66.66% House of the dragon: The Dragon King / Chapter 10: Chapter 8: That's The Life Of A Prince

บท 10: Chapter 8: That's The Life Of A Prince

"In ancient lands where kingdoms vie,

A prince and princess 'neath the sky,

Their love a flame that dared defy,

The trials that came, they'd not deny.

He, a prince of valor and might,

In battles fought, with armour bright,

For love, he faced the darkest night,

Her name, his beacon, burning bright.

She, a princess, steadfast and true,

Her spirit fierce, her will to pursue,

Through schemes and plots that misconstrue,

Their love enduring, ever anew.

Amidst the court's relentless storm,

Their love, a rose in thorny form,

Factions sought to break the norm,

Their hearts, united, still stayed warm.

In clandestine meetings 'neath moon's glow,

They battled foes, both high and low,

Their love enduring, a river's flow,

Defying odds that sought to sow.

Through trials harsh, where kingdoms fight,

They held their love in solemn rite,

With swords and hearts, they'd reunite,

Their bond, unbroken, in love's might.

Their saga told, in whispered lore,

Of battles fought, and so much more,

A love that crossed the realm's grand floor,

A love that lasted, forevermore."

A poem that was written about King Daemons and Queen Rhaenyra's love" 

AN: If y'all don't understand then I can explain. It's basically about how they had to fight for their love and shit like that *Thumbs up*

AN: I know that Alyssa, Viserys's mother died before Daeron was born but I am tweaking that so she can see her grandchild and shit like that. Plus so could write something about that in the future


Daeron Pov

"No, it's no great mystery. You were. Our mother had no regard for customs traditions, or rules. And I, sadly, was no great warrior. So you were always her favourite"

My father said while grabbing Daemon by the shoulder, Daemon only scoffed and said

"Please brother, we all know that the minute Daeron was born Mother had a new favourite. She spent her every last moment with him."

Father only smiled somberly before grabbing my shoulders and looking up at me. He was about to say something before Rhaenyra came up to us and said

"Congratulations on your victory, Brother. And Uncle"

We went silent for a moment before Daemon said

"Thank you, Princess"

I smiled at her while ignoring the awkward silence that ran through the group. Alicent spoke up and said

"Perhaps Prince Daeron and Prince Daemon would like to see the tapestries gifted to you by Norvos and Qohor, I believe they have yet to see them"

My father looked at her funny and went

"Ooooohhh. W-would you like to see the tapestries?"

They both started laughing at her idea, with my father practically bent over in laughter before he said

"Daemon has no interest in such things, maybe you could get Daeron with you but you'd have to pry his sword away from his hands"

I only sighed at my father before looking at Alicent and saying

"How about we make a deal, you and Aegon show me the tapestries together. I think it would be nice to bond with my little brother, it would be good for all of us"

Alicent looked at me with a hint of joy on her face before Rhaenyra said, with barely hidden anger

"I would also like to see them"

My father, on his fifth cup of wine, said

"Well, then you shall not deprive yourself"

I quickly bowed to my father before grabbing Alicent and Rhaenyra's hands while quickly walking into the castle. Laughing as we went, a smile on all of our faces and memories of a time long passed in our minds…


I was currently sitting on the floor of Aegon's room while the boy himself sat opposite me. I was holding a small wooden dragon that was roaring at his wooden dragon as we were play-fighting with each other. I let him defeat me, as his Belarion was bigger than my Vhagar. I laughed as my wooden dragon tipped over from the smack he delivered with his wooden dragon before I grabbed him by the shoulders and started to tickle his stomach, making him burst into laughter while trying to tuck himself into a ball to avoid my tickling while saying

"You cheated! You have gotten to use Belarion for the past 5 fights while I have only gotten to use him once, and yet even then you still won. How are you such a good dragon fighter?"

"I don know, I fink that I am just supew stwong"

I laughed before lifting him above my face causing him to scream in joy, I threw him a couple of times in the air as he yelled

"I'm a dwagon, I'M A DWAGON!"

