37.5% Hentai Verse / Chapter 96: 'Big' Hiro's Sex [ 1 ]

บท 96: 'Big' Hiro's Sex [ 1 ]

Summary: Hiro Hamada has a problem, it involves being a late bloomer, teenage hormones, and the beautiful bountiful goddess known as Gogo Tomago...


Most young boys around the age of 12 discover truly for the first time. Girls. Become truly interested in girls around 14 or 15 seeking to 'date' or 'hang out' with girls… Actively looking to experience sex at 16, 17 and 18… generally speaking puberty is a bit of a bitch… 'Most young boys' don't apply to boy geniuses. Usually. Especially when those boy geniuses tend to be in the 'secretly a superhero' category.

Hiro Hamada, formerly 'boy' now 'TEEN genius'. Secret leader and tech guy of the superhero team Big Hero Six. See our boy Hiro didn't exactly notice girls his age, that's fair. Some are late bloomers, some never bloom at all. Hiro, AMAZINGLY, always thought with his 'main brain' as opposed to his 'second brain'.

However, not even our boy could resist the subtle siren call of one Gogo. Tomago.

Now don't get confused, the beautiful older woman was NOT actively calling to Hiro. But over time, well over the years, Hiro began to feel… urges. Urges that he often told his constant robot companion Baymax to 'shut up' about. Hiro comprehended puberty, and he comprehended attraction. He was aware of the science called love, and lust…

But Hiro was a teenager, and teenagers got HORNY.

It honestly all started with a beach trip when Hiro was barely still classified as a 'boy genius'. All of his friends and Aunt Cass went for a day at the beach of San Fransokyo. Now he'd never experienced before the joys of the beach with a beautiful woman who WASN'T his aunt Cass… Now Honey Lemon, cute, pretty, innocent Honey Lemon was a manic pixie dream girl. But she had no curves to speak of, she wore a simple one-piece with a loose shirt over that… Honey Lemon was SAFE.

But the siren Gogo Tomago… she wore a bikini… that was around the time that our Hiro first felt those 'urges'.

Gogo was a sexy, SEXY woman… whether she knew it or not. The purple bikini she wore wasn't necessarily a sexy bikini, it covered all of the important bits adequately, she even wore a loose sash over it. She was as covered up as a woman in a bikini could get… the problem was that she was lusciously voluptuous and had a LOT to cover up. It was very noticeable.

Gogo's rear for instance, was plump, and firm. You could bounce one of her disks off of it. It wobbled and jiggled just right when she moved. And she was fit, and athletic, with firm muscular arms and sturdy 'daikon radish' like legs… Hiro had caught himself looking at it… A LOT. And her chest was nothing to sneeze at, normally she wore loose clothing around the lab and tight armor over that when in 'uniform'… but Gogo was pretty 'blessed' in the chest department…

And honestly it just sort of got worse from there. Baymax was giving him 'the talk' so often that he had to firewall that particular subject in Baymax's programming. And that was only the beginning… soon he began to notice how TIGHT Gogo wore her armor, or how good her shoulders looked when she wasn't wearing her jacket in the lab.

Or how MAJESTIC she looked when she was practicing Yoga with Wasabi and Honey Lemon…

Inventors block was absolutely NOTHING to every young man's wet dream…

What made it worse was that at the end of the day… he didn't have anyone to TALK to about this... not since Tadashi. Couldn't talk to Baymax, couldn't talk to Fred. Couldn't talk to Wasabi. And Honey Lemon? NO. That was about as bad of an idea as going right up to Gogo and saying…

"Hey Gogo, you want to go out with me?" he said, to the mirror, frowned… and slammed his head on the sink. "…Nope." He mumbled as Baymax stood quietly by the door to the bathroom. Over the years, Hiro had grown up… but not so much... out.

He was taller and lanky, not nearly as broad-shouldered as his brother was, but he could still handle himself if he needed to. But admittedly he was still the shortest guy in the group, barely reaching Gogo's height… which meant he was eye level with her pretty face an awful lot.

"Hiro. I detect an injury in your cranium. Please rate your pain 1 to 10."

"1. Baymax. I'm fine." He sighed, "…Sort of…" he replied. He stared at himself in the mirror, he still looked a little like his younger self, maybe a few whiskers here and there. But he sighed again. "…I need a girlfriend." He said to nobody… but inwardly he knew it wouldn't help.

…Gogo was his obsession. And he didn't need Baymax to know that it wasn't healthy.

He sighed, brushed his fingers through his moppy hair. And promptly went back into his room to get dressed. He was a genius, he could figure something out. Baymax squeaked wobbled behind him. His cute black eyes clicking as he watched Hiro.

