20% I'm Morty But Better / Chapter 1: I'm Morty But Better
I'm Morty But Better I'm Morty But Better original

I'm Morty But Better

นักเขียน: vergil_1839

© WebNovel

บท 1: I'm Morty But Better


If it wasn't for the fact that I remember how I died I would be thinking that someone contaminated my food and I would think that this would all be an incredible dream.

I was in a gray office with paintings and photos of many people I could recognize Hitler, Einstein, Lincoln, Michael, but there was a photo that was adorned with a gold colored frame and under it had the name Nikola Tesla, ignoring the place I looked at the in front and in front of me was a man that I recognized perfectly from having seen him in several movies, an incredibly strange sight.

¿??: I'm sorry to break it to you but you're dead.

?? : Than?!

¿??: You died because you received lightning from Baal.

??: Lightning? Baal?

¿??: I introduce myself, I am God but can you tell me Morgan Freeman and Baal is the God of storms, we were playing Poker and since I was winning I provoked Baal's anger and he retaliated by shooting lightning to the earth, the lightning did not have to hit nothing, but you were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

¿??: Damn, what do I do now?

Morgan: Option one: You can go to heaven as a reward I will ignore your sins Transmigrate or Reincarnate into someone with three wishes as an apology.

¿??: Excuse me but did you say Baal God of Storms? Is there more than one god?

Morgan: Of course all the Gods of different religions exist.

¿??: My second question is why do you let me Transmigrate or Reincarnate with three wishes ?

Morgan: It's my apology, many other gods do the same but in different circumstances, some kill humans by giving them these options to see what they do as a way of entertainment, others out of boredom, intrigue, curiosity, etc. , in my case it's an apology .

??: I understand.

Morgan: you're lucky you don't die naturally some gods as a punishment for having too many sins turn into chips to play, in this case chips for Poker , I do something similar but 50% of the souls go to Lucifer and the other 50% They are for my tokens, people who have a balanced soul suffer their punishment in limbo for a while until their sentence is fulfilled and they are taken to heaven, those who are corrupt go straight to hell.

¿??: Wow, apparently she was right about you (I said with indifference and disappointment from what I was hearing)

Morgan: What? What did they say about us?

¿??: A man once said "If God is all powerful he is not good at all and if he is good at all he is not all powerful"

Morgan: What a great sentence, but putting that aside, what do you decide? And do it quickly I have things to do.

??: * Sigh * I can know which world I can go to or will you send me to, and if so I can use one of my wishes to change it.

Morgan: Wow, you're perceptive, no, you can't use one of your wishes to change places or people, you'll go to a Multiverse that has a suitable body to carry your soul.

¿??: Multiverse?

Morgan: The Multiverse has multiple count nuclei where universes similar to the creator universe emerge from it, therefore this creates multiple Multiverses related to that creator universe, thus creating the Omniverse, an example would be the Marvel Multiverse, DC, Ben 10, the Dragon Ball , etc.

¿??: I understand, I don't have the possibility to choose a Multiverse or a body.

Morgan: You are already understanding the theme.

¿??: Can I at least know where I will be sent and what body will I be reincarnated or transmigrated to?

Morgan: Of course I never said you couldn't know, many who are given this option always spend a wish to find out where they will be sent some for not asking, others for being stupid, some gods even make them spend wishes on purpose.

??: Idiots.

Morgan: Right, the world you will be sent to is one where not many like you have been sent, to the Rick and Morty Multiverse, and you will either be reborn or transmigrate as Morty which of all is irrelevant.

¿??: Well it's a world I know, when I go to this place will I find others like me?

Morgan: No, each one is sent to a different Multiverse so they don't interfere with each other.

¿??: Well I want to make my wishes now.

Morgan: Well I'm all ear.

¿??: I want Azmuth's intelligence and a portable workshop similar to Bruce Wayne's but with Reed Richards stuff with instructions for each device.

Morgan: Denied, I can give you Albedo's and the workshop is acceptable (I mention so that later a circular sphere similar to the plumbers' would appear on the table) you're not entirely stupid, huh?

¿??: Well, I'll settle for Albedo's and you told me to make a wish. You never said how long that wish could be.

Morgan: That is a workshop similar to the one in the Batcave, put it next to the shed of the house and it will blend in, to do what it asks for once you put it, once done, an elevator will appear that will take you to the workshop all objects inside the shed it will be stored in a separate space so as not to affect anything, they will be there until you go down to the workshop.

??: I understand.

Morgan: If for some reason you change your universe, the workshop will appear with you and you will have to put it in a place and the same will happen for more information to enter the workshop, when you enter all the information from the machines will appear in your brain to save time.