I heard a quick gasp from the door before Alicent screeched


I caught Aegon, who looked bummed by the fact that he had stopped 'flying', and turned to Alicent and said

"Ohh, come now Alicent. I was barely a name day old when my grandmother took my flying, and I was only a couple of days old when I first rode a dragon. So why can't I make Aegon fly as well, better yet why don't I call Neltharion-"

"If you even dare finish that sentence, Crown Prince or not, I shall geld you. My son will not fly atop that beast of a dragon you have"

I looked at Alicent and was about to say something before Aegon yelled

"MOM, You ruined our game! I hate you!"

He then hid his face in the crook of my neck while I laughed at his words before looking at Alicent, who just looked hurt, and saying 

"Oh come now Alicent, there is no need to be upset over his words. I remember that when I was his age I started cursing out my father every time he took my mother away from me. It's just what kids do"

She sadly nodded before I whispered something into Aegon's ear

"Between you and me, I totally would have taken you on dragon back but your mom really scares me. So I need to prank her a little bit for scaring me"

I heard him laugh and felt him shake from his barely hidden laughter before I ran out of the room while yelling

"Let's go FLY!"




Narrator Pov

Daemon stood underneath the Weirwood tree and was appreciating the sunlight hitting his face, something he had become accustomed to back on the Stepstones. A voice, however, knocked him out of his meditative stance as a familiar voice said

"Ao vestretan naejot sagon biare rȳ zaldrīzesdōron. Skoro syt gōntan ao māzigon arlī? Daor sepār naejot provoke issa kepa" {You seemed to be happy at Dragonstone. Why did you come back? Not just to prove my father}

Daemon smiled at Rhaenyra before walking closer to her and grabbing the necklace she had on inspecting it closer and with an air of familiarity.


Rhaenyra continued

"What do you want?"

Daemon sighed before saying

"Besides the fact that your brother kicked me out, I seek only the comforts of home"

Daemon then walked away and towards the tables with food on it as Rhaenyra followed and said

"I had not thought you particularly comfortable in this home. Though I do suppose you seem changed by your adventures. More mature, Perhaps"

"You have also matured, Princess. You'll get used to the attention."

"The attention I can endure, It's the rest I could do without. My father seems content to sell me off to whichever lord has the biggest castle"

"There are worse things to be sold for"

Daemon walked around the table, sat down on a bench and placed his feet on the table before saying

"Dīnilūks iksos mērī nykeā political arrengement. Married ao kostagon gaomagon whatever ao jaelagon." {Marriage is only a political arrangement. Married you can do whatever you want."

"Syt vali, dīnilūks kostagon sagon sepār nykeā political arrangement. Syt ābrar, ziry iksos nykeā morghon sentence."{For men, marriage may be just a political arrangement. For Women, it's a death sentence.}

"Lo mērī ziry istan. Pār nyke would sagon rid hen issa brāedāzma aspo syt ages."{If only it were. Then I would be rid of my bronze bitch for ages.}

Daemon took a sip of his wine before handing the cup over to Rhaenyra who looked at it before saying

"Aōha ābrazȳrys istan beri. Ao didn't jiōragon zȳhon pregnant" {Your wife was lucky. You didn't get her pregnant}

Daemon laughed before saying

"Nyke doubt bona nykeā riñnykeā could mazverdagon isse such nykeā hostile environment" {I doubt that a child could grow up in such a hostile environment}

They went quiet for a while before Rhaenyra said

"Issa muñnykeā istan forced naejot tepagon sikagon naejot heirs syt sīr bōsa, ēva ziry ossēntan zȳhon. Nyke jāhor daor submit naejot keskydoso vējes" {my mother was forced to give birth to heirs for so long until it killed her. I will not submit to the same fate}

"Skorion massitas? Naejot aōha muñnykeā istan nykeā tragedy. Yn ziry iksos nykeā tragic vys. Ao līs daor glaesagon aōha glaeson isse zūgagon, lodaor ao jāhor miss se sȳrje part hen ziry" {What happened to your mother was a tragedy. But it's a tragic world. You must not live your life in fear, otherwise, you will miss the best part of it}

