88% House Of The Dragons (HOTD) : Orphan SI / Chapter 21: Chapter 21 : Highgarden

บท 21: Chapter 21 : Highgarden

----High Garden----

----3 Months since the start of Journey-----

-----Kerith's Pov-----

The sun was high in the sky as our group gathered in the open field, surrounded by eager spectators.

" Alright people, it is time for a spectacle, a showcase of our specialties for a very special place."

I stood at the center, surrounded by my companions and our warg animals, each one ready to impress the crowd with their feats. Simba, the majestic liger, paced beside me, keeping control of the beats in line just with his presence.

"Welcome, everyone, to the Travelling Travellers' Circus!" I announced, my voice ringing out across the field. "Today, we have a special treat for you all, as our talented animals will show their remarkable abilities! Let me tell you, people, this is a never seen show."

The crowd erupted into cheers as I gestured for the first act to begin. Garmond stepped forward with his warg partner, Red Hawk, a magnificent bird of prey with keen eyesight and remarkable agility.

"Watch closely as Red Hawk takes flight!" I exclaimed, my excitement clear in my voice. With a sharp whistle from Garmond, Red Hawk spread its wings and launched into the sky, a magnificent display of power and grace.

The Hawk caught every fruit thrown at into the sky by Kong, Walder's Gorilla, who perhaps is the only one Warg animal of the group.

As the crowd watched in awe, Garmond swiftly notched an arrow into his bow, his eyes locked on Red Hawk as it soared higher and higher.

Within a split second, a series of events happened. The 3 Metered bird, in a swirling movement, released all the fruits it held.

With practiced precision, Garmond aimed for the ripe fruits suspended in the air.

With a steady hand and unwavering focus, Garmond released the arrow, sending it sailing through the air with incredible speed.

The crowd held their breath as the arrow flew true, striking the fruits with pinpoint accuracy.

As the fruits burst apart, Red Hawk executed a series of rapid maneuvers, diving and twisting through the air with unmatched agility.

With lightning-fast reflexes, the bird caught the pieces of fruit as they fell, snatching them from the air with precision. Showing just how different the animals of Westeros are compared to the Earth.

In a seamless display of teamwork, Red Hawk delivered the pieces of fruit to various members of the crowd, each one receiving a delicious reward for their patronage.

The crowd erupted into cheers and applause, a display of skill. A skill that made me jealous of the rapid skill gain for Garmond. Luckily, he was always fit enough under my commands, and when he bonded with Hawk; he soared in combat rather easily.

Next, it was the Belin's turn to showcase his Warg partner, Shadow, a sleek panther with stealth and agility unmatched by any other.

"Behold the agility of Shadow!" I called out.

Shadow leaped and bounded across the field, effortlessly navigating amidst the audience.


---Castle Highgarden---

I walked forward, flanked by Walder and Smallfoot, with Simba at my side, into the most magnificent castle I had ever laid eyes on. Marbled floors stretched out before us, intricately carved with designs that seemed to flow seamlessly from one room to the next. Even the smallest details, like the candle holders and door knobs, boasted exquisite craftsmanship. I couldn't help but be mesmerized by the wealth surrounding me, knowing that even the furniture here likely surpassed all the wealth I had accumulated.

As we made our way through the castle, we were announced into the court, a routine that had become increasingly frequent as the reputation of our group grew.

Stepping into the lavish surroundings of the Court of the Roses, I cast my gaze upon Lord Martyn Tyrell, the former Master of Coin. He sat upon his throne; his body is marked by the weariness of age.

Kneeling before him, I offered my greetings. "My Lord Tyrell, it is an honor to be in your presence."

Lord Tyrell regarded me with a curious gaze, his tired eyes showing a hint of interest. "Ah, young Kerith," he said, his voice carrying a sharp edge. "The youngest Ser in Westeros. You must have been the talk of every court across Westeros by now."

I politely chuckled and replied, "It has been because of hard work, opportunity, and a bit of luck, Lord Tyrell."

With a voice that, while old, still kept its sharp edge reverberated in the court, cutting off its Lord.

I can use my brain to know that this was the true brains of Highgarden- Lady Florence.

