If you want to read ahead, you can check out my Patreón @
[ https://www.patreón.com/fictiononlyreader ]
The link is also in the synopsis.
[The chapter was edited by my Editor: Alan_Loo/AlanL]
In northwestern London lay King's Cross Station, a Muggle railway station that was one of the busiest in the city. It was a perfectly ordinary station, with big plastic numbers over each track and guards who had never heard of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
However, every September 1st, as the clock overhead approached eleven o'clock, the InterCity-125 was pulled into platform nine. A strange crowd turned the occasional people's heads. The pack was wizarding children, bearing enormous trunks and caged owls and other unusual pets, making their way toward —and then through— the solid metal barrier between platforms nine and ten.
Through this barrier, of course, lay Platform Nine and Three-Quarters, home of the famous Hogwarts Express. A look back at the barrier revealed it was a wrought-iron archway with the words "Platform Nine and Three-Quarters [Platform 9¾]" on it. Over the scarlet steam train's billowing smoke was a signboard that said the Hogwarts Express would depart at eleven o'clock.
Though the platform was only used six days a year, a round trip for the beginning and end of term. One on Christmas and Easter holidays each; the platform on those days, was awash with activity. Steam from the scarlet engine flooded the platform as cats wound their way around the wizards' legs and owls hooted to each other, as hordes of students and parents moved around through the steam "like dark ghosts", their voices carrying through the mist.
Near one of the pillars inside Platform 9¾, stood Quinn with Lia talking with each other until the time for Hogwarts Express to leave.
"So what do you think about the Azkaban breakout? Peter Pettigrew was the one who betrayed the Potters," asked Quinn, having idle talk with his sister.
"Hmm... I would say that he choose the right time to break out. A lot of Aurors are busy right now," replied Lia, thinking about the recent events that had been going on the front page of every magical newspaper and magazine.
Quinn nodded in agreement. "What do they call themselves, ah, yes, Novellus Accionites. They have been targeting no-majs and first-generation magicals in Voldemort's name. Not sure if Novellus Accionites is a good name, though."
"Why not?" questioned Lia. She knew about the origins of the group's name. "Weren't the Accionites, a group of anti-no-maj, magicals? That seems a good name for their group; it goes well with their current agenda."
"Maybe you are right. People don't know the complete history of the group," conceded Quinn. Then he proceeded to tell Lia the history of the original group.
"The thing about original Accionites is that their leader was dumb, really dumb. First, he tried to steal from the goblins by summoning gold from the Gringotts. He got away with a mere lifetime ban. In that time, goblins executed anyone who tried to steal from them. After all that, he died when he summoned a large barn over his head."
Quinn laughed as he snorted, "So dumb~. I can't take those guys seriously knowing what I know."
"Quinn," called out a voice.
Lia turned her head to see who was calling her brother to see two girls walking towards them. One of them was waving her hand with a beaming smile on her face while the other girl followed her with a bland expression on her face.
'Now, who are these two girls,' she thought as a mischievous light flashed in her eyes.
"Hey, you two. How have you been?" said Quinn, greeting his two favorite Slytherins.
He had avoided everyone he knew as much as he could. He completely avoided Tracy and Daphne because, first, they were in a different house, and second, they were not in the same year as him. So it was fairly easy to avoid them.
Tracy was about to continue speaking when she met the person Quinn was standing with. The bubbly brunette peered at the woman and observed her.
She was beautiful. Tracy would describe her as one of those girls who often caused double-takes as she passed by and looked good no matter the occasion. Her first impression was that she was someone confident and outgoing.
Daphne also looked at the women with some curiosity. Given that the unknown person was talking to Quinn, it was clear that Quinn knew her. And after a second look, Daphne noticed the black hair and stone-grey eyes.
'Same as Quinn,' the blonde thought, noticing the similarities between Quinn and the woman.
"Why don't you introduce her to us, Quinn?" asked Tracy, curious about the woman.
"Oh, right," Quinn turned and introduced the two parties.
