85.71% HOTD: Targaryen Requiem / Chapter 10: Vacation in Essos

บท 10: Vacation in Essos

-Location: Winterfell, The North- 

-Date: Early 114 AC- 

-POV: Narrator- 

After the battle with the wildlings. Rhaegar and his family went back to winterfell. Daemon went to his wife, and Rhaegar sent out a raven to Gerald. Telling him that he could head back to Kings Landing. 

Laena wanted to stay for a while. So he and her stayed. Laena wanted to spend some time with Lyanna. Rhaegar had nothing to do, so he trained Vaelor and Cregen. 

Bennards children also joined. His sons had thick wolves blood in them, and were dedicated to the Starks. 

This went on for about two months. After that me and Laena decided it was time to go home. Rhaenyra and Laenor's wedding will start in a week. 

From winterfell it kings landing isn't that far on dragon back, so we should get there in time. 

Currently me and Laena were outside of the gates of Winterfell. Lord Rickon couldn't make it because he also fell ill. Apparently his age has caught up to him. 

Right now Bennard took over for Rickon. He will continue to do so until Cregen comes of age. 

Most of the Starks were here, even Lyanna. Vaelor and Alyssa hugged me and Laena, while Cregen and Sara just said goodbye. 

Me and Laena mounted Haedes and Vhagar, and took to the chilly winter skies. Our next Destination, Kings Landing. 

-POV: Rhaenyra Targaryen- 

The wedding is in a week and he's still hasn't come back. We've received news that he killed the wildling leader, so why hasn't he returned? 

He said he's help me with the preparations.  Father hasn't been any help. Ever since mother returned, he's been kissing up to her. 

Mother ignores it and helps me with my choice of dress. Even Princess Rhaenys helps me. 

Currently I'm in the middle of a fitting for my gown. Aunt Gael, Princess Rhaenys, and Mother are here watching. 

Aunt Gael is here because she didn't want to return to Starfall yet. The wedding is near, so she felt no need to return home. 

Arthur and Ashara are also here, so it made sense for her to stay. 

My dress was finally completed and went I looked in the mirror I was stunned. The dress is beautiful. It was an all black dress with red and gold embroidery. 

This gown scream Targaryen. Something that I'am happy about. 

"Your dress is stunning, and you are just as stunning." Said Aunt Gael as she fixed my hair. 

"Do you think I'll be ready? I'm marrying into House Velaryon, but we all know Laenor's preferences." I said as I turned to look at Princess Rhaenys. 

Laenor was her son, so she knew him more than anyone else. I want to know her thoughts. 

"Laenor is a great boy. He may not like the company of the opposite gender. But he'll uphold his duty to his house. Prince Rhaegar had a plan, and all we can do is have faith." Said Rhaenys. 

"Just do your part, and let your brother do the rest. Rhaegar has always kept his promises to you, so you as his sister should trust him." Said my mother. 

"The men of this family may be a little crazy, but Rhaegar is smart. So trust him." Said Aunt Gael as she hugged me. 

"Okay." I said as I turned around. 

-3 days later- 

-POV: Rhaegar Targaryen- 

I have arrived back at kings landing. Laena had went to the Red Keep. Vhagar can't fit anywhere near the castle so she had to be escorted by the city watch. 

Me on the other hand. I went to the blacksmith. He came from a long line of smiths that were loyal to house Targaryen. 

Their ancestors are from Volantis, and they had knowledge on how to forge Valyrian steel weapons and items. 

His name was Harlos Nahoris. He comes from a very long line of smiths. Right now he's not working on anything. 

I walked into his smith and he immediately notices me. 

"My prince, is there anyway I can do for you?" He asks as he does a slight bow. 

"I wish to commission a sword. I want you to melt these Valyrian steel axes and make this." I said as I hand him both axes and a piece of paper. 

He admired the axes for a bit and then opening the paper. His eyes widened at the intricate detail on the paper. 

In my previous life I was somewhat of an artist. Well if you count drawing fan art then yes, I was an artist. 

"How long will it take you? I want to get to my brother in law as soon as possible." I said. 

Yes, the gift is for Laenor and house Velaryon in general. They don't have a Valyrian steel weapon. 