A woman who was said to be the true Master of coin for King Jaehaerys and also the one who made his King's road become a reality.

In this misogynist society, having that kind of reputation is nothing short of amazing 

"Some might say such remarks about luck to be a mummer's humility. Your retainer's identity says a lot of things regarding you. You see, Ser, your retainers seem to be composed of all kinds of men, from performers to even poor victims of violence, and not to forget the flesh-eating creatures."

She gave a pointed look at Simba, emphasizing her point -"Such peculiar choices. Some even believe you want to chase the old Warg stories."

I laughed and said, "It might seem fierce, but my friend is a friendly guy. A liger, the peculiar peace carnivore. This was certified by the centuries study of Sealord's Menagerie. Interacting with him led me to a thought of training other animals, just like the Wolfhounds and horses."

Lady florence nodded at that," Yes, perhaps. But it seems to show that you consider yourself an entertainer and gold hungry merchant."

I expected this. My actions, like a travelling hedge knight despite their being no need for it, could be seen as me disregarding the traditions and norms of the nobility.

"Yes, my Lady. I agree with that," I replied. "I try to encompass not just the mind of a maester, the might of a knight, but also the life of the world in its wholeness. Even the animals are included in that. Perhaps for that reason, my retainers are so varied. "

As murmurs grew at that, since I have not really given an answer to her question. One thing I realized about such questions is answering them is a trap. Answering no means I am lying to her. Answering yes means I am nothing more than a money seeking upstart.

So, I used a core skill of any leader/Politician, total deflection as an answer that is acceptable.

 I gave a smile and showed her my ridiculously long Maester chain, which, if fully unfolded, could reach her.

"I guess I am a greedy man, wanting everything this world offers.", with my head held high, I continued, "Let me show it to you with an example. Of course, if you find it in yourself to give me some time."

With just a nod from her, the court became silent, eager to observe what I had to show them.

With a snap of my fingers, Walder and Smallfoot arranged a 10-meter canvas while I smiled. I took the supplies handed to me and got started. I drew with the help of the AI.

Simba, to his irritation, became my self-adjusting foot stand. But, I must say, using a dangerous carnivore like Simba has its way of leaving an impact on the crowd.

I painted a vivid scene where the colors of Oldtown seamlessly blended into the rugged terrain of Red Mountain, thanks to the AI's guidance. As I worked, I used more blue and oil to create a smooth transition between the vibrant city and the stark landscape.

"My journey began in Oldtown, with its familiar sights," I explained, carefully sketching landmarks of Oldtown like the Orphanage, the Citadel, the Seven Sept, High Tower, and the tourney melee.

Then I mapped out the rest of my adventure—flowing rivers of Honey wine, the towering Red Mountain, and the many towns and villages I visited.

The AI continued to help me, suggesting broad strokes for the vast landscapes and intricate details for the key landmarks.

[Use broad strokes for the scenery]

[…..and add finer stokes as details for the landmarks.]

"Hey, is that the young man?" someone asked.

"Yes," I replied, "but he's small compared to the rest of the painting."

I added each member of my group at significant points on the canvas. "I met Smallfoot at the orphanage in Oldtown, Walder at the Citadel. This art captures those early, precious memories of finding them in my life."

The crowd murmured as they recognized the lifelike portraits of my companions. I smiled at their reactions. I even used dotted lines to show the Titan of Braavos and Simba with his pride, drawing more attention to my partner.

[Emphasize the contrast between the bustling city life and the tranquil beauty of nature]

With every brushstroke, the canvas came alive, reflecting the essence of my travels and the friends who shared them with me—Captain Breken, Sailor Geric, and others. The scene shifted from the bustling city life to the serene beauty of nature.

I added the final touches with Highgarden in the background. The scene depicted Lady Florence questioning my choices, a reflection of my past and present.

Lady Florence examined the painting and raised an eyebrow. "It's quite good, even better than most painters. But my court painters could do better."

"Perhaps, my lady," I responded, "but they may not capture the progress as I have."

With a subtle move, I flipped the tall canvas, revealing a second painting on the back. The crowd gasped.

