37.89% Hentai Verse / Chapter 97: 'Big' Hiro's Sex [ 2 ]

บท 97: 'Big' Hiro's Sex [ 2 ]

…She broke him. He was broken now. There was no excuse and no arguing about it… she sighed through her nose, staring at the far wall of her work-space in deep thought as she blew a big pink gum bubble. It popped and she closed her eyes… FEELING his gaze on her tight butt, like his eyes were pressed and roving over every curve of her ass... She often 'felt' him do it when they were alone together. Ever since she popped his cherry he's been 'attached' she didn't really mind. Because she wouldn't ever tell him this to his face, but he was a GREAT lay…

It had been about three weeks since their first time. And it was admittedly VERY fun… But the fact of the matter was it was getting distracting. At the lab, on patrol, off patrol, at their secret base. Every moment of privacy together was spent with him eagerly ogling her like a puppy looking for attention. "Hiro stop looking at me." She said firmly as he jumped like a startled rabbit and returned to his own lab work, … if you could call 'desperately trying to look like she didn't just catch him staring': working. She turned to glare at him, "Seriously. STOP ogling me, its distracting…"

"…I'm not ogling…" he replied with a cute childish pout as she walked over to him, rested her glove hand in his moppy head and shook it fondly left to right as he grunted, turning a little red..

"You are OGLING." She noted firmly. "I can feel you undressing me every time we're alone. Knock it off."

He pouted cutely and she rolled her eyes, strutting away. "…Come on Gogo it's just us…" he whined, spinning in the chair, how was it he was several years older now but still acted like he was 14?

She sighed frustratingly through her nose, blowing another bubble as it popped. "…Got a glove?" she didn't know why she bothered asking, Hiro ALWAYS carried a 'glove' nowadays… he practically yanked it from his pocket, grinning stupidly at her. Fuck he was addicted to her ass… she was both extremely flattered and supremely irritated.

"Men's room down the hall. The third stall" she said, "Put it on and wait." She noted as Hiro frowned, she knew that look. The 'but I want it now' cute pouty look. But she WOULD be the one on top in this 'relationship', "Go on." She replied dismissively as he frowned but slipped the packet back into his pocket and headed quickly out of the lab.

She sighed again. Honestly if she wanted a pet she would have a pet… now she had Hiro and she had to 'play' with him and 'pet' him and 'feed' him… okay maybe not that last one but if he wasn't so eager… and so fun… and generally just a good, attentive, lay… She snorted in irritation and pressed her new disk together on her workbench… letting him squirm before she twirled on her feet and casually strutted out of the lab.

She passed by the janitor's closet, reached in and grabbed a 'do not enter, cleaning' sign… placing it in front of the men's room and entering like she owned it… this was admittedly not her first bathroom liaison but it was the first one with Hiro. She knew she would have to throw him a bone, she had cut him off for a week now and he got twitchy if he didn't get to touch…

She kicked open the stall door and he grinned stupidly at her, that cute stupid look he got on his face when he knew they were about to REALLY have some fun. His long eager dick, hard and twitching with his pants around his ankles, it was gloved and ready for her. She blew another bubble, it popped as she stared dismissively at his throbbing erection, he squirmed nervously under her consistent stare.

She sighed, smirked and leaned forward, cupping his stupid face and kissing him. Shoving her tongue and her gum into his mouth as he moaned, his hands sliding down her curvy waist and onto her rear to squeeze her luscious, voluptuous ass cheeks. She pulled away and stood upright, "Hold onto that…" she ordered, kneeling down before him and stroking his gloved cock.

She never would do this in any bathroom other than the school's. They had specially designed robots that cleaned every moldy inch, you could in fact literally eat off the tiles, even right next to the toilet, and probably come out healthier. She opened her mouth, and eagerly gulped his length.

"Oh Gogo I love you…" he hissed devotedly as she rolled her eyes, her cheeks a little pink as he rested his arms on her head, holding her and thrusting his hips into her bobbing mouth as she moaned and slurped his strawberry flavored condom covered cock. Slurping and sucking determinedly as she blew him. His cute little whimpers echoing around the bathroom as he struggled to contain his rapturous pleasure at Gogo's incomparable blowjob.

She glanced up at him as his cock disappeared and reappeared between her lips, moaning and humming on it as he gasped in pleasure. He throbbed excitedly as she hilted him into her mouth, gagging and gulping, her throat pulsating around him as he bit his lower lip.

