91.3% House of The Dragon: Dovahkiin / Chapter 21: The Faceless One

บท 21: The Faceless One

Kingslanding; Crownlands, Sixth moon of 98 AC

Queen Alyssane PoV

The sunlight passed through the windows of the Red Keep's Great Hall and hit Alyssane's face, making the queen of the seven kingdoms move a few steps forward. Her husband, the King, turned his eyes from Lord Bywater, who was having a quite enlightening monolog about the prized hogs his house was breeding, to let it rest on her.

Jaehaerys' eyes were so similar to hers that it scared Alyssane sometimes; the hidden pain beneath all that intelligence and wisdom was testimony to all they endured together, from losing siblings to losing children, from fighting wars to managing peace, from questioning the gods to denying their existence and all in between.

Alyssane gave her husband a small smile and allowed him to continue his one-sided conversation about hogs; she then turned to her daughter Gael, her winter child, and made a sign for her to come closer; the youngest of Alyssane's children did so with a smile on her face, she looked beautiful with her doe purple eyes and gentle complexion.

"Yes, mother?" Gael asked; the confusion in her eyes was not lost on Alyssane

" Tell me, child. What is it that you want from your father and me?" Alyssane asked; her tone was gentle and held the classical mother's amused tone when Gael feigned ignorance.

" I do not know what you speak of, mother." Gael tried, but to Alyssane's trained eyes, it was as clear as day.

" You are fidgeting too much; your eyes have been moving from your father to me so often that I thought you were feverish, you are biting your bottom lip just like Alyssa used to do when nervous about something, and you are spinning the ring on your finger, precisely like your father does when nervous" Alyssane listed, much to Gael chagrin she imagined, the Winter Princess looked abashed. Still, she quickly smiled at Alyssane when she understood she was in no trouble.

" I wish to go to The North with Lord Dovahkiin," Gael said; her words flew out of her mouth so quickly and quietly that Alyssane had problems putting them together in her mind.

" What?" Alyssane exclaimed; her voice was a little louder than usual, which caused Jaehaerys to look at them. The dumbfounded look that possibly marred her face made Jaehaerys apprehensive, but Alyssane minded it not.

"Why do you wish to go north with Lord Dovahkiin?" The Good Queen asked, her voice carrying her exasperation rather faithfully, she noted to herself.

" I love him, and I can't stand the thought of being separated from him," Gael said, her tone as sweet as honey, as opposed to her words, which were as sour on the ears as a rotten apple, but before Alyssane could say anything Gael started to laugh, so loud in fact that Baelon, who was talking to Viserys while holding little Rhaenyra, looked at the mother/daughter duo with a confused look.

" What?" Alyssane asked, the dumbfoundedness still lingering for a moment on her being

" I... I only j-jest, Mother." Gael said between laughs, her nose letting out some rather unladylike noises; the whole situation made Alyssane even more dumbfounded. However, she was thankfully saved by her son Baelon, who wisely chose to intervene.

" What is happening, mother, sister?" Baelon asked, little Rhaenyra in his arms, looking around in amazement and curiosity.

" Oh... Daemon was right!" Gael said between heavy breaths, and Alyssane heard Baelon whisper something like " Not always Daemon doings but always Daemon's fault," which, by itself, was an amusing thought to have about this whole situation.

"Your face was something else, Mother." Gael completed, and despite the situation, Alyssane smiled, which seemed to calm Baelon.

" So you don't wish to go north with Lord Dovahkiin, then?" Alyssane asked tentatively, her experience with her other rebellious daughters coming into her mind momentarily.

" No, Mother, I do wish to go to The North with Lord Dovahkiin, not because I love him, which I don't, but because I wish to see the giants, the Children of The Forrest, and all the beautiful things the skagossi said about their island," Gael explained, and Alyssane frowned.

" The journey to Skagos would take moons if done through land and weeks if done through sailing. That's not counting on the sistermen pirates causing problems on the bite." Alyssane commented, and Baelon nodded, which caused Gael to shake her head in contempt

" It's no problem at all, mother, brother. Didn't the Graftons send a report saying the pirates were avoiding the northern ships like the plague? They said no pirate ship survived an encounter with the Dovahkiin fleet and that in every encounter, only a single man survived to tell each battle's tale." Gael said, her argument landing true, despite the fact she should not be aware of such a thing

" Who told you that, sister?" Baelo asked, taking the words from Alyssane mouth

" Viserys told Aemma, who told me," Gael responded, not withholding her source of information for a second.