"This is Lia West, my sister," said Quinn, gesturing at Lia. Then the younger West child turned his face to his two friends and spoke, "And these two are Tracy Davis-," pointing at the brunette. "- and Daphne Greengrass," pointing at the blonde. "They are my friends."
Lia pushed herself off the wall, put a hand on Quinn's shoulder, and asked, "So which one do you like?"
Tracy and even Daphne blushed at the sudden question.
Tracy looked at Quinn and found that her male friend had changed in the break. For one, Quinn had grown a few inches. Overall, his jaw and face was now sharper as he had lost the baby fat. Tracy felt his shoulders had widened a little. Even his arms looked a little bigger overall, and Quinn was more filled out than before.
He was much more handsome than last year.
Daphne, on the other hand, recalled the memory of Quinn holding her close. She remembered him saying that he would have invited her to Hogsmeade if she wasn't a second year. She was a third-year now and was allowed to go to Hogsmeade this year onwards.
Would he invite her this year... were Daphne Greengrass' thoughts as she stared at the boy in front of her.
Quinn closed his eyes as he held the bridge of his nose. He was really feeling embarrassed and was trying to hide it. "You know, I wondered whether you would do anything to embarrass me if we met my friends. I really thought you wouldn't do it, but it turned out I was wrong."
"Why did you have to do that?" Quinn deadpanned towards his sister.
A smile bloomed on Lia's face as she gave her explanation, "Because it's so much fun!"
Quinn was about to say something, but his eyes caught sight of something. He spoke to the three girls: "I will be back in a minute. You guys talk to each other..." He turned to Lia and warned her, "... and you... behave."
Quinn ran off somewhere, leaving Tracy, Daphne and Lia behind.
"So how did you two meet my baby brother?" asked Lia with a friendly smile on her face.
"We met Quinn in our first year. In fact, we met today, two years ago in the Hogwarts Express," answered Tracy. She giggled and recalled, "Oh, that day was fun."
"What is Quinn like at home?" It was Tracy's turn to ask a question. And she really wanted to know if Quinn was the same as he was outside. "He is annoyingly put together all the time." She pointed at Daphne behind her. "Along with this girl; the two dress so perfectly that it makes me feel quite annoyed. I mean, not a single hair out of place."
Lia turned her eyes to the one called Daphne Greengrass and observed the blonde. And she could see what Tracy Davis was talking about.
"Well, Quinn was raised by Ms. Rosey, and she is very particular about caring for one's appearance at every time, so being well put together is ingrained into Quinn's bones." Lia chuckled as she remembered the times Ms. Rosey yelled at Quinn for having an untucked shirt or messy hair. "Given that it is Quinn, I am sure that he uses magic to fix his appearance every hour or so."
Tracy's eyes widened, and a smile appeared on her face. She grabbed Daphne's arm and laughed. "She does it too. Every hour, she waves her wand and fixes her appearance. Like clockwork!"
Lia began to like Tracy. The brunette seemed to be a fun girl. Additionally, Lia was interested in Daphne even though she hadn't said a single word since their meeting.
What interested Lia was that when she asked Quinn the question, she saw Daphne's eyes blur as if she remembered something, and then the girl had looked at Quinn with a blush on her face.
She wanted to know if Daphne liked her brother. "Daphne Greengrass, was it? Do you li-"
But before she could complete her sentence, a joyous shout cut her off.
The three girls turned to see Quinn walking towards them, a grin on his face. They saw Quinn pulling a girl with him.
Quinn stopped near them, brought the girl in front of him, and then slipped his hands under the girl's shoulder and lifted her up as if showing her off.
The girl that Quinn brought and lifted had waist-length, straggly, dirty blond hair. Interestingly or weirdly, the girl was wearing dirigible plum-shaped earrings on her ears.
Lia found herself looking at the girl as the girl stared back at her with her silvery eyes.
"Meet Luna Lovegood," Quinn introduced the young girl with a bright smile on his face. "She's my junior in Ravenclaw. Absolutely adorable, isn't she?"
Quinn put the now named Luna Lovegood down and spoke to the young Ravenclaw, "Luna, this is my sister, Lia."
