1.14% HIS CHOSEN MATE / Chapter 7: THE ALPHA


Blood! There was so much blood! It was in my hair, my face, on my skin, it was everywhere and I wanted to get rid of if all! I could feel hands carrying me but I wasn't conscious enough. I could hear someone barking loud orders as I was being carried around but I couldn't comprehend anything. All I knew was I needed this clothes off me!

The sound of running water was nearby and I could feel hands pawing at my clothes roughly. I tried to protest weakly, as I struggled against whatever hands that was tearing at my clothes. I was still struggling when hands captured mine and held it firmly in place.

"Hold still for me little one." The deep voice commanded and for some reason, my body instantly obeyed his command.

The man continued to strip of my clothing, more gently this time since I stopped struggling. I then felt myself being carried and I was dumped into the bathtub which was filled with hot water. My body was still weak, so I slumped Into the bathtub. I was immediately pulled back to the surface with my back pressed against a warm body.

"Don't worry little one." That deep voice said again and I don't know but I think I mumbled something incoherent, "Let me take care of you" The man's voice soothed me and I relaxed against him. Once again, my body obeyed his command.

As the man took care of me, washing me clean of the sticky blood, the only thought in my head was how warm he was and how deeply relaxing his touches were.

THE sun streamed through the thin curtains in the bedroom. I winced a little as my eyes adjusted to the brightness of the room. Looking around, I realized how I was back in the room I was kept in. I looked down at myself only to see that I was dressed in a white cotton nightgown that fell all the way to my knees. With a sigh, I got up from the bed and was about to move around when I realized I was chained.

What the? I stared at my left wrist that was secured with chain. I moved around trying to free myself, wondering why the hell I was chained like some kind of animal. I was still trying to figure out the chains when the door opened and Aurora came in with three other girls who were carrying baskets in their hands. They also had clothes covering their faces.

"Hello Arianne." Aurora greeted cheerfully but I just wasn't in the mood for it.

"What the hell is this?"

"Oh, that." Aurora's gaze cut to the chain around my wrist, "That's to stop you from killing yourself" She explained with a smile on my face.

I frowned at her. "Killing myself? I don't seem to remember..."

"You escaped" Aurora cut me off and this time her tone was laced with disappointment.

I stood still as memories of when I tried to escape came crashing down on me. The woods, the roasted deer, the men...no, not men, werewolves and the blood, so much blood. I looked down at myself remembering the stench of blood on my skin.

"You are lucky he chose to save you at that moment" Aurora said and I frowned at that. He? Who was she talking about? "Though I'm actually surprised he did because he knew when you were escaping, we all did. We could hear you moving furnitures around your room" Aurora informed me and I just continued staring at her, still confused.

"Who is he?" I asked looking at her and she arched a brow up in surprise.

"You met him already." She retorted and it was my turn to arch a brow up at her, "My brother isn't one many ladies forget that easily. Especially when they share a bath with him" She added with a coy smile which still left me confused as always.

I decided to ask who she was talking about again. "Who is he?"

"Don't worry, you'll see." Aurora smirked at me and it was the first time I'll see her without a smile, "Get her ready for breakfast." She said to the girls behind her who bowed their head at her command.

"See you soon and also, don't cause any trouble. Just go with this" Aurora warned me with a tired look on her face and with that she left, leaving me alone with the girls who were advancing towards me.

I instinctively took a step backwards but they didn't stop. One of them removed the chains from my wrist with a key, while the others started to strip me.

"I'll have my own bath, so can you stop?" I asked but they ignored me and just removed my clothing till I was naked in front of them. I immediately raised a hand to cover lady parts. It just feels weird standing naked in front of three beautiful fully clothed women.

"Are you all werewolves too?" I asked them but they didn't answer me, "What are your names?" I tried a different approach. Maybe if I make enough friends, they would show me a way out of this mess but of course the girls remained mute.

One of them motioned towards the bathroom while the other two stood at my back. A gentle reminder for me not to try any funny business, like run away. I obediently moved towards the bathroom with the girls following after me. One of the girls decided to run a bath for me and I stepped in.

Whatever soap she added smells really nice, I'm guessing Lavender. I sat still inside the water as the women washed my body. A memory of the warm body pressed against me inside a bathtub quickly flashed in my mind and I frowned at that. I immediately sat up and looked at the girls who were looking at me with blank stares on their faces.