"Hiro. My scanners indicate that you are stressed…"

"Yes Baymax. I am." He said, sighed and dropped onto his bed. Staring at the ceiling and almost immediately imagined Gogo in a 'Downward-facing dog' position and instantly regretted as naturally.

"Hiro, it seems you have a-"

"I know! Baymax! Thank you!" he said regretfully, "Please. STOP…" he pleaded.

"…It is perfectly normal and healthy to relieve yourself in privacy. Perhaps I could assist you-"

"NO!" he said up, killing his boner instantly. "Thank you Baymax! But you can't just-" he paused… and STARED at his fluffy best robot friend.

…Baymax COULDN'T help him… but maybe.

"I… uh… need to…go…"

"Where are we going Hiro?" Baymax asked curiously.

"Uh just me buddy…" Hiro grinned, "Why don't you stay here and watch Mochi?" Hiro then handed the helpful robot their cute and adorable cat, who promptly batted away at Baymax's face playfully. Purring and cooing as Baymax watched him.

"I will watch Mochi Hiro. But where are you going?"

"The lab!" he said almost mechanically before immediately heading to the garage and retrieving his scooter.

Baymax can't help him. But robotics have made an awful lot of advancement since Tadashi first designed Baymax… he's even met a gynoid girl once… she tried to kill him, but he could probably program that out.

Hiro might have grown up, but he still doesn't think about the consequences that much.

Less than a week later.

Gogo noticed something… weird.

Not Fred weird, per se… but she has started noticing Hiro a lot more. Sure, he was always a cute kid and now he's a cute teen, and she's always kept a big sisterly eye on him. Beat up his bullies and what not… But recently he's been avoiding her, watching her, but avoiding her… She was always quite observant, and she'd find him glancing at her occasionally. And once or twice he would be examining her Hero 'uniform', saying something about checking her measurements for upgrades and just brush it off.

…But then things started disappearing from the lab… parts, and tech. A bit here and bit there.

"…Something's up with Hiro." She stated to the rest of their friends at lunch. Hiro was missing again. He did that a lot lately.

"I'm sure he's just being Hiro…" Wasabi said dismissively, organizing his food incredibly carefully.

"Oh! Maybe he's secretly evil…" Fred said, eyeing Honey Lemon. "It wouldn't be the first time." He added with a suspicious glare.

"Freddie I already told you, I was just helping you with your laundry."

"My underwear still smells weird!" he said pointing aggressively at her.

"That's just soap Freddie." Honey Lemon said sweetly as Gogo sighed.

"Ugh." She rubbed her forehead with her fingerless gloved hands. "Guys we all know what happens when Hiro's up to something, it's either going to be really cool or he's doing something that'll get us all in trouble." They all collectively shrugged, "I'm JUST saying we should probably find out what it is."

"Oh come on Gogo, Hiro hasn't inadvertently doomed the city in like a year." Honey Lemon replied sweetly.

"Two years and 5 months." Fred supplied, guzzling down a large soda, flinching and clutching his stomach… "Uh… excuse me." He then dashed off to the bathroom. Gogo promptly ignored him.

"Okay. But he's still done it three times." Gogo noted.

"Two years and 5 months ago apparently." Wasabi replied, gingerly taking a bite out of a fry.

"Fine. DON'T say I didn't warn you." She said, pointing at them and stomping off. If they weren't going to help her, she'll do it on her own.

She soon returned to the lab more then ready to beat it out of him if she had too. When. "YES! Almost finished! Now I just need to get the personality right." She cracked open the lab Door as Hiro fiddled with a VR headset and gloves. "Huh…" he mumbled, "…I could just sit at my computer at home… but maybe I should do it here?" the bell rang, and he frowned. "Uh… later. Better do that later." He unplugged and packed away the gear and promptly went to retrieve his robot buddy. Gogo's eyes narrowed… time for a little stealth…

Later that evening.

"Okay… Data, check. Notes. Check. Tools. Check…" Hiro smirked, "Okay. All set." What he didn't notice was the darkly dressed woman perching like a ninja in his tree. "Baymax I'm going to the lab. Watch Mochi."

"Goodbye Hiro." Baymax said, petting the furry Mochi as Hiro waved off his Aunt Cass and rode his scooter to school. Soon after however the ninja dressed woman dropped from the trees, retrieved her hidden scooter and sped off behind him.

Quiet as a mouse and as stealthy as one Hiro slipped into School and into the lab. Heading to his computer he plugged everything in, hooked up the headset and quickly checked his notes. Measurements, personality, attitude. A week of scientific research into the Beautiful Siren known as Gogo Tomago.

