12.57% How to survive in the World DxD with Fragment Memories / Chapter 21: Fighting Enemies to save lives

บท 21: Fighting Enemies to save lives

"Alright, you ready?"

Masaru looked towards Everest who appeared to be impatient, she looked at Masaru and simply nodded. Since this was her first real life and death combat her dragon aura was materializing around her body unconsciously because of her excitement, even Masaru was covering his body in Touki to increase his base specs.

"Let's go!"

Masaru covers Hrunting with a thick layer of Demonic Energy, a trace of destruction element could be sensed from the transparent demonic energy cloaking the blade. With a single swing of his sword, Masaru unleashed a condensed blade wave towards the front doors destroying it instantly along with the protection measures the enemies installed in it.

The power of the strike was stronger than Everest could expect when she saw among the rubble, were dead devils and some priests. Although they were prepared, it was a problem that the surrounding reinforcements should have heard the explosion by now. Meaning that they would be rushing towards them from all direction.

Everest, hiding her presence left Masaru to face off against the reinforcements alone while she hed down the stairs revealed when Masaru destroyed a part of the Orphanage. Her objective was to save Shirone.

"It's a devil! You, stupid priests, go shoot your little holy pew pew!"

One of the devils who identified Masaru's race immediately called out the priests following him from behind but did not forget to mock them as well.

"Ptui! If it was not for our agreement I would have killed you right now"

The leader of the Priest leads a small group of exorcist and priests ahead of the main group, Masaru who was standing in front of the destroyed Orphanage could only sigh thinking it will be a long night he will spend with this crazy dragon.

[HUMANS! DEVILS! BWAHAHAHA COME OFFER YOUR BLOOD FOR THIS ONE!!! Unlike those disgusting creatures, I welcome your sacrifices to become bloodstains for my blade any time of the year!!! Just thinking of it makes me feel I was reaping their Virginity! (First Death for enemies)]

"Damn, you finally snapped!?"

Masaru was exasperated by Grendel's change while he sprinted towards the first group of holy priests and exorcist, dodging holy arrows shot from the priests and the holy enchanted swords of the exorcist were easy but irritating as he could feel his body was shivering from the presence of holy element unlike when he use the spellbook.

[Anyone would snap if their body was used to cut up disgusting creatures like that and then finally killing proper enemies... It's like a man who had sex with a whore and then with a virgin girl... It's simply incomparable!!]

"You even thought of an example just how sick are you!?"

[Honestly, I think my love for blood and battle made me enter an excited state. I can't help but scream I want more virgins! (First Death for each enemy)]

Since Masaru was only stalling for time so Everest could find Shirone, He did not immediately take the priests and exorcist down it was only when their reinforcements were nearby when Masaru became serious beheading the priests and exorcist immediately to welcome his next set of enemies.

[Hoh? So it was humans and now we got devils! Does some deity want me to really lose my mind from tasting such a great variety of blood!?]

'I better take note of this change of attitude during combat, it's truly a complete contrast to his calm side'

Masaru thought while combating against the devils.

"Why are you attacking us!?"

One of the team leaders of the Devils thought of distracting Masaru by talking with him, Masaru called out his spellbook conjuring several magic circles of different elements launching bullets towards the devils.

"You touched something which you should not have... So I will simply destroy your base here while taking it back"

The devil was struck dumb at this man's arrogance,

"You want to destroy our base!? You forgot this is the Church territory!?"

Masaru smirked as he impales the heart of an attacking Devil,

"Ask that question again but this time to yourself... What race are you?"

The devil who heard this was fuming with rage thinking this boy actually not shaken at all, but instead what the boy mentioned made him realized he too was in an unfavourable situation.

"Call Dark Shadow! get him to deal with this brat!"

The battle between the group of low to mid-class devils and Masaru continued on.


"Someone is attacking the Orphanage."

Jeanne who was still chatting with Shirone felt Tremors from above, Shirone, however, smiled naturally since she could sense the Ki of her beloved Big brother. Jeanne who saw this looked at Shirone

"Shirone, could it be that brother of yours who was searching for me has arrived"

Shirone nodded,

"I am quite curious to meet this boy who would come all the way here for someone like me"


The door leading to the room broke apart as a dead corpse of a once-living Priest crashed in the ground scaring the nearby children, later footsteps could be heard approaching the door.