"Eegh… MMMN!!" he tried holding it, eyes rolling up into his head. But her hands slid around to his ass, pulling him forward and deeper down her throat as she gasped. "Ahh! Ahh!!" she quickly pulled away as his cock filled the condom, she wiped her lips with the back of her glove as it bulged with his seed. "Oh God Gogo…" he purred, as she pulled away. Getting back to her feet and dusting her knees, another job well done. "…Oh…" he wrapped his arms around her waist, hugging her happily as she sighed. Patting his head and trying to hide her own smile. He was just so damn cute sometimes…

"Alright alright…" she said, pushing him away and flicking his forehead. She held out her hand, "…Give it back."

"Ah…" he stuck his tongue out and plucked her gum from it before tossing it back into her mouth and blowing a bubble.

"…Now get back to work. You got a project to finish…"

"…Fine…" he mumbled pulling up his shorts as she stepped out of the stall first. He adjusted his pants and quickly followed. "But… uh… Gogo? One more thing? Please?"

She glanced over her shoulder at him, blowing another bubble. Pop. "…Fine…" she sighed, rolling her eyes and inwardly smirking as she leaned against the sink, pushing out her amazing rear as Hiro got a good grip of each cheek and squeeze.

"…I will never get tired of this…" he sighed contentedly, rubbing and squeezing her cheeks through her biker shorts, rubbing his CHEEK against her soft, defined butt before she decided he had had enough of feeding his addiction and flicked his forehead again.

"Go on." She ordered, pointing to the door as he frowned, but obeyed. Rubbing the red spot on his forehead. She sighed, blowing another bubble in deep thought.

Seconds after her contemplative moment Fred charged in. "Hey Gogo!" he said cheerily before slamming into the first stall. "You're going to want to leave!"

And he was right.

Gogo returned to the lab just as everyone else began to file in. Honey Lemon and Wasabi pushed the sticker covered Baymax towards Hiro. "…Smiling faces… ugh. How cheerful." Gogo mumbled at the dozens on dozens of smiley face stickers.

"Hiro, Honey Lemon says, stickers improve on positivity and relive stress."

"Ugh!!" Gogo replied stomping towards her work area as Hiro grinned.

"They sure do Baymax."

"Your stress level has improved drastically over the past 20 minutes." Baymax blinked, "Your bloodflow has also improved. Your heartbeat has also decreased."

"Wow Hiro… have you been practicing Yoga when we're not around?" Honey Lemon asked, "You've been kinda stressed for a while."

"N-nooo…" he said lazily, "I've just done some… deep breathing exercises…" he said as Gogo rolled her eyes. He WAS panting an awful lot in the bathroom.

"I still think Yoga could help… ee!" Honey Lemon cheered, "You can practice with me, Gogo, and Wasabi!"

Hiro's face fell and he glanced subtly over the cheerful Honey Lemon's shoulder at a rather amused looking Gogo who leaned casually on her table, and ran a rather inconspicuous hand over her shapely hip. Smirking knowingly before blowing another bubble.

POP… just like Hiro's sanity.

"Uh… gee I don't know Honey Lemon. I-"

"Yoga would improve your stress levels. They have been abnormally high at almost weekly intervals. You should participate. Hiro."

"But I don't-" then he looked into Honey Lemon's eyes. Her deep, silently pleading eyes that nobody with a heart and soul could say 'no' to… Not even GOGO was immune to Honey Lemon. "…okay…" Honey Lemon squealed delightedly, sweeping Hiro up into a bone crushing hug. "Ack! Honey Lemon! Please! I need air!"

"…There. There…" Baymax said, getting in on the group hug and patting Hiro's shoulder.

"Oh, we need to get you some pants! And a shirt!" she said, "Hmm… well Wasabi's too big for you… so we'll just have to go shopping!"

"Oh no…" Hiro whimpered as Honey Lemon took his hand and practically marched to the door.

"Lab just started Honey Lemon." Gogo supplied as Honey Lemon, adorably stop and gasped.

"Oh. Right. Later." She smiled prettily at Hiro before quickly skipping to her chemical station.

"Thank you." Hiro mouthed to Gogo who smirked cruelly… he then quickly realized that his troubles weren't over yet, the inevitable was just delayed. Because Gogo knew what Hiro feared…

Hiro… LOVED… watching Gogo in yoga pants… there was no doubt in her mind the number of times recently that he had watched her with a completely inattentive Honey Lemon and Wasabi when they practiced in the lab. And Gogo was very insistent that their 'relationship'. Never. EVER. Came to light…

How in the WORLD was he going to hide his inevitable erection with Gogo's yoga pants wrapped ASS at close range? Answer? He wasn't. It wasn't happening… he was going to get a boner and then he would be killed… Gogo would kill him… this was because he was becoming needy, wasn't he? It wasn't HIS fault that Gogo was essentially a drug to him! She got him hooked, why should he have to suffer?