He might not ever be with the real Gogo, but he certainly could build one like her. That wasn't creepy at all right? Okay it was a little creepy. And he quickly realized that… all of those parts he 'borrowed' from the lab quickly went to waste…

So he settled for something somewhat… less… creepy. A V.R. Girl BASED off of Gogo… of course he spent hours sculpting and carving every inch of her into a perfect virtual copy of the beautiful Gogo. And while he couldn't physically 'touch' her… for now, he could put her into all sorts of SFM like scenarios. All of the fun with none of the drama and mess. So now he just needed to give her Gogo's artificial personality…

So give this to Hiro, he didn't want some fake fantasy version with a cute, sweet girlish Gogo. He wanted gum chewing, bitch smacking, no-nonsense, badass, hardcore, biker babe Gogo. And he was going to install that into his virtual dream girl no matter what.

"Okay…" he said, covering his eyes and not noticing the ninja behind him as she sat in Fred's bean bag chair. "Let's try this." Pulling on the gloves and getting to work…

It was quite a creepy sight, utterly silent and unmoving, she watched him work in equal, focused silence. His cute little tongue sticking out of his mouth in concentration as he fiddled and programmed code by code into his fantasy woman. However, after what seemed like hours. He yawned, stretched, and began taking the headset off.

Like a silent wind she moved, hiding in a cubicle as he placed the headset down, undid the gloves and promptly headed towards the bathroom. Even geniuses needed to pee. That was when she acted. She moved across the floor, not making a sound taking the headset and putting it on. Very. VERY confused at what she found...

Once Hiro returned, he didn't notice a thing, easily going back to work unaware that his secret project had been discovered by the one person in the whole world he NEVER wanted to find out about it. His work went on as usual, casual-like. He made good progress and it was long after midnight when he finally went home. Completely unaware of the 'horror' that awaited him when he returned to school.

The sun was shinning, the birds were singing, Honey Lemon was humming sweet cheerful Disney princess songs to herself as she skipped happily to the Lab. Just a regular morning in San Fransokyo. Hiro a little more chipper than he had been the past week, entered the lab with a smile on his cute little guy face.

"Sup Hiro." POP! Gogo leaned against his workspace, casually, blowing bubble gum as she watched him.

"Oh! Uh, Hey Gogo." He said, grinning cutely at her as she watched Wasabi do his morning Yoga with Honey Lemon. Inwardly Hiro was just a tad disappointed that Gogo wasn't doing it with them. Nothing quite like watching Gogo-he was being creepy again. He dared a glance at Gogo's casually leaning, majestic, supple rear pressing against his worktable. Imagining not for the first time how great it looked in her bikini…

He hummed slightly to himself as he unpacked his things and froze as Gogo, in a completely emotionless tone. "…No V.R. today?"

Hiro froze, his face turned red as POP went another pink bubble. She watched him, her face betraying nothing. He couldn't tell if she knew, or was just making casual conversation… so now he was trapped, he could deny everything or make something up.

"V.R? I don't… know… what you mean?" he said. Fail. Hiro. That was a fail…

Gogo's pretty eyes narrowed as she brushed her purple hairstreak out of her face. "Oh?" she said simply as Hiro now KNEW he was caught.

"…Please don't hurt me." He said pleadingly as she scoffed. Pulling away from the table as she approached Honey Lemon.

"Hey Honey Lemon. I need some Gogo time. Think you can hang out with Wasabi Saturday?"

"Sure Gogo!" Honey Lemon replied cheerfully, suddenly hugging Wasabi, "It'll be so much fun!"

"Don't I get an opinion about that?" Wasabi blinked as Gogo GLARED. "…I love that idea." He said, there were worst things than letting Honey Lemon sleep over at his house… like NOT listening to Gogo when she needed 'Gogo time'.

Gogo smirked, before turning back to Hiro and getting her glare back. "Be there." She said coldly.

Hiro didn't even resist… and for the rest of the week he was tortured and stressed at just what exactly Gogo was going to DO to him. He imagined it wouldn't be good AT ALL.

The week came and went, and Hiro approached Honey Lemon's and Gogo's apartment. He stood outside her door in a haze for what felt like an hour. But he knocked softly, barely waited a second before declaring, "Welp! I guess she's not ho-EEP!" the door opened, a powerful hand grabbed the back of his hood and easily yanked him into the room before he was HURLED onto their couch. The couch rocked slightly slamming back on the ground as he shrunk nervously before the FURIOUS looking Gogo. Dressed in her jacket, tank top, tight biker shorts, and sneakers… Her eyes glaring at him as a pink bubble blew from her pert lips.


"…Aunt Cass Knows I'm here…" he squeaked.

"Explain." She said, tossing the V.R. headset against him. "NOW."

