Ivan and I stayed in each other's arms, not saying anything but also not willing to part ways. The ache in my limbs slowly started to go away. The bruises on my body began to disappear, I was healing because I had my wolf now. Ivan stroked his hand against my ruins till I eventually slept off. When I woke up the sun was already setting outside, casting an orange glow inside the room. letting out a small sigh, I turned to look at Ivan who was smiling down at me.
I grinned back at him. "How long was I out for?"
"Not enough, considering what you've just been through." Ivan said with a smile.
"Well I don't want to sleep anymore."
Ivan raised his brows up at me. "Why not?"
I turned to look at him. "Because each time I close my eyes, you aren't there anymore."
Ivan bit his bottom lip and my heart tugged at how incredibly erotic that looked at the moment. "I'm right here Arianne, I'll always be with you."