no, our Brad is much more complex.

Making everyone pay attention to me and when I saw Summer I winked at her and then I saw Brad who looked annoyed by the words he was saying and when I looked behind him I saw a little laughter from Jessica.

Morty: You see, according to psychiatric studies, Brad is abusive for three reasons, number one (I said as I began to play with the ball like an expert sportsman in the game) underneath all that bullying macho is an insecure little girl hitting the closet for going out (Making some laugh and Brad gives them a death look) two, as a caveman Brad's brain is underdeveloped so he is incapable of self-control and number three Brad has a small member (I said while making a hand signal)

Hearing what I said, the whole cafeteria and even the cook laughed, making Brad annoyed more than ever, it looked like a bomb ready to explode, as I approached the athlete I began to play with the ball until I approached one of the basketball boys to give him the ball.

Morty: You messed with the wrong person child (When I left the ball I straightened up and kept my hands in the pockets of the robe) you will see the Morty that I knew before has disappeared, now I am yours truly, whatever you do and say is no longer they affect me idiot (Making some laugh) compared to what I live daily, yours is a simple caress, I have seen death more times than a normal person would see in their life, I have survived things that your simple mind you think it's a dream, I've done things that even your stoma couldn't handle, I'm Mortimer Smith Sanchez grandson of Rick Sanchez the smartest man in the universe and neither you nor anyone is above me well except him so take your idiots, and keep them in your stinking black ass and stop bothering (To then put your hand on his chest and give him a "Light push" making him go through the doors and slide across the floor astonishing everyone for the strength he had, turning around I went to me grabbing where I took my tray and left it with the cook and then I left)

After what I did everyone's perspective on my change, that day some looked at me in amazement, others looked at me with intrigue, the girls started flirting with me and other things, once I had finished the history exam I had to wait sitting down In the living room, in order to wait for the end of the school year, when the bell rang I went out to look for my things, finding Summer at the exit.

Morty: What are you doing here?

Summer: I'm waiting for mom.

Morty: Aren't you going with your friends? (I said while looking at my cell phone)

Summer: They have things to do.

Morty: Well, tell mom that I'll be late (When I finished marking the coordinates, I passed by Summer)

To get closer to the school wall and put my hand in my robe to take out the portal gun and shoot a portal to the marked coordinates, when I came out I saw the junkyard and started walking towards the place that was marked with a red dot on the cell phone.

Morty: Summer, what are you here for? (Without turning to see her)

Summer: I wanted to know where you were going, even though you're going to a different place like grandpa, but I didn't think you'd come here, eww (Seeing a rat mating with another) Why are you here?

Morty: I come to look for some things (I said to later turn to the right and see what I saw to look for)

Summer: What are you looking for in all this garbage?

Morty: To that (Still point Camera semi- destroyed on the hood and top)

Summer: To that? If you want a car, you know that you can compare it (She said, making me look at her with a blank face) You don't really have money for that.

Morty: Money is not the problem, the problem is that he did not trust the factories where they are created or the dealerships, who knows that they put the car on, billions of dollars a year are spent on car repairs and everything is because the mechanics tell you one thing and then another, so that in the end one is good and tells you that the problem was just a simple spark plug and you, as an idiot, spent millions of dollars on all the above things to end up knowing that the problem was a single spark plug

Listening to Summer she fell because she knew that was true, more than once Jerry had spent more money on the car to get it fixed, spending too much money because they always changed the problem and in the end Grandpa had fixed it like it was a game and all that money would have been saved if he had asked grandpa instead of not wanting his help and blindly trusting the other idiots.

Morty: That's why I prefer to do everything myself, I know what goes, where, how it works, what it does, what it causes, "Know the car like you know yourself" (At the end of the conversation, throw a portal under the car making it disappear, after that I went to different parts and took components from other cars to improve the one I want)

Morty: Alright let 's go (I opened another portal and upon entering we were in the living room just as Beth was putting the food on the plates)

Morty/Summer: Hi mom (we wave at the same time)

I left my briefcase on the sofa and went to the bathroom to wash my hands after touching some rusty components, when I came back they were all sitting down, so I put myself in my place and started eating.

Beth: And what were they doing to tell me not to go looking for them?

Summer: We went to a junkyard looking for a car that Morty wanted along with other components.

Beth: Really? (She said surprised by the detail)

Morty: I was planning to make one for myself and not depend on you or the bike, the portal gun is very flashy.

Jerry: That's great! A father and son tradition! We can spend more time (He said with a smile as he looked at me)

Beth, Summer and I saw each other together with Rick, when I heard that he wanted to fix a car from scratch, I didn't understand if he was an idiot or retarded, if he couldn't fix his car that makes him believe that he can create one from scratch, looking at Beth for help she looked away and focused on her food.