" That is a matter of the small council; my son should learn how to keep his mouth shut," Baelon said; his tone was anything but amused.

" Now, now, Baelon, rush, rush." Alyssane began, " Viserys is not a fault here." Alyssane concluded.

" Yes, Vissy is nothing but kind," Gael said, defending her nephew

" And you, child, will talk to your father about your wishes. I don't see any evil in your wants, but one can never guess how your father will react. I would recommend you not to repeat the jest you did to me." Alyssane said before Baelon could say anything about Viserys.

Baelon eventually returned to Viserys and Aemma's side, but Gael chose to remain closer to Alyssane; her Winter Child was nothing but polite the whole gathering, talking politely with lords all over the realm, accepting compliments and complimenting other ladies.

From the corner of her eyes, Alyssane saw the moment Gael walked up to Jaehaerys and talked to him; for a few minutes, she spoke, and Jaehaerys was silent, then the opposite happened, Jaehaeys spoke, and Gael was silent, and then finally they seem to agree to some compromise as Gael kissed her father's cheek and with a radiant smile on her beautiful face she walked down the steps to the Iron Throne.

The feast proceeded calmly afterward, and although her husband was not officially holding court, he settled disputes between houses.

As Alyssane talked with her grandaughter Aemma, the roar of the ice dragons reverberated above the city, announcing the arrival of the Northern houses. Lord Stark and his son showed all that the future of House Stark was anything but unsure; the ward of Ragnar Dovahkiin walked through the great hall with a strength few men possessed, less a boy of his age. Then the lord of House Dovahkiin arrived, his wife by his side and his children in toll; the revelation that the eldest daughter was a dragonrider caught many, Alyssane included, unaware. The girl would now be the greatest sought bachelorette in the realm if she already weren't, considering House Dovahkiin estimated wealth and known naval power.

The tallest man Alyssane had ever seen then refused to bend the knee when her husband stood on the Iron Throne to address the northern lords, and in a swift movent that Alyssane failed to follow, the Lord of Skagos had put the blade of his Valyrian steel war-axe inches from a guard's neck, and the lines he spoke brought a chill to Alyssane's soul once its meaning partially downed on her.

" Valar Morghulis," Lord Dovahkiin said; his powerful voice wasn't loud, but Alyssane would bet all her jewels that every living soul in the Red Keep heard the man " What is a faceless man doing in the King of the Seven Kingdoms' seat of power?" The Lord spoke calmly, as if not understanding his word's connotations and what they meant for those with fewer gifts than him.

Alyssane's mind was so afraid for her children's life that she failed to hear the assassin's reply, the kingsguards' reaction, and her husband's words. All she could think was how easy it was for the assassin to get close to her and her family, and this thought made her wonder if any of her dead children died by an assassin's actions.

Jaehaerys PoV

As the Northern lords filled the Great Hall, Jaehaerys couldn't help but compare the simplicity of the First Men lords with the pompousness of the Andal lords, finding the former much more preferable. Not that the northern Lords lacked the coin to fill themselves with gemstones and satin fabrics like their southern counterparts, the taxes they paid showed they made enough coin to do so; it was more of a matter of principles and practicability.

The Northern lords chose to mimic House Dovahkiin and Stark and invest every gold, silver, and copper they could in the betterment of their fiefs, which worked well if the reports sent by Lord Stark to the Crown were any indication.

As Jaehaerys stood on the Iron Throne to greet the northern lords, the tallest among them, and arguably the most powerful lord of the realm, remained standing tall, his eyes locked on an unsuspecting guard.

Jaehaerys immediately understood that Lord Dovahkiin's standing wasn't a sign of defiance or rebellion, so he remained silent to see how the events would unfold.

For a moment, no longer than a second, Lord Dovahkiin's and Jaehaerys' eyes met; the tall lord and the King had a silent "eye conversation" in the span of milliseconds and with an almost imperceptible nod The King of The Andals, Rhoynar and First Men allowed the Warden of The Shivering sea to proceed with whatever he was planning to do. The Protector of The Realm wasn't disappointed when his Lord of Skagos revealed the true nature of the "guard."

" ...A man is here to pass a warning," The Faceless Man said after Lord Dovahkiin inquired about his intentions.

King Jaehaerys' court was in an uproar, and if the King was to be truthful to himself, so was he. An Assasin was able to sneak inside the Red Keep undetected by any and stay close to the Royal family, Jaehaerys' family, for the great part of the day undisturbed and uncalled. Ruffians were hanged for far less.