Everest called out since she was not afraid of these weak enemies she did not mind to attract them all together so she could simply slap them to death,

"Everest I am over here"

Everest who heard Shirone's voice rushed into the room and saw all the children inside, she spotted Shirone standing next to a blonde hair girl thinking about the reason they were here, to begin with, could be this girl.

"Shirone, who is this girl?"

Shirone smiled answering Jeanne's question

"She is Everest, she is a rook like me and also Big brother Masaru's peerage member"

Jeanne made an OH face,

"Shirone who is this girl?"

Shirone turned towards Everest

"She is the potential knight Master has been searching for, she is injured which is why I did not make any movements"

Jeanne extends her hand towards Everest from her sitting position as she could not stand yet, Everest did not hesitate to shake her hand similar to Shirone she felt a bit irritation because of the holy element within the girl.

"Nice to meet you Eve"

Jeanne smiled brightly

"Nice to meet you, at last, Jeanne. Shirone we have to move fast, Masaru has already contacted Lady Diana to rescue us----"


an Enormous tremor akin to an earthquake shook the ground fiercely, sensing the enormous energy signature as well as the familiar presence Shirone and Everest flinched as they knew. Diana has arrived and it appears she is pissed


A man wearing a black dark plated hooded outfit which had some looks similar to a Death knight in the games was standing in front of Masaru, his name is Dark Shadow. a Fallen Angel Devil Hybrid who travels around the world while completing assassination and mercenary contracts but only recently joined this organization that was standing against the formation of an alliance between the three largest factions.

"Never would I ever thought I would be called to deal with a brat like you"

Masaru smirked at the man who was looking at him condescendingly

"You best be careful people who looked at me the way you do are all around me.... as corpses that is"

Masaru provoked the man but Dark shadow did not move and simply felt amazed at this boy's calmness to slaughter so many people, thanks to his experience in the first kill in the aeroplane Masaru already began to naturally build up resistance towards gore and bloody sights like these.

"It's a pity that a boy like you who seem to have quite the potential to become someone truly great in this world would die under my blade... Truly regrettable, how can fate be so cru-- Urg"

"Earthen steps"

Before the man could complete his speech Masaru already used a ground shrink movement spell to instantly appear in front of Dark Shadow slashing down at him.

Raising his right hand attempting to block the sword strike with his gauntlet, Dark Shadow gritted his teeth as he did not expect this kid to take this opening. Normally his enemies would wait and listen allowing him to prepare for an instant kill strike, but this brat.


Feeling the force of the boy's strike being more than he could take head-on, he tilts his blade enough to allow the sword to slide sideways away from him while he took a step forward to strike the boy.

Masaru who was already in an excited-state felt his attack failed, tilting his body to the right to dodge the hidden strike while raising his left elbow upwards before he leapt leftwards.

"Talk less and fight..."


Dark shadow bent his body backwards too fast, if he was not flexible and trained for such manoeuvres then he might have caused irreversible damage to his spinal cord. But his uneven stance granted Masaru a chance.

With a body spin, Masaru sent out a back kick straight into Dark Shadow's abdomen sending flying towards the wall.


a pair of Devil wings appeared behind Dark shadow allowing him to halt mid-air glaring at the boy.

"You are stronger than I expected"

Dark Shadow muttered while wiping the blood trail from the side of his mouth before he instantly dissappeared.


Caught by surprise Masaru carefully surveyed his surroundings but could not find a trace of Dark Shadow till a scorching hot pain was felt on his back along with wetness.


Screaming out in pain and surprise, Masaru twists his body in a tilted spin with his right leg upwards for another back kick. However, he kicked nothing but air.

"Kukuku, so do you fear me now boy? This is my special ability, spatial shift"

"I Know thy name!"

Calling out in an ancient devil language, Masaru began to cast a special kind of magic specifically made for those who wish to borrow the powers of the first devils who made out from the 72 pillars.