Luna's eyes shined as she moved towards Lia and observed her by orbiting around her. Then she sized Lia up, sweeping her eyes up and down before saying, "You look like Quinn."
"... That I do," replied Lia. Sure, Lia found Luna Lovegood cute to look at, but she wasn't sure who she was looking at. "I'm his sister, after all."
Luna nodded before turning her back to Lia. She walked back to Quinn's side, who gave her chocolate, patted her head, and told her: "Good work."
"So what did you three talk about?" Quinn asked after giving Luna chocolate.
"Oh, Tracy was telling me about the first time you guys met," replied Lia.
"Ah, it was today, wasn't it? You two weren't able to find a compartment, so you guys came into my compartment." Quinn chuckled as he recalled that day and said, "That was a fun day. Did you know I guessed the houses of almost all first-years being sorted that year? Yeah~ that was fun."
Quinn looked at the clock that was hanging on a pillar and said, "Okay, we should get moving if we want to get a compartment." He turned to Tracy and Daphne and asked, "Do you want to join Luna and I? We're sharing a compartment."
Tracy looked at Daphne, who nodded. "Sure, we will join you," replied Tracy.
"Can we bring another person?" asked Daphne, staring at Quinn.
Quinn looked at Luna to see if she was alright with another person, but his eccentric junior seemed really interested in the wrapper of the chocolate he gave her.
"I don't see why not. The more, the merrier," replied Quinn.
"Alright, we'll say goodbye to our parents and then meet you on the train," said Tracy. Daphne also needed to find the person she wanted to bring along, so she nodded.
"Excellent, I'm going to choose a compartment somewhere along the middle of the train, so start somewhere there," said Quinn before he turned his face to Luna and shook her to get her attention. "Luna, go ahead and say goodbye to your father. We will get going then."
The three girls went back to their respective families, leaving Lia and Quinn alone.
"Do you have any male friends, or are all your friends girls," smirked Lia. She put a hand on her cheek, "My baby brother sure is popular. Are you planning to become a ladies' man?"
"There is nothing wrong with being a little bit of a ladies' man," snorted Quinn at her comment, which was another attempt to make him feel embarrassed. "And, I do have male friends." He looked around the platform. "But I just can't seem to find Eddie and Marcus at the platform or on the train. It will be the fourth straight year if I don't see them today."
When Quinn returned his eyes to Lia, he found her looking at him with slight worry in her eyes.
"What is it?" sighed Quinn. He knew that look. It was the same George had given him as they were leaving home before in the morning.
"Promise me you won't do something reckless and dangerous." She held Quinn's face and forced him to look at her.
"... I'll try," said Quinn. He couldn't claim he wouldn't get into trouble. He would surely try not to get into trouble as he didn't want to seek trouble. "I will try my best to stay safe. Despite my track record, I don't enjoy getting into trouble."
Lia scrutinized Quinn for a while before she sighed. "Why couldn't you just say that you won't get into trouble." She squished Quinn's face and blamed him. "You like to cause me worry, don't you?"
"Oh, nothing like that," replied Quinn, smiling as he looked at his sister. She was always the one who got worried about him the most. "I just do it so you won't forget me."
Lia's hands left Quinn's face and wrapped around him to pull him into a hug. "Why do you have to say such silly things? I will never forget you. You are my precious baby brother."
"Will I ever be elevated from baby brother to little brother?" smiled Quinn, hugging Lia back. "I have been working hard. I deserve a promotion. Maybe a pay-raise to accompany it, and if you are feeling generous, some benefits."
"I'm sorry to inform you you have reached the peak of your career in this field." Lia giggled and joked back, "You would still be my baby brother even if we were oldies full of white hair."
"Heh, you might get old and wrinkly, but I'll never grow old," declared Quinn, scoffing.
The West siblings separated, and Lia sighed. "Send me plenty of MagiFax. You remember my WMF-id, right?"
"I decided on all our families' WMF-ids. Of course I remember them," answered Quinn, and with a final sigh, he added, "Take care of yourself and don't overwork. Remember to have fun and keep sending me souvenirs."