"Nyke ȳdra daor kȳvanon naejot glaesagon isse zūgagon. Sepār mērī" {I don't plan to live in fear. Just alone"

Yet unknown to Deamon the only thing Rhaenyra could think was

'I don't want to be alone, on this cruel journey that is called life. I want a partner, someone to love, someone to hold, someone to smile with, and someone to be sad with. I want love, but I only want it from one person…Daeron'

Daemon, not knowing her thoughts, had a smug grin on his face as he said

"Such a lonely prospect…"


Daeron Pov

Room: small council chambers

"The Stepstones were meant to be won for the realm, but Prince Daeron seems to insist on giving it to the Sea Snake. This is a clear bias from the prince as his betrothed is the Sea Snake's daughter"

I took a deep breath and said

"Lord Beesbury, tell me, do you have a fleet capable of protecting the Stepstones from intruders? Do YOU have the resources needed to build a castle on the Stepstones meant to house enough men for there to be an army capable of defending the Stepstones. No? Then stop avoiding the main reason we are here with this incessant nonsense and let's bring back focus on the main topic"

I looked around and saw that, besides lord Beesbury who had gotten red in the face with anger and embarrassment, every other lord nodded. So I continued and said

"Good. After I defeated the 'Crabfeeder' I made sure to keep him alive so that we could learn who was the ones backing him and their weakness. And what I learned is that…Dorne was also backing him along with the Triarchy. Now, I have sent some… people to each city of the Triarchy to cause some chaos that will cause in-fighting between them so we can wipe our hands off them. The more important part was that Dorne backed war in the Seven Kingdoms"

"Excuse me, My Prince, but I find it hard to believe that Dorne was backing the 'Crabfeeder' and it does not help that all of your evidence is from the mouth of a criminal. However, what's this about these people-"

"Lord Otto, I am so glad that you were the one to say that"

I said, cutting Otto off, before putting two fingers in my mouth and whistling loudly as the doors opened in walked 4 men, all suited in armour with the Targaryen symbol on it, with all of the men carrying something in their hands that they dropped on the table and walked back out.

I then spread my arms to the room and said

"Here, my lords, is the evidence that you all so require"

On the table were pieces of Dornish red barrels that had suffered some water damage as well as letters signed by the Dornish prince openly admitting that he was sending weapons, food, and drink to the Triarchy soldiers and sellswords. The lords read over this and the entire room went silent as Otto quickly spoke and said

"Your Grace I believe that we should send a letter to Dorne asking if they were supporting the 'Crabfeeder'. And if they were then we will have them pay a heavy fee, instead of the Crown initiating a war against them"

My father nodded and I just shook my head. I would try to fight against the decision but I knew that it was useless, my father didn't want war he wanted peace. A peaceful reign similar to his grandfather. I shook my head before an evil plan started to form, I held back the menacing grin on my face as the plan continued to develop in my head. I only smiled as my father called for the end of the meeting before standing up and walking calmly towards my bedroom.


As I walked closer to my bedroom I heard the sound of an infant crying, making me peek my head into Alicent's room where I saw her holding her new daughter Helaena who was crying her face off. I chuckled as I walked in and said

"Here let me try to calm her down"

Alicent looked at me and saw that she had bags under her eyes yet a fire burned in them as she said

"You ran off with Aegon and then hid for an hour in another room just to make me believe that you had taken him to fly on your beast of a dragon. I'm still thinking that you shouldn't be near any of my kids again"

I smiled at her before walking closer grabbing Helaena from her arms and gently rocking her from side to side. Helaena, as soon as she was in my arms, became silent and almost instantly fell asleep from my heat. Alicent looked at me like I had performed a miracle, sat down in a large chair and said

"How are you good at everything you do? Or is the problem just that I am a bad mother? Gods, I don't even know how to make my child fall asleep without help from you. I mean Helaena only falls asleep when you are rocking her in your arms, Aegon only wants to play with you now and you have only known them for a couple of days."