Flames covered Masaru as he continued to sing the spell that required him to pull out the powers from the ancestor, of the phenex family.

"Thy name is Phenex!

The poet and the magician,

You songbirds that play reason with sweet tongues

Obey my command!

And become my strength!"

Covered in Nirvana flames, Masaru's injuries were healing rapidly. He had been researching spells related to the Demon Pillars for a while during his free time. Although he could use other spells, he felt more attractive in using spells related to the Demon Pillars for a special reason. And finally, he found the chance to use it, since it was a kind of spell used to kill not duels.

"Are you from the Phenex family!?"


Masaru smiled faintly as he unleashed several layered magical formations surrounding Dark Shadow,


Dark shadow prepared himself for defence but he did not realize that it was only scanning magic to gather information about him, what Masaru wanted to understand was his special ability. It was only a flash of inspiration, but Masaru thought he could learn about this and perhaps enhance his peerage strength if required.

"huh? Nothing? Are you looking down on me!?"

Dark shadow felt he was being humiliated in front of the people behind him, but he suddenly flinched when Masaru sprinted towards him. Even more surprised watching how devils that were weaker than him jumping in front of Masaru to stop him only to die meaninglessly.

'They are trying to create an opening for me?'

More devils came in Masaru's path to stop him and create an opening only for Dark Shadow, he already realized it when he noticed the fluctuations in spatial energy surrounding Dark Shadow. After he scanned Dark Shadow, his senses towards Spatial energy increased allowing him to be more alert to his surroundings.

With the advance alert, Masaru prepared a spell while covering in flames. Demon magical runes began to materialize, each of them began to place themselves in a circle pattern before they were enclosed in a formation.

"From fire to ash, and from ash to earth. Burn to ash and die"

Masaru muttered softly causing the surroundings to flinch at the intensity of Masaru's killing intent, before the devils could even think of striking they were all surrounded by golden flames that refused to die out even when water or ice was used.

Bit by bit the flames began to close in on them while being surrounded, screams of pain, anger, unwillingness along with a variety of emotions filled the skies as the devils were all burnt to death.

Thanks to this Masaru was unhindered in his path but Dark Shadow was already prepared to face him as the hybrid revealed his two pairs of Devil / Fallen angel wings.

"Hmpf! You caught me off guard but you won't be so lucky this time!"

"You, you're a hybrid of a fallen angel and a devil!?"

Masaru was surprised at this development, unlike Akeno who was reincarnated. Dark Shadow was a natural-born hybrid between a devil and a fallen angel, which was truly a surprise to him.

"So what!?"

Dark shadow pulled out his dual daggers from their sheath while taking a defensive stance, this time he believed that his chances to survive laid in defence instead of offence. What he did not realize was that Masaru wanted him to keep his distance!

"Heed my call, and release your fury upon the earth. I wish for creation, to see the ever shining tower. Burn away the impurities...

Nirvana Pillar!"

Within a moment's notice, Dark Shadow was surrounded by a massive crimson coloured magic formation. He barely had enough time to cover his body with his devil and fallen angel energy to create a pseuodo barrier around him.



Another explosion shook the surrounding followed by a massive pillar made out of crimson flames heading up straight towards the heavens, colouring the night skies in crimson colour. Yet amazingly, not a single human woke up despite all the noises and brightness.

"Cough Cough"

Dark shadow coughed as he emerged from the flame pillar, although he covered himself in time the flame intensity was still too much for him to handle causing him to emerge with tattered clothes and barely had any hair on his head left. His left arm and leg were burnt pitch black, from this it could be seen he sacrificed it to survive the attack.

"Damn you...."

Masaru released his phenex borrowed powers allowing the flames surrounding him to die down, revealing his unscatched body holding his sword upright. Although his jacket and shirt were still shredded at the back with bloodstains as evidence that he was once injured. With a single step, Masaru appeared as if he took several steps appearing in front of Dark Shadow.

"I told you I will not fall for it again--- ugh! GWAAAAH!"