Dozens of explanations, calculations, psychological theories, and possible escape routes went through Hiro's hormonal addled mind like lightning flashes. "…I… Have… NO idea…" she leaned forward, and blew another bubble in his face, her eyes narrowed dangerously. He had no idea how intimidating bubble gum could be until now.

"Why. Do I. Have a virtual copy of myself on this thing…" she tapped it, glaring at a quickly reddening Hiro. "Why. Can YOU. Strip CLOTHES off of it? Why. Does it make suggestive poses? EXPLAIN. NOW."

"…I have a huge crush on you." He squeaked, unable to look away. Hypnotized by her eyes and her fury and simply deciding at this point to just let her kill him.

Her eyes widened, "…Oh. Is that all?" she stood upright. "…I thought you were selling me to perverts."

He blinked at her as her fury seemed to just, vanish like it was never there, to begin with. "Whaaaaat?"

"Well it wouldn't be the first time. Usually people just take pictures instead of building an entire virtual copy of me… then I break their cameras or their faces."

"But… I… you…" he blinked, "…Do you really have nothing to say to me?"

An eyebrow rose, and an incredibly smug look crossed her face. "…Hiro. You're not the first guy to have a crush on me." She said knowingly as he turned incredibly red. "I've turned down dozens of confessions…"

"…Well that's soul-crushing…" he mumbled sadly, eyeing his V.R. device, it was looking a LOT better right now.

"Oh come on Hiro you'll grow out of it." she noted, strutting away, "Want a soda? I mean come on, you're young, kinda cute-"

"Thanks." He mumbled sarcastically.

"-I'm sure you'll find another girl you like. It's not a big deal. Wasabi and Fred went through the same thing until I corrected them… they got over it in like a week." She returned, tossing him a cola. "I mean how long have you been feeling like this? A few days? Couple of weeks?" she began to drink.

"Two years." She spluttered slightly, pulling her drink away and glaring at him.


"…Ever since the beach trip." He mumbled under his breath, deciding to distract himself by tuning up his headset. "It's pretty much gotten worse from there…" he sighed, "This was supposed to help me with that…"

"Yeah because making a sexy copy of me is a LOT better than just talking to me." Gogo noted, watching his dejected face. "At least you didn't try to make a robot copy of me or this conversation would be going MUCH differently.

"…Yeah." He noted, making sure to NEVER mention his attempts at Robo Gogo.

Gogo watched him for half a second, and finally, she rolled her eyes. "…Aright. Alright suck it up…" she said, grabbing his shirt and pulling him to his feet as his eyes widened in surprise. "No moping." She said, gazing into his cute face. "…I'll do it."


"I'll give you your first time."

His eyes widened. "…What?"

"Look… two years? That's a lot of buildup, and as you said it's only gotten worse. So instead of me breaking your little heart and having you slump around. I'll give you a one-time deal. No creepy copies, you wear a rubber… and we NEVER speak of this again."

"Seriously?!" he said, unable to hide the sheer wonder and excitement in his voice.

"Never! AGAIN!" she said poking his chest firmly, "No recordings. No witnesses. No telling the others. EVER. Or you die."

"Oh my God yes..." He said hypnotized as she dragged him to her bedroom. 'Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God…' he chanted, gazing at her full biker shorts as her majestic rear strutted into her bedroom and tossed him at the bed… he gazed up at her as she blew another bubble and stripped off her jacket. Her smooth fit arms flexing slightly in her tank top as she tossed the jacket onto a nearby chair. She smirked as he fixated his eyes on her, and naturally she put her thumbs into her biker shorts and pushed.

Her black underwear came into view as she slid it slowly over her huge, wide hips. Bending forwards lightly as Hiro watched her thick supple thighs slowly freed of their wonderfully tight bindings… she stepped out of her sneakers and daintily skipped out of her shorts, tossing them towards her jackets, standing there in tight black underwear and her tank top now…

"Oh my God." He said breathlessly, gazing at every inch of her revealed skin and her crotch.

"You're welcome." She said confidently, already hooking her hands on the bottom of her tank top and she pulled it over her head. Her tight black bra holding her bountiful wobbling breasts as she tossed the tank top into her clothes pile… "Alright…" she said, strutting towards her bedside table. "Strip." She declared, bending over and making him whimper as her big bountiful rear jutted towards him. There was just so MUCH of it he couldn't register her demands.


"Your clothes Hiro. Or are you just going to cream your jeans?" she brushed a few knick-knacks aside and found what she was looking for, an old box of condoms. For those very, very few lucky guys she had over before Honey Lemon moved in.