I saw tears well up in her eyes so I quickly laid Helaena down in her cot. I walked over to Alicent and picked her up and gave her a tight hug while whispering in her ears

"Don't you ever say shit like this again Ali. You are an amazing mother and your kids are lucky to have a woman as kind and warm as you. Trust me when I say this as I know from my experiences from our younger years. I still remember each of the times my sickness would be at its worst you would sneak into my room, rather badly if I might say, along with Rhaenyra and you would tell me stories and read books for me while feeding me…and Rhaenyra was just kind of there. I KNOW that you are a good mother, I can see it in your eyes. And trust me, I am not good at everything I do, I still have the bruises from where Ser Harrold and Ser Rymun would beat me black and blue to teach me to use a sword"

I heard a small chuckle against my large chest, choosing to ignore the wetness that was there as well. I continued to hold her close to me for a while, rocking gently from side to side before I felt her go limp against my body. I looked down and saw that she had fallen asleep so I smiled at her before picking her up, very easily might I add, and placing her on her bed before walking out the door and to my own room. I took off my clothes and threw them around the room before lying down on my bed and going to sleep.









Until I awoke, late at night, from the sound of something creaking in my room. I kept my eyes closed but felt my muscles tighten, ready for me to use them in any way they needed to be used, I heard soft and gentle steps approach me and I felt them tighten even more. The person was next to me and I felt something touch my face and I used that to start my attack. I grabbed the intruder's arm and yanked it onto my bed before my other arm came and clasped around the throat of my would-be intruder. I looked down and said

"Who sent you? Was it Dorne?"

I heard a muffled sound as my duvet was covering their face and body so I released their dainty and pale hand and threw my duvet off of them and was instantly shocked

"Rhaenyra? What are you doing in my room this late at night? And why are you wearing peasant clothes-"

I was cut off by her slamming her lips onto mine, with her quickly sitting up and wrapping one of her hands around my head while the other travelled to my smallclothes. I gasped into the kiss before pulling off and saying

"Wait *panting* Why are you doing this? What happened?"

She kissed me again and continued taking off my smallclothes as I made no move to stop her. She broke the kiss and said

"No. No more waiting for you to 'figure something out'. I have waited enough and I am ready to take what is mine. A dragon waits for no one and does not ask for forgiveness. I'll tell you what happened in the morning"

And that was enough for me.
















Last chance





Here it is

She then finished untying my smallclothes and pulled it down and from it sprang my 10-inch cock in all its girth and glory. She bit her lips in excitement as she started stroking it back and forth, her hand not being able to wrap around it fully. She continued to stroke me while we were making out but it had started to annoy me, I mean I haven't busted a nut since I got here so I lack any self-control.

I growled into the kiss before I pushed her back into the bed, she landed on her back with a gasp but it could not hide the excitement in her eyes. I quickly grabbed her clothes and ripped them off of her body with no hesitation, I mean it wasn't really a challenge it felt like I was ripping apart paper. She let out another gasp as I just stared at the beauty that was her body. The moonlight from my windows hit her body perfectly, illuminating her flat and toned stomach, her medium-sized yet perky breasts that had pink nipples that looked just perfect, her pussy was drenched and inviting and it almost felt hypnotising to look at, and her ass was a perfect shape and large size after all of the dragon riding. Well, now she was about to ride a different dragon.

I grabbed onto her legs and started kissing downwards. I went from calf to calf, knee to knee, thigh to thigh, before finally, I reached down fully. Her legs hung over my large shoulders while my face was up against her pussy, my hot breath making her shiver in anticipation. She quickly spoke up and said

"Don't you want me to start by"

Yet I didn't let her finish talking as I made my tongue lick through her slit before flicking her Clit. Just that one lick made her cover her mouth to hide her squeal as her hips bucked into my face. I used the opportunity to grab onto her hips and keep them up as I stuck my tongue deep into her tight hole. Her thick thighs squeezed around my head as I saw her cover her face with a pillow, her hand not enough to mask the noises coming from her mouth. I brought up one hand and started to rub her clit. I felt her insides clench and quiver as she had her first orgasm but I did not stop, no, I continued to relentlessly attack her pussy and clit for a solid 30 minutes and she had orgasm after orgasm after orgasm, I mean it got to the point where I stopped counting after 10.