"You bet," promised Lia and stroked Quinn's cheek one last time. "Now, leave. I don't want to see you cry."
"Of course," smiled Quinn. He picked up his suitcase, turned back towards the Hogwarts Express, and walked away. He waved to Lia as he walked away.
- (Scene Break) -
Quinn threaded his way through the narrow corridors of the train. Weaving through the students standing in the corridors. He made his way to the middle of the train, looking for an empty compartment.
After a minute or two, Quinn found an empty compartment and immediately laid his claim on it.
"Conquest... completed," declared victory Quinn as he sent his suitcase to the top rack and shot multiple cleaning and scouring charms to make everything spotless.
After half a minute, Luna entered the compartment, and Quinn helped transfer all her stuff to the racks above.
"Looking forward to this year, Luna?" asked Quinn as he took a seat next to the window.
Luna sat down beside Quinn and nodded, "I'm hoping to see a lot of magical creatures this year. Maybe even find a Crumple-Horned Snorkack, but daddy said it can only be found in the Netherlands. So maybe I won't find it at Hogwarts?"
"Who knows, maybe you will, or maybe you won't. The only way to find out is to look for it," answered Quinn.
He didn't know if the Crumple-Horned Snorkack was a real creature or a figment of Xenophilius Lovegood's imagination. But he wasn't outright going to deny the existence of the said creature. He lived in a magical world. Maybe the mysterious creature was real.
"I heard that Rubeus Hagrid is going to teach Care of Magical Creatures subject this year," informed Quinn. "He spends a lot of time in the Forbidden Forest, and I have heard he knows a lot about magical creatures. So we may learn about a lot of new creatures. That'll be fun, don't you think?"
Luna's eyes shined, and she looked up at Quinn. "Really? Hagrid is nice. Hmm, I'm looking forward to learning from him. He's very tall, though. My neck hurts when I look up at him."
Quinn grinned at the last part. Luna was a small girl, and the half-giant was very tall.
"Ah, found them."
Quinn and Luna turned their heads towards the door of the compartment and saw Tracy. She was looking to her right and called out: "They are here, come on."
Quinn stood up and helped Tracy with her luggage but stayed away from her cat because he thought the feline was glaring at him. That was the cat whose hair went into Hermione's polyjuice potion.
After Quinn set up Tracy's luggage, he turned to the door and blinked when he saw two girls standing there. One taller than the other. One had blonde hair, and the other one had black hair. Both girls had blue eyes.
Quinn could immediately see the similarities between the two girls.
Daphne Greengrass, the taller of the two girls, spoke up and introduced the black-haired girl to Quinn.
"This is Astoria. My sister."
Quinn West - MC - Fourth-year Ravenclaw. Back to school.
Lia West - Elder Sister - Fulfilling the duty of older siblings by embarrassing younger siblings.
Luna Lovegood - Second-year Ravenclaw - Quite easy to lift her up the ground.
Tracy Davis - Third-year Slytherin- Admiring the changes in Quinn.
Daphne Greengrass - Third-year Slytherin - Memories.
Astoria Greengrass - First-year - Daphne's sister.
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If you want to read ahead, you can check out my Patreón @
[ https://www.patreón.com/fictiononlyreader ]
The link is also in the synopsis...
[The chapter is edited by my Editor: Alan_Loo/AlanL]
The black-haired, round-faced with baby fat mini-version of Daphne Greengrass stepped forward and introduced herself.
"My name is Astoria Greengrass. Nice to meet you."
The little Greengrass raised her hand, presenting it to Quinn.
Quinn took it because of his etiquette education, kissed her knuckles, and introduced himself.
"Quinn West. Pleased to meet you, too."
Tracy, who was on the side, chimed in with a bright tone,
"My name is Tracy Davis."
Luna thought that everyone was introducing themselves and took part in joining the foray.
"I'm Luna Lovegood."
Tracy giggled and looked at Daphne. The blonde Greengrass looked back at her best friend and looked in confusion.