" SILENCE," Jaehaerys shouted, and the hall went silent like the winds of winter. He then turned to Lord Dovahkiin, whose demeanor was calm, as if the man was taking a stroll through his castle and not holding an assassin from the most feared order of assassins in the known world at blade point. "Are there more of his kind here, my Lord?" Jaehaerys asked, his voice low and collected, as opposed to the livid expression on his face.

The Lord of Skagos shook his head negatively after a moment.

" No, at least no other faceless man; the lingering feel of... whatever queer methods they use to change their faces is only present in this one right here." Lord Dovahkiin spoke; his calm tone helped Jaehaerys to compose himself better.

Jaehaerys gave a quick nod and began descending the steps of the Iron Throne.

" Prince Viserys, heir apparent to the heir of the Iron Throne, will welcome the Lords of the North and conduct this small... gathering in my, if the gods are merciful, short leave." Jaehaerys proclaimed with a tone of finality, " Lord Stark, Lord Dovahkiin, and the present members of my small council, follow me if you will." Jaehaerys concluded, and as soon as the last word left his lips, he turned and began walking, passing by Alyssane and giving her a chaste kiss on the lips.

Baelon soon drew closer, his hands on the hilt of Icefyre and a look of loathing so apparent that, for a moment, Jaehaerys thought his boy had carved the expression on his face.

Jaehaerys then turned to the Faceless man.

" Will you cooperate and follow us, or should I restrain you and make you do so... " Jaehaerys said, but before the assassin could reply, Ser Redwyne spoke.

" Your Grace, is it wise to have a Faceless man so close to Your grace and other Lords of the realm? Is your grace not worried he would try something?" The legendary knight's voice was not intrusive; only concern could be heard in his Kingsguard voice.

" I am not worried, Ryam," Jaehaerys spoke, holding a little amusement despite the situation " I am with you," Jaehaerys concluded and then looked at the Faceless man again.

" A man is not here to take a life. A man will cooperate." The Faceless man said, and Jaehaerys nodded; he then looked at Lord Dovahkiin, who nodded in assurance at Jaehaerys, cementing the King's decision to let the Faceless man walk unshackled.

Followed by a few members of his small council, Ser Redwyne, Ser Crabb, Ser Westerling, Lord Stark, Lord Dovahkiin, and the Faceless man, Jaehaerys, left the Great Hall through the King's personal door behind the Iron Throne. The head of House Targaryen didn't walk very long, quickly walking into one of the many rooms with no true purpose in the Red Kepp, but befitting the seat of House Targaryen, the room was clean, as was everything in it, which wasn't much as there was only a large table with heavy chairs surrounding it.

" Please, be seated," Jaehaerys said, and most in the room sat on one of the chairs, except for the Kingsguards; two flanked Jaehaerys, and one was right behind the assassin.

" Explain yourself, assassin," Baelon spoke, his temper getting the best of him, which surprised Jaehaerys quite a bit as Baelon was usually calm.

" A man-" The Faceless began but was interrupted by Lord Dovahkiin

" A man will stop speaking with the Lorathine manner of speech, or a man will find himself short of a soul when this meeting ends." Lord Dovahkiin spoke, and surprisingly enough, the man's face went pale

" A dragon would deny a man's god the man's soul for such a petty reason?" The Faceless man spoke, and silence fell on the room once again.

" If it's the only way to make one such as you cooperate, I would." Lord Dovahkiin spoke, his voice as stern as cold steel, "Your... craft... lingers of death and life. It's unsettling to talk to ghosts of fragments of what was once a man." The Lord concluded, and the faceless man nodded, then passed a hand down his face from forehead to chin, and where it went, he changed. Once done, his face was completely different.

" So, it is true." The Grandmaester spoke, his unusual silence finally broken.

" What is the message you have, assassin" Septon Barth spoke; his voice was low and frail due to old age.

" Not a message, Hand of the King. A warning." The Assasin spoke; the man then turned to Jaehaerys

" A Priestess of the Lord of Light arrived at the House of Black and White a few moons ago. She warned us that an individual would soon try to get a contract for the eldest daughter of the Lord of Skagos and Princess Aemma Arryn." The man began but was interrupted as a loud cracking sound was heard in the room, which came from Lord Dovahkiin, whose grip on the table was so strong that he accidentally had taken a chunk of the sturdy oak table. Surprisingly enough, other than showing inhuman strength, the Lord of Skagos remained quiet, which could not be said by Baelon and Lord Stark.