"Woman up, boy genius." Gogo noted casually in her regular 'too cool for you' voice, shooting him back to reality as she tossed him an armored glove. One of hers in fact, "Check that out for me, will you? it's been acting sticky…" and his mind briefly distracted with important work… he did just that.

Time flew like Baymax in his armor, and soon before the school day was out Honey Lemon was dragging Hiro out of the lab, Baymax squeaking along behind them. "This will be great Hiro!" Honey Lemon smiled, "It'll be so much fun to practice together!"

She dragged him towards her car and Hiro was legitimately surprised to find Gogo there, leaning on her bike as she popped another bubble. "Ready to go Gogo?" Honey Lemon smiled.

"Yep. I'll meet you there…" she said casually, getting on her bike. Her wonderful ass molding spectacularly to the bike seat and she quickly sped away… ALMOST as fast as she would in her armor.

"Okay Baymax. Deflate a little and just hop in the back!" Honey Lemon smiled, watching as the slow hiss of Baymax's soft marshmellow body squeaked slowly out… it was almost funny… okay, it WAS funny.

About 20 minutes later they arrived at the mall. Gogo was casually stretched out on one of the many benches, not even breathing heavily as she blew a bubble and relaxed, waiting patiently for Hiro, Honey Lemon, and Baymax until they finally arrived.

Hiro watched her for a second as her face betrayed NOTHING. "So… why are you here? Gogo?" he asked, calm. Cool. Suave.

"I needed new yoga pants." She said, flatly, coldly… dangerously. "I figured since Honey Lemon is going to use you like her new favorite dress up doll I could grab some myself. She suddenly bent forward, almost touching her ears with her feet as she stood up… Hiro tried very hard to look away and NOT notice how flexible Gogo was or just how tightly her biker shorts wrapped her shapely, curvy, heaven sent butt…

Then almost in slow motion she stood upright, bending backward a little as she stretched, and flexed… her hands on her mid-back as she bent almost impractically backward… if you listened, you could hear the pants of every heterosexual male within a mile radius tightening. Luckily Honey Lemon was far to innocent to notice and Hiro was wearing his tight underwear…

…Gogo still didn't return the pair he left at her place…

"Mmm…" Gogo moaned as Hiro desperately tried to think of ANYTHING else as she rotated her neck, "…Kinda stiff…" she grunted rubbing her shoulders with her hands. "Hey Baymax do you give massages?" she asked casually, coyly, EVILLY…. Knowing FULL well that he most certainly did.

…Hiro loved Baymax so much that he had honestly considered at one point dying for him… but at that very moment as Baymax began to massage Gogo's shoulders he wanted to stab his marshmallow body with something sharp for what he was doing to Gogo and by proxy what Gogo was doing to HIM… "MMmnn ooohh… that's real goooood Baymax…" she purred sultrily as Honey Lemon watched, COMPLETELY unaware at the torturous seductions Gogo was casting on Hiro… "Thanks…"

"You are welcome!" he replied cheerily, his hands pistoning gently on her shoulders and back.

"Gogo do you want to let Baymax finish while I take Hiro to get clothes?"

"YES! YES, SHE DOES!" Hiro said, insanely cheerful as he grabbed a giggling Honey Lemon and dragged her away from the completely 'innocent' massage as Gogo moaned and jumped started a few nearby boys into the WONDERS of puberty… Gogo grinned after him, blew another bubble, and-POP.

"Oh! Hiro! It's over here!" Honey Lemon declared as he got away as quickly as possible. She then dragged him to an obvious clothing store called-

"Yoga Yoga and Toga…?" he asked curiously, staring up at the odd sign. Honey Lemon took his hand and gently guided him in.

"Yes! It's great! They sell everything Yoga related!... And Togas!" she added cheerily passing a rack of the distinctive roman garment. From one coat hanger to the other, Hiro was dragged all around the store by the cheerful Honey Lemon, seconds before he could even look at possible clothes he was suddenly dragged around to another as Honey Lemon's surprising strong arm collected more and more clothing and it just went higher and higher…

"Wha!?" Hiro was suddenly hurled into a changing room stall followed closely by a fistful of pants and shirts as Honey Lemon smiled playfully.

"Try these on Hiro! I'm going to go look for something for me." She said as she carefully shut the stall door. Hiro sighed, and deciding he might as well get started he began to take off his hoodie and shirt. He heard the stall next to him open and shut but didn't think much off it as he pulled on one of the tight-fitting shirts and tried putting on some of the pants but they felt far too tight. Sure they stretched but it felt like circulation was being cut off. So those quickly came off and he managed to get on some grey pants and decided they fit much better…

He stepped out just as Honey Lemon returned with Baymax who was wearing a blue headband around his head. Honey Lemon smiled her infectious, pretty smile at Hiro who smiled back, "You look great Hiro!" she said happily as he checked himself out. He was of course still lanky and short, and barely had any muscles… and what was he getting at again? regardless he was about to say something along the lines of 'thanks Honey Lemon' when he realized that Baymax was here… and if he was here then where was-?"