This new painting showed two couples side by side against a backdrop of roses: Lord Martyn Tyrell and Lady Florence. Each figure was accompanied by a caption:

- **Lord Martyn Tyrell**: "An ideal leader, skilled at placing the right person in the right role—an achievement that even High Septons and Kings have failed to attain because of their pride."

- **Lady Florence**: "A role model for women across the world, balancing her duties as Lady of the Reach with grace and intelligence."

The court fell silent, deeply moved by the painting's message. They recognized the wisdom and insight captured in each stroke.

The court fell silent as they took in the profound message conveyed by the painting.

I then addressed the shocked couple, "Perhaps I may be unorthodox in seeking things beyond my scope. But, my lady, such is the nature of mankind - always wanting more. Which smallfolk don't desire wealth? Which man, no matter his position, doesn't yearn for the might of knighthood? Which person doesn't aspire to the wisdom of a maester or the voice of a Bard? I am a greedy man, wanting them all.

But, to my fortune, I was blessed with talents that can make them true. Yes, I am peculiar. In fact, I am an arrogant man who aims to achieve the impossible, to learn and gain every skill this world offers. Then surpass it with innovation, just like this. I may not be as skilled as your court painter, but I am sure he could never achieve this without my journey, experiences, and the heart to strive for it."

I waited in silence, wondering if I had gone too far with my words. To my surprise, the lady and lord rose to their feet and started clapping, leading to a thunderous applause from the entire court. Hopefully, this incident would soothe the stepped-on toes of the nobility.

The issue had shifted from me stepping on traditions to me being viewed as an arrogant, greedy man but talented too - an acceptable trait among the nobility.

 ----Forests near Highgarden------

---Hunting trip----

----A Few days later-----

While I learned horse riding, I am no master considering my busy schedule till now. Even that was enough till now. In a way, it is a similar case with swordsmanship for me. The skill growth doesn't compare to the growth in combat to these two.

I looked at my Gada, a brute weapon that gives easy rise in combat strength as long as I am fit enough. While true mastery might take a long time with the Gada, similar to the other two.

There is no doubt in me I am attracted to it and willing to put effort.

Speaking of horse riding, I turned to look at Huric, who was calmly riding his horse. The thing was, the horse looks familiar. So, I asked about it.

"The horse looks familiar," I remarked.

Ironically, it was Garmond who was leading the hunting team, who explained, "It is the horse that belongs to Huric. You must feel it is similar because you brought Huric in a sack on it."

Huric irritably said, "Yes, it is hilarious and insulting that from the sack to the horse needed for the kidnapping of myself are all owned by me. It feels like being bought as a slave using my money."

I remained silent on this topic, considering I don't regret it. I spent gold on his father for reputation and help. The former high septon is reaping fame for our deeds in the Faith of Seven, especially for our deeds of healing, ending bandits, and showing a new life to the refugees. To both of our agreement, He will be the bridge between us.

I was broken from my thoughts by a voice. "Oh! Interesting. I can imagine a story behind it."

I sighed as the key figures of this hunting team. Lyonel Tyrell, the grandson of Lord Tyrell and also the heir's heir.

"Really brother, it is a private talk between them. You shouldn't inquire like that," the last rebuke came from a 10-year-old, Olenna Tyrell rebuked her 16-year-old brother.

She, frankly, is quite a tall girl for her age, looking cute like any child. The thing that is jarring for me was the post-dance of dragons. The Lord Tyrell is another Lyonel Tyrell who is a child, according to the canon. Which means within the next 30 years these two will die, along with any of their children, leaving a child that is the current laughing youth's namesake.

The sound of Garmond's Hawk was heard signaling the finding of prey. Lyonel, with a swing of the whip, rode faster, shouting, "Finally, the fun begins!"

Olena again rebuked him while she herself followed him. "No, dear brother. It is not fun but the duty of a noble to hunt the wild animals causing the problems of the people. Those boars ate away most of the fields in the village."