" Who dares?" Baelon asked, his voice leveled but more akin to a growl to anything else.

"An assassination attempt on the future Lady Stark? The North went to war for far less and will go for far lesser still." Benjen Stark proclaimed; his voice was stern, and to Jaehaery's ears, it sounded like winter had indeed come. Jaehaerys, however, only raised his hand, and the silence returned.

" Do continue?" Jaehaerys said

" Your Grace, will we just ignore the fact that Lord Stark threatened to take The North to war? Which obviously would mean breaking the King's peace?" Grandmaester Allar said.

" There's no threat, only a promise. Should Father not bring war on those who wanted his granddaughter dead in his lifetime, then I shall do it in mine... and so would Viserys his." Baelon spoke.

" Continue. Your. tale." Jaehaeys said, clearly ignoring the Grandmaester's rant and pressing the Faceless man.

" The Priestess warned of the danger of angering the dragonlords of ice and fire. Nothing, not even death, would save us from the Winter Dragon's wrath." The Faceless man began; his voice was as naturally neutral as allowed in men of flesh and bone.

" The offer arrived two moons ago at the hands of a child who didn't know her letters. The House of Black and White naturally refused; however, on the next day, the Priestess returned, saying the flames had not changed. Which naturally meant another guild accepted the offer." The Faceless man continued, his eyes resting on Lord Dovahkiin as if waiting to see if the man's fury would explode like a volcano " And unfortunately, the House of Black and White would be blamed for it. I was sent here to ensure the dragonlords that neither the House of Black and White nor Braavos will have any antagonistic doings against your families." The Faceless man concluded, and Jaehaerys nodded.

" Why would a Priestess of R'hollor warn a follower of The Many-Faced God of any potential dangers," Jaehaerys asked with a raised eyebrow.

" I imagine it was because, in flames, the Priestess saw the extermination of all assassin's guilds and notorious assassins, including all the Shadow-binders of R'hollor." The Faceless man replied.

" I did not know the Faceless Man feared death." Barth commented, "The, then, Sea Lord of Braavos certainly implied so when we negotiated over that unfortunate debacle about the dragon eggs."

" The Sealord would be correct; death is a natural part of life as much as growing and having children are." The Faceless Man said as a small smile graced his lips.

" Then why are you here if not for fear of death," Lord Stark asked, and Jaehaerys nodded at the faceless man, silently commanding the man to answer the question. The man, however, remained silent; his whole demeanor paled, and his jaws clenched. The Faceless Man's reaction was similar to when Lord Dovahkiin threatened him.

" You fear Lord Dovahkiin," Jaehaerys whispered as the realization quickly downed on him; he then turned to the aforementioned Lord " You can actually take a man's soul." Jaehaerys half asked, half affirmed.

" Aye... but it's not something exclusive to me; it's a branch of magic older than the races of man." Lord Dovahkiin spoke

" Aye, it's magic known by all mages in The North; it was known by Brandon The Builder, who used them to trap and destroy the souls of some of the Others during the war for the Dawn." Lord Stark spoke, his tone carrying a healthy amount of pride as he spoke of his ancestor.

" There is no mention of that in The Citadel, Lord Stark. No book or scroll about the Builder, the war for the Dawn, or The Others mentioned the traping of souls." Grandmaester Allar spoke.

" That is not the topic at hand... this is not a small council meeting, Grandmaester, and as such, we will remain focused on the topic at hand," Jaehaerys spoke, leaving no argument for debate. He then turned to the Faceless man.

" I thank you for warning us about the dangers lurking in the shadows. House Targaryen will properly recompensate the House of Black and White for its help." Jaehaerys spoke

" As will House Stark," Lord Stark said, his voice calm but emphatic.

" and House Dovahkiin," Lord Dovahkiin spoke.

" You will, however, leave my city. Your presence here brings unwanted fear and precipitation." Jaehaerys informed the Faceless man, who merely nodded.

"Good," Jaehaerys said as he got up from his chair, " just as long as we are all in agreement." Jaehaerys completed.

" Aye," said Lord Stark and Dovahkiin at the same time.

" Now, I have a feast to observe and Lords of The North to greet," Jaehaery said; he then turned to Baelon " I want two kingsguards with Aemma all the time, as well as cupbearers. She is to drink nothing without someone checking it first. I also want you to contact the Master of Whispers immediately; I want the mind behind all this found," Jaehaerys concluded.


A/N: I am hyped for this fic now! So there's gonna be another chapter coming for y'all by Friday

Thank you for your support and may god bless you!

next chapter
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