The stall to the right of his opened just as Honey Lemon charged into the stall on his left. He had been in the middle of one of three. And Hiro… well… Hiro lost his words…

Gogo stepped casually out of the stall, except for her fingerless gloves, she was not wearing her usual clothes at all. She wore a tight fitting black sports bra revealing her toned, muscled stomach and waspy, slender waist… … however below that wonderful waist was her hips and they were wrapped in tight, black as pitch, yoga pants… she wasn't wearing shoes or socks so her toes curled on the shag carpeting as she stretched this way and that, apparently trying out of movement felt in her new pants… which were so tight on her that other than the obvious color difference between her milky skin and her black pitch pants it was hard to tell where her skin began and where her pants ended…

…And. OH MY GOD. Her bountiful firm butt looked absolutely amazing… Nothing could beat that body in tight clothes…

"What do you think Hiro?" she said lazily, turning slowly so he could get a BETTER view of that majestic booty. Running her hands, slowly, over the curvature of her lower body as she glanced at him 'innocently'. She obviously had NO idea what she was doing to him… AT ALL. Can you HEAR the sarcasm Hiro's melted brain was trying to confer? "Too tight?" she asked lazily blowing a bubble between her pert, wonderful lips as it popped and a small, small corner of her every scowling lips twitched slightly upright, "…Or not tight enough?" she added in a low whisper.

Hiro, staring wide eyed like a deer in headlights… took several steps back and slowly shut his stall as Gogo smiled… 'innocently'. BAM!

Hiro's head slammed on the wall that connected him to Gogo's stall. "Hiro. I have detected an injury… please rate your pain 1 to 10."

"Hiro?! Are you okay? Do you need me to help you?" Honey Lemon, perfect, innocent, best surrogate big sister ever, Honey Lemon asked.

Hiro groaned quietly to himself and he cursed for his loss of self-control… and also the obvious rock-hard boner he was now sporting. "…Honey Lemon please don't make me explain to you why that's a bad idea…" he whined a little pleadingly.

Honey Lemon didn't answer, but then she giggled sweetly. "Ohh… right. Sorry Hiro, sometimes I just forget you're not a little boy anymore…"

Now normally if anyone else had said that to him he'd be offended. But it was Honey Lemon. VILLAINS who have threatened to destroy orphanages just to watch them cry loved Honey Lemon… Some of them even sent Christmas cards from Jail. He loved Honey Lemon platonically almost as much as he loved Gogo lustfully… which, if you haven't figured out by now because of his HUGE throbbing erection. That was quite a lot.

"I just tripped on my clothes while changing Honey Lemon, I'm fine." He noted as she cheerily gave him a sweet filled reply.

"Okay! Let me know if you need help."

"Hiro. I will assist you in changing clothes." Baymax noted as Hiro pushed back on the door to keep it shut and quickly tried changing into the blue yoga pants. Because to be fair he liked that color better.

"I'm fine Baymax. Thanks."

"I don't know Baymax that sounded like it hurt…" Gogo said as her wonderful voice sent the blood pumping to his hardon that HAD started to go down… but no… now it decided that Gogo was still nearby and the opportunity for its new favorite exercise was still 'optional'.

"Not. HELPING! GOGO!" Hiro sneered frustratingly as he finally got the pants on, resisting Baymax's feeble attempts to open his stall door.

"I'm not really trying too hard." Gogo admitted as Hiro rolled his eyes.

"I can help." Honey Lemon noted sweetly as her stall door opened.

"Please! Just… stop." Hiro sighed sadly as he finally… FINALLY. Got himself under control and opened the door.

Dressed in a tight yellow tank top, hair tied back in a ponytail and tight pink yoga pants Honey Lemon smiled at him. She wasn't… completely curveless, but compared to Gogo she was relatively plain. A beautiful girl. But plain. "Oh you look so cute in blue!" she cheered as Hiro sighed exasperatedly, but smiled his cute smile at her.

"Thanks, Honey Lemon."

"Okay we're all looking good…" she smiled, adjusting Baymax's headband, "So let's all get changed and check out!"

"Why?" Gogo noted 'innocently'. "Might as well wear them out a bit. Let's just grab our gear and head home." she strutted into her stall and began to retrieve her things, bending forward. Leg's straight, ass… TIGHT.