She turned as Hiro struggled with his shirt, she rolled her eyes and helped him. His rather lanky frame was surprisingly wirier than she expected, he had a tiny bit of muscle. She gazed into his eyes and he froze, as he felt her hands on his belt…

Clip. Went his belt. POP. Went her bubble gum and his pants hit the floor. She smirked and glanced down… his tighty-whiteys had a noticeable BULGE in them. She smirked again, and amazingly, pressed her lips to his. He melted as his eyes widened and felt something SHOVED between his lips… her tongue definitely…but… he began to chew as she pulled away. "…Is this your gum?" he asked as she winked and his mind melted again.

"…Hold onto that for me." She said and slid down his body, kneeling before him before her fingers hooked into his underwear and pulled them down.

Hiro didn't have a massively thick pornstar cock… but it was long, and it was hard. Easily a thin 8 inches… she gazed at it, moderately impressed. It throbbed before her eyes as Hiro quickly realized what she was about to do. Her firm gloved hands pressed on his toned stomach and she pushed him onto the bed. His cock wagged as she gripped it, gazing at him.

"You nut in my mouth and I take a bite. You get me?" she warned as he nodded eagerly, his cock pulsating in her firm hand as she opened her mouth and slid it along his twitching length. "Mmm…" she cooed and Hiro died…

He died and went to heaven that was the only explanation for this.

He laid there moaning, his arms and legs limp as Gogo's wonderful lips and tongue slid along his length, kissed it, licked it. Tasted and savored him. Never in his wildest dreams could he actually imagine this… his cock pulsated in the cool air of the AC, stinging his now saliva covered length as Gogo slid a seductive tongue to the tip, swirled it around… and inhaled… going to the base on him, inhaling him into her throat as easily as breathing.

It took every. Single. Bit of Hiro's willpower to NOT nut in Gogo's mouth… he knew it would be worth it. But by all that was Holy he would not.

"Oh god Gogo! Gogo!!" he whimpered, his hips bouncing up to meet her slowly bobbing head as she suckled, slurped, and licked his length. His toes curling on the carpet and his hands clutching to the sheets of her bed. She glanced sultrily up at his writhing body, her hands pressing down on him as her head went the full length of his cock…

It twitched rapidly in her mouth; he was going to blow. He was trying so hard to hold it but it was inevitable. She slid off his length, reaching between her legs for a condom as she got one open, she slid her tongue up beneath his shaft as I throbbed. "Ahh!! Gogo! PLEASE…" he begged…

Like lighting the condom rolled down his cock, and she hilted down it once more… her lips massaging his base as she squeezed hit tight quivering balls… she moaned as she felt the bag fill in her throat, quickly sliding off it as the end bulged like a water balloon with his thick first load. Holding down his hips as they tried to thrust back into her mouth. She gazed smugly at him, the bag getting bigger as he filled it unrelentingly.

"Good boy…" she praised as he gasped for breath… she bit the end of the condom, and dragged it off his cock, pinching the tip and tying it off, tossing it lazily on the edge of the bed to be taken care of later.

"…That was the best thing ever Gogo…" he breathed, his cock twitching between his legs as she stood up.

"Oh… I think you'll disagree in a second…" she declared before adding, "…Blowjobs don't count as a first time…" his eyes widened as she turned around, fingers in her underwear as she bent forward and pushed them down…

Hiro's cock was reinvigorated as Gogo's massive, wonderful ass cheeks came fully into view, naked just for him. Her hips wiggled as she stepped out of her underwear and unceremoniously popped the clip of her bra. Confidently, powerfully she turned. His hands on her curvy, wide hips, pubic hair surprisingly trimmed and breasts soft and supple.

"Oh god…" he breathed as she grabbed the box of condoms from the floor, and placed them on the bed. Taking one and opening the packet with her teeth, she leaned over Hiro, smirking at him as she expertly applied his new glove. Once applied she climbed over him, letting his tip rub against her stomach as he oddly crawled up the bed. She gazed at him like a hungry cat, before pushing her breasts against his face… his tip against her tight, warm pussy as she wiggled her hips. They wobbled and jiggled in the air as they swished left and right, his cock tip slipping into her slightly.

"Here we go Hiro…" she purred sultrily, totally and completely in control as she sat fully on his cock. "MMM!!" she flung back, sitting upright on his lap.

"Ooh OOOOH!!" he praised as she quickly adjusted to him, and began to gyrate and worm on him, her hips and ass grinding against him as his cock scraped and slide against her tunnel walls with her 'dancing' gazing up at her perfect body as her thick thighs squeezed him. "Oh my god Gogo! Oh my god!!" she laughed, resting her hands on his thin chest as she began to rock her hips back and forth, her ass jiggling and smacking as she crashed against him.

"Ah. AH. AH. AH." She panted erotically, more for him than for her. This was all about giving Hiro and unforgettable first time. He needed to enjoy it a lot more than she did. "MMMn!!!"

