As if they both sense the change in the atmosphere, they simultaneously looked at each other. With the slight glow that was coming from his phone, with their eyes locked to one another, they began to imagine a connection. As if they saw what they wanted to see.
Then, the unexpected happened. She closed her eyes as he moved closer. It was as if their instincts and subconsciousness took over their mind and body. Then, she felt it. His lips against hers. She knew this was not a dream, but still, she did not want to wake up. She had longed for this.
He knew that he should stop, but he could not. He wanted to feel her lips again on his. To taste its sweetness. Then, he started to move even closer, placing himself in a better position to deepen the kiss.
A sudden jerk of the floor and the onset of the grinding of the machine, with the lights turning on, woke them up from the spell. Making them both, moved back away from each other.
Thanks so much for all your votes, comments and to my privilege readers...
Hope I am able to give you a quality story worth your time.