Hiro quickly darted into his stall to grab his clothes, "You know that's not a bad idea!" he cheered, his voice a little high pitched as he covered himself, just in case it was too late. Luckily, he caught himself before Gogo's flexibility and tight, wonderful body sucked him into for another arousing torture session.

"Hmmm. Alright at least we'll save some time." Honey Lemon replied, "Gogo could you grab my things and I'll go check out."

"Sure." POP. Gogo replied Honey Lemon walked to the front desk talking cheerfully to the rather beatnik-y looking girl as Gogo retrieved Honey Lemon's things and handed them to Baymax. "Hey Baymax, go take this to Honey Lemon."

"Alright, Gogo." He said, blinking before squeak walking towards the front desk.

"Evil." Hiro said immediately, apparently becoming very interested in the ceiling as opposed to looking directly at Gogo's lower body. Just like the sun. It was dangerous to look directly at it right now. "You are EVIL."

"…I'm just teaching you a lesson." She said firmly, popping a hip and resting her hand on it as she popped another bubble. "Stop being such a HORN DOG." She said firmly as Hiro went red, "You need to remember that 'this'-" she flicked a finger between them, "-is a two-way street. I'm not here to be your teenage relief. I don't need you to feel good Hiro but it's clear to me, that you need ME. I am NOT an object to get off with."

"I know that," he said, a little hurt that she thought that he thought that way. "…It just feels… so much BETTER with you."

Gogo collected herself by popping another bubble. "…Yeah. Alright." She said rather lazily, "But if you can't keep yourself under control I'm going to have to kill you, and I don't really want to do that."

"…You keep saying that but you wouldn't really kill me would you?"

"…Ever notice that there aren't a lot of guys talking about how they used to 'be with' me?" she noted, very, very darkly.

Hiro promptly clamped up. To be fair, the guys that Gogo had been with either dropped out, graduated or got fired for having an affair with a student and promptly being blacklisted. To be fair that teacher WAS a pervert, but he was also an asshole, she did it for the good of the class… hey it didn't go any farther than a blowjob… she got an A+.

But such facts did add to her air of 'do what I say and don't fuck with me' charm to her already badass personality and aura. But she knew well enough that if it got out she was giving Hiro a piece of her, that would just bring a torrent of younger guys looking for some pieces, and she didn't want to kick the shit out of that many people… at once.

"Keep your junk under control." She noted firmly. He took a deep breath and stared at Honey Lemon still talking to the clerk, apparently, they were friends. Because it's Honey Lemon of course they were. POP. Went another bubble as Hiro blushed, trying not to look at her in frustration… Gogo thought he was pissed at her, in reality… he was just trying as HARD AS POSSIBLE not to get a hard-on from looking at her. Gogo just had that effect on him… he couldn't help it. "…Tell you what…" she said, regretting it almost immediately as he glanced determinedly at her face.

Don't look at the rest of her Hiro, don't look at her chest, don't look at how her hips seemed to have difficulty keeping all of her firm bouncy rear BEHIND her…

"…If you manage to maintain control during your first session with Honey Lemon…" she said, giving him a smirk. "…Afterward, I'll give you an extra. Special. Treat."

SHIT! emergency battles stations! Don't think about it! Ignore how wonderful she sounds when's she's being sexy!

"Okay we're all good!" Honey Lemon cheered, before eyeing Hiro. "Oh! Hiro…" she said hesitantly, putting a hand on his forehead, "…You're all red are you feeling alright?"

"F-Fine Honey Lemon." Hiro said smiling.

"Hiro's heart rate is quite rapid, he should try some deep breathing exercises to relax." Baymax supplied, Honey Lemon frowned.

"I better take you home Hiro." She said, taking his hand like the good big sister she was and leading him out of the store as he tried to awkwardly walk with his clothes in front of his crotch, desperately trying to keep his wiggling 'little' Hiro under control as Gogo casually walked behind them with Baymax.

Hiro tried not to notice Gogo mounting her bike if her ass looked great in biker shorts on that thing he was going to punch a hole through his clothes if he saw her in yoga pants on it. "I'll see you guys tomorrow." She said casually, donning her helmet, "And session Saturday?"

"Yes!" Honey Lemon smiled, "It's at our place!" Gogo waved her understanding and sped off as Baymax squeezed into the back of Honey Lemon's car. "Wasabi will pick you guys up, alright Hiro?" Honey Lemon smiled as Hiro finally relaxed, his 'little Hiro' no longer trying to magnetically attach itself to Gogo…

"Its fine Honey Lemon." She drove him home, gave him a kiss on the forehead, and waved him off as he waved her away. He sighed, Baymax standing next to him as together they went up to Hiro's room. "Baymax."

"Yes Hiro."

"…Can you teach me some deep breathing exercises?"

"Certainly Hiro."