¿??: I understand and thank you, my second wish is that if I make a modification to my body, said modification cannot be stolen or altered by an internal or external factor, if I die and return as a clone, said improvement will appear with the body that includes my memories, each and every one of them will return to the clone and free of any modification that the body or memories have.

Morgan: Accepted.

??: That includes that if Rick makes improvements to my body it won't backfire, and anything that isn't useful will be removed, my third wish is a device that mimics Morty's brain waves delayed so they can't detect Rick as much like me, and I don't want to be caricatured.

Morgan: Done, although the cartoonization was more of a benefit since all the aliens were less scary but now I hope you have a good stomach because the wretches are really ugly and their anatomy is horrendous, having testicles like a chin, brrr (I mention that a gray ring will appear on my finger later) nobody will be able to take that ring from you and it will appear with your clone, also in case they create a clone with your blood it will be like the original Morty but with a bit of your personality, so any.

I heard him say so that a green portal that I recognized perfectly appeared above me, looking ahead I see how Morgan smiled at me and greeted me, before entering I said goodbye to Morgan.











??: Ahhh !!!

¿??: Until you finally wake up *Burp*

Opening my eyes slowly I see a silhouette and I felt like someone was starting to lift me up and straighten me, rubbing my eyes I cleared my vision and I saw that in front of me there was a man with light blue hair dressed in a light blue shirt along with a scientist's gown, beige pants and some black sneakers, from one moment to the next I felt the worst headache I've ever felt, it was a thousand times worse than the hangovers I had in my other life.

Once the headache stopped I knew why I had it, it was because all the memories of this body began to appear but there was one thing that was not there in the memories the faces of all the people that the previous Morty knew, no I knew what Summer, Beth, Jerry or even me was like, every time Morty saw himself in a mirror or something similar he had those blurred moments, but all the memories he had with Rick if I had the image of his face what surprised me is know who Rick Sanchez was.

??: Grandpa what happened? (I said while trying to remember the recent events but they were blurry)

Rick: *Burp* You fainted after I saved you from a Cronenberg who tried to capture you to rape you and possibly kill you later (I mention Peter Capaldi or now known as Rick Sánchez) once you fainted I got you on the ship and we went to another Instead, before you faint Morty, he is telling you about my fantastic plan (He exclaimed with a big smile at his incredible plan)

Morty: 'He looks like Peter Capaldi but younger, wait, Cronenberg said?' (He had thought to then look down and see that he was wearing a suit but it was extremely torn and with a substance that he didn't want to know what it was) Rick what was the plan?

Rick: I was saying that I have an emergency solution that I can use and in a way I was able to fix everything back to normal in a relative way (He mentions while opening the trunk and taking out a backpack similar to the ghost hunters and then giving it to me and then put on your goggles to see alternate timelines where he succeeded) Here Morty put this on while I investigate something, this may take some time so stay close.

While I was putting on my backpack, I saw how the city succumbed to chaos. While I was looking at it, several things crossed my mind, but an idea came to life when I saw all the chaos that was in this place.

Morty: 'If I'm right we'll go where Rick and Morty died, once we do I have to find out what dimension that was in since they never said it in the series, once I have the information I'll take some of the liquid from portals of the dead Rick, to investigate it and recreate it when I have that part done I will come to this place I will investigate all the information and devices that Rick has in the garage, the only problem is Rick and Morty Cronenberg but I can manage them'

Rick: Well Morty I already found the solution (he mentioned while he took off his visors and took his portal gun) I already found the solution come come closer.

When I approached, Rick took a backpack similar to the one he had and put it on, once that was done, he closed the trunk and began to look at his watch.

Morty: 'Appearing will not only have the opportunity to investigate the workshop but also the ship, this must be due to the stress of the situation that makes Rick forget some things, I wouldn't be surprised in the series there were several moments where Rick forgot He showed it about certain things due to stress when those worms began to appear creating people who were not real, he completely forgot how to stop them if it weren't for Morty they would all be dead, that chapter showed how lucky the Smith family is and how smart they are Morty under pressure'

Rick: Well it's time (He said to then open a green portal with waves and go through it)

Morty: 'Okay, it's time to put my acting skills into action' (I thought as I sighed and got ready, and then entered the portal)

Once we got out I put on the best ignorant face I could put on, when I came out of the portal I saw Rick and Morty dead where their blood and parts were scattered all over the garage when I saw Rick dead his eye popped out of his socket which almost made me it provoked a small laugh but he successfully suppressed it .