…Not that she wasn't going to enjoy it.

Her body quivered on top of him as a surge of pleasure rippled through her body, her exotic flesh rippling as well as his hands gripped her majestic ass, squeezing it eagerly as she sped up, moving faster and faster as his hips began to bounce up into her. "Ahh. Ha…" her head rolled back sensually, her pleasure obvious and Hiro's cock pulsated eagerly as he watched… Sex was supposed to be a two-way street, so the fact that Gogo felt good, even a little, was an EXTREME turn on for him… and it made him bold.

Hiro was close and he sat up, kissing a surprised Gogo as he gripped her firm ass cheeks in his hand, lifting and dropping her body on his cock as they moaned loudly together, her wet pussy squeezing and smacking loudly against him as her ass wobbled and clenched.

"MMNM!!" she moaned.

"OH-AAAHHH!!" he cried out and they went still, his hands groping her ass firmly as he filled the condom again. "Gogo… Gogo…" he growled, breathing heavily as he rested his head on her shoulder, spurting shot after shot into the condom.

"Ha… ha-ha-ha…" she chuckled proudly. "Good job Hiro…" she cooed, petting his moppy hair as she pushed him back onto his back and slowly extracted herself. His condom stretching her entrance as the bulging bag excited. "…That's quite a load." She smirked, leaking a little of her own arousal as she removed and tied off the bag, tossing it against the other one… however the second she turned back to his cock…

It was hard again… and his hand was on her ass, squeezing and caressing. She rolled her eyes as he reached for the condoms, grabbing and tearing one open as he sloppily applied it to his cock. "Here…" she said, slapping his hand away and doing it properly. His other hand groped her other cheek and half-dragged half pulled her onto his lap, facing away from him as his cock slid between her ass cheeks. She sighed… she supposed he could go until he exhausted himself. Another shot wouldn't hurt…

She lifted her hips, sliding her ass up his cock and wiggling it on the tip, before letting her pussy once again inhale his length as he groaned, twitching and shivering inside her as his hands clutched firmly to her waist. "You might be tempted…" she said purring, wiggling her hips slowly on his lap as he groaned. "To 'smack it'… DON'T." she ordered, all thoughts of smacking dat ass left his mind immediately… and were quickly replaced by the wonderful sight and sensation of her RIDING him.

"Ah. Oh. Ooh…" she chanted softly, her hips rising and falling rhythmically on him as he grunted and groaned, thrusting his hips instinctively up into her as she gasped pleasurably. Her ass cheeks wobbling majestically as they crashed down again and again on his waist, his cock appearing and disappearing inside her as she moved faster and faster.

"AH! OH! GOgo! Yes!!" he groaned, writhing beneath her bouncing assault as her pussy drooled arousal down his gloved cock.

"MMn! MMn! Mmm-hmm-hmmm!!" she moaned, chuckling confidently as she looked at his cute little face contorting in un-imagined pleasure. She slammed her hips down on him, and her eyes rolled up. She quickly turned away, shivering as her surprise orgasm rushed through her, then she felt his arms wrap around her, and the familiar feeling of a filled bag stretched her insides.

"Tight! So tight!" Hiro hissed as he pulled her back onto him, she gasped softly as he thrust his eager hips up into her, draining out every drop as she gasped. Her hand reached around to clutch at his dark hair as he hugged her tightly from behind… his cock slowly sliding out of her. Without the condom…

The very tip of the condom dangled out of her tight lower lips, she pinched it… and slowly pulled it out, the heavy bag of cum stretching her as she moaned, shaking slightly as it was finally removed from her body. Hiro watched amazed as her erotic body shivered, and she tied up the bag. Only to feel his cock smack between her legs as she twitched.

"…Holy shit Hiro…" she breathed, tossing the bag away.

"…More… I want more…" he begged, kissing her and licking her as she sighed, smirking.

"…Well…" she noted as his hand began to claw for the box, one of her legs stretched, hooking her toes on it and pulling to closer as he laughed maniacally. "…I guess for a one time deal we should make the most of it… ah…" she gasped, feeling his fingers rub her sensitive crotch as he tore open a new condom with his teeth. "MMm.. Hmmmm…" her hips wiggled on his fingers and suddenly she fell forward, laughing slightly as she glanced over her shoulder at Hiro, applying the condom eagerly as he grabbed her hips… and began anew…

There was something arousingly primal about him taking her from behind like this. Her ass clapping loudly against his eager thrusting hips. Her mouth opening to moan and coo at the feeling of his long cock scratching against her silky insides… her toes and fingers curling in the sheets as her pleasurable purrs built into a roar.