He had three days to give himself as much 'self-control' as he could. Putting on his V.R. headset with his V.I. Gogo… he began to train.

Oh… yeah, he still had that. He didn't have the heart to delete her, but she was mostly unfinished…

Three days later Hiro stood on the sidewalk with Baymax, who he promptly told to spend the couple hours he would be gone with Aunt Cass. "I'll be back by lunch Baymax, help aunt Cass today."

"Very well Hiro, enjoy your time with Honey Lemon, Wasabi, and Gogo." He squeaked walked into the café, "Hello Mochi."

Just a few minutes later Wasabi, already dressed in his green yoga clothes pulled up in his car. "Hey Hiro."

They arrived at Gogo and Honey Lemon's apartment in good, but slow, time. Wasabi carried a couple rolled up Yoga mats under his huge arms, Hiro offered to take one. After all he was probably going to be using it… today would be just a normal. Calm. Relaxing day.

"Hi guys!" Honey Lemon smiled, all dressed and ready in her new clothes as Gogo sat cross-legged on a purple mat behind her. Wasabi rolled out his own green mat.

"Hey Honey Lemon. Hmmm… where should we put Hiro?"

"Right Here." Gogo said practically, shifting her mat over slightly so Hiro… quickly becoming nervous. Looked at the completely innocent space next to her. he'd be behind Honey Lemon and Gogo would be behind Wasabi… either way…

He had no witnesses…

That's okay. He trained for this day.

"Okay Hiro." Honey Lemon smiled prettily at him as he smiled nervously back, rolling out the blue mat that Wasabi let him carry. "Just watch us and try your best."

"…Keep a close eye." Gogo noted softly under her breath, her lips twitching as POP. When a gum bubble.

"Gogo…" Honey Lemon said sternly as Gogo sighed, rolling her eyes and turned. Hiro quickly flung his eyes forward, noticed Honey Lemon. And quickly changed course to Wasabi. Sorry Wasabi.

Gogo approached a small glass of water and stuck out her tongue, placing her gum on the edge firmly before she returned to her mat, hands on her hips and looking thoroughly annoyed. Pretty, but annoyed. "No gum during the session." Honey Lemon said as she balanced easily on one foot, stretched out her toes and promptly pressed play on a nearby stereo. Soft, relaxing sounds began to echo around them as Honey Lemon began.

"Okay. Let's start with the warrior." Bending one knee and stretching out her arms and legs, she held the position, as did wasabi, and Gogo. Hiro needed a bit of balance but soon he got it. Breathing slowly, and relaxingly, closing his eyes to prevent any possible… issues.

After a few moments, "Now… the plank pose." Honey Lemon replied calmly as Hiro opened one eye and copied what she did, a sort of… push up position as she faced Wasabi. "And Hold…"

Easy. This was easy. He was good with easy…

"Now… four limb staff pose…" Honey Lemon cooed, going down with her pushup, as Hiro did the same, not even looking at Gogo and staring at the floor. Alright. This wasn't so bad… it was relaxing… after a moment.

"Upward facing dog…" said Honey Lemon as collectively they all arched their backs and stared at the ceiling. Hiro accidentally caught a glance at Gogo's soft, firm-

SHUT UP. Stop wiggling Little Hiro!…

-and stared up at the ceiling. They held this position for a little while Longer, Hiro was surprisingly relaxed… so of course-

"Downward facing dog…

Wasabi, Honey Lemon, and unfortunately Gogo, all moved to position. Hiro dreaded this pose. Hands and feet on the floor, back straight, and butt, Gogo's magnificent butt, up in the air and pointed directly at Hiro…

He hesitated but if he did so for too long the others would notice EVERYTHING in his pants… she he closed his eyes, and copied.

'Don't look at her butt. Don't look at her butt. Don't look at her butt. Hiro' he chanted to himself, desperate to seal his eyes shut and not notice at all that Gogo was trying to tease him, just a little bit. Her toned perfect rear clenching and wiggling ever so subtly… Wasabi and Honey Lemon wouldn't have noticed… But Hiro, if he didn't squeeze his eyes shut, definitely would have.

…She was a little proud of him.

After that horrible. HORRIBLE moment… well not that horrible the sight of Gogo in the 'downward-facing dog' position, would forever be burned into his mind and keep him warm on lonely evenings. Honey Lemon went through several more unimportant less 'oh God Gogo's so sexy' positions.

"And relax…" Honey Lemon said, standing straight as Hiro released a breath he felt like he was holding for hours… "Okay. Let's take a break."

"Smoothies?" Wasabi asked.

"Smoothies!" Honey Lemon clapped excitedly. "Hiro. Want a smoothie?"