Rick: Well Morty, here we are (he mentions while briefly looking at the garage)

Morty: OH MY GOD RICK! We are!? We are dead?! What is this Rick! I'm going crazy! (I mention so that later Rick takes my shirt)

For a few seconds I started yelling and saying nonsense, completely ignoring Rick's words, until he slapped me causing me to "wake up".

Rick: Shut up and listen to me! It's ok, everything is ok! There are an infinite amount of Morty realities, in a couple of dozen of them I got lucky and everything went back to normal, I just had to find one of the realities in which we died at the same time (He explained as he released me and in the process put terrified face while looking at the dead bodies, unlike Rick who kept talking indifferent to the situation) now let's just take the place of ourselves in this reality and everything will be fine we are not skipping anything Morty, now help me with the bodies (He said dropping his backpack and picking up the dead Rick)

Morty: This is crazy, what dimension are we in now? (I mentioned as the solo fell with horror on my face) 'Where's my prize? Where is my Oscar for this magnificent performance?'

Rick: Look we're in dimension L-136, now Morty I'll take myself and you'll take you, okay? It's a very fair from my point, a very fair way of doing this.

Morty: Rick, what about the dimension we left behind?

Rick: What about the reality where Hitler cured cancer? The answer is simple Morty, don't think about those or don't you care? (He responded and held the body which was falling from his arms with greater force) In any case, we cannot do this always, at most we will have three or four more attempts, now grab yourself dead and let's go (He said dragging the corpse and leaving a bloodstain on the floor) and I guess you're not considering this , but we could be this if he had succeeded in curing everyone or never caused any of the above so you're welcome (Looking at Rick I saw how he dragged the body and turned left into the garage)

Morty: ~Fuck pretending to be someone you're not is tiring~ (Taking the corpse I made a shocked face and started dragging it to the side of the shed leaving a bloodstain on the way)

Once I got to Rick's side he gave me a shovel and we began to dig a hole deep and spacious enough for the corpses, once the hole was made we pushed the bodies and began to dig them, when we finished Rick took the shovels and put them away in the shed and we started walking towards the house.

Morty: Rick, what's with the blood stains?

Rick: Don't worry, tomorrow there won't be any stains, visor inside the garage or on the lawn of the house (He said with indifference as he opened the door and walked to the refrigerator and when he opened it he took out a coke)

Upon entering, turn to the right and open another door where I heard screams of a man and a woman turning their heads, I was surprised by the people in front of me arguing as couples in a married couple where said marriage was falling apart.

Morty: 'Impressive I have the impressive, hot and sexy Rachel McAdams as a mother and as a useless, cowardly and incompetent father Ed Helms, I'm not surprised the role suits him wonderfully' (I thought a little surprised walking past them with Rick they didn't give me a single look) Ri .. Rick I'll go to the bathroom and then to my room I have things to digest (I mentioned with a blank look while I continued straight and went up the stairs to the second floor more exactly the bathroom)

Rick: Yeah anyway I'll be on TV if you need me *Burp*

Once I looked in the mirror and I was surprised by the appearance I had, touching my face I was a little disappointed, taking off my clothes I was only in white boxers which I did not like at all.

Morty: Oh for God's sake, what is this ! (I said when I saw my body) I look like a damn anorexic how was I able to lift my body if I am this, I am bone with meat no wonder no girl noticed Morty, and if they did it was because of the plot.

I said to myself while I looked at my body with disgust, my body worked by martial arts and exercises was left behind to be replaced by this thing with skin, looking at my crotch I was left with an expressionless look for what I saw.

Morty: Now I understand the reason for his lack of confidence and the robotic doll this is a fucking joke, at his age he already had a good tool this is not even useful, it seems that he was still ten years old (I saw my crotch disappointed) * Sigh * I have to work fast on this part, I can't stay anorexic, even Steve Rogers would look better next to me.

Getting into the shower I took a fairly long bath, once I finished I dried myself and took all the clothes I was wearing before leaving the bathroom I went to my room and when I entered I just sighed when I saw him.

Morty: Another thing I have to remodel (Opening the closet I let out another sigh of exasperation)

Walking to my nightstand I opened it and took out a white boxer along with some white socks and left it on the bed, I walked to my desk and opened a drawer to take out another of my yellow shirts, opening another drawer I took out a pair of blue pants Looking at everything I knew I had to do something else.

Morty: I have to buy clothes and get rid of these t-shirts I feel like Naruto wearing this thing (Getting dressed I laid on the bed and tried to sleep for a few hours because I would start working once everyone is asleep)

next chapter
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