"OOoh!!" she moaned, eyes rolling up as her body reacted to the constant thrusting of Hiro's hips… "MMn… god…" she snarled, gasping for breath as her orgasm ran up and down her body…

"Ugh!" he hilted into her and she flinched, his fingers sinking into her dense, firm ass cheeks as he pumped gently against her. Filling the bag almost unceremoniously… she sighed contentedly, feeling him slowly pulled out of her body…

Only to feel something wet drop onto her back, "Hey-" She said glancing to look at the tied-off bag, only to notice Hiro's hard cock between her ass cheeks as he reached for another condom. "…Hey…" she said a little surprised as he quickly applied a new condom.

"More Gogo. More. Please?" he said, she rolled her eyes exasperatedly, turning away… then biting her lower lip nervously… but a little excitedly as she felt his length between her ass cheeks again… her fingers curled in the sheets, and she wiggled her hips…

Her eyes rolled up into her head as she moaned loudly, feeling Hiro pound her again from behind, rough, and faster, but not painful. He didn't smack her ass or grab her hair like the few other guys she brought into her bed… admittedly however Hiro's hips did all the smacking. Her ass quivering and bouncing wonderfully as his hips clapped against it, her cock plunging in and out of her clenching pussy as he grunted and groaned, gazing at that majestic wobbling ass…

Using what was left of his willpower NOT to smack it… and he so wanted to…

After what seemed like HOURS of steady fucking Gogo came, her body went rigid and her head arched back as she gasped and moaned loudly like a wounded animal.

"Ah. Ahhh…" Hiro gasped in her spasming pussy, planting inside her and filling the bag relentlessly.

"Fuck. Hiro…" Gogo growled, shivering… "Haven't' you cum enough!?" she laughed, only for it to die in her throat as she felt the tied bag on her ass cheek, "Ugh…" she mumbled, it oozingly slid off down her leg onto the bed… and heard him rip open a new condom… "Mmmn…" she whimpered, only enticing him further as his cock throbbed.

"One more. Just one more…" he said, almost mad in his lust as he probed her sensitive pussy once more…

"…oh shit." Gogo mumbled…

She lost track of the orgasms… soon she was just lying face down with her bountiful ass in the air, five or six more bags of condoms on her back as Hiro just kept going and going like a fucking rabbit. A LITERAL fucking rabbit…

"Gogo I'm going to cum! I'm cumming!!" Hiro declared deliriously, his cock filling the condom inside her as she just moaned, there was little more she could do she had been fucked to absolute contentment… that had never happened to her before… she writhed slightly on the bed. Letting him know that, yes, she was still conscious… her trembling pussy sent another exhausting orgasm through her body as she bit into the sheets.

"Fuuuuck…" she groaned through clenched teeth and a mouthful of cloth, twitching and screaming into her bed as she felt the familiar wet smack of the filled condom on her ass…

Then an absolute whine ripped through Hiro's lips. "No. NO. NOOO!!" he hurled the empty box of condoms across the room and Gogo finally breathed a sigh of relief. "There… there are more right?!" he pleaded as Gogo laughed.

"Yeah Hiro because I'm such a slut…" she noted sarcastically. "That's going to have to be enough for you…" she said, trying to push herself up… and failing. She was moderately surprised that she could barely move… it was a pleasant feeling.

"One more. Just one more I don't want it to be over!" he moaned, almost tearing up with his frustration as she glanced at him… and shuddered as she felt his hands spreading her jiggling ass cheeks. "One more. Last one..." he said as she tried to resist but found that her body didn't want to listen.

"No. Hiro! No!" she scolded firmly, like she was scolding a dog.

"One more." He chanted deliriously. "I'll pull out… I'll pull out." He said, sounding more like he was trying to convince himself more than her.

"Don't you… don't you DARE put that in me without a condom." She said firmly, but her body quivered excitedly. Damn you, body!

"I'll Pull out. I promise Gogo." He said, talking to himself. "I just don't want to be done. Just a little more…" he moaned… Gogo gasped, feeling his long raw cock pierce into her, "Oh my Gooooood…." Hiro moaned a manic smile on his face as he enjoyed Gogo's pussy unprotected.

"Shit! Shit-shit-shit!" Gogo hissed and tried pushing up only to fall fully onto the bed. Hiro on top of her as he began to thrust and grind once more. "Ooh. Fuck…" she snarled nervously… not believing what was happening…

…Her body apparently APPROVED of raw Hiro dick… it surrendered immediately to the young eager boy as he kissed and licked her neck, pumping and grinding against her soft ass as he squeezed and caressed her. her toes and fingers curling in the sheets through sheer animalistic lust.