Morty: 'Traitor' I'm sorry dad, but it won't be possible.

Jerry: Oh why? (I ask afflicted and sad as if it were a puppy, which made me want to kick like Black Hat)

Morty: It's that the car will have science fiction stuff and I have to prepare some plans, component designs and other things, the car will be highly technological.

Jerry: And here we go again, today young people want to technologize everything, I wouldn't be surprised if they want to technologize even their parents (He said annoyed and then put a bite of food in his mouth)

Rick: If you think I'll help you, *Burp* you're wrong.

Beth: Dad.

Rick: No one helped me repair my ship.

Morty: And you're right about that, I don't want your help, I want to do everything myself.

Rick: I won't help you, but I'll lend you my tools, break them and I'll give you to the first alien I see (He said in a threat mode, which the others took as a joke, but with Morty's memories I knew it wasn't a joke but a done)

At the end of dinner, I took the bag and left it in the room and then opened a portal and went to the cave, I walked from the main computer to the mechanical workshop, unlike the other rooms, this one did not have much aesthetics when looking at the scepter I saw the rusty Camaro sighing I cracked my bones and gave a clap to start the work, I went to a technological table and with a pencil I began to draw a drawing of the car.

Time Skip

For a few weeks I was alternating between going to school, coming home and working on the car due to the improvement of the serum I could go a lot of time without sleep cutting down on work time, with the help of Rick's tools I was able to clean, repair polish, fix the parts of the different cars that I had taken not only that, but I had also analyzed and recreated mine to never order them again, the fun part is that during this week I was playing with both Summer and Beth doing that little by little there is tension between us.

Currently, I was being taken by Rick in his ship to an unknown place, he had told me to go with him and having nothing to do apart from the car, I accompanied him, for a while we were silent, but listening to human music, which surprisingly I didn't know that Rick liked classical music, I thought it was more of something like rock but apparently I ended up being surprised.

Morty: And where are we going?

Rick: To a pawn shop.

Morty: 'Chapter 7 Morty. jr started' What are we looking for?

Rick: A defraculator, will help me in my project.

Morty: You spend a lot of time on this project, I thought you'd finish it by now.

Rick: It's fun, by the way we need to talk.

Morty: Of what?

Rick: I know what you're doing with your mom and Summer.

Morty: Do you want me to stop? (I asked, intrigued and not mortified to hear that he knew)

Rick: For God's sake, no (He said as if it were the most terrifying thing I've ever heard and gave a side smile when he saw that I didn't get scared or stuttered when he heard that he knew) I would rather that you sleep with my daughter than the useless one of Jerry, not to forget that she *Burp* is not your mother and sister so do what you want, you won't be the only Morty to fuck his mother or sister.

Morty: I understand.

Rick: We're here (He said and I saw a store with the letters "PAWN")

As we traveled we entered the store where I saw a yellowish alien with toad eyes, with red parts, a dirty tank top and had hair, we moved through the shelves and Rick looked at everything while muttering defraculator, when I entered I saw the doll so she just had to wait while she walked Rick around the shelves.

Morty: Rick, what's he doing here? (I asked while looking at the V8 engine on a shelf)

Rick: That's it (He said as he got closer and saw the engine) it's not a V8 engine, if that's what you want to know, it's a Khronos 5 a space engine *Burp* they don't create these anymore, in his time this baby gave me except for the skin more than *Burp* I remember, his speed is out of limits, but he has the defect of overheating more than one died from over- exerting *Burp* , this baby made me have the idea of creating the engine that I have in The car only than mine is faster and flawless.

Morty: 'Khronos 5 a name that sounds strangely familiar'

When he finished his explanation he began to walk towards the alien and start talking about the defraculator and the alien got up from his chair and leaned over the counter, seeing that opportunity I opened a portal on the ground and took the Khronos 5 to drop it When I looked up, I saw Rick looking at me with a raised eyebrow and a lopsided smile. Seeing him, I shrugged my shoulders and walked up to the robotic doll.

Morty: 'Well, I already have a new destination marked to compare something and I have a motor that is better than what I got, I just need to fix the overheating problem and it will be good to go'

Rick, seeing what the alien was giving him, was upset to see it.

Rick: Listen, I'm not going to pay 70 *Burp* smidgens for a broken defraculator.

Seller: It's a multiphase quantum resonator (He said outraged by what I hear)

Rick: Is it good for defrauding? (asked with a raised eyebrow)

Seller: Of course not.

Rick: So it's a broken defraculator.

Seller: As if you know anything about fraculation.