Her legs were limp around my head and I brought myself up, pushing them to the side as I came up, took the pillow off of her face, and said

"You taste quite sweet, Nyra. But I think I am ready for the main course…are you?"

I said as I looked down at the slobbering mess of a woman Rhaenyra was right now, and saw that immediately she got her wits back as I said that she said

"I've never been more ready"

I smiled and gave her a deep kiss before using all of my cock to push deep inside of her. I heard her gasp as something trickled down my cock, most likely blood, and I just stopped any movement as I continued to kiss her. I kissed her cheeks, her mouth, and even her forehead. She quietly said

"I'm ready"

And slowly I started pumping back and forth with my hips as my hands came and started to fondle her tits and nipples. She bit against my lip as her hands started to scratch my back leaving red lines as her nails were not enough to pierce the skin. She moaned into our kiss while saying

"Harde Dae! Faster please!"

She said in a begging voice and I just couldn't help myself from saying

"What about that thing you said earlier 'A dragon takes what it wants and doesn't ask forgiveness' So far you've been begging me to take you. How funny is that~~"

She growled and tried to push me but I just resisted and said 

"No, no, no Nyra'. In here and out there, I will always be in charge~~ You belong to me, remember that"

She was about to say something but I just started to thrust in and out of her as fast as I could, I wasn't doing it hard enough to hurt her but I was pummeling her cervix. She gasped into the air and was about to moan loudly but she leaned up and bit deeply into my shoulder. I groaned before I used the pain to start thrusting even harder and even faster to the point where my hips were a blur. The sounds of flesh hitting flesh filled the room, enhancing the lustfulness even more as we both got more and more into it. Rhaenyra stopped biting my shoulder and I used that chance to bring my head down and started licking, sucking, and biting one of her nipples while playing with the other. I felt her clench on me even more, bringing me close to my peak. After a couple of seconds more I felt myself closer and closer, and let go of her nipple and started hugging her close to my body as I groaned in pleasure and came deep inside her.

We both stopped for a bit catching our breaths before Rhaenyra pushed me down gently, me not stopping this time, as she started to bounce up and down on my cock with her tits bouncing in my face. My eyes stuck to them as my mouth quickly caught one on my mouth as my hands were busy fondling her ass. I saw her stifle her moans by biting her lips so to make things more exciting I smacked her on her ass, hard, and a loud squeal and moan mix came out of her as I heard a knock on my door that asked

"My Prince, are you okay?"

Rhaenyra had stopped moving, not wanting to make any noise, but I didn't let that happen so instead I started thrusting upwards with a smile on my face as I said

"No worries, I just had a nightmare. Don't worry about it"

"Of course, my Prince. Good night"

I felt Rhaenyra clenched to the max around my cock and I felt a grin on my face as I saw that she had an embarrassed blush on her face as I whispered

"You are just a filthy fucking pervert aren't you?"

She apparently got a bit angry at that as she bit me again and started bouncing even harder and faster on my cock as I started to groan in pleasure. After a couple of minutes, I whispered

"Oh fuck Nyra', you're so fucking tight"

I started thrusting into her while she started bouncing down harder before I bit into her shoulder and came deep into her again. We quickly laid down on the bed she put her head on my shoulder I put a hand around her waist and pulled her close to me as I said

"You are mine and I am yours"

"I am yours and you are mine"

She then sighed contently on my body as I hugged her close and started whispering sweet nothing into her ears as she fell asleep with a smile on my face. I quickly thought

'Did I just fuck my sister?'

next chapter
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