"Oh fuck. Oh Fuck! Fuck that pussy! Fuck!!" she hissed softly, snarling and growling in fury and desire as her brain fought with her instincts AND her thirsty pussy. She began to slam her ass back against Hiro's eager determined thrusts, her orgasm building with every pump, his cock twitching dangerously inside her.

"Ah!Ah! Ha! AH!! YES!!!" she screamed into the sheets furiously as her orgasm savaged her nerves. Her ass cheeks clenching and quivering as Hiro roared his own imminent release. "Hiro!" she gasped, head shooting up as she remembered how dangerous this moment was. "No! DON'T! HIRO!!" she hissed feeling his cock pulse.

"Cum! I'm going to cum!" he declared happily, INSANE with desire for the lust of his life.

"HIRO!" she ordered angrily, "I swear to god! If you cum inside of me, we will NEVER! DO THIS! AGAIN!!" she declared. She gasped and unfortunately clenched as she came again…

But her words echoed in his brain… and it snapped him out of his insane desire. In a dramatic last-second burst of conscience he pulled from her tight body, painfully gripping both of her ass cheeks firmly as she hissed at the sudden pain and felt a warm trail of hot cum blast all over her back and round jiggling ass cheeks…

She collapsed in relief and in BLISS… she would never. EVER. EVER. EVER. EVER… tell Hiro that this was easily the greatest fuck of her life… "…FUCK." She declared, simply unable to say anything else as finally spent, exhausted and mind-blown, Hiro fell backward onto the bed.

Gogo glared at her young dozing lover and rolled her eyes. Crawling off the bed… letting the feeling get back into her legs before wobbling towards the shower. She leaned against the wall, letting the water flow down her cum stained back and ass, smirking as she gave her booty a light smack… "Good work." She declared to herself, breathing an exhausted sigh.

"Mmph!" Hiro's clothes slapped onto his face and he shot upright… Gogo stood clean and fresh before him, dressed back in her cloths like nothing ever happened. He sighed, putting his pants on and shirt… and frowned. "Where's my underwear?" he asked but Gogo knocked him on the head with a gloved hand.

"Forget it. I'll look later." She said, yanking him off her bed. Apparently completely pristine, not a sign of any used condoms anywhere.

Hiro in contemplative silence walked with Gogo to the apartment door. It was dark out, he wondered how long he had been asleep. "…Gogo?" she glanced at him, a bubble blowing from her lips to POP loudly... "Thanks." He said. Sincerely. Knowing that this was possibly the greatest moment of his life… sorry, Baymax.

"…Not a word Hiro." She said plainly, he nodded his understanding. "Seriously. I love you, but I WILL kill you." She said. He again nodded his understanding. That was fair.

"So… I'll… see you later?" he said sadly as she rubbed his moppy hair. Leaned forward and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Pulled away and blew a bubble right on it. he laughed.

"See you later Hiro." She said as he waved her goodbye, a little more prep in his step as she shut the door and stretched. "…Now. How should I spend the rest of "Gogo time'?" she asked herself, before promptly dropping exhaustedly face down onto the couch and snoring loudly…

Sunday came and went… and Hiro and Baymax went to school on Monday, Hiro was remarkably chipper, a little disappointed at his one-night stand… but… it literally was amazing. And he was content with that.

"Hey Hiro!" Honey Lemon skipped by with an exhausted-looking Wasabi, covered in scented stickers.

"Hey…" Hiro waved cautiously.

"So many stickers…" Wasabi breathed weakly, "SO MANY!!" he hissed, grabbing and shaking Hiro comically before following Honey Lemon.

They got into the lab, Gogo was already there with Fred, who was on his bean bag fidgeting in annoyance as he read his comic book. "…Did somebody use my bean bag? My butt prints are all off!"

Gogo blew a bubble, glared at Fred. And went back to her work… Hiro sighed as he sat at his workbench, Baymax squeaking over to Fred to assist him with his 'butt prints'.

"Hey." He turned and blinked at Gogo who blew another bubble, casual. Normal. Nothing happened and nothing out of the- She pressed something again his chest, "Hide those." She said dismissively while, surprisingly, everyone was assisting Fred with his butt prints.

Hiro looked down and blushed at the extra-large pack of condoms. And immediately shoved them into his jacket and glanced at her confused. She blew another bubble, smiled coyly, but beautifully, at him as it popped… and winked slowly. "…Bring them next time." She said seductively, placing a gloved hand on her hip and strutting away… swishing that majestic ass behind her as she winked slowly at him, again.

"…I love you…" he mumbled breathlessly, grinning like an idiot.

"I know." she mouthed as he blushed, and his face fell… "But shut up." she winked once more. He did NOT expect her to hear him.

next chapter
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Stone -- หินพลัง








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Stone -- หินพลัง



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