"Sure…" Hiro said as Wasabi grabbed his keys and Honey Lemon grabbed her purse. Her money purse, not her chemical one.

"Gogo?" Honey Lemon smiled.

"I'm good." Gogo replied, tilting her cup of water against her soft wonderful lips and drinking as her tongue scrapped her gum into her mouth and began chewing. "Ah…" she said, now feeling complete.

"Okay! We'll be right back." Honey Lemon smiled, waving them off as she shut the door.

After a moment of palpable silence, Gogo spoke and Hiro went rigid. "I'm proud of you." She said with a smirk. Hiro went red, and she added… a little more… huskily.

"We have about 20 minutes."

Annnnnnnnd yep… that broke him.

His erection shot against his pants as he went absolutely red. Her hand curled slowly around his shirt and she walked backward towards her bedroom. "Don't worry… It'll be quick."

"…Not that quick." He said pouting sternly, as she laughed, his cock throbbed at the absolutely beautiful and melodious laugh that echoed out of her lips. He didn't think she COULD laugh like that.

"No. No it won't Hiro…" she purred, his already rock-hard erection becoming absolutely PAINFUL in his pants at her constant sensual assault.

Was she even fucking TRYING to do that or did it all just come naturally?!

She reached her bed and pulled him to her, her breasts on his chest, his erection throbbing against her crotch as she kissed him. Little Hiro wiggled and wobbled joyously at the feeling of her lips and the almost instinctual reaction to her gum slipping into his mouth. Little Hiro knew what that meant. Playtime.

"Hold that for me…" she said, pushing him away and… slowly… removed her yoga pants.

Hiro didn't even hesitate, staring as inch by inch the tight clothing was peeled from her milky skin until she was… amazingly… completely nude below the waist. "N-No underwear?!" he said almost breathlessly as she smiled.

"I don't like wearing underwear in tight pants like these." She said, and he seemed to realize that her pants were a little form fitting on her… "Now… I promised you an extra special treat." She turned and stepped onto the bed, her butt wobbling enticingly before… with absolute body control.

…She did the splits.

Her feet lied flat on their sides on the mattress as her bouncy booty tightened wonderfully, she lied slowly forward, flat on the bed as her hips wiggled left and right. Her hands slid flexibly down her back to squeeze her cheeks and pulled them slowly apart. Yoga… does a body GOOD.

Hiro heard her tight womanhood calling to him, Hiro… Hiro…

"HIRO!" he looked at her face as she turned her head glancing at him, squeezing and bouncing her ass enticingly. "…You can stick it in…" she said slowly, and her fingers crawled between her cheeks and-

…Oh my god.

She spread her tight REAR hole. "…You don't have to wear a condom for this one…" she said, "Go. SLOW." She declared.

…Hiro died again… he's been dying so often recently.

Mechanically he was behind her, hands rubbing gently on her firm cheeks as she carefully watched him. She had done anal, once. It was quick, it was painful, she didn't like it, and she broke the guy's nose when he didn't stop. But after some research and some training she had grown USED to it… besides Hiro wasn't thick he was just long…

…Plus Hiro was much more gentle…

Something in the back of Hiro's mind said 'lube' and he immediately spat on his hand, rubbing it onto his dick as he leaned close and did the same to her hole. Gogo smirked as he stood back up… and pushed.

Gogo shuddered beautifully before him sucking in air through her teeth before "Aaaaah…." She sighed as inch by inch he pushed inside her.

"Oh god. Oh god. OH GOD…" he chanted breathlessly as he hilted deep up her tight, spasming bowels, her fingers sinking into her ass flesh as her toes curled. Her rear hole practically SUCKED him in, caressing and spasming around him before he slowly pulled out.

"Ah. Aaah…" Gogo breathed, it was MUCH better the second time around. "MMM!!" she bit her lower lip, feeling just the tip still inside her before he pushed gently back in. "Oooh… Hiro…" she felt his cock pulse as she moaned, eagerly wiggling beneath him as she buried her face in the sheets.

"Gogo…" he whined, slowly pulling back. "Faster… I want to go faster…"

She lifted her head and smiled confidently at him, trying not to shake in pleasure. "You know me Hiro…" she purred, feeling his heartbeat through his cock as it increased rapidly. "I LOVE going FASTER…"

They broke… both of them broke.

Like a punch to the gut, Hiro's cock rammed deep into Gogo's ass, "OH!!" she cried out slamming her face into the sheets and SCREAMING in bliss as he slapped rapidly against her ass, his hands on her hips. Pumping swiftly and mechanically inside and out of her.

"Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah." He chanted ritualistically, gazing in awe and worship of her vibrating ripple but as his hands held her waist.