When the blades connected, Masaru swing his right leg while immediately enchanting it with speed and strength before releasing an attack that was classified as the top ten most painful attacks in the world of man. Masaru kicked Dark shadow's crotch extremely hard since it was an area not plated properly the leather could not even absorb the shock and raw attack output of the kick.

Dark shadow could swear he heard his nuts exploded as blood was dripping from his pants, he crashed into the ground feeling a kind of pain he never experienced in his entire life. Compared to gaining bruises or injuries from blades and punches, or even when he was almost burnt alive. Compared to this kick, the previous injuries were superficial to him.

He wanted to cry and scream, it was only thanks to his many years of experiencing pain that he could somehow endure it while standing up with great difficulty.

"You bastard! That was completely dirty!!! Who uses such attacks on men!!"

Masaru tilted his head

"I only battle efficiently... Whether it's dirty or not I don't care... Since this is a battle to the death I will opt for the most efficient way to deal with you"

"I'm going to kill you!!!"

Dark shadow yelled, covering his burnt arm and leg with his energy like a cloak so he could move them like a puppet. He sprinted forward although it was noticeably slower compared to his initial speed.

"Earthen steps"

In order to meet him head-on, Masaru used his movement spell to appear behind him but Dark Shadow turned around in time but not fast enough to block Masaru from impaling his heart with his sword.


Dark Shadow coughed out blood while raising his dagger to strike Masaru in his attempt to mutual destruction, what Dark Shadow did not realize was there was a Devil approaching the two of them to interfere in hopes to save Dark Shadow which Masaru already took note of.

"Die Brat!!"

Dark shadow yelled while striking down but the sword and the boy suddenly disappeared from his view and was replaced by a devil who was a subordinate of the one who hired him, Masaru used warp space magic which he gained from understanding Dark Shadow's magic and combination of spells he could use in the spellbook this time.

He first disappeared in front of Dark Shadow in order to appear behind the devil who wanted to save him and used his palm cloaked with wind element magic to launch the devil who had his sword pointed straight in the direction of Dark Shadow causing the two once allies to mutually kill each other.

"You can die together with your ally instead"

Masaru muttered before swinging his sword in a crescent moon splattering the blood that was on its surface onto the ground, the remaining devils backed away when they saw Dark Shadow was killed which made them realize this boy was far more dangerous than they initially believed and that made them fear the boy.


Was what all of them thought until their thoughts were disrupted by a massive explosion not far from here, BANG!!!! The ground quake as surrounding buildings began to collapse.


Masaru turned to look at Diana who was currently combating against elite exorcist led by Vasco Strada himself, Masaru was about to move till he noticed the Devils already made a run for it and Everest together with Shirone and a Familiar blonde hair girl emerged from the stairs that led to the underground.

"Big Brother!"

Shirone jumped into Masaru's embrace while he nodded towards Everest, he looked then at Jeanne

"I am certain you have questions but there is not enough time... Do you wish to stay here and become a prisoner to the Church once again or follow me?"

Jeanne smirked

"I will follow Shirone and Eve, whether I join you will depend on our talk later"

Masaru nodded and led the three girls towards the direction Diana was at, soon they met up with a Devil.


Masaru who saw the queen of Jacob's peerage smiled waving at him, before he could say anything she immediately materialized a communication magic circle

"Target acquired!"

And teleported Masaru and the three girls away from this location.


"Never would I imagine that I will find Ultimate Rank Devils appearing in this area... What is your objective"

Vasco Strada, the church's Ace was currently facing alone against Diana, Jacob and Edward. It was possible that Edward or Jacob could face him alone if they did not need to care about the surroundings but right now they were here only to rescue and leave.

"I am only here to pick up my son who got entangled in a battle with some stray devils here"

Diana answered since she did not think it will be any problem to reveal this, maybe they can even form a truce for now.

"You think we are so easily deceived by you devils!?"

One of the exorcists yelled out, while the rest were joining in. Diana looked at Jacob's Queen who was a part of the guards Jacob was in charge of.

"Go in the direction of Masaru, I sense he is coming. Once you got him to report immediately, we will withdraw afterwards"

"Yes Ma'm!"