"Do you guys have male servants?" I asked but they just blinked at me and I realized how stupid my question was.

"I mean have I taken a bath with any man?" I amended but that also sounded stupid because how can I be asking them of my intimacy with any man. We haven't met each other until today and now I'm already giving them personal details about my life.

While you are at it, be sure to tell them how inexperienced you are. That you are a twenty year old virgin, A tiny voice whispered in my mind.

I relaxed back into the bathtub and allowed the girls to continue bathing for me. After they were done bathing me, the girls walked me back to the bedroom. I was sat in front of the mirror and they immediately began working on my hair.

I keep waiting for series if questions to drop about the colour of my hair but the girls only focused on the task at hand. They gently ran the brush through my hair and then next, they wove flowers inside it. I tried to protest but they ignored me. One even smacked my hand when I tried to remove the flowers.

I decided to sit still till they were finished with it. They then worked on my face, not that much of a makeup like Rissa did to me. They just used the dark pencil around my eyes and balm was applied to my lips. When they were done, they brought the dress for me to wear. I took one look at it and I knew there was no way in hell I was going to put it on.

"Nope. Nah uh. No way. Just no!" I shook my head at the dress the girls were holding.

"You are to wear this dress for breakfast" One of the girls spoke, surprising me momentarily before what she said registered.

"Well, I'm not putting it on." I said standing my ground.

One of the girls sighed warily. "This dress was chosen by the alpha himself!"

"Really? Then where's the rest of it?" I stared at the dress. It was truly beautiful no doubt. It was light blue with dropping white sequins beads. It was very beautiful but the only thing was that , it was see through. It was also cut low at the front and at the back.

"You really have no choice in the matter. The alpha wants you to wear this to breakfast and that's what you shall do." A girl ordered me sternly.

I scoffed at that. "Like I could give a lamb's ass about what your alpha wants!"

"WATCH YOUR TONE HUMAN!" A girl commanded as she stepped forward, her eyes glowing amber colour. "Never disrespect the alpha! Never!" She growled threateningly at me making sure I understood the message and I nodded my head at her.

"But I'm still not wearing the dress, I just can't."

"I'm afraid you don't have much choice. You will wear the dress even if we have to force you to" Another girl said a cutting edge to her tone. I realized I was testing their patience that way and they could easily force me to wear the dress too. They had super strength after all.

I decided to swallow my words and allowed the girls to dress me. As soon as I was dressed I turned to look at myself in the mirror. There was no difference between this and being naked. My breasts were on display. I could see them through the dress.

The 'V' cut at the front was cut so low that it displayed some cleavage. It also exposed my back. The only thing that was covered, was my vagina but I know I will see my ass if I turned and looked in the mirror.

"Let's go, the alpha awaits!"

I turned and followed the girls out of my room. I kept my expression into a solemn one as the girls led me to the dining hall. I didn't get to look around much and just continued to follow the girls. Soon we stopped in front of a big wooden door and it immediately swung open at our presence.

As soon as I got in, I realized this was no simple breakfast. A long table that was filled with different varieties of food was in the middle of the room. There were a lot of chairs present too, I counted like twenty of them or so. Each of them were filled with people who were drinking and chattering happily.

I could feel my heart beat in fear as I took in the guests. The person who stood out was the man who was sitting at the head of the table. I'm guessing he was the alpha. I guessed that because he was the only one staring at me while the rest were oblivious to my presence. A slow smirk appeared on the man's face as he stared at me and I realised what this whole thing meant.

The guests, the dress and him. This was his way of showing me off. I was his prize and this was a way of letting everyone knew he had won.



DA_Aloera DA_Aloera

A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people. ~Thomas Mann

A little encouragement would be good from my readers, please guys don't ignore this please... Thank you

next chapter


The alpha's face was annoyingly beautiful. Long raven black hair framed his face but it was pulled into a pony tail. He had black perfectly shaped eyebrows. Long eyelashes covered his dark eyes which were staring at me now with a mischievous glint in them. His red sinful lips were pulled into a smirk. He was dressed in a white cotton shirt which was not fully buttoned up, giving me a view of bronze muscled chest.

"You should bow." One of the girls poked me from behind as I ogled their alpha.

