"You need to up your game, KeymonSTER. You have the ability but not enough confidence."
These words were forever imprinted in Hou Liang's mind. This was Drakon's first message to him when he hacked and improved the Black Stars' website. Ever since then, Hou Liang thought about these words every single day to the point that it became his mantra.
Indeed, it was true. He didn't really have that much confidence in his abilities. He had big dreams but thought that his skills weren't enough to make them come true.
But Drakon's message planted a seed of hope inside him. Did he really have the ability? Can he really up his game?
All these wonderings were useless without action, so he immersed himself in trying to improve his skills. When Drakon caused worldwide chaos with his hacking exploits, the seed of hope inside Hou Liang turned into determination.
He wanted to be like Drakon: brazen, confident and unapologetic.
Mass release today! Enjoy~