"You are the only one who hasn't said your name," explained Tracy with a beaming grin on her face.
Daphne rolled her eyes. She wasn't going to participate in the childishness. But then she noted that everyone in the compartment was staring at her.
"Fine," she sighed exasperatedly and returned, "My name is Daphne Greengrass. Happy?"
Everybody repeatedly nodded in unison.
After everyone was introduced to each other and their luggage was in place, they took a seat. Quinn sat near the window, Luna sat beside him. On the other side, Astoria sat across Quinn, Daphne sat beside her sister, and Tracy sat next to Daphne.
"So you are that Quinn West. I've heard about you," said Astoria as soon as everyone got settled. "I have heard a lot about you."
"You have?" Quinn inquired. "From whom?" He gave a quick glance to the side.
"From my sister, of course. And some from Tracy. But mostly from Daphne," disclosed Astoria.
"Tori!" Daphne hissed at her sister.
Quinn moved his eyes on Astoria while moving his head towards Tracy before looking at her. He commented: "This one, this one talks."
"She does. It can get quite fun," admitted Tracy. "Yeah~, really fun."
Quinn gave an excited grin as he turned back to Astoria and met Daphne's as he did.
"So, Astoria, tell me, which house do you want to join? Are you going to follow in your sister's footsteps? And what does Daphne say about me?"
Astoria hummed in thought and responded, "Well, I want to be in Slytherin, but not because Daphne is in there. I want to join Slytherin because daddy was in Slytherin. And Daphne told me that you are smart, intelligent, and funny, but she says that you joke a little too much. She also said that she felt hurt- oomph!"
Daphne clamped her sister's mouth with her hand to stop her from talking. Astoria was starting to talk about things she didn't want anyone to know, especially not Quinn.
"- mah! So, I was saying- ouch!" Astoria freed herself from Daphne's grasp and tried to continue, but she was again interrupted when Daphne pinched and twisted her waist.
"Not a single word," Daphne Greengrass glared at her sister.
Quinn pulled out an A.I.D card from his robes and presented it to Astoria. "Please, visit me when you have free time. I believe we'll get along splendidly."
Daphne tried to take the card, but Astoria got to it first and examined it with interest, "I've heard of this, too. Mum really liked the idea when Daphne told us about it."
Quinn shifted in his seat and asked, "Really, Mrs. Greengrass said that? Tell me more." He earned a glare from Daphne and a giggle from Tracy.
The Hogwarts Express moved steadily to the North, and the scenery outside the window became wilder and darker while the clouds overhead thickened. People were running backward and forward past the door of their compartment.
Time passed as the group continued to talk. Quinn was having a lot of fun talking to the younger Greengrass and her stories about the usually unflappable Daphne.
The rain thickened as the train sped yet farther north; the windows were now a solid, shimmering gray, which gradually darkened until lanterns flickered into life all along the corridors and over the luggage racks. The train rattled, the rain hammered, and the wind roared.
"We must be nearly there," said Tracy, leaning forward to look past
Daphne and Astoria at the now completely black window.
"We can't be there yet," said Daphne, checking her watch.
The words had hardly left her when the train started to slow down.
"Why are we stopping?"
The train was getting slower and slower. As the noise of the pistons died away, the wind and rain sounded louder than ever against the windows.
Quinn looked at the dark outside, and his pupils shrunk and his eyes narrowed. He remembered what was about to happen and knew the reason behind the train's unusual stop.
The train came to a stop with a jolt, and distant thuds and bangs told them that some other people's luggage had fallen out of the racks. Then, without warning, all the lamps went out, which plunged the train into total darkness.
"What's going on?" asked Luna's from beside Quinn. She tugged on his clothes to ascertain his position in the dark.
Quinn turned his face towards Luna's position and assured her, "Don't worry. It'll be fine."
"Do you think we've broken down?" said Astoria as she tried to peer out what was going on from the compartment door, but there was barely any light for anything to be visible.
"I don't know," whispered Tracy, pulling her cat into her lap.