I turned to look at the girl who nodded her head at me and then turned to look back at the alpha whose gaze was still fixed on me. Annoying smirk in place. I fisted my hands at my side and glared back at him.

The girl poked me again. "You should bow, human!"

I hated the way she threw the word 'human' at me. Like I've got a name and it's not like I refer to them as beasts or werewolves! But she was right though, I needed to bow. Everyone's eyes were fixated on me now. Each of them looking at me with curiosity in their eyes. I fisted my dress in my hand and made a curtsy with so much grace that Christine and Rissa would applaud me if they were here.

I looked up to find the alpha give a single nod. I was about to ask what that means when I was suddenly pushed forward.

"Move!" One of the girls ordered.

I did as she asked and moved towards the table. I could feel eyes on me as I walked and my hands were clammy. But I didn't pay them any attention. I was afraid if I looked, they would see how scared I was and use it against me. Instead of looking, I kept my gaze on the alpha. I find him much more pleasant to look at than his subject.

I finally got towards the head of the table. Stopping in front of an empty chair that was placed beside the alpha. I lowered myself to the seat, keeping my eyes trained downwards. From my peripheral vision I could see a servant begin to pile my plate with food. Another servant came and poured wine into my cup.

I mumbled a thanks as the servants left but I didn't pick up my food to eat. Instead I just stared at it. I was hungry but I was wary about the food. It might be human flesh for all I know.

"Eat!" A sharp voice commanded and I realized it came from the alpha. I looked up at him then back at my food.

"Don't worry it isn't poisoned." Aurora said from opposite the table with an encouraging smirk on her face.

I heard Kiran scoff. "I'm not sure that's what she's worried about, she's probably thinking about what kind of meat it is."

He wasn't wrong but I'll be damned before I tell him how right he was.

"What? You think us all vile beasts?" A loud voice boomed from the end of a table. I looked up to see a man with brown beard and long hair grinning at me.

"Don't worry human, we don't bite." A voice that belonged to a female said beside me.

I turned only to find her smiling at me. Long canines protruding from her mouth. Her mouth was full of the red wine...No, not wine, I noticed a chilling sensation creeping down my spine. It was blood! I averted my gaze from her and fixed it on my food. Yeah, I'm not really hungry.

Aurora pushed a plate full of lamb rack towards me. "Eat this, it's really delicious."

"Thanks but I'm not hungry." I told Aurora with a small smile. Her face fell at that but I wasn't really hungry. My appetite already vanished at the sight of blood.

"Eat!" A loud voice boomed and it came from the alpha.

I looked at the alpha only to see him glaring at me, the smirk already gone.

"I said I'm not hungry!" I retorted looking away from him.

"And I asked you to eat!" He said with a cutting edge to his tone.

"You don't tell me what to do!" I countered back shooting him a glare

That seemed to amuse the alpha because he leaned back to look at me with me. That annoying smirk back in place. "Oh, is that so?"

"Yes. I don't answer to you. Now, let me go!" I commanded still glaring at the alpha.

The alpha merely cocked a brow up at me. "Go where?"

"Home!" I answered and as soon as I said that loud laughters erupted from the table.

I looked around as everyone threw their head back as if I had shared a joke. Even Aurora was laughing. The only one who wasn't laughing was the alpha who was had a lazy smirk in place. He was looking at me as if he knew a secret. Something about me that I didn't know about.

"Well, what is it?" I asked when I couldn't take it any longer.

"What you said, about you going home." Kiran said and I turned to look at him.

"And pray tell how's that funny?" I arched a brow up at him, "I want to go home! I demand to be set free to return to my home!" I commanded and again, the whole room erupted in laughter. I could feel heat creep up my neck in anger.

"Quick! Someone fetch little red her cloak!" A voice boomed from the end of the table.

"She wants to go home to her mommy!" The woman behind me whined and everyone laughed again at that.

I was starting to feel angry! No, I was already angry! How dare they laugh at me? I asked fuming in anger from where I was sitting. Without another thought, I stood up from where I was sitting. My chair pushed backwards from the force I used to stand up. The whole room grew silent at that. Eyes now on me, watching what I was going to do.

"Arianne, what are you doing?" Aurora asked in confusion.

"Leaving!" I answered and turned to leave but a voice stopped me.