And as an ancient Valyrian house, they need one. Heck, even house Celtigar has a Valyrian steel weapon. It's a two handed Axe called Crabsclaw. 

(A/n: The weapon didn't have a name, so I went with the crab theme and named it Crabsclaw.) 

"It will take about a week of non stop smelting. With breaks maybe a bit longer." Said Harlos. 

"It's okay, try to make it in a week. But please don't push yourself. You don't have anyone to pass on your knowledge to." I said as I paid him and left. 

-Location: Red Keep- 

I finally made it back. 

Being In the cold is something I don't like. Especially for extended periods of time. I walked into the red keep and go straight to my father. 

He was in the council room meeting with the lords and discussing something. I couldn't care less about it. 

The guards opened the door when i approached, and I walked inside. My father stopped speaking and looked at me. 

"My son, you have returned. I sure you've brought good news?" Asked My father. 

"The wildling army is no more, as you know from the raven I sent a few moons ago." I said as i grabbed a chair and sat down. 

"Good, you've made me proud. Now, we were just talking about the wedding preparations." Said My father. 

-POV: End- 

-4 Days Later- 

Today is the day of the wedding. Princess Rhaenyra will be marrying See Laenor Velaryon.

Everything had been prepared and perfect. The high septon brought forth Laenor and waited for Rhaenyra to come. 

Viserys walked Rhaenyra out towards Laenor. Rhaegar, along with his wife say next to his mother and watched. 

Rhaenyra made it to the altar and they began their vows. Viserys took off Rhaenyra's cloak and placed a cloak with the Velaryon sigil on it. 

After that she and Laenor kissed. Thankfully Laenor was able to play it off. After the wedding, the dinner will commence. 


-POV: Laenor Velaryon- 

The wedding had ended and my new wife is currently dancing with her brother, the prince Rhaegar. 

Rhaegar was a man of many things. He was a brave Knight, and the most skilled swordsman in the seven kingdoms. I'll admit, I had fancied him. 

I had told him my feelings, but he didn't reciprocate them. He wasn't disgusted with me like most were. He just told me liked women. 

This was before he married my sister. He and Laena are the perfect pair. And sometimes I get jealous. But it's okay. I'm happy with Joffrey. 

Me and him are currently talking and watching everything dance together. Prince Daemon is with Lady Lyanna. My father and mother are dancing with happy smiles. 

They are still in love after all these years. Even with my father's unfaithfulness. He has two bastards at Hull. I know that mother knows, he just doesn't know that she knows. 

I've gotten my brother's names. Addam and Alyn, I wish to meet them. 

"Are you listening?" Asked Joffrey. 

"What?" I asked in confusion. 

"I said, how is the prince going to get your seed inside of the Princess?" Asked Joffrey. 

"I'm not sure. But don't speak of this is public. I told you this because I want you to trust me." I said as I looked at Joffrey. 

Joffrey nodded and walked away. I did hear what he said, but it was of no significance. 

He pointed out the Ser Criston was in love with Rhaenyra. And so was Ser Harwin. But it didn't matter to me. She's a Targaryen, of course the people would lust after her. 

But Ser Criston did have this look to him. He kept staring at me as the wedding went on. Almost like he wanted to kill me. 

He just looked at me with pure hatred. 

Anyway, it's time to dance. 

-POV: Criston Cole- 

I know I've sworn a duty to the king's guard. I shouldn't have these thoughts about the princess, someone I've sworn to protect. 

This white cloak symbolizes purity. But my thoughts are far from pure. Princess Rhaenyra plagues my mind with her beauty. 

It's started when she chose me as her sworn protector. At first I was like everyone else. I thought she was beautiful. 

But as I grew to know her, she changed into someone I lusted after. She was the perfect woman any man could ask for. 

That day when we hunted that wild boar, and she shot her bow. I knew that I loved her. 

The prince, Rhaegar Targaryen knows this. I could tell he knows, the stares that he gives me tells me all I need to know. 

But that doesn't matter. I would fight him for her hand if I had to. But i know i would forsaken my brothers if the kings guard. 