There was a squeaking sound, and Quinn saw the dim black outline of Astoria, wiping a patch clean on the window and peering out.
There's something moving out there," Astoria said. "I think people are coming aboard... does this happen every year?"
"No, it doesn't. The train doesn't stop at all during the journey," answered Daphne's voice.
Quinn knew who was coming aboard and silently pulled out his fake wand. There was a soft hum before three orbs manifested on the compartment's ceiling, lighting the room in soft yet illuminating light.
All four girls looked up at the three orbs of light at the ceiling before looking at each other.
"Stay where you are," instructed Quinn as he sat in attention. He slightly cracked the window so his hand could go outside. He got up and moved towards the door.
And just as he was expecting, the door to the compartment opened up.
Standing in the doorway, illuminated by the light orbs on the ceiling, was a cloaked figure that reached up to the roof. Its face was completely hidden beneath its hood. Quinn's eyes darted downward, and what he saw made his stomach contract slightly. There was a hand protruding from the cloak, and it was glistening, grayish, slimy-looking, and scabbed, like something dead that had decayed in water.
But it was visible only for a split second. As though the creature beneath the cloak sensed Quinn's gaze, it suddenly withdrew the hand into the folds of its black shroud. And then the thing beneath the hood, whatever it was, drew a long, slow, rattling breath, as though it were trying to suck something more than air from its surroundings.
An intense cold swept over them all, causing all to shiver. Quinn also felt the cold. He found it as equally bone-chilling as in the Icy vault. The current cold had a soul-numbing chill.
Quinn opened his mouth and spoke up in a clear voice, "Back off at once. Leave, or you will regret it."
The hooded figure looked down at the room's occupants and sensed deep fear and the promise of positive feelings that it could feed off of. The hooded figure gave into temptation and moved forward.
"Bad move," whispered Quinn in the cold.
A blinding silver light blasted the hooded figure at a point-blank range.
There was no noise, no shrieking from the hooded figure of darkness. The figure just suddenly retreated from the light and crashed into the opposing compartment's door, before flying away in what seemed fear and loathing.
The blinding silver light didn't stop and immediately darted across the train.
Quinn, too, didn't stop and immediately turned back and cracked the window of his compartment open, letting in a chilly breeze. He looked around the train's roof and saw more of those hooded figures floating above the train. Quinn pointed out his fake wand holding hand and shot out another burst of silver light that had the shape of an avian animal.
The silvery avian zoomed forward, letting out waves of silver energy. The swarm of hooded figures felt the silver energy hit them and immediately scattered away from the train as the silvery guardian cruised around the train, dutifully providing protection against the creatures of darkness.
An avian guardian stood above the train, emitting massive waves of positive silver energy, and repelling every foul creature in the vicinity.
And as the hooded figures escaped and moved away from the train, a spot opened up between the clouds in the dark sky, allowing light to fall over the silver guardian.
It was as if the vast sky itself was supporting the spirit guardian.
The caster of the silver entity ducked his head back inside the train. From his robes, he took out chocolate spheres, magically unwrapping the silver wrapping, and made them hover in front of his companions, who were all shivering and shaking.
"Eat the chocolates," he spoke in a calming voice, smiling as they looked at him. "It will help."
The girls grabbed the floating chocolates that were in front of them and popped them into their mouths, and actually felt the shivering decrease as the chocolate's taste covered their palates.
"Good. Do you guys feel better?" asked Quinn, shooting diagnostic looks at each of the four girls and getting affirmative nods in return.
"Excellent, sit tight. I'll be back," answered Quinn and, as he was turning back, he felt a tug on his clothes. When he looked back, Tracy was holding his robe.
"Where are you going?" questioned Tracy, her voice filled with worry.
Quinn grinned in reply.
"I've always wondered, what is the reason for my birth? And today, after this happened, I finally know it."
The girls watched as Quinn took his hands out of his pockets. Between all his fingers, Quinn held the same type of chocolate spheres they had just eaten.
"I'm going on a chocolate route. I was born for this," Quinn was grinning so hard that his face was almost split in half. "I'll see you four in a while."