"Sit!" The alpha commanded and I turned to look at him. All traces of amusement have been wiped clean from his face. "Sit down Arianne!" He repeated more sternly this time.

Something about his tone suggested I quietly do as he asked without causing any more trouble for him. I also noticed everyone had gone eerily quiet. I lowered my self to my seat and turned to look at the alpha who was leaning back against his chair.

"Now, what makes you think you have any home to go to?"

"What do you mean?" I asked with a puzzled look on my face.

The alpha arched a brow up at me as he assessed me with a lazy look in his eyes. "Did you really think you were selected?"

What did he mean by that? I asked myself as I glared at the alpha. "Then why am I here?"

"You are clearly not the first person I pictured in mind to be selected." The alpha commented with a lazy drawl, "But your family made me an offer, that was tempting" He smirked at me.

I didn't like where this was going at all. I turned to look at Kiran, since he was the one who came to fetch me. "What is he talking about?"

Kiran rolled his eyes at me. Probably because he was bored of me already, like I could give a fuck. I was going to get my answers today.

"Marilyn Fairchild was the one originally selected on the night of the blue moon." Kiran told me and I paused at the name.

Marilyn Fairchild? I know her. She was the florist in my town. She was very kind and generous. I didn't know her much but from what I see anytime I'm in town with her, she treats everyone really good. Also when I go to shop with my hair covered, she attends to me and treats me fairly, like she treats other customers.

"So what happened?" I asked eager to know what happened next.

Kiran sighed but answered anyway. "Her family was devastated at the choice. Blaming the gods why their sweet daughter had to be chosen instead of the towns freak." He said this looking at me square in the eyes.

The town's freak? That was me. It's who I am. I thought to myself as I felt tears well up my eyes.

"I was curious about who that was." Kiran continued, "And they led me straight to you, man, your family didn't put up much of a fight when the Fairchild declared that it was you who should be taken instead of their precious daughter. Your dad was relieved while your stepmother was all smiles and besides, why wouldn't she be? We paid them five thousand pieces for you." Kiran informed me and my eyes went wild at that.

Five thousand pieces? That was wealth! Lots of riches. The new house they could move into. The servants they could have, the horses they could buy with that! Five thousand pieces was a lot of money and it would really do my family good. If my father was smart and still has enough common senses on him, he'd invest in that money. But of course, Christine has him so wrapped around her finger, he can't seem to make a decision for himself.

The money would do my family good, but at the same time I'm hurt. Hurt they would think to offer me up for the selection and also collect money from it. I was angry. Angry at my family, the Fairchild, the whole town and the stupid werewolves. Why can't they just leave us alone? Why come up with this selection at all?

"So, can you see?" The alpha asked me, "You don't have a home to go to anymore. Now eat, you will need your strength!"

Like I could eat after hearing the horrible truth. "I'm not hungry!"

"I offer you my generosity by clothing, putting food on in front of you and you chose to disrespect me?" The alpha asked getting angry, "You should be fucking grateful!" He growled at me.

"Grateful? What should I be grateful for?" I cocked a brow up at him, "You call this generosity? Gloating and parading me naked in front of your subjects?"

"Well, just so you know you are not completely naked." The girl beside me whispered but I ignored her and continued.

"Do not call this generosity! You wouldn't know what it means to be generous even if it smacks you in your face! You know why?" I asked looking at him with a hard glare, "Because you are not human! You are a monster!" I finished just as a low growl rumbled from the alpha's throat and I thought I saw his dark eyes flash red in anger.

"Then how about I show you just how much of a monster I can be?" The alpha asked and just before I could ponder what he meant by that, he snapped his fingers.

"Take her away and lock her up!" He commanded just as the girls who had followed me in pulled me up from my seat. "She is not to be fed or attended to, till she is ready to kneel and beg for my kindness!"

"No!" Aurora shouted from where she was sitting but no one made a move to stop the girls from dragging me away. No one dared to do so, because it was his command! The command of a king!


Sorry for the late updates guys, I went on a little trip! But I'm back y'all and thanks to those who are voting for my story, I love y'all!

Let's see your thoughts on this chapter in the comment section and I'll give you another chapter tomorrow.


DA_Aloera DA_Aloera

Finding your way through darkness is part of the journey toward discovering your truth.

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