The queen immediately disappeared in the direction Masaru and the three girls were approaching, the exorcist wanted to give chase but was stopped by Diana and the rest. Even Vasco could realize this entire time they have only been defending and not once used large scale magic,

'Could it be they really are here to only pick up a family member? I read the report about the raids on Orphanages was done by a group of stray devils and exiled priests... Could it be about this'

Before he could come to a conclusion he suddenly heard Diana shoutings

"Plan A!"

Immediately all the mages of the team immediately cast a sharp ray of light in the direction of Vasco and his team, when the light dispersed Diana and the rest were already gone. Vasco could naturally stop them but he did not because these people never battled them seriously and even took note of their surroundings, the exorcist and priests began to scream out insults towards the Devils that fled but he knew if they were serious then there would have been a catastrophic result.



Diana stomped towards Masaru and gave him a loud resounding slap in the face, she was furious.

"You promised! If things became dangerous you would leave! WHY! Why are you so reckless!"

No one spoke out for Masaru, in fact, everyone except for the three girls who came back with Masaru felt that they too wanted to beat up Masaru for making them worried.

Masaru said nothing till Diana stopped yelling awaiting his answer, so he began to explain the situation and how it turned into what it was. The information about the creatures he faced caused Diana's face to cramp up since not every devil was proficient in detection magic especially one that can be used to scan the body so facing creatures with no way to determine where the "core" was would become a hassle.

Diana hugged Masaru and cried while apologizing but Masaru held her firmly while rubbing her back,

"You have the right to be angry Mother, I should have followed my instinct to escape immediately but I was in the end conceited and reckless... I'm sorry"

Masaru did not regret his actions but still felt apologetic to his adoptive mother who cared about him the most, even Diehauser was not notified about this situation just yet.

When everyone managed to calm down, they decided to teleport towards the Belial Manor, Shirone and Everest took Jeanne for a bath with the rest of the girls while Diehauser, Dominic, Damian, Diana, and those who participated in the battle gathered together to talk.


"It was indeed reckless of you Masaru, so I hope you will consider that slap a lesson... You should know Diana would be the last one to ever act that way, so you should understand just how much you worried her"

Diehauser spoke to his son about his reckless actions first, Dominic, however, thought for a moment

"Masaru did you record the scenes you witness with the Memory recorder Elizabeth created?"

Masaru nodded

"I have, here it is"

Masaru placed the small device that operated with demonic energy to display a projection a memory recorded in it.

After watching the scenes Masaru experienced even Damian who was usually cheerful became serious,

"I never saw such creatures before... Why have there been no sightings of such creatures?"

Jacob thought for a moment and remembered something

"I am not sure but Masaru, when you entered did it feel you enter a different dimension?"

Masaru nodded

"No wonder... If these creatures protect themselves with such isolation power then it is no wonder we never discovered them..."

"I believe we need to send this information to all four the Devil Kings immediately, if these kinds of creatures attack the human world in earnest or even the Underworld it will be a harsh battle if we are unprepared"

Edward voiced his suggestion, Diana nodded

"I will personally report to Lord Falbium myself since I have contacts in the military so I will be able to make some movements there to prepare"

"I will inform the Bael Family, since we will require those old Devils to aid us in this battle"

Jacob added,

"I will then contact the heads of the other families on my part"

Damian looked at the projection as if he was thinking about something which no one knew about.

"Masaru, when will you be heading to Ajuka's laboratory?"

Masaru shook his head

"Not at least for a week, I need to talk with Jeanne I brought from the Human world to confirm whether she wishes to join the peerage or not. Once that is resolved, I still need to write and compile a report before I head to his laboratory since he will look for a report with my thoughts after looking at this memory"

Diehauser nodded,

"Keep the number of people you inform to a minimal and keep it only to the higher ranks, there is no need to spread chaos so the only people we will contact is the Bael Family Head, the four Devil Kings and the top rank Devil Families who hold the strongest military power"

CompleteNoob CompleteNoob

01/08/2020 - Changes made


“You are so kind, funny and beautiful.”

“Oh come on. You just want to get me to bed.”

“And smart, too!”

next chapter
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