He exited the compartment and moved towards the front of the train. He then opened every single door with magic and shot out chocolate spheres inside the compartments, and made them hover in front of the passengers while shouting.
"Eat chocolate! It will make you feel better. I'm raining chocolate today."
Pumping his fists into the air, Quinn declared.
"Chocolate West is back!"
Quinn's cavalier attitude didn't match the dark vibe in the train. But something about his shouting and shooting chocolate while making pew-pew noises brought people out of dark thoughts. The floating chocolate — and Quinn, who celebrated his return, almost made people forget the dread-inducing hooded figures of grim and bleakness.
Some Chocolate West skidded in front of another compartment, and this one's door was already open.
"Indulge in the sweet-," but Quinn stopped talking after he found that the compartment he was standing in was occupied by the golden squad.
Inside the compartment, Harry Potter, the golden boy, or better known as the boy-who-lived, was unconscious in his seat while the other three of the group were around him.
Ivy Potter, the Potter twin, was shaking her brother, trying to get him to wake up.
Quinn sighed and entered the compartment and spoke, "Get away from him. You are overwhelming him. Let the bloke breathe."
The second Quinn stepped inside the compartment, the lanterns came back to life, and the Hogwarts Express resumed its way with a jolt.
Ivy, who was worried about her brother, followed the instructions on instinct, but when she looked at the person who gave the instructions, her eyes contracted.
"You, what are you doing here?"
Quinn internally groaned but decided to ignore Ivy and Hermione's suspicious looks and asked, "Did he come into contact with a Dementor?"
"Dementor? Do you mean that foul, hooded creature?" asked Ron. He didn't notice the suspicious and cautious looks his two friends were giving the black-haired boy.
"Oh, so you guys had a chance to get acquainted with the Dementors," Quinn conversed as he checked on Harry Potter. "Bad luck, I guess."
'Alright, he is breathing, so a Dementor's kiss is out of the question,' diagnosed Quinn. He moved Harry's face around to check him out and silently funneled some magic to check the status of the boy-who-lived. 'He doesn't seem that pale, and I'm not getting any serious hits.'
Quinn stood straight and announced, "He is alright. This sudden close contact with the Dementor knocked him out."
"How do you know that?" questioned Ivy, she was still giving a cautious look, but Quinn could see her gaze shifting to Harry, worry flashing in her eyes every time she did so.
Quinn sighed, turned to the unconscious Harry Potter, and gave him a tight slap.
The sound of slap reverberated in the compartment as Harry Potter woke up with an abrupt and deep inhale of breath and looked around wildly.
Harry opened his eyes to see West, or whatever was his name, standing over him. The lanterns above him were back on, the floor was shaking — the Hogwarts Express was moving again. Harry felt very sick; when he put up his hand to push his glasses back on, he felt cold sweat on his face.
And his left cheek was stinging.
"Dip or pour?" asked West. He still couldn't recall the guy's first name.
"P-Pour," he answered on instinct. Harry could feel his heart racing.
Quinn clicked his tongue, looked at Ivy, and shrugged with his arms up. "I take it back. There is something definitely wrong with him. I mean, who pours instead of dipping."
Hermione rolled her eyes at Quinn's eccentricity. Even Ivy wasn't sure what to do, so she just stared at Quinn.
Quinn, on the other hand, was unwrapping a chocolate sphere. He leaned down towards Harry. "Here, eat the chocolate. It will make you feel better."
"What was that thing?" asked Hermione.
"A Dementor," answered Quinn, who was now giving chocolate to the other three. "One of the Dementors from Azkaban, I presume."
"What is a Dementor?" Hermione asked, bewildered. The hooded creature was something out of a horror story.
"Dementors are one nasty piece of work. They infest the darkest, filthiest places, they glory in decay and despair; they drain peace, hope, and happiness out of the surrounding air. Get too near a Dementor, and every good feeling, every happy memory, will be sucked out of you. If it can, the Dementor will feed on you long enough to reduce you to something like itself... soulless and corrupt. You will be left with nothing but the worst experiences of your life."