It makes it worse that she is now married to a man that fancies other men. Ser Laenor may be the next Lord of Driftmark, but he's half the man of me. 

As I stood and watched as Rhaenyra danced. Ser Joffrey Lonmouth, the said lover of Ser Laenor. 

"She's beautiful isn't she Ser Criston?" Asked Ser Joffrey. 

I just looked at him and sighed. 

"I'm on watch, what do you want?" I asked with a strong tone of voice. 

"Well, you are the princesses sworn protector. So you must know her secrets right?" Said Ser Joffrey. 

I ignore him. Rhaenyra is a very private person. She doesn't tell me anything she doesn't want me to hear. 

"Just like I have Laenor's best interest at heart. I bet you have hers too. Let's just protect our people the best we can. And if you see something you shouldn't, keep quiet." Said Ser Joffrey as he walked away. 

The nerve of this man. A knight who hasn't even seen a battlefield. I have something for him. 

-POV: Rhaegar Targaryen- 

Me and Laena danced with all of our hearts. Me and her shut out everyone and enjoyed each other's embrace. 

As we danced, I heard a yell. This broke us out of our rhythm. I looked and seen the lords and ladies back away. 

I scoop Laena off her feet and bring her to the head table. While there and scan the crowd for Rhaenyra and see her trying to get to Laenor. 

But some asshole pushed her to the ground. I immediately push through the crowd and march towards my sister. 

After pushing I finally made it and see Ser Harwin make it to her. 

"Ser Harwin, take Rhaenyra to the head table. I will go see what happened." I said to Ser Harwin. 

He nodded and picked up Rhaenyra. I continued to through the crowd and make it to the center of the chaos. 

I see Ser Criston on top of Ser Lonmouth. He punched his face in. I went to touch Ser Cristons shoulder, but he turns around and tries to strike me. 

Out of reflex, I swatted his hand away and strike him in the face, knocking him out. He falls to the ground. 

"Come get him and take him to the cells." I say to the guards. 

It doesn't matter the reason why he killed Ser Joffrey. Joffrey is a noble, so obviously Ser Criston will have to be punished. 

I turn to see my father leaned over the table. Shit I forgot about his illness. 

I walk towards my father and the crowd clears a path for me. As I make my way towards my father, I could see Gwayne and Alicent staring at me. 

Alicent hasn't been let into official settings, thanks to me. She wants to pull her green propaganda shit, she can do that in the comfort of her own house, not mine. 

I do want to have a relationship with my half siblings though. I know the dance is inevitable, but if I can somehow prevent it, it would make killing them not even be a thought. 


I take my father and help him walk. With all the stress lately, it's no wonder he almost collapsed. 

The kings guard obviously follows me, while Daemon tells everyone it's time to leave. Rhaenyra also follows me along with Alicent, Otto, and the Velaryons. 

This is going to be a headache. 

-Next Day- 

Father is still bedridden, so I took over his duties for today. I know some of the lords wouldn't like it, particularly Otto. 

I've called for a small council meeting. Rhaenyra can't attend because she's flying to Driftmark today. Which is something I have to be present for. 

As the lords make their way into the room, they were obviously taken aback by seeing me in the kings chair. 

"My prince, that is the kings seat." Said Grand Maester Mellos. 

"My father is still bedridden from yesterday's events. As you know as his maester, he is sick." I said to the Maester Mellos. 

"Will his grace recover soon?" Asked Lord Strong. 

"I'm not sure. I have maester checking on him as we speak." I said to Lord Strong. 

"And I would like to thank you for order Ser Harwin. He was of great help." I said. 

"It's our duty my prince." Said Lord Strong. 

"Now, since everyone is here. What's the news? I hear there have been problems with the city watch and Small folk." I said while surveying the room. 

"It's the baths my prince. They are getting overpopulated. The city watch has been trying to keep the numbers down, but the small folk just keep coming." Said Lord Beesbury. 

"Well there are two bath houses, and 20 restrooms around Kings landing. Find some room and build two more bath houses." I said. 

I know there is barely any room for building, but we must. I want to expand kings landing, but I don't know how the lords would take it. 