"OOOHO!!" Gogo roared in fury and pleasure, glaring over her shoulder at him as her body continued to rock up and down on the bed. But normally while it was very wilting look to him…. There was absolutely no way he was going to soften until he was DONE.

"YOU GET. ONE." she declared, viciously. And that killed any spanking fetish he might have had for her… right now.

Gogo, HATED when people smacked her ass. HATED it. When she was briefly a waitress. When she was on the track team as a congratulatory nature, and especially during sex. It was degrading and she fucking hated how every, single, guy she had sex with wanted to do it. She KNEW she had a great ass! She didn't need to be reminded about it!

…But strangely for one brief moment, Gogo's pleasure overwhelmed her fury. Normally… she would've knocked the guy out after she warned them not to and she already warned Hiro the first time they had sex… Not even Hiro was safe from her wrath…

…Well… maybe he was a little safe…

"Gogo! Gogo!" she suddenly gasped, looking up from her deep thoughts as a sudden wave of pleasure raged through her anal tunnel and she came. Hard.

"OH FUCK!!" she cursed, thrashing down on the bed, biting into the sheets, "MMn! MMMn! MMMPHFUCK!!" she moaned as she pulled them up, they dangled between her teeth as Hiro's plunging cock ravaged her insides.

"I'm going to cum! Gogo!!" he whined, his mind was confused, he actually didn't know WHAT to do. He didn't think he was allowed to release in her.

"Let it out." Gogo breathed heavily, "MMn! MMm… Let it out Hiro. Come on…" she praised, her ass wiggling and bouncing against his deep, hard thrust. "Come On! WOMAN UP!! CUM!"

Everything was quiet, and warm… Gogo's mouth opened wide as her ass clamped up. Hiro went still, his mouth opened wide as he pressed his hips firmly to her ass cheeks, falling and holding her from behind as she felt her ass suddenly FILLED with thick, white, built up teen cream…

"FUCK/AH GOGO!!" sound burst from their collective lips and everything came rushing back as they breathed heavily, Hiro lying on top of her as her legs curled behind him and around his ankles.

"Ha… ha…" Gogo writhed slowly beneath her younger lover, shaking like a leaf. Best. FUCK. EVER.

"…I love you Gogo…" he moaned as she went a little pink, feeling him rub his face happily on her back.

She smacked him lightly, "Ow!" he frowned as they slowly disconnected, his length slipped from her rear as she quickly tightened her muscles, not a drop escaping.

"Yeah yeah…" she said, her face still a little pink before she turned around and cupped his face.

"Wha-MMN?!" she scrapped out her gum with her tongue, sloppily kissing him as he melted, and she pulled away.

"…Don't get sappy…" she said still a little pink in the cheeks and checking her clock. "Pants. Hiro." She said, strutting quickly to the shower. "We got six minutes."

She of course needed a far more thorough cleaning, judging from the sheer LOAD up her ass… but… she felt wonderfully satisfied. A quick hosing and she was out of the shower, drying herself off as he watched intently. "What?" she asked lazily, already reaching for her pants.

Then she felt his hand on her ass, then he was 'cheek to cheek'. "…I just needed a little more…" he said as she stood upright and glared at him.

"…That reminds me…" she said, letting him worship her booty like a drug addict. "You smack my ass again Hiro and I'm throwing you out the window…"

"I could'n't help it… sorry." He said, a little red himself as he finally stopped being 'weird'. Pulling away from her butt but giving her cheeks a playful goodbye squeeze.

"Nobody does it twice Hiro. And I never forget…" she growled firmly and pulled on her pants… somewhere in the back of her mind however told her that she… might. It depends.

"Hiro! Gogo! We're back!"

Hiro and Gogo casually returned to the living room as Honey Lemon handed him something… green. Both her and Wasabi drank their 'smoothies' watching him intently as he did the same. Flinching as the bitter, kale-ish taste drowned out just about everything else. "It's good for you…" Honey Lemon smiled, taking a breath. But not even she could hide the distaste on her face, no matter how brief it was.

Gogo smirked knowingly at him and casually stepped away… but Hiro couldn't help but notice the slight… limp she suddenly seemed to have. And suddenly his 'smoothie' didn't taste so bad… it tasted like. Satisfaction…


Okay. Let's get one thing straight. This is ONLY a Gogo x Hiro story. I WON'T be writing it forever, at least 3 chapters, at most... MAYBE 7 or a more literately accurate 6. Hiro will NEVER get with Honey Lemon, or Aunt Cass, or any lady from the series. It will ONLY BE GOGO X HIRO.

Some of you won't care, some of you will try to convince me otherwise. But as Gogo said in chapter 1 when it comes to smacking her ass...


next chapter
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Stone -- หินพลัง



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