Quinn looked at the golden squad, who didn't look too well. He also noticed that none of them had eaten the chocolate.
"Eat the damn chocolates. It'll help."
He turned to Hermione and offered her something that would satisfy her. "Chocolate is one of the remedies to Dementor exposure. You can read it in one of the Dark Against Dark Arts remedy books. Just go to the Dark creatures section of the library and pick the book on Dementors."
Hermoine looked back and forth between the chocolate and Quinn before taking the risk and popping the chocolate into her mouth. Immediately, to her great surprise, she felt a warmth spread suddenly to the tips of his fingers and toes.
Quinn caught the look on Hermione's face and knew that his work was done here, so he just turned and walked out of their compartment.
"I need to cover more area, so I'll excuse myself."
With that, he was gone, leaving the golden squad alone.
"Are you sure you're okay, Harry?" said Ivy, looking at Harry anxiously.
"I don't understand... What happened?" groaned Harry. He was sweating, and his left cheek was still hurting.
"Well, that thing - the Dementor, stood there and looked around," said Ivy. She then mumbled, "I mean, I think it did, I couldn't see its face," she shook her head and said clearly this time, "and you, you -"
"I thought you went into shock or something," said Ron, who still looked scared. "You became sort of rigid and fell out of your seat and started twitching -"
"Then suddenly a bright silver light appeared and slammed into the Dementor," continued Hermione. She could recall the feeling of relief she felt when the Dementor ran away from the silver light. "I couldn't see it clearly, but it was some sort of bird. I definitely saw wings."
"It was horrible," said Ron, in a higher voice than usual. "Did you feel how cold it got when it came in?"
"I felt weird," commented Hermione, shifting her shoulders uncomfortably. "Like I would never be happy again..."
- (Scene Break) -
They were already near Hogwarts when Quinn returned, and the girls had already changed into their uniforms. They stepped out to give Quinn room to change.
They didn't talk much during the remainder of the journey. And Quinn didn't force them to speak up and talk. The Dementor was a dreadful creature; even Quinn felt some despair when it came near. He had been reminded of the days when he had lost his magic and didn't know what to do.
It was after Quinn conjured his Patronus that the effects disappeared. He actively concentrated on his happy thoughts. Quinn dispelled his Patronus when they were within sight of Hogsmeade.
At long last the train stopped at Hogsmeade station, and there was a great scramble to get outside; some owls hooted, some other cats meowed. It was freezing on the tiny platform; rain was falling down as an icy sheet.
"I swear it rains every time," grumbled Quinn as he walked on the slippery platform. However, the ice beneath his steps melted away, leaving not a single trace of unsafe ice or water.
Quinn got on the moldy carriages with Luna, Tracy, and Daphne after wishing good luck and saying goodbye to Astoria, who went to the boats with her would-be classmates.
After entering the castle, Quinn and Luna got separated from Tracy and Daphne and joined the crowd that was swarming up the steps. They then went through the giant oak front doors and set their feet into the cavernous entrance hall that was lit with flaming torches, and housed a magnificent marble staircase that led to the upper floors.
The door into the Great Hall stood open at the right; Quinn followed the crowd toward it and had barely glimpsed the enchanted ceiling, which was black and cloudy tonight, when a voice called, "Mr. West, I want to see you in my office!"
Quinn turned his head to see Minerva McGonagall, the Transfiguration teacher, head of Gryffindor House and Deputy Headmistress, calling out to him. She was a stern-looking witch who wore her hair in a tight bun; her sharp eyes were framed with square spectacles.
Quinn sighed and shouted back, "Professor, can't we do this after the feast? I don't want to miss dinner."
"It won't take much time. I just want a brief word in my office," assured the Scottish witch. "You shall have plenty of time to eat at the feast."
Quinn sighed once more before following his professor to her office.
Quinn West - MC - Chocolate West... At your service.
Astoria Greengrass - Talkative Greengrass sister - Has heard of Quinn.
Harry Potter - Boy-who-fainted - Damn it! My cheek still hurts!
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