"Lord Beesbury take care of the financial aspect, and hire the same men from before. Lord Strong will also help find the right locations." I said, let's see what they say about this. 

"And finally, what do you all think of an expansion?" I asked while looking at everyone's face. 

Their faces showed shock and confusion. I see, they've never thought of expanding. 

"Why would we do such a thing my prince?" Asked Otto. 

"Because of problems like this Ser Otto. We don't have room for improvement. With expansion comes new opportunities for this kingdom and its people." I said as I looked at Otto. 

"Lord Beesbury, what are the current financial conditions?" I asked. 

"Well my Prince, ever since you built the bath house and restrooms, we've received a steady flow of income. And with our trading lanes being open again, our trades with Essos, the summer isles, and Yi Ti have flourished." Said Lord Beesbury. 

"So financially speaking, we have more than enough money to fund an expansion. It may take years to complete." Said Lord Beesbury. 

"Good, that's all I wanted to know." I said. 

"Now, any other news?" I asked. 

"A Triarchy ship was spotted by one of my ships. It seemed like they were scouting." Said Lord Corlys. 

"So they've finally decided to come back? It seems the beating we gave them the last time hasn't settled. Maybe I should go to Essos myself." I said. 

"I would advise against that my prince. You are heir, and important to the realm." Said Otto. 

I stared at him for some time and laughed. Is he serious? 

"Oh? Now I'am heir?" I questioned. 

"Anyway, I will be leaving for a while. After my father is better, me and my wife will take a vacation. I've already have some land in Pentos." I said. 

"And Ser Otto, don't do anything stupid while i'am away." I said. 

(A/n: I feel stupid because I just realized Otto was knighted.) 

"Well my lords, you could leave now." I said, as I stood up and left. 

It's time to see my sister off. 


Me and Laena are standing and looking at our siblings. Rhaenyra has in her dragon riding leathers. I could see little Syrax watch from behind her. 

"Be safe, and when the time comesx I will come to Driftmark. So Laenor, be ready to jerk in a cup." I said as I patted his shoulder. 

Laena hit me in the back of my head and me and Rhaenyra laughed. 

Lord Corlys was watching from the Sea Snake. I could see him smiling, some with Rhaenys as she took care of Meleys. 

Gods that a beautiful dragon.


I could hear Haedes roar, it seems like I made her jealous. They are sisters, i think. I don't know who is related to who. Dragon family trees are weird. And that says alot coming from a Targaryen. 

"Now, off you go. Me and my wife are traveling to Pentos. While there, we won't have to hear about the depressing royal court drama." I said as my kissed my sister on her head and hugged her. 

Laena did the same to her Brother and they both hopped in their dragons, I went up to Syrax and petted her. 

Syrax leaned into me and nudged me with her snout. 

I walked away and watched her and Seasmoke take off. 

"So, is everything ready?" I asked Laena. 

"Yes, I have some clothes but we can just buy some more there. We're staying for a while right?" She asked. 

"For about two years. Obviously we will comeback and visit." I said. 

"Good." Said Laena as we both walked away. 

Now, let's wait for my father to wake. 

-3 days later- 

My father had awakened from his "coma", so now he's being told of my and Laena's departure. 

"When will you be back?" Asked My father. 

"In about two or so years. I'll visit over month, but other than that. I'll be in Pentos." I said. 

He just nodded and I left. Obviously iam going to Pentos for a vacation, but while iam there, i would like to get some takes done. Like getting a foothold there and building my army. I have no connections there, but I know someone there who does. 

Saera Targaryen, my aunt. 

She and my grandsire may have fallen out. But I know she still hold love of grandmother. 

I can see it in grandmothers eyes. She misses her children. That's why she loves me and Rhaenyra so much. I remind her of Aemon, and Rhaenyra reminded her of Daenerys. 

Saera may be a whore, but she's still family. I won't judge her for what she has done, because frankly, I don't really care. 

Obviously I won't allow my daughters to participate in those types of activities. But I wouldn't imprison them. 

But Saera isn't my daughter, so I couldn't care less about  what she does with her body. As long as her children don't try to claim dragons, then we are good. 

Now, on we go.

-To Be Continued- 


next chapter
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