I sighed at this. I have no choice but to babysit them, considering my request for food. Yup, food. To ensure a stable supply and strong diet, I can't solely rely on the wild and the visiting towns anymore. Especially since the Travellers grew to be over 300. I realized the open offer for every skill really is pumping up people. While some left as they found new homes, even greater numbers joined us. As far as I know, the true Blowup in numbers from the spreading of reputation didn't yet happen.

Still, there is another reason I am flattering the Great Lord of Reach. His word is enough to disperse any nobles' fears regarding the size.

As for the reason, I am eager for babysitting brats and food. Frankly speaking, only the Reach lords have enough food year-round to sell. Trying for a long time deal is in my interests.

I watched as Lyonel was hurling arrows under the protection Tyrell's guards.

Of course, accidents can happen like the newbie guard slipping making it impossible for them to protect the duo, but just then Garmond and Simba intervene.


"Thank you, Simba."

"As expected of the only true Liger in the World."

"Ser Kerith, I really wish I had a pet like yours."

Garmond answered for me, "In a way, we are blessed by gods for having such partners, young lord."

His Hawk cried out in response to show its agreement with the envy of the children. But, I found these guys are far better than most of the Lordling I met till now. Some even ordered the guards to attack us in the past for their capture.

Luckily, the sheer prospective backlash stayed the hand of the Lord from backing his kid. Let's not talk behind people's back.

Walder, to my surprise, stayed back with the group, keeping the animals and the people in control. Again, my thoughts are drifting at the changes that will occur from the spreading of the Warg rumors.

They will spread despite my many counter-measures with faith and citadel.

It isn't surprising since the source is my group. People talk, especially in isolated travelling groups like ours, where I gave them that freedom. I am sure some of the smart ones already have an idea, but they didn't poke it because they are smart.


I was broken from my thoughts by Olena's shriek. I turned to see a 6-foot boar tearing towards them, despite Simba clawing its insides out. Considering the bleeding, it is on its last legs.

Saying sorry for it, I extended my Gada and swung it in a crescent. The head of the Gada detached, made a wondrous arc in the sky and came crashing down on the boar, showing the power of physics.

I am really being happy about the training I did with AI's adjustments, as the dying cries of the boar were heard.


----A month since the start of the stay in Highgarden----

Each day passed with me exploring the libraries of Highgarden, uploading the information not found in Citadel to my AI database.

Unfortunately for me, I didn't find not even a hint of the Gardner's plant magic knowledge. Probably erased or stolen by some invaders. Though, I bet my ass that they were most likely destroyed in the Conquest. 

As I sighed in the lost knowledge, I was disturbed by Olena, who gave me a curtsy and said to me that the Lord and Lady will meet again. I walked with her while she inquired about the designs of the clothes made by the Sewers in our group. 

I explained to her, "It is because most of the repetitive work is done with a Loom we made and the true art is used with various colors made from a combination of herbs, stone, mud we found in our journey," I said.

She then replied, "I saw it is like your painting you drew on that day you came to Highgarden."

Looking at the girl's smiling face, remembering the painting, I realized that the Lady's scheme worked. There is friendship with the young generation now. But I am sure she will use this friendship to inspire them to better themselves by using me as an example. I am sure the laughing girl and her brother will curse me in the future.

Something like this is common in any household. Parents will try to motivate their children in any way possible for them. Smart ones and the lucky ones will succeed and as for the others, they will leave issues that will follow them throughout life. Not that I think that is the aim of the parents, but such is the way of life. Despite their well-meaning intentions, it can lead to varying consequences.

"Ser Kerith, The youngest Ser, The Brightest Healer."

"Lady Olena, the Beautiful Rose of summer."

With the announcement from the doorkeeper, I entered the room to see Lord and Lady dining with Lyonel.

"Come, join us for lunch, young ones. The weather is quite pleasant for a small feast."

With the invitation from them, I joined their table. I was surprised to see some of the modern recipes there. 

Lord Tyrell explained with a smile, "These were made based on your traveler's recipes. I must say, I enjoy the various new dishes. Especially after our cooks gave the food their own spin."

As we sat around the table, the conversation naturally centered on the present topic-food.

Lady Florence gestured to the array of dishes laid out before us and remarked, "I must admit, Kerith, your group has introduced us to quite a variety of culinary delights."