Listening to how they argued, I only sighed and remembered something I wanted to ask Rick for a long time.

Rick: I'll give you 60 smidgens and I'll fart (He said indifferent and a little annoyed)

Morty: Rick I want something.

Rick: Not now Morty, we'll go somewhere else and find someone who does know something about fraculation and what a defraculator looks like.

Seller: Like you know anything.

Morty: Rick, I'm not leaving without that (I point the wrist making Rick look at me with a raised eyebrow)

Rick: Seriously Morty, I know of a top quality brothel.

Morty: I want the doll.

Rick: Are you sure? Fart I can get you on a date with a girl with three perfect tits and good sucking skills, you'll *Burp* like you went to a relaxation room after a night with her.

Morty: The doll.

Rick: Alright son of a bitch! I'll give you your stupid sex robot doll and I'll give you 60 for the resonator and the doll.

Seller: Well, I accept it, I've wanted to get rid of that thing for months (He said while taking the money and Rick the quantum resonator)

I went to where the doll was and picked her up to start leaving the store and going towards the ship, once I opened the door I settled the doll in the back and Rick launched the resonator to the back seats.

Morty: Rick, how can I get space money? (I said making him look at me)

Rick: There are many ways, but they all take some time if you want a quick buck, scam someone important, steal from someone, or go to a space casino.

Morty: what are you doing?

Rick: Big stuff, I wouldn't do, but I was banned from casinos for bankrupting them.

Morty: Okay, could you show me the monetary value later?

Rick: Fine, then I'll teach you how to drive the *Burp* space cruiser, maybe that way you can do some shipments or receive some things in my absence, while I *Burp* open a bank account for you and deposit money for you, I have plenty .

Morty: Berry because the big gesture of friendliness from your heart.

Rick: Because *Burp* you were promoted from partner to travel assistant, you will help me with some things and I'll teach you others, I was planning to do this when *Burp* you were much older and with more knowledge and experience, but we will take advantage of this acquired intelligence, we have until you're *Burp* 18 to prepare yourself, then you'll have a hard time learning some things.

Morty: I understand.

For a while we were silent, but Rick put on some music to liven up the atmosphere, which was not very understandable, they were just incoherent sounds to me, when he saw Rick he nodded to the rhythm of the music making me look at him with an eyebrow lacing

Morty: Do you understand what they say?

Rick: Don't you?

Morty: No, Rick (I said and Rick narrowed his eyes)

Rick: Turn your head.

Morty: For what?

Rick: Turn your damn head Morty (When doing what he asked for the sale of the glass I saw Rick take the analyzer out of his robe and scan a part of my neck)

Rick: Apparently the translation device that I implanted in you is failing, you understand only some races, not all (I mention while looking at the analyzer)

Morty : When did you put it on me? 'Now I understand how they always understood aliens, well, almost all of them'

Rick: While you were sleeping.

When I parked the car, I opened the door and threw a portal to the ground and then took the doll and threw it, when Rick turned his head he had called me and I went to where he was, next to him was a scalpel and a laser pointer.

Rick: Lay your head down, I'll change the device (By doing what he asked I sat in his chair and laid my head on the table)

Taking the scalpel, I still cut the side of my ear and with small tweezers I took out the device and then took another one and put it where the previous one was, when it was all over I took the pointer and closed the wound, everything was fast because I did not feel the The same pain that I would feel before now that small cut was like a sting, Rick cleaned the wound and moved away from me to turn on the radio and now I understood what was being said.

Morty: Now if I understand what they say (Receiving a settlement) I can keep this (Reask for the translator) 'Because if I have this I don't understand other human languages'

Rick: Keep it *Burp* no longer works, the translator is alien, not human because of the question you're about to ask (When I heard him I nodded my head and opened a portal to the cave where the doll was)

Apparently in the team work room I saw the doll on a work table, I took some tools and opened its stomach where I analyzed what interested me the most, which was the genetic collector together with the incubation machine, I took the scanner and saved everything the robot information for the future, when I got what I want, I repaired the robot and started to create a baby like the one in the series because I refused to sleep with a robot.

Download a little about the behavior of a baby and design the design of Morty junior, when I analyzed some of the DNA that the robot had I saw how the Gazorpazorp were and they were incredibly ugly, Freddy next to the blind was an adonis, I took a lot of it of the day to be able to design a merely functional bebezorp once I had it I had to create synthetic skin with what I saw of the Gazorpazorp, compared to unstable molecules this was child's play.

Morty: Well, I have to finish this in a short time and first thing in the morning I will program the robot to jump on the bed, to simulate (I mentioned while drawing the plan and began to create the robot bebezorp)

next chapter
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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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