I nodded in agreement, taking a bite of the savory stew. "Yes, our travels have exposed us to different wildlife and situations. It's been a pleasure to share some of those experiences with you."

Lyonel, his mouth full of KFC, chimed in, "Indeed! I never imagined I'd be sampling such a chunky dish, ever."

Olena, her eyes sparkling with curiosity, asked, "Do you have any favorite recipes from your travels, Kerith?"

I smiled, recalling some of the memorable meals we had enjoyed on the road. "I am a chicken meat lover. But there's a certain vibe and emotion with having hearty stew made with root vegetables and wild game among the company of my Travelers. It ended up becoming my favorite dish now."

Lyonel nodded at that as if dreaming about the epic adventures.

As we continued with various small talk, Lyonel suddenly glanced at the sun and exclaimed, "Oh, would you look at the time! Olena and I have a prior engagement with our friends in the Yard. We must take our leave."

Lady Florence nodded understandingly. "Of course, dear. Thank you for joining us old folk for dinner."

With polite farewells, Lyonel and Olena excused themselves from the table and left the room, leaving Lady Florence and me alone to discuss more pressing matters.

Once they were gone, an awkward silence set in the room.

Seeing the silence, I broke it with a joke, "It feels weird for me to be consider myself an old guy, Lady Tyrell."

Lord Tyrell was the one to answer to that, "I wish my grandchildren have such steadiness in them. As for achievements and such, they can come with time if they don't lose to the various pressures in life."

He shook his head, probably remembering some things, but changed the mood with a simple inquiry. "Any tips for me, Little Maester?"

I answered with my true thoughts, "They are quite good even now, Lord Tyrell. They had proper parenting of that I know, just continue with that. Trust me, such skills are poorly lacking in most people in power."

Lady Florence leaned in slightly and said, "But, not that good when compared to you. Isn't it? Ser Kerith."

Thinking of my situation, I answered, " I am a true unique case, Lady Tyrell."

The old lady just lifted her eyebrows at that and said, "I can see you really believe that. Not a result of your achievements or some misplaced pride. You truly believe that. How interesting."

I stayed silent at that while the Lady simple brought the conversation the main aim.

"Now, Kerith, let us talk business. You want continuous supple of food for your group that may eventually grow."

I nodded; my attention fully focused on the negotiations ahead. "Certainly, Lady Florence. I have prepared my appeal here. You don't even need to worry about transport. A Captain I know will be on this task throughout the year if you agree. As for the price and my capability to pay..."


As I returned to our camp on the outskirts of the town near Highgarden, I found the group going about their tasks diligently. They were ready to move on to our next destination. With the decision made to head to Dorne, I knew it was time to prepare for the journey ahead.

"Everyone, gather round," I called out, catching the attention of Walder and the others. "It's time to pack up. We've accomplished what we set out to do here. We are to departure towards Dorne."

As the group gathered their belongings and prepare for departure, I couldn't shake the feeling that I had neglected to explain my reasoning for our sudden departure. It weighed heavily on my mind as I packed my own belongings.

Garmon, ever perceptive, noticed my hesitation and approached me. "What's wrong, Master?" he asked, his concern clear in his voice.

I paused, unsure of how to articulate my thoughts. "I realized that I never explained our plans to everyone," I admitted. "And yet, they're following my lead without question."

Garmon nodded understandingly. "That's the trust they have in you, Master," he said. "They see you as a genuine leader, someone who has risen from humble beginnings to hold talks with Great Lords. Your accomplishments inspire them."

His words brought a mix of emotions - pride at their loyalty and a sense of responsibility for their well-being. "Thank you, Garmon," I said, grateful for his insight. "But sometimes, the weight of leadership feels like more than I can bear."

On learning my thoughts, he simply replied, "That is the trust given to genuine leaders. Which I believe you are worthy of. After all, from a common orphan recruited into the citadel, you already rose to a stage of having talks with great lords. Such feat inspires them, Master."

I felt a sigh leave me at that answer. Instead of feeling happy about the increased loyalty, it feels more burdensome to my heart. 

next chapter
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